Michael Moore
The Michael Moore Podcast
Blue Dots in a Red Sea (Ep. 7)

Blue Dots in a Red Sea (Ep. 7)

Michael Moore’s 2023 New Year’s Resolutions: “More Democracy!”
We Are the Majority in 2023.


Welcome to 2023 my friends!

On this traditional day of rest and reckoning and planning for the new year ahead, I invite you to join me in my list of New Year’s resolutions — all of them intended to increase the level of Democracy in the United States (or wherever you may live).

These resolutions are even more needed in towns and counties and states currently controlled by election-deniers and supporters of the coup attempt two years ago this week. We call them “red states” or red areas of the country. They are also noted by their drift toward fascism, their belief in white privilege and supremacy, their sick fetish and desire to control women’s reproductive organs, their denial that the Earth is in the middle of an environmental catastrophe, and their insistence that students not be taught the history of American genocide, slavery, and the fact that not all of us are heterosexuals. If you live under the yoke of this in a red state, that is why I’m recording and sending you a mini-podcast each day until this Friday — to help you change the course of history. This is your moment. We electro-shocked the Republicans on November 8th and now, not to kick them while they’re down — but, yes, actually, in fact, to kick them while they’re down (no kicking, no violence, please — it’s more like we just need to restrain them, hold their bigotry and misogyny down so we can breathe). 

Gerrymandering, the Electoral College, and the Filibuster have no place in a democracy and must be eliminated. Red states will remain red as long as the right wing draws the maps and “elects” candidates who lose the popular vote.

Have a listen to this Rumble episode #7 of “Blue Dots in a Red Sea” for my list of 10 things we must do to bring true Democracy to this country.

— Mike



Blue Dots in a Red Sea (A New Blue Tsunami Series)

Episode 1: Our Next “Impossible” Blue Tsunami Task: How to Win When You’re Blue in a Red State

Episode 2: You Are Not Alone. There Is Blue All Around.

Episode 3: They Are More Blue Than You — Or They — Know

Episode 4: It’s Time to Form Your Own Local “Democratic Party!”

Episode 5: “Need Help? Call the Democrats!”

Episode 6: Our Civic Duty — WE Must Attend!

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Write to Mike: mike@michaelmoore.com

Music in this episode:

Crystal Blue Persuasion” — Tommy James & The Shondells

Episode underwriter: Anchor.fm

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Michael Moore
The Michael Moore Podcast
Academy Award-winning filmmaker and political provocateur Michael Moore offers his subversive and humorous take on the issues of the day and talks to a wide range of people from comedians and politicians to the people who’ve tried to kill him. Plus various mischief with Mike’s friends, family and the neighbors who don’t work for the NSA.