The hits just keep coming. I learned the Taliban congratulated Trump for not allowing a woman to become the "leader of your great nation" - and because Trump negotiated directly with the Taliban & not the recognized Afghan government, Trump ushered in the Taliban control of Afghanistan where they just made a rule that a women's voice is forbidden outside the home. And then I saw where Trump has nominated Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Has the Women's March booked the mall for the weekend before the inauguration? We need a show of NUMBERS - HUGE numbers. We need the world to know that Trump does not have a mandate, he barely achieved 2% more of the popular vote than Kamala. We need to SHOW UP, ALL THE TIME. Should I wear black on the day of his inauguration?
I really like the idea of wearing black on inauguration day ... everyone wearing black - all black. Or, black arm bands BUT with a U.S. flag on it. We cannot let MAGATs co-opt the flag under false patriotism maybe it's a Blue arm band, and we wear all blue.
Mr. Moore is right. You should read a good book. A book that proves both major political parties are corrupt to the core. (There is a link for a free digital copy in this post.)
My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Posner’s amicus brief is posted on the Supreme Court’s website at (Go to CASE DOCUMENTS at the bottom of the Supreme Court’s web page and click Docket Search. Enter case number: 17-8352 and click SEARCH. Click Docket for 17-8352 to find Judge Posner’s brief.)
It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.
In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.
The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.
Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.
Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.
While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.
If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.
Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.
*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.
In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.
All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.
P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.
I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, for goodness sake, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!
The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.
Lol your soo funny Ted with your MAGA extremes. You should be happy your dictator is soon to be king. Glad I caught into your lies. Your only here to divide us. While you ruined us Ted by your vote. let me ask you this how does it feel to you? Do you smile from ear to ear? To let a rapist and felon in office? Funny you never said the word Trump did any bad.
Slim chance you never answered my questions and still you back pedal on your answers. Anyways I am going to ignore you but continue to warn people about you. You have done nothing but spread ignorance and lies. Although a few of your sources are true, most is only lies and to tell a narrative that every party is bad. Get out of that bubble that you live in and open your eyes that progress is slow. It does not happen overnight, it comes with voting for the right people in office.
Now since Dictator Trump is close to being in office he will turn Gaza into a beach front while Netenyahu kills off and gets rid of Palestinians. None of the protestors for Palestine ever went to Trumps events to protest. None of them even complained about Trump. Now they get what they deserve and the uncommitted are begging Biden to help them. Why would Biden do that when they did not vote and turned their backs on the very people that was listening to them.
This is a repeat of what happened to the Jews in Germany. There were many news paper articles from Germany that bashed the left for not doing anything about economy but said nothing bad about Hitler. I wonder why this is a repeat... Then the newspapers said nothing was going to happen to Jews Hitler will protect them. At the end of it all nearly 7 million jews were exterminated.. I always thought we would learn from History but many people tend to ignore. Anyways goodluck Ted with you delusions. And remember when Dems come back in 2026 with a sea of blue your going to get pissed off again like the last blue wave that hit.
Yes, only Congress can ban campaign contributions. It is clear that the current members of Congress are never going to do that--we have to throw them out.
The American people will throw them out if they ever find out what they have been up to. I suggest you read my book and tell everyone you know about the jaw-dropping corruption. Select someone in your group to run for Congress.
They should run on getting the money out of politics and point out that you can't trust anyone who takes large sums of money from special interest groups.
I can't stand the blue/red dichotomy, a recent innovation if you're as old as I am. It only encourages the sort of binary thinking (non-thinking, really) that'll eventually undo us all. And nobody remembers when reds were on the left?
You have it right! Gender apartheid is a major problem around the world, often based on ancient Religious Dogma that is no longer relevant........Why the obvious betrayal by Trump to negotiate directly with the Taliban, excluding women and the Afghan Government, was not broadcast daily by the Media is a just shocking, imo........Maybe a Documentary should be made about it.........
Yep, those AI bots paid $5 to be able to discredit you Michael. We, the people who appreciate your intelligence, wisdom and honesty can spot the bots ! You were sure Kamala would win and so were we. I’ll probably go to my grave thinking DT, Elon, Putin and others rigged this election because I hate to think I live in a country with so many ignorant short sighted people who voted for him.
I'm sickened and disappointed, too, but this is amurikkka and $250 MILLION bucks can indeed buy the presidency. And president elon is one disturbed fuk, as is his orange tinted purchase. And their pal, putin, the other richest-guy-on-the-planet helped 'em. Support any immigrant friends you have and donate to Plan C, working to make abortion pills available to everyone. XO
I’ve been thinking of Mr. Moore, who has tirelessly supported human rights, unflaggingly stood up against evil, who has a brilliant mind and is personally a kind, good man, since November 5th, a day of national mourning. He was kind to me once, as a stranger to him, he heard and saw me, he cared. I’m sorry that few are like him, but we all, now, have to at least try to be on the side of humanity, for all our safety and lives! Anything happening with all these atrocities starts with human beings ,that’s us. Horrifying ,what is happening, and what’s happened, we’re all here together on the same globe, or what’s left on it. I appreciate his suggestions, I’ll sing “Let It Be” and brew tea, if only to stay alive to try to help in anyway I can. Here ,I’d like to personally thank Mr. Moore for his heart, smarts, and action in the service of those who are voiceless and suffering. Thank you.
The sooner we all get Crackin on that list, the sooner will come back stronger. We can operate the same way no matter who won.. Let’s save the town. We are in and help where we can close by. We need our village more than ever.
Agreed, did Joe Biden bucket list didn’t get very far in the media. I live in Kent county Michigan and the Grand Rapids press never printed content about Kamala, but ran full page articles when Vance came to Sparta repeated on Thursday and Sunday.
You left out the Kremlin: we are up against a huge propaganda machine that had some people convinced that Democrats were trying to give their son a sex-change operation.
The only way to possibly counter this is by talking to your neighbor: it’s a little harder to be misguided about the other side if they personally know someone from across the isle.
But don’t go beyond your capacity for what you can listen to from across the aisle. If you can listen for no more than five minutes to that crazy uncle of yours, that’s more than enough.
Remind people that the arguments should not be right vs. left, but top vs. bottom. I said as such to a Trump supporter tonight, and got a vigorous yes.
Thank you JV - you make excellent points. And we can remind people that when Republicans say we are engaging in "Class Warfare" - we own it! Yes! My one constant statement is, "The biggest issue facing our country now is income inequality." And I point out what I learned in college, "Income inequality leads to social instability." It's not "wealth re-distribution" it's simply working to make sure people can sleep at night without fear there are riots in the streets.
I read somewhere that a shockingly high amount of Trump voters voted for Bernie in 2016. This means there is a market for "class warfare " as THE topic for up and coming Dems. And, forgive me, but the message has to be dumbed down in an understandable message for the working/middle classes who don't have the time to study policy issues or remotely "identify" with identity politics. There is a strong anti-establishment mentality out there. Dems need to take this leap.
Thank you for this. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for the reminder to be kind and practice gratitude. I am grateful for Michael Moore.
No one could have predicted this level of misogyny, irresponsibility and hatred. You’d have to be evil ,yourself, to even begin to grasp the level of debasement these cannibals lowered themselves to. “Blaming” the same people who did everything they could to not have things turn out this way, makes little sense and won’t change a thing. The “blame” is on us all.
Thank you Tom. I'm wondering where the outrage is that this election was stolen. Greg Palast is amazing and everyone should see his film
How clever to claim and prepare for claims of voter fraud while committing it, knowing Democrats will play fair and assure a smooth transition. But Michael... how did you not see this coming? I'm just curious what blinded you. The degree of coverage of polls is part to blame. No news. Let's make it up. When are we going to stop listening to polls.
Thank you, Marion. Yes, I've been following and promoting Greg's work for years. I'm even in the credits for Vigilantes Inc. ;-) (for contributing to it.) Sadly, it's just so tough to get people interested in Greg's work. I don't get it, because he is IMHO the authority and an American hero..
My intention wasn’t to blame MM, I’m just curious what he thinks he missed, i.e., what happened to the wave of women that was gonna turn Trump to toast?
Kamala went to the DNC.....there was an invitation from the DNC to a number of US Palestinians and US Muslims to be at the DNC inside the venue...when it was time to enter the DNC, they were told they are not allowed in....also a Palestinian speaker was invited to the DNC but again they were not allowed in...strange behavior by the DNC....and Kamala~~~~~~really...not very smart~imho
"Chicago has the largest Palestinian population in the United States, with an estimated 85,000 Palestinians in the greater Chicagoland area. The majority of Chicago's Arab community is Palestinian. The Bridgeview area, known as "Little Palestine", has a particularly large Palestinian population.
Arab Americans make up 4–5% of Chicago's electorate. The Arab community in Chicago is politically engaged and has grown in influence.
Palestinian rights organizations
Chicago is home to several leading Palestinian rights organizations, including American Muslims for Palestine, the US Palestinian Community Network, and Palestine Legal.
The Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview is considered one of the busiest mosques in the United States. "
People have come up with a lot of reasons why we lost the election. Prominent reasons: Latino and black men, as well as Gen Z men voted for trump. Dem numbers in each swing were down a few points while trump numbers went up a few. Abortion was not as strong an issue as expected. Economy was, but many didn't know about Harris plans or Biden actual achievements. I think that the disinformation universe had much to do with this. just some of what I've read/heard.
if you think we live in a democracy...think Hillary.... didn't go into the states that would have given her the Electoral College numbers she needed to win...and Kamala didn't seek the votes of US Palestinians and US Muslims....which could have given her the EC win....
Robert Reich says the Dems lost 9 million voters and they need to retool the party to focus on reversing the massive flow of wealth that has gone from 90% of the country up to the top 1%
Reich cannot possibly know what's in the mind of 9 million Dem voters. In 2016, the narrative was that people stayed home because they thought Hillary would win. Trump only received about a million more votes this time in the popular vote total than last time. I'm done with Dem. They claim to be patriots but, then when it matters they stay home, I'm a veteran who lives on my VA benefits. I may lose those benefits now. Fuck both parties. I will not vote in 2028 for any corporate Democrat. We don't know definitively why 9 million Dem voters stayed home. I suspect it was combination of reasons. If Gretchen Whitmer is the nominee, I will vote for her ONLY if she adopts Bernie Sanders platform. If AOC runs and the choice is between her and Whitmer i'll pick AOC. Dems are not patriots. They're smug, self satisfied snobs who couldn't take the time to do the right thing. But, we'll never know all the reasons why 9 milion Dems stayed home. It doesn't matter why they stayed home, only that they did.
To add to Mike's excellent post, I highly recommend seeking and reading the works of Noam Chomsky and A People's History of the United States. We must understand the path that got us here to find our way forward. The path we cut with bullets and blood through the New World and later, the rest of the Free World arrived at its ultimate destination. There was never a Shining City on the Hill, so let's not pretend there was one, and that's what we lost. Let's use this moment to own up to who we are and what we have done and find our new path.
And, I would add to the list of what to see and read Democracy Now!, with Amy Goodman, one of the very best Independent news magazines to be found on Roku and by Googling it on the internet.
Watch it online every morning. Free (altho' I do donate to it). Phenomenal coverage of the Middle East, as well as most other issues. Years of wonderful interviews with Noam Chomsky before he got sick.
Mike, that's awfully rich, you saying Harris cavorted with billionaires, (she did) and hung out with war criminals, (also true), but just last week, you were certain she would win and you were praising her for holding a "perfect" convention. You were right in 2016, but, this year epic fail. Your hypocrisy here boggles the mind. You've been silent for a week and now, you come up with this column? How about taking some responsibility and admitting how spectacularly wrong you were?
Again, shifting “blame” onto the people, or person, who did everything in their power for this to not turn out this way is irresponsible, doesn’t change anything, and is spectacularly pointless. Moore wasn’t responsible for the depths of evil in this country, and he’s not a psychic, are you?
Exactly why we want women to take a crack at the world without ‘splaining why…BTW because of Michael Moore‘s messages of truth and joy for months came abruptly to a halt was not his fault. Please blame our fellow Americans. We are hurt by the truth that more than 50% disagreed with us. For the wrong reasons.
Today MICHAEL gave me many more reasons to keep calm and carry on ….
No, he's not psychic, but, now, he's criticizing Harris and the last several weeks he didn't say a single bad thing about her. That's blatant hypocrisy. And, Moore appears on MSNBC quite frequently. They're part of the mainstream media, so spare me. He bears some blame he takes no responsibilty for being wrong, he doesn't even bring it up.
On election day, I was giddy with joy because I thought Harris was going to win. I thought the polls showing a tight race were wrong. I thought Harris would win by a landslide! Like Michael and millions of others, I was wrong, and heartbroken. I printed Michael’s suggestions today for recharging, rebooting, and revitalizing our spirits. I especially liked his idea of getting out of the mainstream media, and will check out his suggestions. I would add historian Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American to Michael’s list.
I really don't think the Democratic leadership does represent social justice and their base, just their Wall Street donors and the like and that if they keep lurching to the right then a new grassroots party for workers and the disadvantaged is needed. Meanwhile there is no one in current or coming government who cares about the ongoing genocide that's still going on. How about instead doing all you can to get Biden to end this before Trump gets in, especially now the fake deadline has passed and Israel continues to commit daily crimes against humanity. The need to redeem themselves starts NOW!
Thank you Michael for the suggestions. Heard! And I appreciate your calm and class. I am in Arkansas and I just think it’s ripe that Old Man Huckabee is going to be the Ambassador to Israel. And oh yea! We’re stuck with Sarah. When these massive deportations come it’s gonna get really interesting in my neck of the woods. I was speaking with an older lady today after she was talking about Trump making things better I reminded her that our economy will suffer greatly. She said that now the poultry plants will have to pay “our people” better wages. You should have seen her face when I asked her if her Grandkids would take a job in a Hatchery and be willing to cut chickens heads off all day. All of the ugly in our society has come to roost. Hold on it’s gonna get worse before it gets better y’all! Hang in there!
Don't throw in the towel. What about the voter suppression and purging that credible journalists like Greg Palkast, are bringing up? We can't let the current administration off the hook, we're still in power.
The people being nominated , Matt Gaetz for AG of the Justice Dept,(FBI etc), Kristi Noem to head more than 10 intelligence agencies---these folks will trip. They are there to demonstrate loyalty to the President. They do not have massive immunity and when they hit the fan, of well; Next.
The hits just keep coming. I learned the Taliban congratulated Trump for not allowing a woman to become the "leader of your great nation" - and because Trump negotiated directly with the Taliban & not the recognized Afghan government, Trump ushered in the Taliban control of Afghanistan where they just made a rule that a women's voice is forbidden outside the home. And then I saw where Trump has nominated Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Has the Women's March booked the mall for the weekend before the inauguration? We need a show of NUMBERS - HUGE numbers. We need the world to know that Trump does not have a mandate, he barely achieved 2% more of the popular vote than Kamala. We need to SHOW UP, ALL THE TIME. Should I wear black on the day of his inauguration?
Trump certainly had the pedophile and crackpot vote locked up!
I really like the idea of wearing black on inauguration day ... everyone wearing black - all black. Or, black arm bands BUT with a U.S. flag on it. We cannot let MAGATs co-opt the flag under false patriotism maybe it's a Blue arm band, and we wear all blue.
My fellow Americans,
Mr. Moore is right. You should read a good book. A book that proves both major political parties are corrupt to the core. (There is a link for a free digital copy in this post.)
My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Posner’s amicus brief is posted on the Supreme Court’s website at (Go to CASE DOCUMENTS at the bottom of the Supreme Court’s web page and click Docket Search. Enter case number: 17-8352 and click SEARCH. Click Docket for 17-8352 to find Judge Posner’s brief.)
It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.
In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.
The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.
Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.
Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.
While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.
If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.
Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.
*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.
In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.
All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.
If you want a government that actually acts in your best interests, I urge you and everyone you know to read my book as soon as possible. You can get a digital copy of my book free of charge at the link below:
P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.
I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, for goodness sake, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!
The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.
Lol your soo funny Ted with your MAGA extremes. You should be happy your dictator is soon to be king. Glad I caught into your lies. Your only here to divide us. While you ruined us Ted by your vote. let me ask you this how does it feel to you? Do you smile from ear to ear? To let a rapist and felon in office? Funny you never said the word Trump did any bad.
On the slim chance you were extremely naive and not a troll, I answered your questions in my previous post. But, your comment speaks for itself.
Slim chance you never answered my questions and still you back pedal on your answers. Anyways I am going to ignore you but continue to warn people about you. You have done nothing but spread ignorance and lies. Although a few of your sources are true, most is only lies and to tell a narrative that every party is bad. Get out of that bubble that you live in and open your eyes that progress is slow. It does not happen overnight, it comes with voting for the right people in office.
Now since Dictator Trump is close to being in office he will turn Gaza into a beach front while Netenyahu kills off and gets rid of Palestinians. None of the protestors for Palestine ever went to Trumps events to protest. None of them even complained about Trump. Now they get what they deserve and the uncommitted are begging Biden to help them. Why would Biden do that when they did not vote and turned their backs on the very people that was listening to them.
This is a repeat of what happened to the Jews in Germany. There were many news paper articles from Germany that bashed the left for not doing anything about economy but said nothing bad about Hitler. I wonder why this is a repeat... Then the newspapers said nothing was going to happen to Jews Hitler will protect them. At the end of it all nearly 7 million jews were exterminated.. I always thought we would learn from History but many people tend to ignore. Anyways goodluck Ted with you delusions. And remember when Dems come back in 2026 with a sea of blue your going to get pissed off again like the last blue wave that hit.
Thank you for your interesting post. How do we “ban campaign contributions?” Doesn’t congress have to vote for that?
Congress did make a law to regulate money in politis. It was called the McCain/Feingold Act.
But the Supreme Court cancelled it in the Citizens United decision
the over throw of the US by the "Supreme Court" aka the "Subversive Court~"seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution"
Yes, only Congress can ban campaign contributions. It is clear that the current members of Congress are never going to do that--we have to throw them out.
The American people will throw them out if they ever find out what they have been up to. I suggest you read my book and tell everyone you know about the jaw-dropping corruption. Select someone in your group to run for Congress.
They should run on getting the money out of politics and point out that you can't trust anyone who takes large sums of money from special interest groups.
Black on Inauguration Day; blue every other day.
I can't stand the blue/red dichotomy, a recent innovation if you're as old as I am. It only encourages the sort of binary thinking (non-thinking, really) that'll eventually undo us all. And nobody remembers when reds were on the left?
wear Green~
I will!
Great idea....flag needs to be upside-down with a shift in the stripes to show the new swastika symbol.
LOVE the idea of wearing black ....
Yes. Wear black.
You have it right! Gender apartheid is a major problem around the world, often based on ancient Religious Dogma that is no longer relevant........Why the obvious betrayal by Trump to negotiate directly with the Taliban, excluding women and the Afghan Government, was not broadcast daily by the Media is a just shocking, imo........Maybe a Documentary should be made about it.........
Yep, those AI bots paid $5 to be able to discredit you Michael. We, the people who appreciate your intelligence, wisdom and honesty can spot the bots ! You were sure Kamala would win and so were we. I’ll probably go to my grave thinking DT, Elon, Putin and others rigged this election because I hate to think I live in a country with so many ignorant short sighted people who voted for him.
Couldn't agree more - I also hate to think that there are that many downright cruel and gullible people in the US
Ignorant? Short sighted? Perhaps. More to the point, angry angry angry. So am I.
The deep state installed who they wanted installed~
I'm sickened and disappointed, too, but this is amurikkka and $250 MILLION bucks can indeed buy the presidency. And president elon is one disturbed fuk, as is his orange tinted purchase. And their pal, putin, the other richest-guy-on-the-planet helped 'em. Support any immigrant friends you have and donate to Plan C, working to make abortion pills available to everyone. XO
I’ve been thinking of Mr. Moore, who has tirelessly supported human rights, unflaggingly stood up against evil, who has a brilliant mind and is personally a kind, good man, since November 5th, a day of national mourning. He was kind to me once, as a stranger to him, he heard and saw me, he cared. I’m sorry that few are like him, but we all, now, have to at least try to be on the side of humanity, for all our safety and lives! Anything happening with all these atrocities starts with human beings ,that’s us. Horrifying ,what is happening, and what’s happened, we’re all here together on the same globe, or what’s left on it. I appreciate his suggestions, I’ll sing “Let It Be” and brew tea, if only to stay alive to try to help in anyway I can. Here ,I’d like to personally thank Mr. Moore for his heart, smarts, and action in the service of those who are voiceless and suffering. Thank you.
You are so right. Forever, Michael Moore has been and is the champion of good people like us!
The sooner we all get Crackin on that list, the sooner will come back stronger. We can operate the same way no matter who won.. Let’s save the town. We are in and help where we can close by. We need our village more than ever.
Biden needs to use some of that “Presidential Immunity” before it’s to late!
Agreed, did Joe Biden bucket list didn’t get very far in the media. I live in Kent county Michigan and the Grand Rapids press never printed content about Kamala, but ran full page articles when Vance came to Sparta repeated on Thursday and Sunday.
Number one on my list is the political text. After I stopped, the Democrat text text I began and still receive Trump spam.
Good thought!
You left out the Kremlin: we are up against a huge propaganda machine that had some people convinced that Democrats were trying to give their son a sex-change operation.
The only way to possibly counter this is by talking to your neighbor: it’s a little harder to be misguided about the other side if they personally know someone from across the isle.
But don’t go beyond your capacity for what you can listen to from across the aisle. If you can listen for no more than five minutes to that crazy uncle of yours, that’s more than enough.
Remind people that the arguments should not be right vs. left, but top vs. bottom. I said as such to a Trump supporter tonight, and got a vigorous yes.
Thank you JV - you make excellent points. And we can remind people that when Republicans say we are engaging in "Class Warfare" - we own it! Yes! My one constant statement is, "The biggest issue facing our country now is income inequality." And I point out what I learned in college, "Income inequality leads to social instability." It's not "wealth re-distribution" it's simply working to make sure people can sleep at night without fear there are riots in the streets.
I read somewhere that a shockingly high amount of Trump voters voted for Bernie in 2016. This means there is a market for "class warfare " as THE topic for up and coming Dems. And, forgive me, but the message has to be dumbed down in an understandable message for the working/middle classes who don't have the time to study policy issues or remotely "identify" with identity politics. There is a strong anti-establishment mentality out there. Dems need to take this leap.
What is “top vs bottom”?
Top is billionaires, bottom is us ordinary folk.
Thank you for this. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for the reminder to be kind and practice gratitude. I am grateful for Michael Moore.
Ditto! His constant joy was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Always energized after his posts.. this one no exception.
I’ve been awaiting your explanation for why your prediction was so far off. Your to-do list is nice, but…what happened? I believed you.
Trhump probably cheated again. Remember when he told his minions not to worry. That they didn’t even need to vote.
No one could have predicted this level of misogyny, irresponsibility and hatred. You’d have to be evil ,yourself, to even begin to grasp the level of debasement these cannibals lowered themselves to. “Blaming” the same people who did everything they could to not have things turn out this way, makes little sense and won’t change a thing. The “blame” is on us all.
Greg Palast predicted the outcome. He has done by far, more investigations into election fraud than anyone else. He all but proved that Trump did not (legitimately) win in '16, and has made two terrific movies to further support his findings, and predictions. Here is a summary of his work and a preliminary assessment of the surely questionable '24 election results..
Thank you Tom. I'm wondering where the outrage is that this election was stolen. Greg Palast is amazing and everyone should see his film
How clever to claim and prepare for claims of voter fraud while committing it, knowing Democrats will play fair and assure a smooth transition. But Michael... how did you not see this coming? I'm just curious what blinded you. The degree of coverage of polls is part to blame. No news. Let's make it up. When are we going to stop listening to polls.
Thank you, Marion. Yes, I've been following and promoting Greg's work for years. I'm even in the credits for Vigilantes Inc. ;-) (for contributing to it.) Sadly, it's just so tough to get people interested in Greg's work. I don't get it, because he is IMHO the authority and an American hero..
Agree he is amazing.
People lie in polls to sound “nice.”
Trump won the Electoral Vote in 2016....Hillary won the popular vote....Hillary lost....
Trump won the Electoral Vote in 2024...312 electoral votes/popular vote... 50.2%
Kamala had 72,874,804 popular vote 48.2% ......Kamala had 226 electoral votes...
it is the Electoral Vote that puts someone in the WH
My intention wasn’t to blame MM, I’m just curious what he thinks he missed, i.e., what happened to the wave of women that was gonna turn Trump to toast?
Kamala went to the DNC.....there was an invitation from the DNC to a number of US Palestinians and US Muslims to be at the DNC inside the venue...when it was time to enter the DNC, they were told they are not allowed in....also a Palestinian speaker was invited to the DNC but again they were not allowed in...strange behavior by the DNC....and Kamala~~~~~~really...not very smart~imho
"Chicago has the largest Palestinian population in the United States, with an estimated 85,000 Palestinians in the greater Chicagoland area. The majority of Chicago's Arab community is Palestinian. The Bridgeview area, known as "Little Palestine", has a particularly large Palestinian population.
Arab Americans make up 4–5% of Chicago's electorate. The Arab community in Chicago is politically engaged and has grown in influence.
Palestinian rights organizations
Chicago is home to several leading Palestinian rights organizations, including American Muslims for Palestine, the US Palestinian Community Network, and Palestine Legal.
The Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview is considered one of the busiest mosques in the United States. "
here is one article....(there are many more)
the reality is we do not live in a Democracy~~~the Deep State rules
People have come up with a lot of reasons why we lost the election. Prominent reasons: Latino and black men, as well as Gen Z men voted for trump. Dem numbers in each swing were down a few points while trump numbers went up a few. Abortion was not as strong an issue as expected. Economy was, but many didn't know about Harris plans or Biden actual achievements. I think that the disinformation universe had much to do with this. just some of what I've read/heard.
We all believed what he said, but apparently the silent majority didn’t
if you think we live in a democracy...think Hillary.... didn't go into the states that would have given her the Electoral College numbers she needed to win...and Kamala didn't seek the votes of US Palestinians and US Muslims....which could have given her the EC win....
I believed also. But many of us thought the same. We didn't realize the strength of hate. Now we know.
Robert Reich says the Dems lost 9 million voters and they need to retool the party to focus on reversing the massive flow of wealth that has gone from 90% of the country up to the top 1%
According to Reich, it wasn’t a Red Shift; it was a Blue Abandonment. 9 million Dem voters stayed home.
Reich cannot possibly know what's in the mind of 9 million Dem voters. In 2016, the narrative was that people stayed home because they thought Hillary would win. Trump only received about a million more votes this time in the popular vote total than last time. I'm done with Dem. They claim to be patriots but, then when it matters they stay home, I'm a veteran who lives on my VA benefits. I may lose those benefits now. Fuck both parties. I will not vote in 2028 for any corporate Democrat. We don't know definitively why 9 million Dem voters stayed home. I suspect it was combination of reasons. If Gretchen Whitmer is the nominee, I will vote for her ONLY if she adopts Bernie Sanders platform. If AOC runs and the choice is between her and Whitmer i'll pick AOC. Dems are not patriots. They're smug, self satisfied snobs who couldn't take the time to do the right thing. But, we'll never know all the reasons why 9 milion Dems stayed home. It doesn't matter why they stayed home, only that they did.
The Genocide being committed by Biden and Congress matters~~
To add to Mike's excellent post, I highly recommend seeking and reading the works of Noam Chomsky and A People's History of the United States. We must understand the path that got us here to find our way forward. The path we cut with bullets and blood through the New World and later, the rest of the Free World arrived at its ultimate destination. There was never a Shining City on the Hill, so let's not pretend there was one, and that's what we lost. Let's use this moment to own up to who we are and what we have done and find our new path.
And, I would add to the list of what to see and read Democracy Now!, with Amy Goodman, one of the very best Independent news magazines to be found on Roku and by Googling it on the internet.
Watch it online every morning. Free (altho' I do donate to it). Phenomenal coverage of the Middle East, as well as most other issues. Years of wonderful interviews with Noam Chomsky before he got sick.
Yeah, how does Amy Goodman manage when most journalists are posting fire walls...
I've often wondered that.
Thank you Michael. This is judt the right thing to do. Thank you Thank you.....
Yes, the right thing to do by. Carly Simon is in my head now thank you.😊
Mike, that's awfully rich, you saying Harris cavorted with billionaires, (she did) and hung out with war criminals, (also true), but just last week, you were certain she would win and you were praising her for holding a "perfect" convention. You were right in 2016, but, this year epic fail. Your hypocrisy here boggles the mind. You've been silent for a week and now, you come up with this column? How about taking some responsibility and admitting how spectacularly wrong you were?
Again, shifting “blame” onto the people, or person, who did everything in their power for this to not turn out this way is irresponsible, doesn’t change anything, and is spectacularly pointless. Moore wasn’t responsible for the depths of evil in this country, and he’s not a psychic, are you?
Exactly why we want women to take a crack at the world without ‘splaining why…BTW because of Michael Moore‘s messages of truth and joy for months came abruptly to a halt was not his fault. Please blame our fellow Americans. We are hurt by the truth that more than 50% disagreed with us. For the wrong reasons.
Today MICHAEL gave me many more reasons to keep calm and carry on ….
No, he's not psychic, but, now, he's criticizing Harris and the last several weeks he didn't say a single bad thing about her. That's blatant hypocrisy. And, Moore appears on MSNBC quite frequently. They're part of the mainstream media, so spare me. He bears some blame he takes no responsibilty for being wrong, he doesn't even bring it up.
Hindsight is 20/20. So what, he was wrong. So were millions of people. Did you have money riding on this?
On election day, I was giddy with joy because I thought Harris was going to win. I thought the polls showing a tight race were wrong. I thought Harris would win by a landslide! Like Michael and millions of others, I was wrong, and heartbroken. I printed Michael’s suggestions today for recharging, rebooting, and revitalizing our spirits. I especially liked his idea of getting out of the mainstream media, and will check out his suggestions. I would add historian Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American to Michael’s list.
I really don't think the Democratic leadership does represent social justice and their base, just their Wall Street donors and the like and that if they keep lurching to the right then a new grassroots party for workers and the disadvantaged is needed. Meanwhile there is no one in current or coming government who cares about the ongoing genocide that's still going on. How about instead doing all you can to get Biden to end this before Trump gets in, especially now the fake deadline has passed and Israel continues to commit daily crimes against humanity. The need to redeem themselves starts NOW!
Bravely stated snd RIGHT, here meaning TRUE
Thank you Michael for the suggestions. Heard! And I appreciate your calm and class. I am in Arkansas and I just think it’s ripe that Old Man Huckabee is going to be the Ambassador to Israel. And oh yea! We’re stuck with Sarah. When these massive deportations come it’s gonna get really interesting in my neck of the woods. I was speaking with an older lady today after she was talking about Trump making things better I reminded her that our economy will suffer greatly. She said that now the poultry plants will have to pay “our people” better wages. You should have seen her face when I asked her if her Grandkids would take a job in a Hatchery and be willing to cut chickens heads off all day. All of the ugly in our society has come to roost. Hold on it’s gonna get worse before it gets better y’all! Hang in there!
Don't throw in the towel. What about the voter suppression and purging that credible journalists like Greg Palkast, are bringing up? We can't let the current administration off the hook, we're still in power.
If you want to get smart about spotting Kremlin propaganda, read Timothy Snyder’s “The Road to Unfreedom.” We are not savvy in this area.
Some thing stinks about this , I just can't put my finger on it ,this election has seemed off to me
Just like a sex offender, nobody wants to believe there’s one in the family
Kindness is catchy. Good suggestion.
Rest now.
The people being nominated , Matt Gaetz for AG of the Justice Dept,(FBI etc), Kristi Noem to head more than 10 intelligence agencies---these folks will trip. They are there to demonstrate loyalty to the President. They do not have massive immunity and when they hit the fan, of well; Next.