Election denier, does not believe in woman's right to choose, anti Gay, anti Ukraine, Trump Puppet. The only thing we can do is vote the Republicans out!

Hakeem Jeffries next Speaker of the House! There are more of us than them, vote them out! They are traitors and cowards, they are afraid of us. Stay together people, our time is near!

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Why hasn't Garland prosecuted the election deniers in the House? What took him so long to begin to prosecute Trump?

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I agree. Garland and the judges, and prosecutors need to stop worrying about what will happen.

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"what will happen" already happened! I'm still wondering if the DOJ was filled with Trump people who were not replaced when Biden came in to office. It appears that our DOJ was understaffed and unable to fill the needed staff of lawyers and law enforcement officials.

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Agreed, it's already been happening anyway. Just muscle up the democrats and get the job done. I want to see the Federal Marshalls haul him in. We can't just let them "take over". We look weak.

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Just do what your are being paid to do for the country or leave.

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So called election deniers have populated the Congress for hundreds of years. Garland would spend his time on suppressing free speech. Loser of a case.

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I wanted Sally Yates for AG. Biden did not choose well.

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[And I wanted Elizabeth Warren for President, or later, VicePresident!]

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You and me both wanted Liz or Bernie. Bernie was sabotaged by Democrat power brokers (I mean you Debbie Schultz), because Bernie was not controllable nor was Liz. Bernie for Prez, Liz for VP, or vice versa is OK. Wishful thinking huh?

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Bernie is too old now.

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Garland is afraid of his shadow!

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He should have started immediately but then he would lose his opportunity to interfere with the franchise of the populace.

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Why hasn’t he lifted a finger for Julian Assange? And a thousand other things? Obviously because he doesn’t wear the pants.

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he apparently also has no use for the old or disabled either, any one receiving Social Security

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We need to replace as many current Republican legislators as possible in the next election. With Democrats at the helm, the cap on FICA deductions can be removed. SS and Medicare will no longer be funded by the working poor, who are the only ones paying FICA taxes on 100% of their income. The influx of funds will allow seniors to buy both food and prescriptions. Those funds will give younger people confidence in their futures. The dwindling funds in the SS bank will no longer be used as a weapon to turn younger voters against seniors.

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That sounds good but, I really think since the corporate state knows no limits at this point, and writes its own law’s & legislation and has complete economic and political control. Is totally self regulated with no gov’t oversight and completely funds both elite parties who do their bidding, and who have their mechanisms in place to squash any 3rd party or independent candidates or voices, unless we were to openly oppose any congressional members who continue supporting their corporate state masters and militarists? Well I don’t know how it’s possible, something needs to change, and if liberals don’t wake up and change it, it will be changed for them. Unfortunately.

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We defeated them in the last century. We need some good leaders to do it this one. The will of the people is there.

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Yes, this un-Christian wierd Christian has no empathy. But, he has his eye on the money.

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Why does anyone think Trump is Christian or that he subscribes to any system of morality whatsoever? I can't recall him expressing any religious preference. Even if he did, I' d believe his actions over his mendacious words . His conduct is incoherent with Christian values.

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He's a joke.....


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Lord of the Lies

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The Art Of War = profound observations.

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We're speaking about Mike Johnson.

Trump says his favorite book is the Bible! (but his nose doen't grow longer every time he lies...).

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A Pinocchio nose would be an informative feature. Recent elections make me suspect the longer nose candidates have an advantage. Truth seems to be a political handicap. .

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well, don’t forget the staged photo op with his hand on a “bible”. a staged photo will convince any who want to “believe”.

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That Bible waving moment is a screamer.. Critical thinkers will notice it was not his Bible (like he has one) and he held it upside down, like Dracula holding a crucifix. But yes, believers will only believe more strongly from it .We may hold Trump in contempt but you got to admit , he knows his audience and plays them like a pro.

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Yes because his audience is not very smart and is very gullible

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I have only heard from Bernie how scared social security is, you have the wrong facts.

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Oh, you are so wrong. Your beliefs are misguided by propaganda.

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Which beliefs and those of whom? Let's facilitate intelligent discussion.

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I don't need no stinkin beliefs. Beliefs don't tend to prove or disprove material facts. Only EVIDENCE tends to prove or disprove material facts.

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Hakeem Jeffries for the next Speaker of the House! Send Mike Johnson home to check on his son’s porno activities and then pray with his wife for his own evil thoughts.

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You won’t vote them all out. What then?

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All we need is the majority and that means voting most of them out. Some areas will stay detached from the rest of the human race. We can't give up and cave, nothing is perfect, work to be done. Yes, challenging but they won't win. They are afraid of us!

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Listen to yourself.

“Detached from the human race.”

That’s a monstrous thing to say about anyone.

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True that, but there be monsters, and monsters are what they are.

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Monsters all around, including quite a lot of this comment section.

This is a core problem.

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I hear what you're saying. To say someone is "detached from the human race" can be interpreted as dehumanizing our political opponents. And once we do that we are no better than they are. So you're correct. However, if those who remain are so devoid of compassion -where the government provides solely military protection, and they refuse to acknowledge much less help the sick, the vulnerable, the disabled, the persecuted, the overtly discriminated, the poor, if that's what's left - they have indeed detached themselves from the human race. But again - you are right, let us endeavor to never, ever lose our own humanity even in the face of monsters.

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Ha ha ha, call it as I see it!

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When you end up like an Auschwitz prison guard, remember this moment.

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I am glad we can agree to disagree. My comments are directed to the Republicans who have suppressed women, voters, election deniers etc, etc. To offend anyone is not the intent.

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This vote in the house should be our warning that we are losing our country. It's time we decide a plan of action or sit back and see Democracy die. Sometime you just have to reboot and start over. If Trump gets elected in 2024 we may lose everything. We got 1 year to figure out something. It's hard to win when your opponent don't play by the rules.

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Well said and Trump being an accomplished professional career cheater makes him a formidable adversary even for anyone willing to play the same game. It's a scary election coming up. I prefer to think the majority of us are too smart to vote for the likes of Trump but with this silly Electoral College system, the majority does not always prevail.

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Jan 6 happened again with this nomination

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We are about to lose everything now and Trump hasn’t been in office for 3 years. You need to get a grip, get better informed about what is really happening here.

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"Trump hasn’t been in office for 3 years," you believe that having legitimately lost an election that 45 still, 3 yrs later, doesn't think he won?

He does, and the movement of hate shared by too many in our country STILL agree with him. How many in the HOR still believe & deny a legitimate win by Joe Biden?

He's a Malignant Narcissist Axis ll with cluster B features. It's nothing short of a miracle that he had codes for 4 years and didn't use them.

Thank God enough military around him knew how nuts he was!

My response to you David, take your own advice:

"You need to get a grip, get better informed about what is really happening here."

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Trump knows he didn't win according to your rules. Rules are beneath him. He cares only about winning. It's all that matters to him. That defines a sociopath.

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Don't waste your breath with tihs person.

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Thanks for the heads up.

He's either a bot or one of the recipients of the $2 Trillion tax cut to the top 1% in 2017.

The vast majority of us, DON'T WANT any part of banning books, suppression of 1/2 of our history,(both Indigenous & African American ppl,) Nationalist Christian Ideology imposing it's beliefs(Michael Flynn at a Q event calling for "THE ONE CHRISTIAN" religion,) lifestyles on the rest of us(the majority) who are not interested in our government dictating a woman's reproductive choices, a SCOTUS of 6 ppl legislating what and how I make a decision about a catastrophic anomaly in a pregnancy, after being told by a doctor & a nurse/nun that this baby was incompatible with life and would die in utero, or if survived, wouldn't make it out of the hospital.

That, Randy & David is none of your fucking business. Thank you God, that happened 30 yrs ago. NOW, Some women have almost died of sepsis as their miscarriages at 8 wks had a heartbeat and doctors by law were not permitted to terminate their pregnancy putting them at serious (life/death) risk.

This has nothing to do with protecting the unborn and everything to do with Women being in charge and climbing the corporate ladder. Ask many of the white R men in Congress who believe women should stay home.

What else? The gov. should not have control over who and how I love. We also know that most of the Rs want to do away with or privatize S.S. Medicare, the very rights(not entitlements) we've been paying into for, forever. The Rs say that these "entitlements" are not affordable. Perhaps, if the Billionaires and Companies were taxed fairly on the trillions they are making, there would be more than enough to sustain the ppls rights bc it's our money. These R folks in Congress don't care, they've got free health care for the rest of their lives.(Robert Reich has great tutorials about the myths of us running out of$)

What's this really all about? White men being threatened by a changing demographic and desperate to do anything to keep our country the way it was as the last mid century. So what do "they call it?" "Communism, Socialism, Woke" Give me a fucking break. Talk about "scare tactics." It wasn't the Ds who hosted Viktor ORBAN as their Keynote speaker at a CPAC in Texas in July of 2022.

Look at the membership in our Congress in both houses Look at the growing diversity, on one side and the homogeny on the other. (Oh that's right, the term "Diversity" is"woke" a banned word like DEI by Rs)

Do me a favor stop watching Tucker, 2000 Mules, and Denish's new film(recommended by Sidney(Kraken)Powell, who although guilty, with a plea deal has taken to her social media accounts including "Truth Social," and says she still believes the election was stolen.("stollen,"former leader of the free world.) That's called chutzpah and I do hope and pray Fani Willis retracts the deal and she gets what she deserves. (May she live happily ever after with Chavez) You can't make this stuff up.

I have faith as one by one ppl are taking care of themselves, admitting they got suckered in, the truth will come out.

We are living in a nightmare of lies. I grew up in NY and even as a kid, long before any political involvement, knew from the news how 45 f-ed over ppl.working for him in the construction industry. The very same ppl who worked for shit pay are the ones he's accused of being drug dealers and rapists.

What is happening in our country has happened before...

Listen to the podcast "ULTRA," and you will hear(from archives) of the NAZI movement

who had rallies in Madison Square Garden, and active members in congress involved, flying to Germany in the 30s /40s to consult with the Fueher @bringing the Nazi movement here in order to end our Democracy.


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Wasn’t Trump called an illegitimate president and a Russian asset? If you remember he was, even after a 3 year, $40 million investigation by democrat operatives. An investigation he could have stopped at any time but didn’t.

Now tell me about the thorough investigation into the 2020 election. I know this for sure, there were over 1000 sworn affidavits that cited irregularities with the mail in ballots and at the polls.

Trump was impeached on the testimony of one whistle blower regarding a phone call. Don’t you think that investigation was warranted regarding the 2020 election due to the fact that over 1000 individuals cited irregularities. If the democrats had nothing to hide they should have welcomed a thorough investigation to clear the air. That’s what they demanded and received after the 2016 election.

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Too bad they didn't have some court challenges and some hearings and some recounts and... Oh wait they did all that ad nauseam and almost ad infinitum. Oh well it helps to be a Trumper if reality doesn't matter. Inside your fantasy must be a strange place.

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By the way Georgie boy how is reality treating you now? The economy in the tank with the highest interest rates since Jimmy Carter, high food prices, crime and homelessness at level we have seen in decades and let’s not forget about a war raging in Europe and another one in the Middle East. That’s reality now after 3 years of Biden’s leadership. I’m sure you’ll vote for him again. To be honest, I’m not a Trump supporter because I realize the quickest way to 4 more disastrous years of Biden is nominating Trump.

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Trump promises to destroy democracy period so only his orders are followed. Fake DOJ, FBI and law enforcement. Dictator Trump.

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Counting the same ballots over and over again proves nothing. Determining where they came from is the issue. That’s what the affidavits I mentioned dealt with. It’s not that hard to swing an election when it only takes 4 states. For some reason 3 of these 4 states mysteriously stopped counting ballots in the early morning hours with Biden trailing significantly in all 3 states. When they reopened Biden had somehow overcome the deficit. That seems pretty suspicious to me. Had that gone the other way you wouldn’t be talking about a recount. I can’t understand why you wouldn’t want an investigation to legitimize Biden’s election. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

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Yeah David, I guess you are the only one who thought of that and those silly people didn't think to look at where those ballots came from. Those courts and Judges are so dumb huh? Makes you wonder if anyone is watching them and keeping them honest. Are you in Russia David or are you institutionalized here in the US. Just asking. Doesn't matter.

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Well they are certified also. Many people counting and recounting in different ways..check signatures, etc. Fraud did not happen. Even GOP officials admitted Trump had no proof and lost. A coupe old men in The Villages sent in their dead wives ballot. They were caught. Of course you and Trump saw fraud when you lost. When you won there was none (except there was with Russia helping. Trump admitted they did.).

You are a shame to democracy lying to get power. Better rethink what you wish for. Trump trusts no one.

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I agree Larry!

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Losing? We lost it decades ago.

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And by the way, quit buying in to the incessant fear mongering and distortion of the truth that we constantly hear from Michael Moore.

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Please outline with evidence the distortions of Mr Moore. Or are you like all those cultists who can't recognize the hypocrisy written on their own stupid shirts and hats and banners.

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Let’s start with election deniers. Did we have those in 2016? Sure we did. And we had a 3 year investigation that showed he wasn’t illegitimate or a Russian asset as was claimed by the democrats.

Now you tell me how thoroughly the 2020 election’s claims of irregularities with mail in voting and at the polls were investigated. There was sworn testimony from more than 1000 people that said there was. How many of those claims were investigated? It took one whistle blower’s testimony regarding a phone call to impeach a sitting President. On the other hand there over thousand whistle blowers and “there’s nothing to see here”. No investigation merited right.

Every elected Democrat in DC said Trump was illegitimate. That’s far more than the 147 cited by your hero. I think the Democrats should demand an investigation to clear the air. If there’s nothing to see here there should be nothing to be concerned about right?

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Seems like a lot of hate from those who constantly yell about "haters,"

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You’re right about that. I’m sick of hearing”we’re going to lose our democracy” from the ones that propagate censorship, silencing of dissenting opinions, identity politics and the use of government agencies to damage their opposition. That is not the definition of Democracy. That is what we see in an Autocracy. They want to control what we hear and see.

I was always taught that in a democracy a free press was essential to hold the leaders accountable. With few exceptions, that is exactly what we don’t see today. The press picks sides and basically campaigns for who they choose. They may hold short of outright lying in most cases but they run with stories without verification (anonymous sources) if it suits them, and fail to report stories that may be damaging to their favored party. Failing to mention almost 200 suspicious activity reports by reputable financial Institutions regarding funds from foreign entities being funneled into Biden family owned shell companies is a perfect example. The most frightening part is these funds are coming from China, Russia, Romania,Ukraine and other countries, most not exactly friends of the USA. And there is no doubt that some policy decisions we have seen by this administration are questionable to say the least. Especially some regarding China.

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"You’re right about that. I’m sick of hearing”we’re going to lose our democracy” from the ones that propagate censorship" Hahahahahahahaha You're kidding!

Who is propagating censorship?

Who is banning books?

Who is dumbing down curriculum by teaching partial truths about our American History?( Did you know in Germany, students with their classmates visit "Auschwitz" to learn about what Nazi's did to 6 million Jews & 5 million others?)

Why do you think they learn about the horrors of that event? So as not to repeat it.

There is no shame. We need to stop running from our whole truth and NOT justify that "slaves got skill sets they wouldn't have gotten hadn't they been bought and sold. (That's now being taught in Fla. in public schools, an embarrassment.)

PPL learn through "Restorative Justice" to recognize their mistakes so they no longer have to hold on to the shame & can learn from repairing the harm, thus, not repeat it. That is what the children in Germany have learned.

Who is banning terms such as

"Critical Thinking," "Diversity Equity, Inclusion,"

which are all key skills to living in a country that does not look like Hungry?

Critical thinking has been around for decades and never, until the last few years, has it been labeled as a "Woke" concept. What is "Woke" anyway?

Thinking Critically is a skill that empowers a student to not accept things as truth bc their teacher told them so. A Critical Thinker is given the tools to do their own thinking and come up with via research what works for them.

That's when "Woke" becomes "Aware" and real learning begins.

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I don’t consider removing books that show cartoons of homosexual sex acts to elementary school children censorship. The books are still available but not in school libraries. If parents want to get them for their kids then they can.

I doubt you’ve even seen these books, I have. Go get a copy of Gender Queer or All Boys Aren’t Blue, then read them and see if you want to read them to your 6 or 7 yo kids or grandkids. If you think those are appropriate for elementary school children then you are one sick individual.

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Oct 28, 2023
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After teaching for over 25 years, come to find out, my students were my greatest teachers! HA!

These folks are drowning themselves in irrational fear. They are either lying or ignorant, if they think teachers in public schools can impose their personal truth on kids. In actuality, I could have lost my job had I shared any personal "opinions" about anything to do with politics, religion, lifestyle choices.(& I live in a a pretty blue state)

For 25 yrs I taught a course in the public schools with material that could have been perceived as controversial. Since the 80s parents were in charge and could sign their children out of pieces of the course that weren't compatible with their personal belief systems. No curriculum was ever shoved down students throat's. I taught from the mid 80s on, long before the book banning & "Handmaid's Tale" ideology was imposed on our country.

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Well stated again as usual mike

Kudos to u and may we save our country from these traitors

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Thanks Michael, I doubt we'll be able to remove every republican from office, but I'm hoping for 235 Democratic Congress persons in the House of Representatives and 53 Democratic Senators. And most imperative, Joe Biden still representing America at home and abroad. We need him now more than ever. He can bloody well wait till he's 95 to die.

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How can you say that in view of Biden’s weak and pathetic performance since the day he took office? Have you been in a coma!

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Oct 28, 2023
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Why don’t you please tell me the great accomplishments we have seen from Joe Biden or anyone else in the Democratic Party since January 2021. Tell me the vision and the plan that this pathetic floundering president has laid out for America. His failures are epic and you know what they are. If you don’t then you must have been in a coma for the past 3 years. Biden is no more than a career politician who has never had a real job or led anyone or anything outside of politics. Look around you today and tell if you see anything that looks better than it did 3 years ago. Uncontrolled borders, war in the Middle East and in Europe, rampant antisemitism, failing economy, unprecedented crime in our cities and communities, record numbers of drug overdoses and deaths due to to fentanyl coming across our southern border, highest food prices in years and also highest interest rates since Jimmy Carter. If that’s his vision for this country and you think it’s ok you are as pathetic and maybe as senile as he is.

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Keep leading, Mike. Keep leading!

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He only leads uninformed sheep. Quit being one of them and try to find out what these cultural marxists are really feeding you.

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Are you a bot?

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Are you a bot?

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He’s not here to lead, but to reeeeeeee.

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I agree completely but I am also feeling hopeless. The election is a year away. What are we supposed to do with these traitors for the next 12 months since I expect them to shut down the government on 11/17?? How do we fight them?

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We do not need the government to shut down. Per Article 6, Section 1 and Amendment 14, Section 4, The United States MUST pay its debts both internal and external, and it specifically includes pensions. What the former republican party did and is still trying to do in UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Email your Congress person and remind them of this. You can look these cited article and amendment up on line.

There is no need to write legislation, any member of the House of Representatives need only stand up and invoke the Constitution. The Constitution is law of the land. EVERY member of both Houses of Congress swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, if they haven't read it, tough patooties, it is readily available to every damned one of them.

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The Republicans have shut down the government in years past; it was disaster but GOP does not care. Yes, I write my Congress people but I live in Texas so both my senators are long-standing Republicans. My Congressman is Democrat but the Dems are not in power in House, and the MAGAs are running the House!! The Republicans do not care about the Constitution. The GOP seems to be hell-bent on burning down the country for their fascist dictator wannabe.

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Same here in Tennessee. The corrupt Republicans even ruined our healthcare system in East TN by allowing a monopoly . They're all on the payroll in some capacity. I don't undertand why people keep voting agaist their own best interest. Just so ignorant.

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Agreed. I am also Texan, am so traumatized by what’s happened here. At times, I think it’s time to move on. So many good people here but lacking awareness of how serious this is.

Every gambler knows

That the secret to survivin'

Is knowin' what to throw away

.....And knowin' what to keep

'Cause every hand's a winner

And every hand's a loser

And the best that you can hope for

Is to die in your sleep".....

....You've got to know when to hold 'em

Know when to fold 'em

Know when to walk away

And know when to run..... From the Gambler, Kenny Rogers.

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We all have 2 choices move or stay and fight. I understand, I live in DeSantis land Florida. I want to move back to California .

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Yes, come back to California. So many people have left and we lost house delegates this last election. The GOP are at work here too starting with the school districts. Undermining the student protections. Saying the parent has a right to know if their child has Trans tendencies in school. A community in Northern Cal wanted to do away with voting machines Period, in their district! So we are under attack too.

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Tell people, write articles get it out there

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Stay and fight. Stop letting this guy bully people away from the most beautiful state in the U.S. It isn't "his"!

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Hey you all, remember, "You never count your money When you're sittin at the table, it's not the time for countin, There'll be time enough for countin when the dealin's done"! WE ARE NOT DONE YET!

Thank you...had to go on YouTube and listen to Kenny Rogers sing this again!

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Great song with a life lesson.

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Please think of relocating.

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I here Portugal will take Americans. And of course Mexico will. They do have visa restrictions, but aren’t keeping up with the visas Yet.

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NO Portugal is cutting out Americans.Same as France.

You know why?

They come in with money BUY up buildings and rent them out for a lot of money! This means that locals cannot afford to live in their own towns.

You Americans who don't want emigrees are now on the list of people who will HAVE TO WAIT!

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Jenny I have read that does happen, but the “liberal”, “Progressive”, “99%er” just want to live and let live in liberty and justice for all.

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Sounds like you are mad at something?

What's happening?

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I have written to my Congressional representative multiple times through the years and have never, not even once, received a response to my correspondence, other than a request to contribute to their next campaign.

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Email your Congress person anyway. They don't need to pass legislation, just invoke the Constitution - after all EVERY person in Congress swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

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I do email them multiple times a week about various issues. I seldom receive replies. When they do reply, it is one of their prewritten “thank you for writing about such-and-such, and I will take your comments under consideration.” That does not stop me from writing or phoning their offices, but I doubt their staff even brings any of my concerns to their attention. As for their oath to the Constitution, I think they view it as a formality, but have no problem ignoring it or actively fighting it.

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Unfortunately I believe you are correct that they view the oath of office as a necessary formality to be forgotten in two minutes.

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Sad, but too true, LeeAnn

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Oct 26, 2023
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Blaming Russia is scapegoating your own failure as a nation.

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But she's right, if this goes on, we will be Russia. DT is Putin's puppet. See the signs ("Nazi" that is.)

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That erases any doubts I had that Russian trolls are inhabiting this site. I guess the IRA still functions after Prighozin's "retirement".

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Oct 26, 2023
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Crass remark!

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Your talking about the Treasury.

Currently our economy is controlled by the International Central Banking System in Zurich Switzerland.

The Treasury borrows money and uses the fiat currency of the FED(not a real US federal bank) that's why Andrew Jackson "killed the bank"(the 2nd Bank of the United States...there was a 1st prior)

If we severed our connection to that system(impossible) it would have their other nations destroy the US economy...but we would suddenly eliminate most of our national debt. We don't actually owe any money to anyone. Nobodies grandkids will ever have to pay anyone anything. It's always only ever been anything but a fear mongered serf class wage slave control tool & treasure harvestation tool.

Learn who really owns your so-called "free" nation.

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I agree it is the world bank that controls us all.

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Even the Bank for International Settlements has a controlling group. It used to be called the Rothschilds, then the Bilderburg group, now it's generally referred to as the Davos gang.

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That is great data. Thank you. 😊

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Thank you, Fay Reid, for being helpful and showing how to be pro-active.

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Term limits. Take billionaires money out of the elections process.

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Unfortunately, Citizens United is itself the reason we can't pass legislation to take money out of the election process.

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Term limits won't do it.

NO money in politics.

Elections for a new President occur 8 weeks before an election up until then Ad's are allowed. 2 weeks before the election NO ADS.

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Oct 26, 2023
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Not really...everything on your delusion of power has an OFF SWITCH.

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Oct 26, 2023Edited
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Not repeating myself..."off switches" on every part of your life.

Just because you can't grasp reality doesn't mean it's not true.

Humans are fragile, insecure beasts.

Guns can't buy you anything...even security.

Ever heard of an emp?

Food, water, fuel, even breathable air are all "off switches"

Sorry for your delusions

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