Just feastd my ears on your Women's Day/Month playlist. You are the best feminist ever. I want to clone you, move you to my neighborhood and be your real life pal. Right, girls? Clone Michael as a BFF.

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Mike, your amazing, I learn so much. I spend over 30 yrs advocating for women in Ontario. It nice to know daycare workers are now being paid the same as the garbage collectors appox $34 per hour in a Unionized environment. American Women have some catching up to do. The white men need to get out of the way. We all need to remove them from power.

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Oppression is color blind.

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Your soundtrack made me cry. I will soon be 69 years old.

I've been underpaid and overfed BS my entire life. I first experienced sexism and oppression as a young child. Yes, there was sexual abuse. In Catholic HS I was told I could not run for school president b/c I was female. There was a college rape. A drop out. There was an unplanned pregnancy. I became a single mother with no support from the VN veteran. Poverty, recycling beer cans and working while in college. (3 children, 11 grandkids. I have my doctorate now.) Some horrifical bosses and supervisors in my career . Thank you.

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Hey Mike, Thanks for sharing the playlist. Love it! I appreciate the time, effort and energy you put into making this world a better place. Sending you love and blessings today!


Cheryl C.

P.S. If you want to subscribe to my daughter's Substack and support a young woman, it's free and it's called Chloeinletters.

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Your soundtrack made me cry. I will soon be 69 years old.

I've been underpaid and overfed BS my entire life. I first experienced sexism and oppression as a young child. Yes, there was sexual abuse. In Catholic HS I was told I could not run for school president b/c I was female. There was a college rape. A drop out. There was an unplanned pregnancy. I became a single mother with no support from the VN veteran. Poverty, recycling beer cans and working while in college. (3 children, 11 grandkids. I have my doctorate now.) Some horrifical bosses and supervisors in my career . Thank you.

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Margaret, after reading your words, I am hesitant to listen to the longing voices in Mike's soundtrack. I will, eventually, but not today. As I fear it will bring on tears in me as well. I am only 3 years behind you and remember the oppression that woman felt during the turbulent 60's and 70's. It is really hard for me to fathom, all the work done by Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis and Shirley Chisholm along with thousands of women has resulted in this-where we are today! I don't think a lot of people are aware that the Equal Rights Amendment for women has only been passed in a little over a half of our states. That tells it all.

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If I could meet anyone in this country, it would be you, Michael Moore. You inform, you bring hope, you bring peace. I’m very grateful for you and all you do. Thank you with all my heart.

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You reminded me of the Gilens and Page study of about five years ago with the results that the majority, average citizens, only get what they want if the wealth want the same thing. We need amendments to rid us of "Citizens United", gerrymandering, and the electoral college. SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, but I don't think this court they is going to reverse "Citizen United." ........I can already hear some of the songs on you playlist in my head.

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Gender equality is key to development, and there is growing evidence of its critical role in building and maintaining peace ☮️ #UNWomen

Teach your children well, parents. #TimesUp!

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Dearest Michael, Thank you, Thank you....going on 80 years young...did not even know how suppressed women were. Thanking all the advocates for women rights !!!

YOU are a great spokesman for ALL us women, actually for EVERYONE. Keep up the Good Fight !!!

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Michael, Make my day and the playlist is tops. Onward we go. Peace.

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Great list.

For the SCROTUS, might I recommend a lovely song by Lily Allen called

“Thank you very very much”

or something like that.

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Dear Mike,

With respect… in hope..

When we, you, and so many others, the good people of a democracy, attempt to key up the deep gut drives operating in plain view behind the fascistic prejudice sickening politics in the USA and elsewhere, best we focus human nature… to start, where else?

To ignore these drives is to enable our worst.. and we are good at enabling, no?

I have a key to that key, Mike. Test me.

I have lived it. Was born into it. Survived it. Barely. But at 84, am ready. Clock ticking.

The Year They Sold Wall Street, by Tim Carrington…

You are a creative genius.

As am I. 😊

Let’s roll.

Let’s do the movie. It will go crazy.

Let’s call in the good Steve Schmidt and the fabulous Rep. Jaimie Raskin… and the genius Rachel Maddow, let’s ask President Volodymyr, Zelenskyy, his wonderful wife, his followers, let’s ask the threatened women of Iran, and the best we have, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and her wonderful family, let’s ask Black street kids, the Black children of the South Side of Chicago, their white, Black and in between, let’s ask Indian Americans, caste system Indians from Mumbai, New Delhi, Barack and Michelle, and their children, let’s ask addicts in recovery… nationwide… they tend to know stuff best, - please take charge.

So, “what are the significant differences among people?” Isn’t that the question? It was an ETS topic in 1955.. assigned at UCLS U-High by Eunice Helmkamp MaGuire, my 10th grade English teacher… see the MaGuire Award..

Mike, let’s talk.

My Apple: 973.379.4446 iPhone finds me. www.Lewisfamilyfarm.com finds us.. and 518.963.4206 🏡 no message machine.. we answer all calls.. is answered by us..

Mom married three Jews, her mother hated minorities, married late to Fredrick Charles, Dempster Bonnor, recovered by her death at 97; my dad was Jew #3, Salim L Lewis came honest, left in shame. My second father killed himself, saved some children, destroyed some, could not save himself… wrote 20 books, told me to read none.. his first bestseller, Love Is Not Enough was enough, c.1950 - but it’s a good place to start.. was honest…

Love your work, find you amazing,

So… best, in hope..


Sent from my iPhone

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Michael, thanks for the Playlist. If you decide to create a new playlist each week for International Women's Month, please consider Aretha Franklin's "Respect." Let me know if I can help.

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What a great playlist Michael! You made my not so great evening great.

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Can’t wait to listen to the song list, and can’t wait to help the women haters step down its way past time, young women today will not stand for the new old days. They have tasted freedom and they are strong, smart, and ready for the fight!

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Thanks, Mike. Two (of many) of my favorites:

India Arie's "Video"


Tracy Chapman's "Revolution"


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