Today’s podcast is the quadraphonic audio version of my Substack column from yesterday about how I believe we are going to massively defeat the Trump-loving Republicans in November. I thought you might like to hear my plan in my own voice. That’s today’s Rumble podcast. I ended up adding some bonus material so I hope you like it.
For the next 43 days beginning tonight, I will post here on my Substack a daily dose of truth about our excellent chances of picking up Senate seats and holding the House — a quick, 2-minute read telling you what the media isn’t. Share it with friends and family. We can do this!
Look for my Daily Dose of Truth #2 later tonight. #3 arrives tomorrow.
Six weeks until Roevember.
— Michael Moore
Click here to leave me a 60-second voice message on Anchor (I might play it on a future podcast episode.)
Write to Mike:
A full transcript of this episode will soon be available here.
Music in today’s episode:
“1999” — Prince
Episode Underwriters:
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** Comments on posts are limited to paid subscribers — but, not to worry, anyone can send me their opinions and thoughts by writing me at I read every one of them, though obviously I can’t respond to all. **
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