Michael Moore
Rumble with Michael Moore podcast
A Handmaid’s Country (feat. Cynthia Conti-Cook)

A Handmaid’s Country (feat. Cynthia Conti-Cook)

Episode 239: Rumble with Michael Moore


Last week we blinked and opened our eyes to a vision of a different world. A nightmare foretold is to become our future — a U.S. citizen who becomes pregnant can be stripped of their bodily autonomy and forced, by the U.S. government, to give birth. Attempt to abort the fetus, and you can be charged with murder. The idea of that reality is draconian and horrific. 

But what most people don’t know is that we are already living in a reality that is much more sinister. Confide in a desperate text to your friend your fears of being pregnant, or simply Google the word “abortion” before having a miscarriage… and you can be charged with murder.

On this episode of Rumble, I was joined by Cynthia Conti-Cook, award-winning civil rights attorney and current Technology Fellow on the Ford Foundation’s Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice team. She is an expert on the expanding use of surveillance technologies and talked with me about the current and potential use of technology to criminalize people who seek or aid abortions.

— Mike


Read Michael’s Substack post “The Forced Birth Ruling

Start protecting your digital autonomy today with the following apps recommended by Cynthia Conti-Cook:

Signal — for end-to-end encrypted texting

DuckDuckGo — to search the web without being tracked

Got questions about your legal rights and self-managed abortion? 

Go to IfWhenHow.org or call the Repro Legal Hotline: 844.868.2812

Learn more about the topics discussed on today’s episode:

Read Cynthia’s report “Surveilling the Digital Abortion Diary” about our digital footprint becoming weaponized in court as evidence of criminal intent.

And check out “Mass Extraction: The Widespread Power of U.S. Law Enforcement to Search Mobile Phones” the UpTurn.org report Cynthia recommended about the depth and breadth of the mobile device forensic tool. 

Check out the Thích Nhất Hạnh books discussed in the episode — Call Me By My True Names, and The Raft Is Not The Shore

Music in today’s episode: 

Offred Explores Her Room — Adam Taylor

Bella Ciao - Luciana Zogbi ft Kenny Holland & Romy Wave

Podcast Underwriters

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A full transcript of this episode is available here.

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Check Out The Moore Store!

Featuring the official crew hat and official crew hoodie and other items from Michael Moore’s film production team Dog Eat Dog Films:

A portion of all proceeds goes to progressive groups and to support reinstating arts and civics in our public schools.

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Michael Moore
Rumble with Michael Moore podcast
Academy Award-winning filmmaker and political provocateur Michael Moore offers his subversive and humorous take on the issues of the day and talks to a wide range of people from comedians and politicians to the people who’ve tried to kill him. Plus various mischief with Mike’s friends, family and the neighbors who don’t work for the NSA.