Michael, this is breathtaking! I am thrilled to hear your voice here in western 🇮🇳 India. It is Independence Day in India, by coincidence. Your reading of the names is music to my ears. Esp Mark Meadows!!! Thank you a million tons..for all you do!

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Fani Willis, a true Georgia Bulldog!!!!❤️

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Also, Mike, she is a true American Patriot and hero. What a powerful press conference!

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Why do Americans use the word Patriot all the time? Or Hero.

She is doing her job.

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Because NONE of those men did their jobs !!!!!!!!! She is a hero

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Jennifer, To fight the stupidity of the right. They hijack everything, including language. I am a 60's activist and never used such terms in my youth. I'm using them now😊.

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How does one activist? Because I am a gen X pissed off voter!

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Send me your email address. I'll tell you how to "activist"!

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In Trump world, it is a call to the militia.

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Stay Nasty 😉

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Thank you, Michael. I read the news on New York Times a couple of hours ago and I did my happy dance then. It is so invigorating to see him and his merry gang of thugs indicted for racketeering like the low class mobsters they are. I can hardly wait for the trials to start in January.

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Love that we can now tie TFGs name to thugs like Al Capone!

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Joseph, the big difference between Al and Dump is Al was a REAL, “honest” criminal. He said I am a criminal. Dump just lies, lies and lies some more. I respect Al for that, even though i would not ever condone his crimes. I hope dump goes to jail for the rest of his life.

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True true. The whole fakeness and obvious lying by TFG never ceases to amaze me. What's worse is all these effing politicians who are willing to sell their souls to this b.astard because calling him out would cost them votes. Freeking cowards supporting a fascist. horrible.

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Not to forget his gullible voters 😁

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Biden is no different as you will soon find out.

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Holding our own accountable is a fine thing. But there's an immense difference between being a mobster and Joe Biden.

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I wonder how Lindsey Graham slipped through the first round of indictments? Later maybe? since there are nearly 30 more people who can still be indicted. There are more congressmen and senators that should be on that list or at least indicted in another case.

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Possible he is one of the unindicted coconspirators.

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Yes Lindsay gramm. He was great friends with McCain supposedly and now he's sucking up to trump who insulted McCain s dignity

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I think he's going to abscond! Typical Trump behavior, leaving his cohorts behind. They need to lock him up before he jumps ship, like the rat he is!

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I always thought he would flee to UAE, I think that has no extradition agreement with USA. What do we think the 2Bn$ to Jared Kushner was for? Why did TFG not go after Saudi Arabia after Khoshoggi got murdered? TFG needs a safe haven. His private plane can take him whereever. He won't need his ppt even tho he still has it.

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Two places come to mind...St. Helena and Elba

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How dare you........he's your responsibility don't foist him on Europe.

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The enclosed short audio essay (below) has explained the differences between authoritarianism and fascism.

Years ago it was revealed that Trump was reading books about Italian fascism, Mussolini, and other dictators during the second world war.

Trump uses fascist language in his speeches that draw people who are looking for a powerful authoritarian fascist leader.


Please copy and share


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Robert Reich is an awesome guy and he's been calling out the former political party turned cult of personality since the Mango Mussolini first squatted in the WH. Thanks for sharing this video - he spells out very clearly that the cult has become an authoritarian one and IQ45** is a fascist dictator wannabe.

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IQ45 god one!

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Wish I could take credit for it, but I got that from someone else 😜

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Thank you for sharing the link. Very informative.

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You're welcome

Let's get this insane fascist garbage STOPPED

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"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine," attributed to both Greek and Chinese philosophers. Thanks for what you are doing, Michael.

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Yes and "Let us not be weary in well-doing , for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Bible

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Remember when people said drumpf was not an existential threat. Maybe people Mike an apology. You called it.

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I got to watch the announcement live as I am on the West Coast. Last spring I was in a workshop and sat next to a retired White House lawyer. During a break I asked her if any of these indictments were going to stick and she said the Georgia one is very strong. It gave me hope then and last night gave me even more hope.

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Thank you. I am relieved she told it all; got it all out there. I am also relieved that instead of going to ancient laws (however important they are narrower and not as accessible to the average person) she went for modern racketeering charges. Why is he not put in jail for contempt of court when he rages

on social media with threats?

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Why does he get Sooooo much media attention?

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oh maybe he will be. Of course he will rant and kick his feet and scream TDS and witch hunt. He has no other viable response.

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Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Fani Willis is my new hero! She means business and she is brilliant!

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She is doing her job....why a hero?

This is not a movie.

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I can name my heroes and I know this is not a movie - did I say it was?...but it is a nightmare. Yes she is doing her job. And many will try to take her down along with the Grand Jury as we can see. Good luck to her. Good luck to the US in getting back on track with democracy.

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As far as I know, no one has even mentioned emoluments…what we have here is a bottomless pit of sleaze. Grateful that finally some action is underway. Imprisonment should be in a tiny, windowless cell in a very hot dusty border town, with just a hole in the floor, no air conditioning, no visitors, no nothing. If children can be separated from their parents and jailed in horrific conditions, so can Trump be jailed. If justice is thorough, and it so rarely is, his family will be there too, serving time in the adjacent cell block…

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Rep Jaime Raskin was on TV Sunday morning saying House Dems will be releasing a report showing all the money he and his family made while he was in the White House, violating the Constitution’s Emoluments clause.

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Isn't that something? That was the first thing he violated with all his grifting with his DC hotel. But unfortunately, that became small potatos next to all his other nonsense.

Why are Republican leaders still afraid of this racketeering criminal? Someone needs to step up besides Chris Christie.

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Michael, thank you so much for sharing! I did catch most of this yesterday evening. I respect everyones spiritual beliefs. For myself I have to shout Amen snd Hallelujah! May justice be served! way to go Fani Willis!

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Thank you, Mike, for what you say here.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Trump is a lousy mobster. Mobsters are way better at “it”. Trump is more a 🦞, a lousy mobster.

How do we stop 🛑 this from happening again, because next time it won’t be a lobster 🦞.

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