WOW! 125,000 of You Have Watched Fahrenheit 11/9 So Far!
When You're Done Knocking on Doors and Getting Out the Vote Today, Grab Some Popcorn and Watch a FREE Movie
Friends -
I know so many of us are putting in long hours here in these final days before the voting ends on Tuesday. I am receiving so many messages from all of you from across the country. People are sending me photos of their canvassing teams, groups of you setting out into neighborhoods in your hometowns and in neighboring states. Knocking on doors. Making phone calls. A bus full of you left Los Angeles at 6AM today to go canvass swing voters in Las Vegas and at 6PM they’re all getting back on the bus to come back home. That is a long day!
Please keep sending me your photos and your stories from wherever you are Getting Out The Vote this weekend, whether it’s in a van, on a bus, on the phone from your couch, or walking streets and knocking on doors. I would love to see them and I will share them with the millions of others who are spending this weekend saving our country. You can send them to me at:
And at the end of these long days — tonight, tomorrow night, Sunday night — we all need to rest our feet, even if our minds are still churning through what more we can do. So I’ve made one of my films — FAHRENHEIT 11/9 (my story of how we ended up with Donald Trump in the first place, and a reminder to all that we cannot go back) — and this movie is available FOR FREE for everyone to watch wherever you are, whether you’re riding the bus home to Indianapolis after a long day canvassing voters in East Lansing or you’re just settling in for dinner and a movie before bedtime at home.
I posted the film yesterday here on and on my YouTube channel and in just a little over a day, over 125,000 of you have already watched it for free and shared it with thousands of friends. I‘m hoping it’s been a good pick-me-up as we get ready to bid a not-so-fond farewell to our wannabe fascist and send him back to Mar-a-Lago. On Tuesday he needs to be swept so far down the Florida coast with the largest defeat in modern American history!
Let’s do this!
The full movie is embedded below. You can watch it here or you can watch it at this YouTube link for free through the election.
Share it with everyone. Pass it around. We cannot let Trump and his gang back into the White House.
Together we are going to make history in the next 3 days!
** In order to have a troll-free, hate-free comments section — and because if there’s one thing I know about my crazy haters, they would rather spend an eternity in hell with Marjorie Taylor Greene than send me $5 if forced to become a paid subscriber — my Comments section here on my Substack is limited to paid subscribers. But, not to worry — anyone can send me their comments, opinions and thoughts by writing to me at I read every one of them, though obviously I can’t respond to all. And every few weeks or so I share them publicly here on Substack and on my podcast so that your voice is heard by the multitudes in this wonderful community of readers and listeners. The solution here is not optimal but it has worked and my Comments section has become a great meeting place for people wanting to discuss the ideas and issues I raise here. There is debate and disagreement, but it is refreshing to have it done with respect and civility, unfettered by the stench of bigotry and Q-anon insanity.
How the fuck is this even happening again?
Before watching the movie, after watching the movie, or while watching the move, HELP VOTERS IN SWING STATES ELECT HARRIS
Get on board, folks. Phonebanking and more is happening right up to and including November Fifth. SEED THE VOTE is even paying travel/lodging for folks to go to swing states and canvass. I UPDATED THIS LIST 10/29 BASED ON THOSE GROUPS I KNOW CONTINUE TO BE ACTIVE AND NEED VOLUNTEERS.
If you would like to work with a non-profit or other groups that want to elect Harris and are not funded by the Democratic Party, there are many organizations that are working hard to help swing states get Harris elected. SEVERAL OF THESE ORGS. FOCUS ON CONTACTING NON-VOTERS. Please help, no matter where in the world you live. I welcome you to copy and share this list with others. Thank you.
PHONEBANKING and DONATIONS are the primary options, with some CANVASSING and TEXTING also possible. PHONEBANKING is done without revealing your phone number. I do not know how that works with Texting.
Experts who study these things have seen that such simple actions as personal phone calls or texts to specifically identified voters can and do make a difference. The organizations below are either the experts or are groups that partner with the experts. Some of these organizations promote who to vote for, while others just encourage infrequent voters to vote, knowing that the people they contact typically vote Democratic. All of these groups can benefit from your time and/or your donations (some of which can be tax-deductible).
PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: The ENVIRONMENTAL VOTER PROJECT identifies millions of non-voting environmentalists and turns them into consistent voters. I have done canvassing and phonebanks with them.
PHONEBANKING and TEXTING: THIRD ACT primarily recruits Seniors as volunteers, but all are welcome.
PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: Programs with ACTIVATE AMERICA have Volunteers contact voters via Phonebanking, and Canvassing.
PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: SWING LEFT is coordinating or has information about both:
PHONEBANKING: The PENNSYLVANIA RELIGIOUS ACTION CENTER are phonebanking to get Pennsylvanians voting.
PHONEBANKING and CANVASSING: SEED THE VOTE pays travel/lodging to canvass in Swing States and also teams up with organizations like SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (SURJ) with phonebanking campaigns of volunteers calling voters in Swing States.
TEXTING and PHONEBANKING: VOTERIDERS is currently mobilizing folks to phonebank and textbank.
PHONEBANKING: VOTE SAVE AMERICA is a clearinghouse of opportunities to phonebank with various organizations.
TEXTING and PHONEBANKING: KEEP ARIZONA BLUE mobilizes young voters in Arizona to elect Democrats.
PHONEBANKING: CALLS FOR CLIMATE is phonebanking to elect climate champions.
PHONEBANKING: The CENTER FOR COMMON GROUND is a grassroots, primarily volunteer-run campaign that focuses on increasing BIPOC voter turnout.