Thank you for your leadership and your effort. Your movement was instrumental on limiting the Red Wave and giving President Biden and the Democrats a chance to continue our recovery from the disaster that was Donald J Trump and his Trumplicans. 2023 will be a pivotal year where we will see if the Republicans have anything useful to offer our country. The Actions of the House will show us.

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Trumplicans is exactly the word, Gary. Others have used it. Today, it just clicked for me. Thank You!

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I feel the same....cautiously optimistic, but not counting on it.

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Aren't you all kind and charitable! Definitely not there anymore myself. I'm LOVING Mike's approach. Seems way smarter, easier, effective, more fun and way less fraught!

Probably good if some of us are more inclusive-minded. So thanks, Janet and Jane.

Me? Nah... not even bothering with them. Lifelong experience (long!!) says that's always been a waste of my personal resources.

THIS? This approach sounds unbelievably simple, straight-forward common sense (still a Yankee!!). Seems more than doable. Thank you, Mike!!

Happy 2023, Everyone!!

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Happy New Year, Mike!

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Thank you, Michael Moore, and Happy New Year to you. You bring a smile to my face and hope to my heart.

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Happy New Year, Michael! On Dec 10 th, I wrote letters to/for prisoners for Amnesty International. I did it at the library. Others joined in. I'm pledging to do this once/month for the coming year. Thanks for the nudge! 💕

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Democrats Attend: Red Snake School Board

Maybe make a social media page for the notes from Red Snake County to grow the Dems.

Then we can see and hear about the crazy GOP plans coming from Trump County. That is how they roll. Then they broadside our campaigns.

Moms 4 Liberty were the force for all those book things this time around. Their website shows us all the counties, where we need to get groups up and running. Where they take the field, we have to take the field!

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Also, we should have 5-10% of our federal income taxes should be allotted as we choice. We should be given 3 to 4 categories where we want it to go.

Military, education for poverty, etc. Give us a little say so.

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More democracy would be a good thing. I like your idea allot.

Let's go further. When we turn in our taxes, there should be a page that shows the 30 or so areas our taxes go to so we can rate them and indicate need more, about right, or need less. And then the government will publish results overall, by state, by county, by city, etc. Let us look at the underlying data by demographics. What do you think?

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I agree. After I posted, I thought the small amount of categories could be manipulated.

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Thank you for your leadership Mike! God Bless You!!

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Happy New Year, Michael et al! The tide has turned. Blue waves sweep across the land. Goodness and mercy will follow us everywhere.

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

Smart. I like the badge to say “Democratic Hall Monitor from Hell”

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Dear wonderful Michael, Love your podcasts, BUT that is the most horrible rendition of Auld Lang Syne I've ever heard. It's a hideous insult to a lovely, melancholy song. Being a Democrat doesn't excuse lack of musical taste. If I walked into one of your proposed Dem organizations and heard that music, I'd walk right out. Why don't you try Beethoven or Mozart, or is that too elitist? Paula Miller

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Sounds very Celtic to me! Group name was German... so who knows? I thought it was very cool. Hubs, too.

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It's German - means dead socks. So much for your musical preferences.

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I really liked it is all. Thought i heard bagpipes, too. Sounded Celtic to me. Not a music aficionado, obviously. Nor do i know German. Dead socks! That's great! Sorry it's so offensive to you. You're allowed to not like it.

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I actually loved it, too. But you’re right, I might not play it at the Red Snake Dems meeting 😊

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I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree it is not our traditional Auld Lang Syne. It was a bit irreverent. To each his/her own, I guess. I found it a bit jarring.

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Thank you, Mike and community -- fellow travelers -- co-conspirators. Thank you.

By the grace of the Most High, I'll be able to greet you again tomorrow -- in the new year. So long 2022 ...

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💘 Michel. Let’s go baby.

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Thank you, Michael.

Happy New Year 🎉 ☮️🎉


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Hi, Mike — I’ve been looking for ways to help locals get involved for years. Our small town is unincorporated, governed by a Community Services District led by five elected directors.

For a few years, I wrote reports after the meetings and shared them with like-minded folks. The reports were appreciated, but only a few occasionally attended meetings and spoke.

I changed my strategy and started writing advances for the meetings and distributing them a couple of days before. The advances include brief background on the issues on the agenda, and my take on what’s going on.

One local reporter asked to be on my list, and the advance has alerted her to do a couple of critical stories, from her base at the county seat.

In December, the board held a Closed Session on hiring a new general manager. That’s a subject of public concern, and no reason to hold that discussion away from the public. After that, the board scheduled a special meeting that would be entirely closed to the public. I and the other few regular meeting attenders objected, and the board changed course and cancelled the meeting. That discussion is now on the agenda for a public discussion.

Engagement works. Speaking up matters. It may not produce the results I hope for, but it lets them know someone is watching.

The main newspaper daily, based in the county seat 30 miles away, has been downsized and no longer covers our local government. The three dozen people on my list appreciate my advances but still rarely come to the meetings. I sent your podcast #6 to the list. You encouraged me to keep going. Perhaps your words will inspire them to show up more often. Thanks.

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