Hey Michael, Once again your kind words for your neighbours north of the border are very welcome. We don't get too sentimental on Canada Day (used to be called Dominion Day) but if we are in Ottawa at the War Memorial we can get a little choked up. I love July 1st, going up to the family cottage in the Muskokas. I love remembering that we are the big-little country that always looked up to our big cousin to the south. America has so much to be proud of -- its authors, artists, playwrights, scientists, NASA - fabulous heroes - including more recently, pandemic truth-sayer and leader Dr. Fauci and that young lady Hutchinson testifying before the Jan 6 committee. We hope that you will be able to throw off the poisoned 1984ish Trumpism that has so infected parts of the country. We have had to put up with some of that same crazy when the so called "Tuckers" protest invaded Ottawa and some of our border crossings. Our esteemed author Margaret Attwood wrote the Handmaid's Tale. I just can't believe I am witnessing the backward march of women's rights and very sad to see the attack on EPA and gun control in NY. But, Monday is the 4th of July and I believe in American greatness and generosity. Love ya' Mike. Stay healthy, we all need you. M.J.

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I live in New York. I have started to learn the words to Oh Canada just in case we need to be adopted.

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Canada has problems too but nothing near the US. There were horrifying residential “schools “, really concentration camps for children, although these also were implemented in the US. Both countries are finally acknowledging their responsibilities although Canada is ahead of the US yet again. The MAGA populism is creeping into Canada as well and as a dual Canadian/Californian I really hope it doesn’t turn into the dumpster fire that it is in the US.

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Proud Canadian here. Won't even visit the US anymore. Used to love visiting. Not anymore!

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While traveling in Europe in 2016, I realized (yes, for the first time in my long life!) that our country is an infant compared to the rest of the industrial world. Unfortunately our politics and societal structure reflect this infancy.

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Why is the US propaganda machine able to eradicate all news from Canada? From abroad in general? (TV in Colombia give you access to the national TV channels of most European countries) And, with impunity call these countries socialists, not having a clue what it means, as if socialism were the devil incarnate. The word was selected to oppose the "unbounded individualism" of of capitalism: "All for us, and nothing for the rest" the vile maxim of the masters of mankind (Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations" 1776). It means developing a system that fosters a good society to live in for the people. Describing all the advantages of socialism in foreign societies would eventually gains hearts and minds in the US. The masters of mankind won't have any of it. And we suffer, in ignorance. (disclosure: I am a Canadian citizen, I know of what I speak)

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

We immigrated to the U.S. in 1980 from the U.K. My parents, at the time- looked to this country as a beacon of hope + the land of opportunity for my sister + I. We’ve been afforded great educations that have come with great debt; a double-edged sword. Growing up & becoming aware of this country’s history has been sobering + a true life lesson, to say the very least.

As an adult, experiencing the divisiveness + every ‘man’ for himself way of life; see: [racist/sexist/homophobic/hypocritical + anti-other], has left me feeling angry + in search of a better way. It’s like living in a hostile country environment. I know many others are feeling the same & how sad.

Yes- this country is in its infancy but I’m a grown ass woman + I don’t have time for babies- literally or figuratively + guess what- I should have the right to decide that, so I’m interviewing other countries!

In the meantime, I’m going to do what I can to help my sisters living in hateful states, that are now, not able to get an abortion as easily as I did at 18 but know this- the clock is ticking America. 🇺🇸


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Happy Canada Day. Born in Iowa I came here in 1959 and found a country free of legal racism.

Open to immigrants of the world. But we are just learning about the past and those whe were here first. Reconcilliation ongoing.

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Thank you Mike. I'm with you to help push back however I can. As a disabled senior I can still do something. Calling our reps isn't enough.

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Just how many of us feel, Michael. This is the saddest 4th of July of my life. I’m now ashamed of being an American citizen--the land of the fascists, the yellow-bellied R “leaders”, the women/minority/gay haters, and the imprisoned majority.

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There is a growing movement to protest all the craziness by STOPping on July 4th. Don't go to work, (if possible), don't go shopping... STOP and consider where we are as a country/culture, and what we might do differently. Guns, violence, corruption... Where our own personal responsibility lies,... July 4th! STOP!! Shut down and THINK! We have little time left, if any, to change course...

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Thanks for sharing that bit of the Constitution which was news to me.

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As a boomer, I for one felt that our government and or our political system would rite this wrong. over the past 50 years. I never thought bribery would be ignored!? While the guardrails were coming off, I thought, surely these people would not destroy the country they live in, or appear to want to takeover.

It’s clear to me now I was dead wrong. For the first time in my life I can not even imagine a solution 🥺

All of our protections are compromised.

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Thanks Michael for giving hope and energy just when it's needed.

Let's all register someone to vote this holiday week! That will be something to celebrate.

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Shame on US.

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Hi USA Neighbours: I am a proud Canadian living in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Yukon is one of Canada’s 3 Northern territories. Canada is further divide into 10 provinces. In total Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. Michael Moore sarcastically asks why Canada doesn’t join the USA. By joining the USA Canadians would inherit 3 monumental problems. Firstly Canadians would have to give up our universal health care system. Everyone while working and paying provincial/territorial taxes contributes a part of this tax to pay for Canada’s universal health care system. Unemployed and never employed Canadians get free universal health care. I as a Canadian can travel anywhere in Canada and if I get sick Canada’s Universal Medicare Health Care System will allow me to access any doctor free of charge, and be admitted to hospital where my total hospital charges are free to me. If a doctor decides that I need an operation to improve my health in any way then the total hospital charge for this operation is free to me. I or any Canadian will never have to pay or incur any debt to pay for needed health care. The second huge benefit to have Canada remain independent from the USA is that Canadian women in consultation with their doctor can receive free prenatal and postpartum care including the right to have an abortion if they so choose. This right to get an abortion is guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This right to have an abortion can never be lost and most certainly never be lost by a majority decision by the justices who make up the Supreme Court of Canada. The recent death of the Roe versus Wade in the USA by comparison will and could never happen in Canada. Thirdly the gun laws in Canada are so strict it is very difficult to purchase any hand gun in Canada. All assault type weapons of war like the AR15 rifle are ILLEGAL to purchase and own in Canada. In Canada because of our strict gun control laws Canadians are much safer than Americans. Parents in Canada can send their children to school and never worry that their children will be murdered in their school by an individual who in many USA jurisdictions who can more easily purchase an AR15 assault rifle than an alcoholic beverage.

We get a lot of American tourists in Whitehorse, Yukon where I live. I remember asking an elderly American couple after they had completed their shopping in our local Walmart store: do you folks feel safe going into a Walmart store to shop in the USA. I asked are you afraid that some crazy person with a gun ail start shooting shoppers at random. I asked why is it sips difficult to achieve stricter and stronger USA gun laws that will greatly reduce the HUGE number of Americans murdered annually. The elderly male American told me he greatly valued his second amendment right to bear arms. I wanted to tell him that he was misguided but did not as I was convinced that he truly believed that his right to purchase any gun including an AR15 assault rifle weapon of war was more important than the live of his fellow Americans. In other words let me keep my right to buy an AR15 even if this means continuing to have innocent Americans of all ages murdered.

I will end my comment agreeing with the invitation of our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. To all Americans if you want to feel safe from gun violence, if you want to receive universally freer health care, and if you believe that a women’s right to choose what happens to their bodies I.e. easily receive an abortion the MOVE to CANADA. You are very welcome here.

David Michael Dixon



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