We organized. We voted. We changed the narrative. #NextGenAmerica 👏🏻

Young voters canceled out midterm voters over 65, blocking GQP gains. #NextGenAmerica


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The late night, talk show, comedians are going to have a blast with this republican House: full of imbeciles and self destructing fools, that will provide so much fodder, for a million laughs a day!!!

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Congrats Madame Speaker on a great legislative career. Please take Chuck Schumer with you. Young, energizing leaders needed in Senate STAT!

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Michael Moore you said it all!!

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Thanks again for your great insight Mike! I especially liked reasons number 1 and 4. Having a few Republicans switch sides in the House would send a nice clear message. It would mean we might have to do more negotiating with them on the Democratic side, but Dems are use to negotiating amongst themselves. With regard to women ever forgetting about Roe, they can forget it. I drive an electric car, so I don’t feel the impact of increased gas prices. I do feel the impact of increasing grocery prices. Other prices are creeping up too. My body, my daughter’s body and the bodies of my fellow sisters are more important to me than paying a few dollars more for some goods. We will not FORGET. We will continue to fight with all of our strength for a fair and just democracy for everyone. That is what most of us want in this country. This rang even more true for me during the George Floyd protests. African American people make up about 13% of the US population. There were many more white protesters than African American protesters standing up for justice during the marches and demonstrations even during COVID! In fact, seeing this scared some folks in power. We’ve got this!

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Thank you all, the young, old and newly arrived Americans! Please keep active and voting. Please keep looking for the facts and please keep making decisions that are best for all of us, not just yourself.

Michael, I feel sorry for all countries that have fools for elected officials, not just the US. Being an elected official is a tough tough job for a very very smart and physically fit person. The Republicans are electing out of shape ignoramuses and all I can figure is that their plan is to tell these fools what to do and when. Problem is, fools don't take direction well and screw up even the best laid plans. In addition, the voters eventually see them for the idiots they are.

Thanks for the rallying cries Michael!!! Even Fox and the Republicans tried to steal your “Tsunami” but it just did not work for them. So let’s do it again next time!

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100% nailed it.

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Thanks, Mike - for being positive and realistic all in one message.

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"They only got here today by the skin of their teeth thanks to Supreme Court-approved gerrymandering and voter suppression. "---and the gerrymandering inherent by the obsolete Electoral College.

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Interesting! Timing, timing; not What....but WHEN.

You have identified specific opportunities that may not exist later. TAKE 'em, now; take em.

What Schumer did at this time was Inspiring- assuring the right to marry who you Love. Context.

"Divide and Conquer" - Napolean Bonaparte

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I just hope that a few Republicans have the ability to use their own minds for the good of the nation! Not the a follower but a leader!

The more Republicans Senators and Representatives who think for themselves could change the party. They don’t need the orange Buffon! He needs them!

It is time for a change! The buffoon will never be able to win an election again, people are too smart to let that happen!

Thank you Michael for keeping the truth known!

Love your new episode of Rumble!


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Jennifer Rubin (WaPo) just published her op-ed. MTG and Goetz have announced their first order of business is investigating Hunter's laptop. Really??

Show yourselves to the door! Read the room! Voters are having none of this!

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Like Sands Through The Hourglass, so are the days of our (fill in the blank)

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Whew! Thanks for breakdown, clarification, etc.

BTW: Head out for a pack of smokes and never come back. I LOVE IT! 😂

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Mike - hope everything you said here gets done! The Dems need to stup up and take power!!!

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Yes, it's wonderful to have done as well as we did in the midterms. Thank you, Michael, for giving us courage and, especially, belief. As fun as it's been watching the Republicans knife each other in broad daylight, their approach to 'governing' -- read: revenge -- has already become evident. Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene -- the new GOP -- are already spreading their venom unchecked. We're in store for some painful hearings: Hunter's computer, the DOJ, the FBI and maybe even Benghazi and Hillary's emails. Hey, why not? They're going to be trying to make up for lost time. It's going to be a rough couple of years.

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