We win either way today because love and kindness always wins out over hate and greed. Sometimes it takes a while. And when we win today (or tomorrow or 2024) we will fight to better the lives of everyone — including and especially the lives of those burdened with hate and confusion over what it should mean to be an American. Our love and compassion — and the ability to have a Political Party that knows how to present a cogent, compelling and convincing message — is how we will heal the politically despondent, those who have given up and are sadly staying home today, those who’ve been easily tricked into voting against their own best interests, and those who are succumbed with a mindless fear of “the other” who are going to hurt them or take what their white Christian leaders have promised them is theirs.
And if we “lose,” as the media predicts — an outcome they will have willed into existence by convincing just enough Americans that the price of a gallon of gas is more important than the human rights of an entire gender and more important than the actual Democracy itself — then we will live to fight another day. A lie has a short shelf life when exposed to the resounding Truth. There will always be more of us than them, so let’s just figure out how to truly activate and embrace both that majority and the 80 million who are nonvoters. One way to do that is to follow through on our promises: Tax the rich, support the working class and their families, all women are equals, and we create a new generation of civically-engaged critical thinkers who read and act and love.
I woke up today in good spirits, thoughtful of the future, but in need of a good laugh and a small dose of humanity. So, for this 40th Tsunami Truth, I thought I’d share with you a brief collection of cartoons, memes, greater truths and a child who plays her accordion for a field of cows. I hope this helps you get through the high anxiety of this day, brings calm to your soul, and real hope for what lies ahead.
Oh — and if you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time! Even if you are not registered, in 19 states plus D.C. you can still register in-person AND vote today at the polls. Here’s the list: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. And here’s where to find your polling place.
And now for Mike’s Election Day Funny (and not so funny) Pages! Enjoy.
We’ll talk tonight…
Mike’s Midterm Tsunami of Truths:
Truth #1: The Campaign
Truth #2: Even a kid from 4th hour Trig class can beat this crowd
Truth #3: The Haters, the Bigots and the Supremacists Always Lose in the End
Truth #4: Introducing The Whackadoodle 10
Truth #5: Trump is not the Big Bad Wolf. But he is very afraid of You.
Truth #6: The Easy-to-Digest Republican Party Platform
Truth #7: Biden, Don’t F**k with Me
Truth #8: If you’re not registered, you can’t Roe, Roe, Roe the Vote!
Truth #9: Why will we win? Because the American people hate fascism.
Truth #10: Meet Blake Masters, Whackadoodle No. 9
Truth #11: 147 Reasons We Will Win on November 8th
Truth #12: Biden just gave us a boost and a toke.
Truth #13: Women. That’s it.
Truth #14: If the Mainstream Media Thinks There’s a Chance We May Be Right about Roevember, Watch Out.
Truth #15: Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, Whackadoodle No. 8
Truth #16: As Alex Jones has now been fined a billion dollars for his lies, that is nothing compared to the punishment other Republicans are going to get on November 8th.
Truth #17: Early Voting, Mail-in Voting, Dropbox Voting — These Were Made for Libs, Hard Workers, Book Readers, Artists, Busy Parents, Slackers, and Progressives like us! In other words, The Majority!
Truth #18: The Good Queen vs. The Mad King
Truth #19: A Workers' Revolt Extends to the Voting Booth
Truth #20: We Are in Charge
Truth #21: Don’t believe it.
Truth #22: If the election is about inflation and the economy, THANK GOD — We Win
Truth #23: We Believe in Science. And that’s why we will win.
Truth #24: Vote Local, Win National
Truth #25: The side with the best nursery rhymes wins.
Truth #26: We Will Win Because Americans Don’t Want to See This Happen...
Truth #27: We are going to win because our side has millions of good souls like this…
Truth #28: Whackadoodle No More
Truth #29: They’ve Got Big Plans That We’ve Gotta Stop
Truth #30: Turn Off the News! Stop Reading the Paper! They’re Filling Your Head with Mush.
Truth #31: If I Had a Hammer
Truth #32: This Is All You Need to Know
Truth #33: Let Me Call Your Non-voting Brother-in-Law!
Truth #34: Deep Down, You Know You’re Being Played
Truth #35: The kids are all right.
Truth #36: Dem Insiders Quietly Confide to Me What We’ve Known All Along
Truth #37: It Can’t Happen Here
Truth #38: The Day After the Blue Tsunami
Truth #39: Roevember Election Day Mixtape
** Comments on posts are limited to paid subscribers — but, not to worry, anyone can send me their opinions and thoughts by writing me at mike@michaelmoore.com. I read every one of them, though obviously I can’t respond to all. **
Thank you, Michael! We can never stop fighting for a better, kinder, America.
You’re brilliant Micheal. I’m going to completely ignore the news and twitter and opinion posts for the next five days and focus on the work that needs doing. Compassion gets us through