Thank you Michael Moore-- you are tireless, committed to justice, and an inspiration to us all.

Forgive me, but I would like to add one additional point, which I realize will be controversial. The problem with the Democratic and Independent Senators who bravely (and yes, bravely) voted against supplying arms for genocide (thank you!) is that sadly all of them will loudly affirm the "right" of the "State of Israel" to exist. But in my view, states don't have rights-- people do. And the "State of Israel" (and the zionist movement that created it) at its ideological heart and its practice over 100 years has been settler-ist and and apartheid-ist. The conflicts this leads to inevitably invites war crimes if not genocide. Our children in school pledge allegiance to "one republic with liberty and justice for all" and then sing from "sea to shining sea". We should support a country in Palestine that offers liberty and justice for all, from "river to sea". And so should our elected representatives.

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Well said! Too many Democrats seem to believe it’s acceptable to support actions of genocide against a group of people, without facing any consequences, while feigning ignorance of the historical context. For them, the truth often takes a backseat to the killing of innocent civilians, making them complicit in these atrocities. As a Swede, I was unaware of the deeply entangled and dysfunctional relationship between the U.S. and Israel. Due to the Holocaust, Israel appears to be allowed to commit war crime after war crime, while many Democrats turn a blind eye, endorsing apartheid and an extreme far-right agenda that completely contradicts democratic values.

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The "Holocaust" is a cover-- despite the loud posturing opposing anti-semitism, US support for Israel has never been about protecting Jewish people but always about serving US imperialist interests in the middle east (chiefly oil and shipping routes).

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The single state solution with both Palestinians and Jews having equal rights is a non-starter. Maybe after a century or two of a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel, but not anytime soon. There is too much history of bloodshed, too much fear and hatred of the other on both sides for these two people to live in peace together. Perhaps if from the get-go the Palestinians had leadership more like Mandela who reassured the Afrikaners there would be forgiveness for apartheid through a "truth-and-reconciliation" process. Instead, the Palestinians are led by Hamas, which has promised vengeance.

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Remember, only 17% of Palestinians voted for Hamas.

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Th Democratic Party is so broken, it’s been obvious for years, in every election that we should easily have won but keep losing, to people the rest of the world laughs at.  That people would rather vote for the scum the Republican Party has to offer rather than a Democrat says volumes, and it can’t always be chalked up to low information or ignorance.  Something is profoundly wrong with the Democratic Party, and unless we correct it soon the country could easily slip into chaos we won’t soon be able to recover from. That the mighty Democratic Party keeps getting defeated by a cult of loudmouth boors tells you so much about where we are at this moment, but it rarely seems like the Democrats in power are listening. When will they start?

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It's really quite simple, the Democrats don't represent the American people. They take bribes from the same corporate criminals as the Republicans. Nothing is going to change until we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of all the pain and suffering in the world.

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Well, you're in luck. That awful party lost the White House this year.

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I sent this note to Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray:

I am extremely disappointed that you lacked the courage to support the resolution to halt sending weapons to Israel. Genocide is genocide is genocide.

I would urge you to read Ta-Nehisi Coates recent book, "The Message." I would urge you to watch this: https://youtu.be/NqK3_n6pdDY?si=ZoAriU-Zeyu5mwSn.

In what world or universe, at what point in history, by what kind of people with the power to do otherwise is it even fathomable that the United States supports and funds a 21st century religious crusade bent on ethnic cleansing? This is not hyperbole. I wish to God it was.

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Read my post today. I can say for fact that they are all bought and paid for--even the ones who voted against sending arms to Israel. They cast their meaningless votes to make you think they are not part of the problem, but continue to vote for the corrupt leadership.

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Horrid! Deplorable!


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Oh you mean the Ta_nehisi Coates who omits any mention of Hamas in his controversial book? that Ta Nehisi Coates, the hardly unbiased journalist/writer?

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There is a very good recent conversation between Ezra Klein and Ta-Nehisi Coates. I think Coates would agree with you, that in his essay regarding his 2023 observations of Gaza, he is not an unbiased journalist. Indeed, in this case, he is not capable of being unbiased.

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I’m so glad that you sent that message to your senators, Rebecca. I’m so proud that both of my senators (Heinrich & Luján) voted for Sanders bill to halt the sake of weapons to Israel.

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As Senator Sanders pointed out, every law abiding Senator would vote to STOP funding the arms since it violates the Arms Control Export Act, the Foreign Assistance Act and the Leahy Law.

In a Democratic Party not dominated by criminals, voting with Bernie would be an easy, unanimous, patriotic answer.

Instead dozens of Democratic Senators, envious of Republican criminals, shamelessly mocked US law to join all the Republicans in their project, exposing their bipartisan values: the laws forbidding everything from sexual assault to mass murder don’t apply to OUR friends.

(Of course, such contempt for Thou Shalt Not Kill and the Rule of Law is deeply antisemitic.)

What horrifies me most: both of the California Senators technically representing my blue state (both inserted by the governor to fill vacancies) shamelessly joined this criminal conspiracy.

The Democrats are so indifferent to murder and attached to their favorite lobby, they’re ready to lose California.

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here is Economist/historian Jeffrey Sachs talking to Judge Napalatano on Israel:


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You're right on target but it's worse than you think. Read my post today or go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. The Republicans and Democrats are conspiring together to subvert the rule of law--conspiring together to commit treason. If the American people ever find out what they have been up to--they're done.

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We need a new “Round Table Party.”

Both dominant political groups are so good at scrounging money all the time, with ones with the most money winning the election.

The people at the round table should be obligated to enact bills based on votes from the American people. Vote from home. One voter, one vote, indicated by a one dollar deposit plopped into the vote counter from each voter’s registered voting account.

The voters can decide on any issue, just like a local election.

We don’t need representatives making our choices. We would decide, they would fulfill those wishes.

If they fail, they are voted out, at any time.

Wooo. That would be like, I don’t know, Democracy?

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The grifters would never agree.

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Like democracy? Or more like a demagogue’s wet dream. Nice in theory. But plebiscites are usually disastrous. Low information voters voting on single issues based on emotions not nuance.

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Yep, people can be dumb. Whatever the perfectly average IQ is, 50% are below that by definition.

Soo… a discussion to present a ballot issue, a pro/con discussion, then a vote, a further discussion to address disputes, then another vote. No discussion just to slow things down, but to facilitate an attempt at resolving difficulties.

Actually, a vote should consist of 2 Cents per voter. A dollar is too much.

The Round Table Party, open to all wishing to put in their 2 Cents.

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A perfect reason I am an independent. It is rewarding that the two senators from my home state (D - MA} have voted with the fine independent to stop this mass murder. Just know that every republican does not make bad choices as well as every democrat does not make good choices. Governing for the people has somehow gotten lost in the money. Thank you for your posts Mr. Moore. The fight is not over. FORWARD!

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If you want to stop the corruption, you are going to have to show the American people concrete proof that both major political parties have sold them out. I have that proof. Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice

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I am sorry to say I disagree with you and think you are partly responsible for Kamala losing by this attitude that Israel is intentionally committing genocide which is the most ridiculous and clearly anti semitic attitude that can be expressed.

Israel is not at war with the Gazan people. They are at war with Hamas and other entities that have consistently refused to accept their right to exist, which came about, you may recall, following a genocide devoted to eliminating them altogether and killing 6 million of us in the process.

The attack on October 7, 2023 was committed by Hamas who are sworn to eliminate Israel and Israelis and was carried out to create just this kind of backlash in the hope of undermining Israel.

And the more people like you speak as you do the more likely for them to succeed and for people like Donald Trump to be elected.

So if you value progressive values as you say you do I suggest you stop perpetuating this distorted viewpoint.

Respectfully submitted.

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I am Jewish and I disagree with you. Even Einstein called Ben Gurion and his “Zionists” FASCISTS. When you at Zionists, you only see the good. When you look at Arabs, you only see the bad. You do not realize that the Israel was created by imposition, not negotiation. Einstein himself said that there should not be a state unless it was done through negotiation.

I grew up with the David and Goliath story about Israel and the Arabs - but it is just a story. Instead of learning compassion, some Jews (like Netanyahu and the right wing in Israel) learned to use the methods of racism and fascism. By doing that, the “Chosen People” become the Aryans of Israel. What happened to the Jewish belief that every life is sacred? Is it only Jewish lives? We all should know better, or we don’t deserve the air we breathe.

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Well said Bev. Ellen you are sadly wrong. Children are being deliberately shot by IDF quadcopter drones as they lie helpless. It is DISGUSTING


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I saw one news outlet in America reported this last week:

Keir Starmer, Britain’s PM, said that Netanyahu and Gallant cannot set foot in Britain without being arrested.

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Oh yea, the BBC! Come on.

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Yes. The BBC who are usually criticised for being anti Palestinian.

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Netanyahu does not speak for me as an American Jew, nor does he speak for most of Israel.

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In addition to the actual perpetrators, the international criminal court should issue arrest warrants for anyone who attempts to justify the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure--attempts to justify war crimes.

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Israel has been intentionally doing its thing from the get-go. Where you been?

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Good for you, Ellen, you said what needed to be said.

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Economist/historian Jeffrey Sachs talks about the Gazan War at multiple points in this interview, including here:


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Thank you! This is the Mike I remember!

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Thank you for being the voice of conscience. The Reagans and Dick Cheneys of the world were staunch supporters of the apartheid regime in South Africa until it fizzled. Apartheid Israel commits genocide and we call it the only democracy in the Middle East defending itself. Our hypocrisy will be laughable if it didn’t have such deadly consequences. Shame on the arms dealers in the senate! You forewarned them: ignore Gaza and you lose bigly. They listened not and bigly did they lose the presidency!

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Israel is not Apartheid. That is patently a lie. Every Arab living in Israel has exactly the same rights as everyone else. Please retract your lie.

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Since Netanyahu and the Israeli government do not recognize any part of Palestine, but insist the Palestinians are living in Israel. All those same Palestinians, who have no rights and who are being murdered, as we write, actually are suffering under the Israeli Apartheid, regime.

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Thanks for making my work easy. Anyone who has visited the West Bank is shocked by scenes worse than they were in apartheid South Africa. Palestinians use separate roads, they are issued different color passes to move around; they are frisked every few yards, and harassed by gun-toting settlers etc. Little wonder that the Netanyahu government has kicked out all foreign correspondents and don’t allow visitors to freely visit West Bank, much less the Gaza Strip which was an open air prison before October 7.

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You dont see them saying they are willing to live in peace with Israel, do you? You dont hear them willing to recognize Israel's right to exist, do you?

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AIPAC (The Israeli Lobby) is bribing our corrupt government officials to fund, arm, and provide political cover for genocide. The American people generally don't have a clue what their government has been up to. The media is blame. Read my post today or go to my Substack for documented proof of their treasonous bipartisan conspiracy to subvert the rule of law.

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There IS no Palestine. There is Gaza and the west bank. Since the gazans elected a terrorist group to lead them, and that group has a charter that clearly calls for the destruction of Israel and of Jews, It cannot be said that Israel is practicing apartheid, when Arabs who live in Israel have the same rights as every other citizen, including having membership in the Knesset.

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And perhaps you are correct. What has happened in Gaza is more than apartheid - Apartheid is a policy that is founded on the idea of separating people based on racial or ethnic criteria. So yes the people of Palestine were rounded up and segregated into Gaza and the West Bank and kept there by force much like South Africa… but now it has evolved to be even more …more dehumanizing, more ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

The people who live in Gaza or the West Bank are controlled by the Israeli army. They call themselves Palestinian since their families lived in that land (now Israel) for many many generations. Most of their families were pushed out of their homes in greater Israel and forced into Gaza and the West Bank. Whatever name you want to use to identify them, they live in what Netanyahu calls Israel. His army controls their lives. Where and how and if they can go anywhere. Now …the Israeli army continues to kill maim and starve these human souls in what he calls Isreal. Most of the people in Gaza were not even born when Hamas came to power. There has not been elections since 2007. If you cannot see this was and is an apartheid regime, it is because you close your eyes and heart.

There is a movie called Final Account which includes interviews of Germans who lived next to the concentration camps and who would say, “ we did not know what they were doing.” During one interview one elderly lady turned to her village neighbor and said “we knew, you know we knew, we just closed our eyes.”

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Thank you Michael for recommending we contact our senators about their vote on the latest arms shipment for genocide. I was relieved to see that both of my New Mexico Senators - Heinrich and Lujan - voted against it. I wrote to both to thank them for their stand.

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Thanks for this, Michael. I wrote to our Senator Butler. Never received a reply. I am particularly dismayed that Cory Booker voted for this. I had thought he was a person with compassion for all living beings. I don't see Senator Raskin? Did he abstain?

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Jamie Raskin is in the House.

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Both of our illustrious senators voted to perpetuate Genocide. I'm not voting for them again.

But I printed out a copy of the good guys to remind me of their courage and will support them in further office. After I pick my jaw up off the floor. People are so fearful of the Israel lobby. Grow a spine, people!

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Gavin is no doubt on board, with his close ties to the Dem establishment.

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No doubt he has his eye on the presidency in 2028. I will be supporting someone else.

Also fun, if you want to look at possible contestants for the California governorship, Harris is on the list of maybes. I will be supporting someone else.here as well.

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Crazy if Harris runs. I wouldn't vote for them either.

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They are afraid of losing money, support, maybe a few believe the hasbara. How can they be so lacking in morals, decency, compassion? Truly frightening.

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They are always going to do exactly what the "donors" want them to do and then lie about how they acting in your best interests. If you're not bribing them-they don't represent you. I have documented proof to back up this assertion. Read my post today or go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice.

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I am disgusted at the level of this conversation. The war in Gaza is not a simple, easily solved situation. Both sides have a right to exist Gazans and Israelis. Hamas brutally attacked and killed Jews-beheading babies, etc. Netanyahu is a war criminal and has deliberately targeted civilian populations. Both sides are wrong. Petition your reps to stop sending offensive, large bombs to Israel. Biden's plan for peace and a 2 state solution seemed quite reasonable. Neither side wanted reason to prevail: Hamas deliberately positioned themselves under civilian populations. Tell me how to have a nice clean war that doesn't kill women and children.

Let's look at what was bought with this election. Republicans scored a great victory for a demented felon. So Russia is now marching across Ukraine plundering and killing. Not so much as a picture from US media. Russia is and has been taking Ukrainian children and deporting them to Russia's sex trade. I haven't seen coverage of that in the mainstream media. Oh, I guess sexploitation of children only counts when it's Hillary operating out of a pizza parlor. Russia is amassing it's war machine for the Big War (2029?). With Trump in charge, we are looking at WWIII. We will abandon NAFTA and China will attack Taiwan. Tell me how to be optimistic about our future. Fifteen thousand climate scientists signed a letter saying they had an obligation to warn the public that the planet is on the cusp of a global catastrophe. Haven't seen much concern about that either. Maybe the problem is not with Dems or Reps; the problem is with Homo sapiens.

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While walking down a hall during my recent VA medical check-up I heard a voice behind me loudly asking anyone listening, "where you going to be when WW111 starts?" and without looking back, I replied "AWOL".

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Israel has stolen their homes and land and brutalized and killed the Palestinians since 1948. England made a horrific decision and Iz ran with it. No conscience except for a few. It's all built on lies.

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"...the problem is with Homo sapiens" I couldn't agree more.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you Michael.

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Everyday morning and evening or whenever I feel like it I send texts to Joe. Just asking him why he doesn't get off his butt. Have some balls.

Sadly both my California Senators are on the shit list.

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The Democrats elephant in the room! With all the endless analysis of what went wrong, no one wants to even mention the effect Gaza had on electing Trump. It’s too obvious but these AIPAC beholden drones have a strange sense of morality when it comes to Israel. What would you expect when the ineffectual majority leader’s loyalties are indisputable. Clearly the whole group and the party itself were more concerned about Israel’s future than our democracy, QED.

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There is a disconnect between the old establishment of the democratic party and the grass roots democrats. The leadership is still firmly in the AIPAC grip. AIPAC is nothing more than one issue interest group, composed of wealthy millionaires and billionaires, who is only interest is to guarantee unlimited , unconditional military, financial, political support for ISrael, even when it is committing genocide, and practicing Apartheid.

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