the 121 Congress people should be considered traitors. Use the 14th amendment, section 3! Hoping each and every one of them will be voted out. So disgusting and they don't get called out LOUD enough. Scream it to the rooftops! Traitors.
My understanding is that first D. J. Trump needs to be convicted for the insurrection on Jan. 6th, and then—before the 14th Amendment, section 3 can even disqualify him—you need 2/3’s of the House vote. So before we all get excited, that’s only 212 Dem votes with another 78 needed to pass. So unfortunately for us, it’s not going to happen. McCarthy will shut down any Republican vote on the floor and demand his party support Trump. So don’t plan on that. We’ve got to get out the vote.
My understanding is Trump doesn’t have to be convicted of anything. Judge Luttig and Professor Tribe state that "Section 3 requires no legislation, criminal conviction, or other judicial action in order to effectuate its command. That is, Section 3 is 'self-executing.'"
“A conviction would be beside the point. The disqualification clause operates independently of any such criminal proceedings and, indeed, also independently of impeachment proceedings and of congressional legislation.”
“Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election in part by inciting an attack on the Capitol “place him squarely within the ambit of the disqualification clause, and he is therefore ineligible to serve as president ever again.” (The, 8/19/23, By J. Michael Luttig and Laurence H. Tribe)
J. Michael Luttig is a former federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Laurence H. Tribe is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.
Listening to your podcasts is so so so helpful Michael. It's like zooming out from the mire to recalibrate back to the FACTS and have a nugget of hope again. I appreciate you so much.
Michael, first of all I do not mean to sound caddy. As a Black Woman I have to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for thoughtfully selecting a photo of Fani Willis that portrays her as the beautiful, intelligent and amazingly talented woman she is. Unfortunately, over the years I have seen some pretty unbecoming photos of Black Women. Especially the angry Black Woman photos (although, we do have stuff to be angry about).
So, her dad took her to the office and exposed her to the law at an early age. If he was a White dad, he’d be classified as an amazing father. Yes, there are lots of Black Men who are amazing dads, who expose their kids to many experiences. Mine was an amazing dad. He could not take me to work because he worked in a steel mill. However, on his days off he spent lots of time with us at the park, the zoo, at civil rights demonstrations. He put us in the car and took us on lots of interstate road trips to expose us to other places and also put us through college. I just needed to get that off my chest! Black People and all People of Color are Normal People. I know I may be preaching to the choir on this site 😀.
There is a really important thing. I would like to make a request of all our White allies who believe that everyone deserves equal rights and want to see an inclusive nation. Simply and bluntly stated, we need you more than ever! We need you to stand up and find White friends to bring on the journey along with you. Your White friends will listen to you before they listen to me or other people of color. Based on my experience, that is just a fact. Your getting involved will help make the defining difference as we move towards an inclusive and welcoming country. Your standing in the shadows perpetuates the current situation.
The problem is not Democrats. The problem has and always will be Republicans. They run the House and the Supreme Kangaroo 🦘 Court. A Democrat can be educated 🏫 and you can move them to new positions to help the country. That is impossible to do that with a Republican. Zombie 🧟♂️ kangaroos 🦘 can’t be taught.
Ms. Larson, It must not necessarily happen that way. There is a simpler, legal way to prevent Trump from appearing on the next ballot. The state official responsible for placing candidates' names onto the ballot can simply refuse to include Trump. That official would be the Secretary of State for any state in the U.S. That official can legitimately do it.
The ball would then be in Trump's court. He would have the option of challenging that secretary of State's action in state court.
Good morning Michael I promise that I would read at least half of all your columns but I do not have the time to listen or do not process as much listening or ??? but if you sent those of us who ask for the written version of what you say it sure would be great Yes I can go someplace and find it but that just does not happen
Wow. Powerful stuff Michael. Thanks for the insights about Fani's background. Respect. She is putting her life on the line. Thanks again for all you do for real freedom in the USA.
ouch. You make a lot of assumptions Jeff. that's not good. And that's all I'll say to avoid a tit for tat argument. I hope the US wins its cases against the would-be fuhrer.
Pearl habor is near Honolulu. Different island from what I see on Google maps. But WTF, indeed, and thanks for pointing it out Michael, troops could be mobilized. Does the governor have to request it? Can't see why the governor wouldn't! Every administration just seems to really mess it up with emergencies and communication. Shameful.
I'm still confused. There's a fire/storm/earthquake... What is the process? Does the governor declare an emergency; does she/he then ask FIMA? Biden to declare a "national emergency"? Does/can the Pres. declare an emergency that "releases" federal funds and aide? It always seems to take days. Can't just be the time zone difference, now can it? Maybe 2/3 days is "normal". No matter what country, the help never comes fast enough other than the locals pitching in; and Jose Andres who does NOT wait for any one at all. His world kitchen is on the ground in a nanosecond.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. That's what I thought but wasn't sure. Did Biden send any US military based in Hawaii to help? From near Paris, France. (Oregon born!)
With regards to the comments about Maui: The suggestion of putting electrical cables underground from my understanding may be wrong with regard to any area of the earth that experiences earthquakes caused by volcanic or any other geologic activity (such as fracking). So many cables would be severed, even with redundancies in place, that it could take a very, very long time to replace those lines within underground conduits and over a broad area after the stretching and shearing by those forces. Even routine disruptions unrelated to earthquakes could require digging to restore service rather than overhead repair by crane crews. I am no expert. ("For godsakes, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an electrical engineer") but a months-long restoration from damage over a broad area would compromise too many critical services for too long.
In landscape architect school, we talked about underground utilities a little bit. I agree with you. While aesthetically it clears the environment, logistically it can be a nightmare to repair, especially in areas with earthquake risk. But I understand the point. I also am not sure that shutting off the power 'after' the fact does any good. The horse already left the barn. And shutting off power preemptively I guess would be best, but you'd be challenged on why you did that too. Would those sirens have worked if they shut off power? How Trump Got Rich: The Real Story. This video I watched last is so incredible. Trump was nurtured from the crib to be a menace, a grandiose self-entitled monster/mobster. The video's audio at the beginning is not so great but persevere. Fascinating.
In writing about Trump’s speech from the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, to his supporters who then overran the Capitol, Baude and Paulsen said Trump delivered a “general and specific message” that the election was stolen, calling on the crowd to take immediate action to block the transfer of power before falling silent for hours as the insurrection progressed.
“Trump’s deliberate inaction renders his January 6 speech much more incriminating in hindsight, because it makes it even less plausible (if it was ever plausible) that the crowd’s reaction was all a big mistake or misunderstanding,” they write.
Jeff, you’re assuming the person who wants the 121
senators & reps who helped Trump plan the 1/6 event and voted against impeachment wouldn’t get due process and have evidence presented of their role in the whole fiasco.
Nobody is suggesting those senators & reps should be expelled without all of the legal protections they are entitled to.
the 121 Congress people should be considered traitors. Use the 14th amendment, section 3! Hoping each and every one of them will be voted out. So disgusting and they don't get called out LOUD enough. Scream it to the rooftops! Traitors.
My understanding is that first D. J. Trump needs to be convicted for the insurrection on Jan. 6th, and then—before the 14th Amendment, section 3 can even disqualify him—you need 2/3’s of the House vote. So before we all get excited, that’s only 212 Dem votes with another 78 needed to pass. So unfortunately for us, it’s not going to happen. McCarthy will shut down any Republican vote on the floor and demand his party support Trump. So don’t plan on that. We’ve got to get out the vote.
My understanding is Trump doesn’t have to be convicted of anything. Judge Luttig and Professor Tribe state that "Section 3 requires no legislation, criminal conviction, or other judicial action in order to effectuate its command. That is, Section 3 is 'self-executing.'"
“A conviction would be beside the point. The disqualification clause operates independently of any such criminal proceedings and, indeed, also independently of impeachment proceedings and of congressional legislation.”
“Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election in part by inciting an attack on the Capitol “place him squarely within the ambit of the disqualification clause, and he is therefore ineligible to serve as president ever again.” (The, 8/19/23, By J. Michael Luttig and Laurence H. Tribe)
J. Michael Luttig is a former federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Laurence H. Tribe is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.
Listening to your podcasts is so so so helpful Michael. It's like zooming out from the mire to recalibrate back to the FACTS and have a nugget of hope again. I appreciate you so much.
Michael, first of all I do not mean to sound caddy. As a Black Woman I have to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for thoughtfully selecting a photo of Fani Willis that portrays her as the beautiful, intelligent and amazingly talented woman she is. Unfortunately, over the years I have seen some pretty unbecoming photos of Black Women. Especially the angry Black Woman photos (although, we do have stuff to be angry about).
So, her dad took her to the office and exposed her to the law at an early age. If he was a White dad, he’d be classified as an amazing father. Yes, there are lots of Black Men who are amazing dads, who expose their kids to many experiences. Mine was an amazing dad. He could not take me to work because he worked in a steel mill. However, on his days off he spent lots of time with us at the park, the zoo, at civil rights demonstrations. He put us in the car and took us on lots of interstate road trips to expose us to other places and also put us through college. I just needed to get that off my chest! Black People and all People of Color are Normal People. I know I may be preaching to the choir on this site 😀.
There is a really important thing. I would like to make a request of all our White allies who believe that everyone deserves equal rights and want to see an inclusive nation. Simply and bluntly stated, we need you more than ever! We need you to stand up and find White friends to bring on the journey along with you. Your White friends will listen to you before they listen to me or other people of color. Based on my experience, that is just a fact. Your getting involved will help make the defining difference as we move towards an inclusive and welcoming country. Your standing in the shadows perpetuates the current situation.
The problem is not Democrats. The problem has and always will be Republicans. They run the House and the Supreme Kangaroo 🦘 Court. A Democrat can be educated 🏫 and you can move them to new positions to help the country. That is impossible to do that with a Republican. Zombie 🧟♂️ kangaroos 🦘 can’t be taught.
Wonderful podcast, Mike, from a Canadian follower + supporter.
Written by Pete Seeger and sang poorly by me and Puff the Magic Dragic is totally a weed anthem.
Ms. Larson, It must not necessarily happen that way. There is a simpler, legal way to prevent Trump from appearing on the next ballot. The state official responsible for placing candidates' names onto the ballot can simply refuse to include Trump. That official would be the Secretary of State for any state in the U.S. That official can legitimately do it.
The ball would then be in Trump's court. He would have the option of challenging that secretary of State's action in state court.
Good morning Michael I promise that I would read at least half of all your columns but I do not have the time to listen or do not process as much listening or ??? but if you sent those of us who ask for the written version of what you say it sure would be great Yes I can go someplace and find it but that just does not happen
We need some Democrats to pick a GOP candidate in Iowa Caucus to take it from Trump.
Wow. Powerful stuff Michael. Thanks for the insights about Fani's background. Respect. She is putting her life on the line. Thanks again for all you do for real freedom in the USA.
ouch. You make a lot of assumptions Jeff. that's not good. And that's all I'll say to avoid a tit for tat argument. I hope the US wins its cases against the would-be fuhrer.
Pearl habor is near Honolulu. Different island from what I see on Google maps. But WTF, indeed, and thanks for pointing it out Michael, troops could be mobilized. Does the governor have to request it? Can't see why the governor wouldn't! Every administration just seems to really mess it up with emergencies and communication. Shameful.
I'm still confused. There's a fire/storm/earthquake... What is the process? Does the governor declare an emergency; does she/he then ask FIMA? Biden to declare a "national emergency"? Does/can the Pres. declare an emergency that "releases" federal funds and aide? It always seems to take days. Can't just be the time zone difference, now can it? Maybe 2/3 days is "normal". No matter what country, the help never comes fast enough other than the locals pitching in; and Jose Andres who does NOT wait for any one at all. His world kitchen is on the ground in a nanosecond.
The state's governor must declare a state of emergency. Then the president can send in any aid he wants, including the U.S. military.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. That's what I thought but wasn't sure. Did Biden send any US military based in Hawaii to help? From near Paris, France. (Oregon born!)
With regards to the comments about Maui: The suggestion of putting electrical cables underground from my understanding may be wrong with regard to any area of the earth that experiences earthquakes caused by volcanic or any other geologic activity (such as fracking). So many cables would be severed, even with redundancies in place, that it could take a very, very long time to replace those lines within underground conduits and over a broad area after the stretching and shearing by those forces. Even routine disruptions unrelated to earthquakes could require digging to restore service rather than overhead repair by crane crews. I am no expert. ("For godsakes, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an electrical engineer") but a months-long restoration from damage over a broad area would compromise too many critical services for too long.
In landscape architect school, we talked about underground utilities a little bit. I agree with you. While aesthetically it clears the environment, logistically it can be a nightmare to repair, especially in areas with earthquake risk. But I understand the point. I also am not sure that shutting off the power 'after' the fact does any good. The horse already left the barn. And shutting off power preemptively I guess would be best, but you'd be challenged on why you did that too. Would those sirens have worked if they shut off power?
Most emergency equipment has battery backup as required by code. How Trump Got Rich: The Real Story. This video I watched last is so incredible. Trump was nurtured from the crib to be a menace, a grandiose self-entitled monster/mobster. The video's audio at the beginning is not so great but persevere. Fascinating.
In writing about Trump’s speech from the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, to his supporters who then overran the Capitol, Baude and Paulsen said Trump delivered a “general and specific message” that the election was stolen, calling on the crowd to take immediate action to block the transfer of power before falling silent for hours as the insurrection progressed.
“Trump’s deliberate inaction renders his January 6 speech much more incriminating in hindsight, because it makes it even less plausible (if it was ever plausible) that the crowd’s reaction was all a big mistake or misunderstanding,” they write.
The law professors argued current and former officeholders who took part in supporting or planning the efforts to overturn the election for Trump should also be “stringently scrutinized” under the Constitution should they seek bids for future public office.
Why shouldn't those 121 be expelled? straight away? I don't get it. Because there are so many of them?
Jeff I agree , I would love to see him charged with a felony.
Jeff, you’re assuming the person who wants the 121
senators & reps who helped Trump plan the 1/6 event and voted against impeachment wouldn’t get due process and have evidence presented of their role in the whole fiasco.
Nobody is suggesting those senators & reps should be expelled without all of the legal protections they are entitled to.
I wondered why one of the cruise lines didn't park there to house & feed people.