I listened to Justice Jackson's conformation hearings last week. The rudeness and irrelevance of the questions from the republicans, made me sick. Justice Jackson is a brilliant woman who will shine on the Supreme Court.

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It is so transparent: the Senate handles Kavanaugh with kid gloves – "aw! Did we upset you? You're crying so you must be sincere! We are so sorry that a man of your stature would be subjected to this!" And yet they rake Justice Jackson over the coals with inane questions in a ludicrous attempt to trip her up.

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Here's a novel idea! Term limits for our legislative body. 6 years and out. The only reason some of these politicians are still in their seats is because people become complacent. The politicians become beholden to big pharma, corporate kickbacks, etc. and are no longer working for the people and instead, are getting rich off the backs of the middle and lower class. Padding their pockets, giving up on why they became public servants and instead, greed becomes their driver.

We are at a crossroads. Get out and vote. Don't be complacent. Don't let them take any more from us.

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I loved watching your acceptance speech and your slot on Colbert. You are a prophet. It’s uncomfortable for most people but you are fulfilling your calling. I thank God for you. I have learned so much from you. I make people uncomfortable too. I am not uncomfortable making others uncomfortable. My calling is to wake people up. I do it with firmness and love.

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Toxic males is a very diverse group. There are suits of every color.” 🕺

Meanwhile, the Ruble is in rubbles. 🌻 #ProtectDemocracy!

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I am looking forward to your Rumble on the Oscars .I am not as well educated as most of your readers but I thank you for allowing us to share our thoughts. The state of our planet is mirrored in each and everyone of us. What is on the outside is going to live in us. We are a collective and cannot escape that. When I awoke to the news this am of last nights event I thought " there it is , A Mental health issue , the “I’ve had enough” , the “WTF was just said”, the “STOP the jokes its abusing to us”, our lives are deeper than that. I agreed , what he did is not acceptable and he will and is being held accountable but to judge , condemn him is the same as slapping him in the face. Are we ,as a species ever going to grow up? I remember many yrs ago being at the gym and a group of women were discussing your president Bush. Condemning him for his actions . I was asked, How do you feel ? My answer, "Tell me the difference between you dropping bombs on Bush's character and him dropping them elsewhere." is there a difference? That's where it starts. inside each and every one of us. Empathy for those who are going through grief, terror , whatever Willis is going through right now, I hope I can have the soul stamina to look deeper. then reach out and help in any way I can. This is a mental health issue , not a , who done what to whom. We all know our planet is transforming /changing/awakening at an alarming rate, that is what Pluto /Uranus transits are all about.No one , NO ONE is exempt. are we brave enough to hold the energy, to see what is really happening and come to an understanding . You might be the next one who is so overburdened with fear/stress/anxiety that you may be blinded by rage and I hope someone can forgive you . Love you ,your words, your work Michael. Keep Co Creating , we need your wisdom. I will take what I need, leave the rest without judgements. I will end with this: I AM A WOMEN.

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If I thought I would live in a country in which women would be forced to give birth, in which there was censorship of US history, in which we are not able to call out Russia or China or the US for war crimes and immorality, I would be torn between staying and moving to a different country.

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Thank you, Michael,, for this and other podcasts. I did look around our house and we DO have goods made in Russia. My wife and I have a stained glass shop where we make everything we sell but we also have other items made of glass. We have been selling small whimsical torched glass figurines made in St. Petersburg, Russia. They are pieces made by local Russian artisans and we buy them from a man who runs is business from his apartment, Mikael. We've been concerned about his well-being but hesitate to contact him as we wouldn't want him to get into "trouble". We also hesitate to put in another order because we don't even know if the money will go through the system. Anyway, Mikeal seems like a good guy and we wish him well.

By the way, I think the Russian people do pay attention to our politics as, when the Asshole was President, Mikael asked by email if we were OK.

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Keepin' me sane! Thanks, a million thanks!

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It will be interesting to watch the squirming, once the brilliant KBJ is on the court. Her installation means that white men are not the majority on the Supreme Court. Her knowledge of self was displayed in her poise and pauses. She's more experienced than any of the others and they know that.

Would love to see Biden get another Supreme Court pick in the event of a vacant Clarence Thomas seat.

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Mr. Moore; I have always supported your positions. I no longer do. Your position on the Ukraine War is wrong. Why don't you make comment on why Putin no longer will allow the US to place missiles and troops on his borders? Why is it in America's interests to risk WW3?

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All I know, if we were Russia, and Mexico was the Ukraine, We'd be like....hey don't think about putting missiles that close to us.

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I am thankful that Biden hasn't caved under pressure. I hope he stays the course and that Putin doesn't have a melt down and takes desperate measures.💙💛 🙏🏻💙💛

A little trivia that I heard just yesterday....

Gene Kelly had a fever of 103° when he did that famous scene.

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yep I heard that too. What a trooper.

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Danny Kaye required 3 days of bed rest from exhaustion.

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I hope Putin's war that has brought misery and destruction on Ukraine will end soon.

On January 22, 2021, I wrote a five-page-long letter to Honorable Adam Schiff, a Chairman of House Intelligence Committee in Congress. I’m sharing the conclusion of this letter with you. The point that I want to make here is that my assessment of the situation over a year ago has proven to be correct because this terror campaign still unabated despite Democrat being in power since then!

“Needless to say, these mafia style criminal activities of Trump supporters were not possible without knowledge, approval and cooperation of their friends in Canada. As such I have brought this matter to the attention of the different levels of the Police, the Public Safety Minister, and the Prime Minister of Canada hoping that they could do something about it.

The ordeal that I just shared with you is a tip of an iceberg that I have documented it in the past three years. Four years of Trump administration has had a devastating impact on my life. Trump has gone, but unfortunately, his supporters are still in the system as Jan. 6, 2020, attack on Congress has shown that. Thus, with departure of Trump, the threat of his thugs who are targeting me does not diminish. I hope that you look into this problem and help bringing the perpetrators to justice, so the innocent people like me do not become their target ever again. If you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.”

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

All wars and invasions are horrible, bad and cruel:

Vietnam, Irak, Afghanistan and now Ukraine.

However the attention given to the war in Ukraine is being used as an excuse and distraction by the Biden administration to ignore the fight against climate change and the voting bill rights.

Why this Government does not fight with same intensity against climate change, poverty and injustice as we are opposing the Russian invasion?

The answer is very clear to me.

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Inflation corporate greed and the fed.

can you tell me what the FED can/will/won't do to hold corporations to account for their greed which is the overriding cause of the continued Inflation and its escalation.

Sure, supply chains/covid/stimulus may have initiated the inflation, but its continuation and escalation is purely due to corporate greed.

Whose side is the FED really on?

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Russia 3 weeks after sanctions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4EA8VSZdZ8 Military analysis and at Around minute 15 you see what each side is proposing in talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jl1Wik4rJs Another viewpoint with a bit of history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiTxlyiKVT0

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