That bright young woman deserves a Profiles in Courage Award. I just hope she's safe from Trump's lunatic followers

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Please remember that she supported DT and Mark Meadows for 4 years.

I’m glad she finally saw the light but I don’t give her a pass. All these people are just trying to save there arses.

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I get that. Same with Liz Cheney. Too little, too late from all of them. Still, she didn't have to testify. Plenty of the big boys are refusing or pleading the 5th.

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Yes, I respect that she agreed to testify. She’s young and probably got swept away in the beginning. But she finally saw the truth. It took courage to show up. I wish her the best.

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She was a kid then. She's only 25 now?? Wow.

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Yes, she even said in her tape confession, "After all the good he did, . . "

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HE HAS NEVER DONE ONE GOOD THING IN HIS LIFE..It should have been over when he punched his piano teacher in the face at age 8..

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My thought exactly!!

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Michael honey, you need to carry on scribbling - I can still see the jerk 😛😜

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Your point?

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Loving the pic - except we can still see that face ✍️

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There was little and now NO Doubt this president was engaged in a coup. In less civilized(?) countries he would be executed. With ALL of the Republicans who have participated in the coup exercise it seems to me beyond imprisoning the ex-president he should be joined by a number of Republican congressional members from BOTH houses.

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The French imprisoned a former president. Sarkovsky. This will take so long to grind through the courts that Trump will be dead or demented before anything like that happens. However, the participants who helped plan the insanity won’t get off so easily. Even Fox news reported on yesterdays testimony. Watched Jamie Raskin take great delight in humiliating MTG. I hope they lock her up.

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I agree with you, unfortunately none of them will ever see jail time.

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I do hope you are wrong though I do suspect you might be right.

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Yes you are absolutely right. Capitalism itself us destroying us - trump it's result. Michael has not even mentioned capitalism since his movie capitalism a love story - why? Late stage capitalism GAVE us trump he's only the symptom

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Charlotte? Really?

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Apology to Mike he has called out Democrats all over Twitter it's me. I don't like Twitter seldom look. Mike's the best as always

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As America fractures into multiple subsets of political ideologies our 2 party system is ill equipped to deal with it. Is capitalism destroying us or are we letting capitalism destroy us? While the Republicans packed the Supreme Court with reactionary justices Americans abandoned the ballot box. Bernie Sanders had the most popular policies and the DNC cut him off and nominated Biden. We need progressive legislatures and publicly funded elections. We need a real progressive majority of Supreme Court justices. Pack the court. Politicians paid for by corporations have little incentive to support a people's agenda.

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Trump tried to overthrow the government isn't that treason?

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THIS HAS BEEN COMING FOR 40 years+..Look at the "prayer breakfast krischun cult"..oligarchs have been planning this for years..stating with Nixon and his paranoia. and Reagan,,take your pick,Ronnie or Nancy..US citizens have been so dumbed down with distractions of social media, NFL, Dancing with the Stars and Bachelorette BS, they DO NOT READ nor care to and now accept whatever vile pablum from Fox type crap they are fed and HAPPY to swallow it.. Younger generations HAVE NOTHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO..THIS COUNTRY HAS A SERIOUS MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS, with NO PLAN IN PLACE FOR THE "UNWASHED" MASSES..Meanwhile your TED CRUZ's GYM JORDAN's and MANCHIN's have it alll mapped out..another BIG BOAT. fixes everything in their vile lives..IT's all rotten to the core..

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Vote the bastards out.

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I agree. Just posted the same message.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

And the most tragic part was that people died that day as a result of their actions/inactions, especially Trump. Absolutely criminal!

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So extremely important to watch. I mean, honestly, it's nothing we didn't already know from what we saw with our own eyes on Jan. 6. The emperor was NOT wearing any clothes. We knew he was a sociopath long ago. It's patronizing in a way. Even insulting. But I get that the point is to establish intent. I feel pretty confident that this has finally done that, beyond any reasonable doubt. If not this, then I don't know what.

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Honest question~why is it patronizing and insulting?

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That we have to endure the whole process of having them spell out what we already saw. It's like if you witness someone hitting someone and catch it on video but somehow you have to prove that they hit the person with the intent of hurting them. If it was a regular person who wasn't accustomed to living above the law, this would never be happening. It's complicated, I realize that. It's also refreshing and validating to watch it. But there's a part of it all that just sort of disgusts me. He found every single crack or thing that looked like a crack to try to overthrow our democracy. We knew he was going to do this back in April. But it still happened. We saw it. Now it's like pulling teeth to get any justice done. I'm happy they're doing it, don't get me wrong, just alarmed by how lopsided justice is in this country. And thanks for asking!

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Hi Sarah~My apologies for such a late response but I missed seeing your reply. Thank You for this articulate post which sums up what many are feeling. You’re right, the details are indeed lurid but miss the greater point. The last hearing certainly confirmed that. Thanks again.

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Thank you too. These conversations are like water for the thirsty. I hope Heather knows it.

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After hearing all this damning information if the DOJ doesn’t prosecute DT and all his minions I think I must leave my beloved country. It is becoming Gilead

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Good luck. Most civilized nations are closed to Americans.

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It's too late even Mexico doesn't want anyone but rich people glad to be old

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There's going to be a mass exodus and I'll be part of it. If we can get out, LOL, sort of kidding.

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When I saw the writing on the wall (when Hilary lost the election and the aftermath) I began the process of getting my Irish citizenship based on my grandmothers birth in Galway. It took a few years but I am now a dual citizen with an EU / Irish passport. It has become my prized possession

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We tried the same thing based on my husband's father's birth in the Netherlands. But apparently it's too late. Ireland must have different rules. Congratulations! That makes me want to revisit the issue and make sure I didn't get it wrong.

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It’s certainly worth pursuing

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Great-you will need it in 2024-

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Me too - mine was motivated by George Bush --

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Better get planning...can you imagine, re-elected in 2024???

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All I can say is what a blockbuster today was! I think many of us could see what kind of person Trump was and that none of this is any real surprise- he’s as selfish and crazy as they come. But my anger towards those fools who voted for and supported this insurrectionist president for ignoring what we could see was coming is palpable. I hope every voter gets out to the polls this November to send a clear message we don’t want these traitors in office anymore for not only their support of Trump but for their wishy washy gun laws and the loss of our reproductive rights.

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The U.S. government and Supreme Court have hit rock bottom. My dad who fought for this country and against fascism for five years in WWII is spinning in his grave.

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I have been working all day and wondered what the surprising witness and testimony would be. Your e mail is my first notifiction of this Michael. I have to say, I knew from the first that he helped plan it. His statements, actions, Bannons statements prior all pointed to it. A client just cancelled for tonight which will give me time to watch C Span. Keep up the good fight, Michael. Thank you for all you do!

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Brave woman. Thank you for speaking.

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I watched a brave young 25 yr. old woman deliver an honest testimony this morning while putting herself at great risk. The information gleaned from her words brought new knowledge to the Hearings and to the American people. I am thankful for her and others who have put country first over party.

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I often thought that the woman's March and other groups had lost their way.The intense protests about abolish of RoweVs Wade and other things are to focus on the wrong thing!

They should be out protesting to incarcerate Tr*&#$$. Hasn't anyone seen how he manipulated the press with his slight of hand? Miss-direction to get other things done? Our protest should be focus on cutting the head of the snake, not reacting to his actions.

When will the former orange guy be in custody? Is he not already out of the country? He is the Bennadict Arnold of our age and should be charged with treason, have his US citizenship taken away. He has no rights in this country. As a non citizen maybe he can spend time at Guattamo Bay for betraying his trust in the American people.

Once a snake oil salesman, always a snake oil salesman.

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I watched it live this afternoon and then again this evening with my husband. Unbelievable but totally in keeping with what we know of Mr Trump, a film flam, narcissistic grifter who sold the most expensive snake oil in the history of our country and except for the brave, mostly Republican witnesses who testified “The Emperor has no clothes”…would have destroyed our democracy. Even though we may not agree with their politics, thank God for Cassidy and the rest of those who honor their oath to the United States regardless of the considerable consequences.

It’s been a rough week...

Thanks, Michael


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Lock Him up…….Lock Him up………!

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I've thought all along that Trump is certifiably crazy and his followers gullible as they come but what's the Republican politicians' excuse. How any thinking person could vote for them after this is beyond me. Today's testimony was riveting. Thank you January 6th committee for your dedication to saving our democracy! Hopefully the voters will do their part in November and 2024.

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