Susan, none of us are giving up! A better world is in sight. All hands on deck!

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Michael, I have mentioned before how you probably saved my life…

I fell down the rabbit hole..

I was suffering big time!

I am a empath, I feel humanity’s pain…

I found your podcast and found Hope!

My trusted Truth teller!

I look forward to everything you do!

Never stop Michael, never give up!

I believe in America!

I believe in you!



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Can someone explain to me what Merrick Garland "is doing" or "is not doing" I am sorry that I live under a rock?

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People that should not run.....Republicans ;-)

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People that should not run.....Republicans ;-)

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I’m so glad Michael Moore shared his story about school “disciplinary action” and running for town board (I love that you made that change!). Corporal punishment still exists today, especially in private or state-run schools. Too many children suffer at the hands of abusers in places that are supposed to protect them. Paris Hilton spoke out, and I hope many more come forward. There needs to be a documentary and investigation.

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hmm Anyone think that Oliver North and the NRA could have had a HUGE influence on our country and we should be glad it didn't. Oliver North is President of the NRA, NRA loses funding when Trump comes to power. Jan 6th, Pence calls Oliver North to Ask for Advice. What if Oliver was pissed, rather than reasonable. America would be a completely different place today...makes you think.

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People that should not run.....Republicans ;-)

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You make some really good points, I tend to agree with you and understand your anger and frustration with both sides. I’m finding I’m a common sense Democrat and so much of this does not make sense. I naively thought we could or would make great progress on all issues with Dems controlling house and senate, but gees, they don’t. Do they? Yea, poor women , often choose pregnancy and giving birth over terminating a fetus and are in desperate need, plus worthy of supportive services given at these pregnancy centers, no matter the political officiation. I too was a single , struggling mother.

Anyhow, don’t give up on all of us or any of us . We may need to hit the pavement in our own towns regardless of who is in the state and senate, federally or state level.

Volunteer at a pregnancy center, why not? Those women need people who understand the struggle.

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