HEY MICHAEL can you please ask them to raise the gun ownership age from 18 to 65? that should take care of most of the problem, thanks for all you do.

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As a non-American, it seems obvious that this out-dated amendment needs to be repealed and/or replaced. It's such a reasonable suggestion, considering the current context. Unfortunately, there are evidently many voters who support Jordan, Cruz, MTG, and the other gun-mongers. Democracy in action? Yes, but also stupidity in action. The voter tide needs to change. The gun culture needs to change. You're doing your part, Mike, in communicating as you do with average American voters.

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Here’s your 85 yr old saying “once again” saying, “ Republicans, get ready, future generations will repeal your precious, 2nd Amendment” ! The children of this generation, the school children terrified of a gunman carrying a weapon of war entering their schoolroom WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT to slaughter prairie dogs, raccoons AND our CHILDREN! Unfortunately I will not be alive to witness this, but it’s COMING! This Republicans this is your death March taking away your pacifiers, the one thing that makes you think “YOURSELF a MAN!”

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Don’t worry about not being here to see change. It may happen soon.

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After watching the hearings I’m not counting on the Republican Trump supporters to change their minds about him, however I’m banking on the Democrat population to finally get up off their fannies to save our democracy.

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What about requiring Liability Insurance when purchasing a gun? similar to driving a car. Without repealing the 2nd amendment, what can be done is pass a law clarifying the "A well regulated militia" gun owners should be registered as part of the well regulated milita and comply with all requirements of the well regulated militia.

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Well said. I agree.

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Repeal the second amendment

That will be my mantra.

Thank you Micheal for speaking up for us.

Keep up the good work !!

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I think it's important to seriously consider the full range of options when trying to solve a problem of this magnitude. And yes, we can be certain that your words will be extrapolated to represent all "extreme lefties," you know - the ones who want to have nice things for all, including a safe society for our children and ourselves - to validate the reported fears of gun owners. I love the recent comparison Rep. Katie Porter made comparing Pelaton's government mandated recall over the death of one child, yet 40k Americans hurt or are hurt by guns without safety laws or liability/responsibility for this significant harm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8iM7vwYhXA

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While Miah Cerrillo, 11, smeared herself in blood and played dead to survive the massacre which left 19 children and two teachers dead, 44 percent of Republicans say mass shootings are “unfortunately something we have to accept as part of a free society.”

#Ditch2A to #StopGunViolence 👫

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This is the best idea I've heard yet. If anyone can go forward with this, it's you, Mike. Thanks. Judie T.

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Agree, Michael. But the thresholds in Congress just seem too high, certainly in the current climate. I kept wondering, can we 'reword' the 2nd amendment, as you suggested, or would that require the repeal and replace process? You are right. Dems don't want to go near the repeal 2nd amendment push out of fear of losing elections. But dammit, we have to do something because the country mass killing is out of control with no sign of abating. The best way to start is for Dems to keep pushing this issue and for people to vote out the Reps who are blocking any effective bill for ANYTHING!

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I think Jordan’s comment regarding “the most popular gun” is more frightening! I’m concerned about opening up any amendments in this crazy country that we have right now. Unless it’s getting money out of politics let’s face it nothing can be done in the crooked government that we have.

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We must never give up.

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Thank You Mike for your insight ………Repeal ….Needs to be looked into along with other rights and laws

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At first, I didn't agree with repealing the second amendment, now I do. I also believe that the AR-15s need to be banned immediately. Buy back the weapons and give them to the Ukrainian soldiers. I am sick of the democrats trying to compromise. Send a bill prohibiting AR-15s, requiring background checks for all guns, raise age to 21, require training, etc. Pass it in the house, send it to the Senate and let the cowards vote, publicize all those who vote no.

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Perhaps Joe Biden can fix things in his second term! After winning re-election.

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Dearest Michael, I’m with you about repealing the 2nd Amendment…except about who is to DO IT. Certainly, I like the idea of the Government doing it (unlikely, of coarse). In the meantime, while we await whatever Government action occurs, it can be done immediately…in one’s own heart and mind. Speaking for myself, I personally ‘repealed the 2nd Amendment’ years ago. Very deliberately, and well aware of the dangerous nation and world I live in and as a former NRA member. I quietly got rid of my gun, let my NRA membership lapse and, thereby, experienced the IMMEDIATE freedom (and increased real safety) of NOT having a gun in my life. I haven’t had a gun for decades. My friends don’t own guns and we don’t vote for those who advocate for guns. You mentioned that 70% of Americans don’t own a gun. That’s the number to grow. Those, however they come to being unarmed, are the example of the real bravery and hope of ‘repealing the 2nd Amendment…they’ve ALREADY DONE IT! They’ve abolished the 2nd Amendment. They’ve declined the so-called ‘right to bear arms’ by they only way it must ultimately be done. THEY’VE DONE IT IN THEIR OWN HEARTS AND MINDS!

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Dearest Michael, I think that would be marvelous…but I’m not waiting. In fact, I’ve long ago abolished the 2nd Amendment and experienced the freedom from the personal hazard of having a gun in my home and the attainment of enhanced peace of mind by getting rid of my gun and letting my NRA membership lapse. I stress the immediate improvement in my personal life even in this dangerous country and world. I haven’t owned a gun in decades. None of my friends own guns and we don’t vote for those who advocate for guns. I support all efforts to control guns but, ultimately, it can only done in one’s own heart and mind. So, a shout out to the 70% who already have voluntarily rescinded their right to own a gun. And especially to those who have done so with determined deliberation.

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