NEW IDEA: Many States make the list of places that are IDEAL to live. Austin TX is one of them. People move there because it is well regarded. Should be a list of these places that are no longer IDEAL because their STATE is anti-abortion and restricts abortion. Take them of the list. Remove the UNIVERSITIES in these states too. Policies have consequences.

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Thank you

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All of the bruhaha about Roe vs Wade is a distraction. The House of Representatives just voted to send $40 BILLION to a country of 44 million people. That's insane! Why don't they just import all of those left and give them a state! Ukraine is about the size of texas but has about 28 mollion more people than Texas.

Okay. Someone is going to tell me thst that they're trying to prevent WWIII. That is going to cause the escalation to WWIII. That money could be better used here.

But then someone is using that much to buy a social platform. Is America altogether mad? I would prefer to spend the money on Mr. Yang's guaranteed income idea. At least some Americans would benefit from the nonsense of the Democratic Party.

I will no longer vote in the general (Federal) elections. The choice between a do nothing party and a do wrong party is not worth the effort. To do nothing (for the people) is also wrong. If I weren't so tired I would start a protest.

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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

"Criminalized economies" is what struck me. I hadn't thought of abortion being used in that manner as a means of control, and our use of technology as a means to enforce it. Very ingenious, if not downright sinister. So, who's behind this and who are the winners as this all plays out? Not ordinary people, of course. Probably those that have the most, and the most to lose, if the majority came together to forge a real democracy!

Also, I've always wondered why my email accounts are free, run by corporations, particularly as I don't pay attention to any online advertising, instead of entities like public utilities or a MaBell. It's free because I am the product! Thanks for stating that so succinctly. Today's Rumble was excellent, and very thought provoking. I will be forwarding it as soon as I am finished here.

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Italy with the POPE right there has free abortions and contraception. All of Europe including particularly Scandinavia have WALKED ON RELIGION. People use it for their own self-serving purposes-- a place for a wedding or funeral . Americans a e so unsophisticated they don't get it . AND it won't matter. SIXTY percent of the US population is OBESE We have a shortage of MD and Nurses. Half the population will b sick in five years JUST BECAUSE OF GLUTTONY. AND fatness affects fertility. So FAT SICK and NOT pregnant. WALL-E https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwMi82tqw0YPRiK0_MydFNBQA34wWU&q=wall-e&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS921US921&oq=WALL-EE&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i10j0i10i131i433l2j0i10j46i10j0i10l3.4968j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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You know, its not fat peoples fault, its a food industry that forces high calorie sugar enriched food on us for profit...and once they finish fattening up America they will be coming for your food as well, don't think they wont.

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NO YOU are wrong I am 81. Started eating in 1941. Every house made food with CRISCO. We always ate desert. Coke was 100%-- no diet coke. No low fat milk. Industrial strength. IT'S QUANTITY. A Professor of Nutrition at the University of Illinois went on a Hostess Twinkee diet and lost 20 pounds. Now we have four eating disorders when before we had two. We dieted and exercised ourselves into obesity. Close your mouth sooner and open it less often. I am 5'6" and weigh 125. Weighed 135 when I was pregnant. I eat and drink everything. No manipulations. NO good food vs bad food. No PHONY WELLNESS CRAP. That's where the real $$ is made. Gluten-free Anyone!

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I am not saying you should eat wellness crap, You should thank your lucky stars that you have that type of metabolism, most Americans don't.

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My metabolism is normal and if someone has a slow one-- RARE-- they take Synthroid which has been around for DECADES. I'm pretty sure you have no idea the number of BITES you ingest a day. for Meals; snacks; binges.

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unwanted pregnancies happen. birth control methods fail, people use poor judgement. A woman should have the right to her own body.....9 months...Period.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

My point is, without 9 month abortion control over their own bodies, women are being denied their fundamental human rights. without body autonomy they may as well be slaves. So, I am going to say, Stop this madness, Give women freedom, Give them body autonomy. Otherwise, we will be living the hand maidens tale.

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With all due respect, I think you are missing the point.

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