None of those puckered buttholes of shame should have been allowed to run for office, much less be allowed to take the oath most of them chose to spit upon 24 months ago. Now they are positioned to do the bidding of even grosser anal-folk for the next 2 years. There's simply insufficient Prep H to shrink their impact and no septic large enough to flush them down; so, let us laugh at them as often as possible, and make them truly the criminals they are by constraining their attempts at escaping justice. They are America's latest Nazi Scum and should leave a horrible taste in the mouth of any true patriot. Put them in jail!
Oh my goodness!!!!!!! I live in happy California where the whales swim by and we all watch while we do yoga. Not really. My rep was red and flipped blue. It has lots of red hot spots here. I am so sorry for your pain.
It would be a historical moment for restructuring the Congress to become the functional government body that it has not been in decades. But, despite our calls, this is not going to happen. The same code of silence that reigns inside corrupt police departments reigns in Congress too. Doing so threatens the retention of power by very wealthy connected people. Those who would hold those who encouraged and sided with the insurrectionists accountable fear retribution from the donors who sunk millions into PACs to get both themselves and these insurrectionists into power. The sum invested into all those faces on your poster into power defies imagination. I'll be surprised if a single Congress person rises to hold any one of their own accountable. If one does, I'll be donating to that person's next campaign.
Michael. Have you ever been offered an editorial column or regular spot on someone’s show? I distinctly heard Ari Melber say he would have you back on if you were right about the election. Has he? I don’t see every show every day.
Since my congress critter is David Rouzer, political opportunist and quiet seditious traitor, he won't support measures that would sanction him or his seditious colleague newly elected senator, Ted Budd. How does NC elect these creeps?
I left messages for Sen Dianne Feinstein and Rep Jared Huffman, but to my surprise, Sen Alex Padilla's system did not permit me to record my call. I'm in CA and won't be able to call at 6 am my time tomorrow. Shame on Alex! I am concerned about these traitors being back in government in any capacity-- they should be in jail. As a marine ecologist who sees the effects of global warming on ocean life every day, I shudder to think what further damage those crooks could do to our planet.
Btw, I try not to use the phrase "climate change" because it's a scientifically meaningless euphemism paid for by republicans and the oil lobby to replace "global warming," which sounded too scary. Well, yes, the truth is not just inconvenient, it's damned scary! The earth's ecosystems are changing faster than any of the models predicted, and we are not in control. We are, in fact, at a tipping point that requires immediate global responses to a global warming catastrophe caused by burning fossil fuels. Period. Every day that we fail to engage in efforts to reduce carbon consumption brings all of us closer to irreparable harm, from plankton so tiny I need a microscope to study them, to the marine mammals, fishes, seabirds, and humans that depend on them for food.
Happy new year, and (from all of us) for the work that you do.
I am so incensed to think it possible that any of these supporters of insurrection could be once again taking the oath of office tomorrow!!!!
How can this be possible?
I think they should all resign immediately.
If not, they should be required to take the oath while holding up their middle finger as a gesture of their complete disregard of anything resembling truth or honesty in taking that oath.
Makes me want to vomit to think of it.
Called to leave a message for my Rep, one of the many in Florida.
I bit the bullet and bought a membership today. Money well spent. 11 congress people from FL! I’ve been busy on the phone tonight Michael, starting with Brian Mast. He doesn’t represent me. Traitors should not serve. You are the best in predictions but I’m thinking in just a few short years noone will want to admit they hired for Trump. I was born in MI, still in my veins forever.
I live in the sorry state of Alabama and left a msg for Richard Shelby about all 5 congressman . I've lived here all of 3 yrs to be near my daughter who married a guy who's family is retired military and settled here. It's so difficult sometimes. I don't want my granddaughter to attend school and grow up here. A large number of people I work with don't even vote or know the issues facing this country! It's unfathomable! Out governor is the worst . Look her ass up sometime. Kay Ivey. She steals funds that could be used to fund state Medicaid or provide rent assistance (during COVID) and uses it to build more prisons and NOW, it's legal to walk around flaunting your gun! Grandma Ivey wants more blacks to be killed and imprisoned. She's openly racist and loves her guns.
Done. My rep is Ted Lieu (D) who stood against these traitors.
Done! Mine is Lauren Boebert, unfortunately.
I’m so sorry.
Thank you! Sympathy accepted :)
Oh, dear. My condolences. :(
Oh, wow! Good for you!!
None of those puckered buttholes of shame should have been allowed to run for office, much less be allowed to take the oath most of them chose to spit upon 24 months ago. Now they are positioned to do the bidding of even grosser anal-folk for the next 2 years. There's simply insufficient Prep H to shrink their impact and no septic large enough to flush them down; so, let us laugh at them as often as possible, and make them truly the criminals they are by constraining their attempts at escaping justice. They are America's latest Nazi Scum and should leave a horrible taste in the mouth of any true patriot. Put them in jail!
Yesterday's Merriam Webster's word for the day was Annus Mirabilis which means remarkable year. For these clowns we can shorten it to anus mirabilis.
Yeah. And now we have that ding bat George Santos from Long Island, NY. He is being sworn in today! He should be forced to resign.
Yup they are back...but not for long...listen to Rachel Maddow's podcast "Ultra" to hear how. You will be glad you did.
What's the title of it? I want to listen, too.
Thank you!
"Ultra" is great, and somehow it has been reassuring to know that we survived another attempt at a coup in the 1940s.
I heard it, too. I never realized that this happened before. Thank Heaven for Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for bringing this to light.
My congressman is one of the insurrectionists, so I doubt that his office would appreciate my phone call. Plus he is related to me by marriage.
Oh my goodness!!!!!!! I live in happy California where the whales swim by and we all watch while we do yoga. Not really. My rep was red and flipped blue. It has lots of red hot spots here. I am so sorry for your pain.
Oh, NO! How horrible! My condolences.
It would be a historical moment for restructuring the Congress to become the functional government body that it has not been in decades. But, despite our calls, this is not going to happen. The same code of silence that reigns inside corrupt police departments reigns in Congress too. Doing so threatens the retention of power by very wealthy connected people. Those who would hold those who encouraged and sided with the insurrectionists accountable fear retribution from the donors who sunk millions into PACs to get both themselves and these insurrectionists into power. The sum invested into all those faces on your poster into power defies imagination. I'll be surprised if a single Congress person rises to hold any one of their own accountable. If one does, I'll be donating to that person's next campaign.
I don't believe anyone is expecting that result. However, if we stay silent, then for sure nothing will happen.
National Treasure is she!!
Michael. Have you ever been offered an editorial column or regular spot on someone’s show? I distinctly heard Ari Melber say he would have you back on if you were right about the election. Has he? I don’t see every show every day.
Since my congress critter is David Rouzer, political opportunist and quiet seditious traitor, he won't support measures that would sanction him or his seditious colleague newly elected senator, Ted Budd. How does NC elect these creeps?
Done. Derek Kilmer (D) in WA State is my rep.
Hi Michael,
I left messages for Sen Dianne Feinstein and Rep Jared Huffman, but to my surprise, Sen Alex Padilla's system did not permit me to record my call. I'm in CA and won't be able to call at 6 am my time tomorrow. Shame on Alex! I am concerned about these traitors being back in government in any capacity-- they should be in jail. As a marine ecologist who sees the effects of global warming on ocean life every day, I shudder to think what further damage those crooks could do to our planet.
Btw, I try not to use the phrase "climate change" because it's a scientifically meaningless euphemism paid for by republicans and the oil lobby to replace "global warming," which sounded too scary. Well, yes, the truth is not just inconvenient, it's damned scary! The earth's ecosystems are changing faster than any of the models predicted, and we are not in control. We are, in fact, at a tipping point that requires immediate global responses to a global warming catastrophe caused by burning fossil fuels. Period. Every day that we fail to engage in efforts to reduce carbon consumption brings all of us closer to irreparable harm, from plankton so tiny I need a microscope to study them, to the marine mammals, fishes, seabirds, and humans that depend on them for food.
Happy new year, and (from all of us) for the work that you do.
That should have said Thanks!! for the work that you do.
I am so incensed to think it possible that any of these supporters of insurrection could be once again taking the oath of office tomorrow!!!!
How can this be possible?
I think they should all resign immediately.
If not, they should be required to take the oath while holding up their middle finger as a gesture of their complete disregard of anything resembling truth or honesty in taking that oath.
Makes me want to vomit to think of it.
Called to leave a message for my Rep, one of the many in Florida.
I called and left a message for each PA traitor. It's the least I can do.
My Rep is Ilhan Omar. Message left. Thanks for all you do my friend. You are always welcome in my home.
I bit the bullet and bought a membership today. Money well spent. 11 congress people from FL! I’ve been busy on the phone tonight Michael, starting with Brian Mast. He doesn’t represent me. Traitors should not serve. You are the best in predictions but I’m thinking in just a few short years noone will want to admit they hired for Trump. I was born in MI, still in my veins forever.
I live in the sorry state of Alabama and left a msg for Richard Shelby about all 5 congressman . I've lived here all of 3 yrs to be near my daughter who married a guy who's family is retired military and settled here. It's so difficult sometimes. I don't want my granddaughter to attend school and grow up here. A large number of people I work with don't even vote or know the issues facing this country! It's unfathomable! Out governor is the worst . Look her ass up sometime. Kay Ivey. She steals funds that could be used to fund state Medicaid or provide rent assistance (during COVID) and uses it to build more prisons and NOW, it's legal to walk around flaunting your gun! Grandma Ivey wants more blacks to be killed and imprisoned. She's openly racist and loves her guns.