Within hours, sometime tomorrow/today morning (Tuesday, January 3rd), 121 reelected members of Congress (including 2 promoted to the Senate) who participated in the attempted coup of January 6th by voting in the House and Senate to overturn the 2020 election — i.e., overthrow the elected government — will raise their hand and take the same oath they took three days before they voted to give the insurrections what they wanted in 2021.
This should not happen. I’m asking you to join me in calling your representatives on Capitol Hill and insisting that those members of Congress who sought to block President Biden from entering the White House and who provided aid and comfort to the domestic terrorists, that they be constitutionally prohibited from taking a seat in this new session of Congress.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is very clear. It says any sworn official of the government who joins in an insurrection or rebellion or provides aid and comfort to them is not allowed to hold any office in the country.
On this poster I created are the list of names and the mug shots of those who voted to object to the legal vote counts of Arizona and Pennsylvania on the night of the insurrection. At that point, the other 73% of Congress put their foot down and voted to certify that Joe Biden was the president of the United States.
Please join me in calling your Representative immediately to object to seating insurrectionists.
If your Representative was one of the insurrectionists, please ask him/her to not take the oath and resign.
Take a moment and let history record your objection.
Thank you.
Michael Moore
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Done. My rep is Ted Lieu (D) who stood against these traitors.
Done! Mine is Lauren Boebert, unfortunately.