Michael Moore
The Michael Moore Podcast
Econ 101 with Robert Reich
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -48:39

Econ 101 with Robert Reich

Episode 224: Rumble with Michael Moore
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich (Win McNamee/Getty Images)


Today marks the second anniversary of Rumble with Michael Moore. Thank you for participating in and supporting my podcast! We’ve done 224 episodes and have had over 31 million downloads! 

On today’s Rumble, with the end of the year approaching & reports about inflation dominating the nightly news, Americans everywhere are anxious about what this means for them. Former US Secretary of Labor and progressive activist Robert Reich, however, thinks this is a major misdiagnosis: the problem isn’t inflation, but a lack of competition to stop big, monolithic corporations from jacking up prices. Robert joined me on the show today to talk about who is really responsible for your gas and milk prices skyrocketing, and why it’s more important than ever for the government to intervene in a moment when they’re trying to pull back. Plus, we discuss the rising labor movements in America and whether the “labor shortage” the media & big companies keep alleging is actually a general strike of workers across the country. 

I hope you’ll give this a listen and share with friends and family.


I’ve been floored by the tremendous response to my Substack letter this Wednesday, Gun and Done, on what we can do about Gun Violence in America. Thank you all so much for reading it. Please read it if you get the chance this weekend, and if you’re a subscriber, let me know what you think in the comments.

Read Robert’s latest Substack post on Inflation and monopolies, “Psst: You want to know the truth about inflation? (It's not what the Fed thinks it is.)

And be sure to read Robert’s other Substack post we discussed in the episode, “Why I don’t trust the mainstream media.”

Also, check out Robert Reich’s 2013 Documentary “Inequality for All”, available on multiple streaming platforms. 

Music in the episode:

Money” by Pink Floyd

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A full transcript of this episode can be found here: https://rumble.media/episode224transcript/

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