Election denier, does not believe in woman's right to choose, anti Gay, anti Ukraine, Trump Puppet. The only thing we can do is vote the Republicans out!

Hakeem Jeffries next Speaker of the House! There are more of us than them, vote them out! They are traitors and cowards, they are afraid of us. Stay together people, our time is near!

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This vote in the house should be our warning that we are losing our country. It's time we decide a plan of action or sit back and see Democracy die. Sometime you just have to reboot and start over. If Trump gets elected in 2024 we may lose everything. We got 1 year to figure out something. It's hard to win when your opponent don't play by the rules.

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Well stated again as usual mike

Kudos to u and may we save our country from these traitors

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Thanks Michael, I doubt we'll be able to remove every republican from office, but I'm hoping for 235 Democratic Congress persons in the House of Representatives and 53 Democratic Senators. And most imperative, Joe Biden still representing America at home and abroad. We need him now more than ever. He can bloody well wait till he's 95 to die.

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Keep leading, Mike. Keep leading!

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I agree completely but I am also feeling hopeless. The election is a year away. What are we supposed to do with these traitors for the next 12 months since I expect them to shut down the government on 11/17?? How do we fight them?

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We're way past voting the unscrupulous, amoral, treasonous, corrupt, pay-to-play recipients, law-breaking, self-serving un-deserving/unqualified politicians out of Office.

It never dawned on anyone - even now - that the 'anyone could be President if they're over 35, born in the U.S., and lived in the states for 14 consecutive years' is no longer enough to qualify? We have two major political parties, each capture by either the right-wing or leftist extreme, answering NOT to the mass population of voters but to the unions, lobbyists, big-money donors who call the shots.

In 2009, Republican party announced its goal to block all Democratic legislation, beginning with the block of the Dem.SCOTUS nominee. Jamming, right-wing biased judges into the Supreme Court, they put support behind the most corrupt, amoral, unscrupulous con/scammer/thief, sleazy/sexist, white supremacist, malevolent deadbeat, Trump, who committed perjury at his inauguration, violated Constitutional law, accepted patents & cash from the Communist Chinese gov't, corrupted the entire Republican Party, and sunk the country before trying to steal an election, commit treason, block the peaceful transfer of power, incite/sustain an insurrection, ignore the will of the voters, rise from cult leader to a national terrorist threat, sink the country, and more.

The Republican party, now totally corrupt, did not get collectively charged or thrown out of Office. No longer able to hide the fact that there is no interest in ethical governing, it's a power struggle within itself. A corrupt, election-denier who is not only disloyal to the country and the Constitution, but loyal to a dangerous, unhinged, malevolent Trump.

Now what?

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It’s like a nightmare. And it’s an utter disgrace. I’m someone who left the conservative (white) American evangelicals to follow the true Jesus. Millions of these people, including the corrupt elected Republicans, may claim to be Christians but they aren’t following the true Jesus. Instead they are following a diseased political party, propaganda media like Fox, and a sociopath conman. The GOP caters to big money, and white supremacy, and they seek the votes of a huge number of very misled and bigoted far right religious people. It’s utterly disgusting. And it’s connected to what Christian ethicist David Gushee rightly calls “authoritarian reactionary Christianity,” as explained in his new book titled “Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies.” Any Americans who care about democracy and the sanity of this country must unite to remove these dishonest and destructive Republicans from office. They are a danger and disgrace to this country.

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Term limits! Don’t let billionaires buy our democracy. Take away all the perks and power out of these offices and make our elected representatives be what the Founders intended.

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it's been said before but once again: take away the health insurance, vacays, and every other perk from these smirking pieces of crap; punish them (both parties if needed) for all the days nothing has been accomplished in Congress; we must stop nourishing and rewarding this behavior. Dunno how, just must.

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Vote. It’s all we can do. Just vote them out.

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"the 'People's House'? Which people? What house? Need a bigger-boat metaphor that goes beyond fox, henhouse, crazies, asylums. Don't know what magic , what strength, could be employed here. This transcends nightmare, and not every fever-dream cleanses. Regret adding to the doom-y drumroll, but there is just one year in which to turn this away from ....can you hear that Wicked Witch as she melted? "What a world, what a world..."AND WHY IS SANTOS STILL AT LIBERTY?

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Yes, I stand with Mr Moore in saying ALL Republicans must be removed from the House and the Senate, or our 247 year old American Democracy is DEAD. NONE of the Republicans are AT ALL interested in governing the country, NONE are interested in representing We, the People. They ALL ignore what we say, in their unstoppable LUST for Absolute Power (do they remind you of General Palpatine from Star Wars?). This is it, folks! We do it right now, or America becomes a Dictatorship in 2024, with a Criminal Rapist Douchebag in the White House!

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Michael, I’m Canadian. I don’t understand how those representatives have not been charged by DoJ

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And remember these people took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution. Our DOJ is pathetically weak.

Some changes are in order.

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