The next time you speak to these "insiders" especially the ones that create the "urgent" emails, tell them I am getting tired of them and have donated as much as I can. I have no more to donate and all I do now is delete those emails. Tell them to give us hope, not despair, it is tiresome. The Oprah endorsement of Fetterman was an uplifting moment, we need more of those.

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Mike, I totally agree, sharing the fact that folks are voting for democrats in high numbers will not deter anyone from voting. To the contrary, I believe we want to do our part to save our country. By voting, we are doing a portion of our part. As an African American woman who currently lives in Michigan ( I moved from Washington state where I lived all my life - Michigan was a real culture shock 🤣🤣🤣🤣,) I turned in my absentee ballot shortly after I received it. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, and we shall not be moved! Vote, vote, vote!

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Michel, what will we do when you don’t write to us everyday anymore? Are you at least going to wean us off? Can we have a celebratory movie night party thing after we win?

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Good to read about the #3 issue motivating voters! Iranian women & their supporters have got it correct:

Women. Life. Freedom. Without those what will life be like in the USA?

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You inspired me, Mike, and today I phone banked for Mandela Barnes even though I hate phoning strangers! I have a hard time being as optimistic as you are, even though I'm furious at the media's slavish obsession with polls, but I do know this: if we don't prevail, it won't be for a lack of trying. You are the best.

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Yes! To hell with misleading polls! To hell with the 'sky is falling -- unless you send $25 immediately!' To hell with everyone who thinks we don't get it. We get it. We know truth from fiction. Your days are numbered, you lying, anti-American, two-faced sons of bitches. We're coming for all of you. I want my country back.

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I'm keepin' the faith!

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Trump’s announcement that he is likely to run in 2024 is yet another tremendous incentive to vote blue! No one dare sit this one out!

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I have voted, got my kids to vote and stayed on friends with get it done. I am using Mike's phrase "the only way we lose is by not voting." The time is now! I don't watch the news when they start polls and the sky is falling! I am nervous but more excited now after Mike's email. Stay strong our time is coming! Tuesday is our day to win big and get rid of coward insurrectionists. Stay in the fight!

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When GOP-backed polls warn of a red tsunami, it just makes me work all the harder to get reticent Dems to vote. I don't think I'm alone, either. I've been phone banking weekly with MoveOn's "Vote Tripling" since August, talking with voters in swing states. Based on what they're telling me, we're gonna hold the House and gain at one Senate seat AT THE VERY LEAST. And we will likely do better than that. GOP strategy is to discourage Dems so they don't bother voting, but let's not fall for it!

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Polls are somewhat biased. They definitely affects how some people might vote. Especially in the current negative mood as a result of trump/minions.

I have gotten tired of my emails being filled up with requests to donate. I’ve made up my mind on who I’ll donate to, whilst worrying about the elections in my state. Michael, It’s nice to have a breather via your posts.

Please get out and vote, because lives are depending on it. Roevember!

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Thank you so much for the work you are doing!

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I have to believe that the majority of citizens of this country cannot take one more cycle of what the right wing is spewing out every day. Aren’t you all tired of hearing the cruelty, the ignorance, the vitriol, the violence. This all has to end and we have the power to put an end to this. We need everyone to show up. I am older now but if this would be happening when I was young I would not stand for it. I cannot stand manipulation and lies and this is what the right is doing. Vote, vote, vote, vote!!!!

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Love you, Michael! I feel just the opposite. People love to vote for a winner, so saying the Dems will win is positive. Overall, the money (bribes) need to be taken out of campaigns. Also, there needs to be legislation to force votes on Presidential nominees in a timely fashion. And Supreme Court expansion/term limits.

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Michael has been saying all along, pay no attention to the polls. I just heard from Michael Steele, former RNC Chairman, who was also on tonight's Joy Reid, say that the Republicans stack the polls! They do this so it appears they're winning, discourages Dems from voting, and gives them a leg up when they lose. They even cheat there, that does not matter. So VOTE, and take someone with you.

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That is both so awesome and so screwed up!!! Here’s my most recent idea of how to get people to vote.

I have 2 college age kids, each living in houses with a bunch of roommates. I promised each house 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies if everyone votes! Just one laggard so far, but they’re getting plenty of peer pressure 😉!

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