Maybe this will get the NonVoters off the couch;

Rarely do I agree with anything that comes out of Trump's mouth, but I have to admit he really "nailed it" with his "enemies from within" comment; enemies that a far greater threat to our democracy than Russia, China, and North Korea COMBINED; enemies who, while not necessarily being made to face a firing squad, should absolutely never, ever, be allowed to ascend—or re-ascend—to power in this country.

And their names are:

Donald J Trump

J. D. Vance

Family-separation guru Stephen Miller

Steve Bannon

Foreclosure King Stephen ("Please don't call me Steve") Mnuchin

Rudy Giuliani

Michael Flynn

John Eastman

Peter Navarro

Sidney Powell

Jeffrey Clark

Mark Meadows

Leonard Leo

Peter Thiel

Elon Musk

The Proud Boys

The Oath Keepers

The Three-percenters

The Boogaloo Boys

—and ad infinitum.

So, thanks, Donnie, for pointing them all out!

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Leonard Leo is the point man for the Federalist Society. If you would like to see proof of their treason, read my post today.

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Robert Barnes has suggested Trump was tricked in appointing Federalist society members to the supreme Court

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The Federalist Society is an ongoing criminal enterprise that is the source for all the corruption in the legal system. Read my book for the details. (There is a link for a free digital copy in my post today.) The Federalist Society knows damn well that all of their judicial candidates are thoroughly vetted corporate stooges. If Trump was tricked, it would be that he was tricked into thinking that these "judges" would be his personal puppets and not the corporate/special interest stooges that they are.

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Trump is a populist, a populist is for helping the people instead of the established elite. A populist is basically the opposite of a fascist. Trump is even more of a populist now that the RFK jr has joined Trump and Trump says he will put RFK in his cabinet as head of the HHS (Health and Human Services) which *has* the power to reform the corrupt FDA, CDC and NIH. RFK's goal will be to make America healthy again. The bad choices made during Covid such as giving billions of people a *new* untested vaccine will never happen again. No more lockdowns that don't work. Kids should stay in school given that they were not significantly affected by Covid (covid was not more than a regular cold for young people). The established elite and the security state (CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Military, State Department etc.) are on the *same* side trying to stop Trump because Trump refuses to be controlled by them. A fascist needs the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security etc. to control the population. So how can Trump be the fascist if he is fighting against the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, State Department etc. ? The democrats are pushing new rules for increased censorship and censorship is a needed tool for fascists so how can Trump be the fascist? Trump wants to end the Ukraine war - on the other hand the Democrats kept that war going when Boris Johnson was sent there to tell Zelensky to not sign a peace pact. The winners of the Ukraine war are the military-industrial complex and Big Food companies who are buying up Ukraine farmland at cheap rates because of loan conditions that the USA put on Ukraine. It is the Democrats who are using lawfare against Trump to convince voters not to vote for him. In most cases they used state courts to go after Trump because there are fewer rules and restrictions on prosecuting people and higher chance of a conviction compared to federal courts . Trump is gaining among blacks and hispanics and union workers because they know that Democrats are not helping them. Millions of manufacturing jobs have been transferred overseas to China, Vietnam, Mexico over the past 30 years which gutted middle America and the Rust Belt. Donald Trump will bring those jobs back with tariffs that help American companies grow by building manufacturing plants here in America. Elon Musk will guide Trump to make America a manufacturing powerhouse like it used to be.

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Trump is a con man pretending to be a populist.

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Thank you! For your great films, wit, and wise words. Plus your both-feet-on-the-ground common sense. Much appreciated!

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I'll be 83 in March 2025. And please tell your wife or husband thatI'm still crazy about you❣️😊🤗🤭

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I voted. From Canada. It's easy to vote. Do it.

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Michel , I Early Voted in New York State ! Thank you for your Extremly important message ! All our voices must be hesrd we must Stop the madness and inhumanity of Trump ! If people want a ruthless dictator to be our president then stay home but if you decide to protect our democracy then Votr 🇺🇸

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Vote 👧🏽

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Oh, my. I agree with Michael Moore--up to a point. When walking for Bernie I knocked on doors of people who were non-voters. They had given up. Given up on the Republicans, the Democrats, everyone who promises to help them and then doesn't. I have to confess that Bernie was my only hope. When the DNC defeated his bid, even after his 60,000 person rallies, his winning of a number of states, his 70,000 canvassers in California alone, I have given up. Especially after reading the article in the NYTimes about math and democracy, and the fact that someone could win with as little as 24% of the vote because of the electoral college, which is how Trump won with fewer votes than Hillary. For the first time in 18 years I'm not walking my precinct--too discouraged. Will Kamala stop the flow of arms to Israel? Not likely. And the war there will continue, drawing us closer and closer to nuclear Holocaust. Yes. Of course Trump is worse! Which is why so many people are discouraged and sad.

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you can vote for Jill Stein~

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Thank you. I did.

Was making phone calls for Rashida Tlaib. Spoke to someone so unhappy with his choices. I told him about Stein's VP pick, Butch Ware. While I spoke to him he looked it up and his voice got lighter and happier.

Before people start yelling at me--he would have been a non-voter. And I live in CA.

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Bravo!!!!!!!!!! and no one should yell at you~

it is also right and just to vote one's conscience~

it is interesting how people denigrate a third party....

it's just choice on the ballot......it would be silly to say that

Kamala is stealing votes from Donald...or vice/versa...

no person HAS to vote for Kamala or Donald ~ we have Jill Stein running~

there is another way..... and it doesn't have to be a Two Party choice~

"Democracy in the United States is an outlier in many ways — most democracies around the world use some form of proportional representation, and rarely is presidential democracy paired with a two-party system. This unique combination is exacerbating factionalism and political brinkmanship, pushing our democracy beyond inefficiency and towards autocracy. "......"First, proportional representation has some clear advantages over first-past-the-post voting. Proportional representation would completely eliminate or radically reduce opportunities for gerrymandering, which has had increasingly pernicious effects on US democracy. With extensive gerrymandering, politicians choose their voters rather than vice versa. Because candidates for the House in all but states with few representatives would compete against many more potentially electable competitors, and because it would end or greatly curtail gerrymandering, PR would also sharply reduce the very large number of safe seats – the vast majority of the House. In safe districts, politicians’ main electoral concern is being primaried, a situation that often creates incentives to take extremist positions that have fueled polarization. In addition, in a PR system, all votes can make a difference in how many candidates, and which candidates, get elected from different parties. This, too, would be a profound and salutary change from the current situation in which most voters know that their vote for the House will not affect outcomes." read more here........https://protectdemocracy.org/work/case-multiparty-presidentialism/

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The 'America is divided 50/50' trope of the blatherocracy that nests in the media is nonsense in two ways. First 60% of American's broadly align themselves with Democratic ideas. Second, as Mike points out, 40% of Americans are not engaged.

One of the reasons for this is political operatives on both sides cannot get inside the heads of people who don't think like them. If you look at 99% of political communication it seems to be saying 'if only you thought like me' you would see the light. On the Democrat side ,specifically ,this leads to a massive effort to target the tiny sliver of people who are thought to be ideas adjacent but not converted. That sliver is the five people who fall into the category of moderate Republicans who have only just woken up to Trump.

Talking to these five people is in the consultants comfort zone. Talking to the 70 million people who are just not that into politics ,is way outside it.

As someone who spent a career in advertising and marketing this mental block is astounding.

If you are a 45 year old teetotaler and you are handed a beer account , you need to get in the head of a 25 year old beer drinker. If you are a 32 year old man and work on a diaper account you need to see the world through the eyes of a first time mom. If you are a 28 year old athlete and stair lifts are your responsibility you need to understand what loss of mobility means to someone in their sixties.

In all cases out of insight and imagination comes empathy.

The biggest failing of the communication hacks who dominate campaigns is this lack of insight, imagination and empathy.

The consequence is that 70 million people who don't vote are left on the sidelines because, multi-billion dollar campaigns not withstanding, no one is talking to them.

What a waste of money, what a waste of democracy.

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Both major political parties are bought and paid for and corrupt to the core. It's not a communication problem--it's a corruption problem. Read my post today. If you have any suggestions on how to get the word out to the American people, I'd be happy to hear it.

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Well one way is to crowd source ideas and crown fund their production, seeding and broadcast. The best ideas I see are from non professionals but they don't get spread because they are created by people outside the system.

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By voting I did the one little thing I can do for the people of Gaza and Lebanon. I voted for Jill Stein

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me too...and soooo many others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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But never enough to earn her even ONE electoral vote. You might as well write in Gandhi or Mother Theresa. But no worries, if Trump or Harris win, your hands are clean.

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14. Institute public campaign financing and ban donor funds. At minimum, rule that AIPAC is a foreign lobbyist, and therefore illegal.

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Tell all the non-voters to get out and vote Green. Then we can get rid of both Trump and Harris and end the forever wars.

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Right on!!!!!!!!!!!

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Get on board, folks. Phonebanking and more is happening right up to and including November Fifth. SEED THE VOTE is even paying travel/lodging for folks to go to swing states and canvass. I UPDATED THIS LIST 10/29 BASED ON THOSE GROUPS I KNOW CONTINUE TO BE ACTIVE AND NEED VOLUNTEERS.

If you would like to work with a non-profit or other groups that want to elect Harris and are not funded by the Democratic Party, there are many organizations that are working hard to help swing states get Harris elected. SEVERAL OF THESE ORGS. FOCUS ON CONTACTING NON-VOTERS. Please help, no matter where in the world you live. I welcome you to copy and share this list with others. Thank you.

PHONEBANKING and DONATIONS are the primary options, with some CANVASSING and TEXTING also possible. PHONEBANKING is done without revealing your phone number. I do not know how that works with Texting.

Experts who study these things have seen that such simple actions as personal phone calls or texts to specifically identified voters can and do make a difference. The organizations below are either the experts or are groups that partner with the experts. Some of these organizations promote who to vote for, while others just encourage infrequent voters to vote, knowing that the people they contact typically vote Democratic. All of these groups can benefit from your time and/or your donations (some of which can be tax-deductible).

PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: The ENVIRONMENTAL VOTER PROJECT identifies millions of non-voting environmentalists and turns them into consistent voters. I have done canvassing and phonebanks with them. https://www.environmentalvoter.org/

PHONEBANKING and TEXTING: THIRD ACT primarily recruits Seniors as volunteers, but all are welcome. https://thirdact.org/

PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: Programs with ACTIVATE AMERICA have Volunteers contact voters via Phonebanking, and Canvassing. https://www.activateamerica.vote/

PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: SWING LEFT is coordinating or has information about both: https://swingleft.org/take-action

PHONEBANKING: The PENNSYLVANIA RELIGIOUS ACTION CENTER are phonebanking to get Pennsylvanians voting. https://rac.org/take-action/rac-your-state/rac-pa

PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: SEED THE VOTE pays travel/lodging to canvass in Swing States and also teams up with organizations like SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (SURJ) with phonebanking campaigns of volunteers calling voters in Swing States.





TEXTING and PHONEBANKING: VOTERIDERS is currently mobilizing folks to phonebank and textbank.




PHONEBANKING: VOTE SAVE AMERICA is a clearinghouse of opportunities to phonebank with various organizations.



TEXTING and PHONEBANKING: KEEP ARIZONA BLUE mobilizes young voters in Arizona to elect Democrats. https://www.keepazblue.org/volunteer

PHONEBANKING: CALLS FOR CLIMATE is phonebanking to elect climate champions.



PHONEBANKING: The CENTER FOR COMMON GROUND is a grassroots, primarily volunteer-run campaign that focuses on increasing BIPOC voter turnout. https://www.centerforcommonground.org/reclaim-our-vote

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No thanks.....voted for Jill Stein~

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Mike, You are amazing!

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Fuck these guys to hell - they did nothing to earn our vote - a bunch of war criminal scamming shysters from hell that should go back there post haste !



An infinite line of credit to the oil industries (plural) that will never stop unless we stop endorsing or approving or continuing their crimes. Worst of all voting to keep US chained to "Waffle house"/ Nanci Pelosi's Carboard Cathedral of Democracy known as THE - Congress. .


These total greedy but mainly sadistic fucktards do NOT have the right to destroy the planet as "Human" problems that (mysteriously) NEVER get solved "Come" "First".


A real Chinese ^^^ Hand job by Apple to bail out Kentucky from the slave labor of teenage girls remaining functional fingers via California. Cheaper to pollute abroad waaaaaaaay cheaper.


Can you image what would happen if the Uyghurs Muslims actually HAD oil ? We'd be there and all over that as chaotic war mongering "Saviour's" par excellent.


Meanwhile allegedly Biden sold US oil to the "Free Market" to stabilize prices at the pump ( super important for any election ) - so that re-badged intermediaries could sell US - Oil out of the ground from the Good Ole USA for a good price. ( at least that's what is told in "The Bubble" Can't verify - but sounds plausibly stupid I guess ? ).


So glad we did all those religious Oil wars - really worth it in the end.





( Not. ).



Being IN the bubble and it could be that a pot plant is running against a parsnip or turnip ? Maybe it's a carrot. Like the Bush II Gore I debacle.


Seems there will be re-imagining of the exact scenario.


Hanging chads or do we hang "Chad" or is there whole bunch of shit going down in CHAD - that we never get to really hear about ? 'cuz 'mer-wickkka



And no mater what Patriot act will be renewed just so we can BE extra extra extra extra extra fucked -



Ohhh YES I gotta vote for scummy criminals from hell that will do zero for you !.


I am grudgingly grateful to the ACA (pre-existing condition - would otherwise be dead ) - as the insurance industry and my NOW x wife did her and their best to fucking kill me. Wife number 2 - also in the current bubble also triangulated into deadly consequences - 'cuz false fucking belief systems of an exceptional yet average "American".


Fuck those guys- fuck the US medical industries - fuck big pharma and fuck the US Legislative systems (plural).


As said before it is a mathematical impossibility to vote for a "Fairer" democracy in America.


Fuck them all to hell or NEW-HELL soon to roll out.


Sorry shark Tank - If you have to ask ...


... then you can't afford it.



New_Hell is seriously fucking expensive and right now there's a waiting list ... We try to dissuade people from selling their proxied positions in the list but in a truly "FREE" market what-ya-gonna- dooo.







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I find this funny…and overall true. Let’s bring more truth speech into our lives, most of us are being screwed but not kissed.

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Elon is bribing people to vote for Trumpolini with his $$$$$$$.

Maybe America can hold a voter’s free raffle too, open to every single voter who shows up to cast a ballot. I absolutely believe we’d have 99% show up.

I hate that money is a factor, so ya know, ehhh, could it hurt?

Americans should vote first on what is important, then create a list with check marks, yes or no; then, potential candidates answer all those questions; then, the anonymous candidates with the best answers, based on another vote, selects the top ten candidates; then, a series of votes on the best candidates after a series of debates.

It could work?

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But what is wrong with our democratic leaders.

Who say that:

"We will have a peaceful transfer of power"



Trump said that he will arrest anyone who has disagreed with him because they are the enemies within.




Biden gained special powers when Trumps compromised judges on the Supreme Court, gave the office of the presidency the powers to make Trump immune from being prosecuted for any crimes he committed and any crimes he wants to commit while in office again.

Biden can use these powers the same as Trump can.

Under the charge of TREASON, Biden must Immediately use his power to remove Trumps corrupted judges off the Supreme Court and remove all traitors in Congress who supported Trumps violent insurrection attempt to take control of the country.

BUT after January 20 2025, there will never be another chance to stop Trump again.

This is the last chance we have to stop the dictatorial takeover of the United States.

The United States Constitution states that

"The punishment for treason is a minimum of five years in prison, a fine of at least $10,000, and the loss of the right to hold public office."

So why is this NOT happening?


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I tried with my 18 year old non voter nephew.

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