Now I want to move to Michigan. Florida SUCKS!

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Florida does not suck. It is one of the few majority non white states. It just has some organizational issues and a very solid Democratic base which is growing. You are part of the solution. You just don’t realize it yet.

Ok, Florida is 52.3% white, but close to majority non-white. The next census ,Florida will be majority-non white.

Texas is only 38.9% white. We Biden to learn Spanish.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

Florida has a flashing blue light special over it. One day it will realize how blue it really is. You need to crack 60% in the youth vote. It will flip. Look at senate exit polls from 2022. Pa, Az, Wi all hit in the 70s. 2024 is a presidential race, huge turnout. Are AZ and PA bell weather signs of a 60-70 youth vote average this election? We shall see. Young people are not Trumpy.


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I’m a 75 year old white guy, and it’s time to get my type out of office. Thanks for showing us how to do it Michael!

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I’m a 73 old white guy, married for almost 50 years, and a father of 3 girls. I couldn’t agree with you more.

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I'm 60-something white guy. also totally agree. so tired of rich old white guys like McConnell, Tuberville, Grassel, Graham, etc etc screwing things up instead of trying to help people have better lives.

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I am writing to express my deep concerns about the current state of affairs in our country and the potential threat to our democratic values. It is disheartening to witness some Republicans openly expressing their desire for an authoritarian dictator to rule the United States.

While I understand that political power can shift between parties, it is alarming to think that in the coming years, Republicans may regain control of the White House. The prospect of a Republican administration, regardless of whether it includes former President Trump, raises concerns about the future of our social programs, especially Social Security and Medicare. Additionally, the notion of pardoning those involved in the insurrection against our nation is troubling.

They are hurting the American people by threatening again to shut down the government in order to force the taking of American rights away from the people.

It feels overwhelming and discouraging when congressional Republicans continually obstruct voting rights and advocate for an authoritarian form of governance. It is difficult to see a way forward that ensures the preservation of our democratic values and equal participation for all citizens. In light of these challenges, I find myself questioning what steps we can take to prevent the erosion of our freedoms and avoid living under an authoritarian dictatorship.

However, I firmly believe in the spirit of Patrick Henry's words, "Give me liberty or give me death." While I understand the sentiment behind those powerful words, I argue that there are alternative paths that do not involve such extreme choices. Rather than accepting a dictatorial regime, it is crucial for us to engage in open dialogue, promote democratic principles, and actively participate in safeguarding our rights. Together, we must work towards preserving our democracy and ensuring that our government represents the will of the people.

I trust that your administration is committed to upholding democratic values, protecting voting rights, and fostering an inclusive society. As a concerned citizen, I urge you to continue your efforts in championing accountability, transparency, and unity.

Thank you for your time and consideration. May we find the strength and determination to safeguard our democratic ideals.

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I agree with Faye Morgan above. As a fifth generation Texan, I am repulsed by what our state has devolved into. I’m also planning to leave someday soon, for greener pastures, or perhaps I should say bluer state houses? I’m totally disillusioned and at 72 years of age, I dream of living in a community where I don’t have to self censor myself around my Trump neighbors. Big pickup trucks run bicyclists off the road, give you the finger and even vandalize property if they believe you are the enemy progressive. I no longer feel safe here. So sad.🙁

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Well, Michigan isn't the total blue utopia that Michael portrays but, in some areas, it's getting there. Statewide, we are extremely fortunate that the majority turned out and voted. There are still rural pockets where you just don't talk politics. I live in one in SE Michigan, but there are still many like-minded folks scattered about everywhere. Come visit... with climate change, we are even getting warmer winters! ;)

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I sympathize! And I live in a blue state! I don't want to move and i will stay in my state but fighting the good fight from here, with Q-anon breathing down my neck is no longer an option. I don't have the energy. I send you all the love and strength I can Sheril!

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North Carolina is slowly getting better - just have to get the repugnicans out if the legislature! Come on over!

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I know. I'm a Texan and I'm also disgusted by those monsters. I'd like to move, but I don't have enough money to do so. Do I stay and fight or do I go? Sigh. . .

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Bravo/Brava for Michigan! But what do you say in response to this really stupid question? I keep hearing that DJT tapped into the disenfranchised, the people that haven't been represented but all I see is that he/they have tapped into the long history of evil/hatred that can't bear to see women or POC active in governing. Such a fucking shame that they cannot see beyond their vile hate that has been nurtured in them over decades and decades and decades.

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DJT managed to attract the part of the electorate that loves him for hating who they hate. Period. That's what it's all about with his "supporters." They feel empowered to publicly express their hatred because they see him doing so without repercussions. They were never truly "disenfranchised," they just felt that way because publicly expressing their hate was not socially acceptable. It IS a cult now. Srsly.

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Yep. 100 pct. The hatred was always there but they couldn't publically express it until their fuhrer took over and showed them it was ok to be open with their hate. Still don't understand how any woman can support a turd like TFG who has mistreated so many women. that boggles my mind.

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I don't agree. There are many disenfranchised people, whole cultures of them here in the good old USA! They circle the wagons for protection and it turns toxic after a certain amount of time and with certain qualities introduced or added--like resentment, for example. Low self esteem, born of poverty, malnutrition, discrimination and bullying of every sort--those are some of the things that brew hatred.

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DJT only appeals to a certain segment of the 'disenfranchised' you refer to: white. Most minorities aren't going to gravitate toward him because they know that he hates THEM. Yes, some Euro-latinos will vote for him based on what they believe is his stance on abortion or "communism," but overall you won't see Blacks or immigrants leaning his way.

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Trump's bottom base is willing to wear the accusations of ignorance and arrogance without shame because they feel such labels have always been stuck to them by educated, big city liberals. By their words and deeds they embrace that label and toss back a label of their own against their perceived enemy, the "lib-tards."

Most of the accusations the Trump base hurls at lib-tards are projections of the very things that characterize them. But they are confident you will know the lib-tard because they will be the ones wearing a mask.

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White men have known since they cobbled together the constitution about the power of the ballot. So, they initiated their own form of gerrymandering: ONLY WHITE MEN WITH PROPERTY COULD VOTE. For the brief period that the emancipation worked for blacks, Southern white men were scared to death and with the help of Washington, Jim Crow was unleashed for a century. Never mind women were non-persons and were not allowed to vote until 1917! And until 1972, some form of Sunni and Shia sharia laws were applied by American banks to women: they could not get housing loans or credit cards without a man tagging along! Just imagine that! And to think that it wasn’t until 1964/65 that the vote was expanded without restrictions to all citizens. Yup, so the vote is scary, more so than the bullet! Any wonder why so-called red states work so hard to restrict access to the vote? Mike is spot on. The revolution is really simple and doable. Without firing a single shot, Michigan did it. Floridians, are you reading Mike’s Substack?

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I am happily living in the very Blue state of Washington, but what you all have done in Michigan is super impressive! I hope this can happen in more and more states when the youth, women, and people of color get out to vote!

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We need to help them get out to vote!

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Quite impressive! I have always thought of Michigan as a beautiful state with lots or wonderful attributes.. including the auto industry which included mostly men. You all know how to do things that will change our political system for the better! Good going!

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How We Did It In Michigan!!!

Redistricting – Voters Not Politicians https://votersnotpoliticians.com/redistricting/

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023

Beautiful thought Michael! What is not beautiful is a government shutdown. Trump posting “shut it down”. The backlash will be all on the GOP. We need to fix the constitution to protect federal workers during these idiotic GOP political moves. More democracy needs to have protections for shutdowns.

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023

House passes bill! MAGA just suffered another defeat! The house Dems can protect Speaker McCarthy from Gaetz. I would rather work with a moderate Republican than the Chaos Caucus.

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Tears came to my eyes when I reviewed the pictures. So touching and wonderful! Thank you for posting this.

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Congrats to the Michigan voters and fearless candidates! Michigan will benefit in so many ways! We need similar dynamics in Montana. Voters to be inspired and not in the cult!

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Wow wow!! I wish i was in Michigan!!!

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don't wish--work to make it so where you are, please!

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Hello ... this is my second comment this morning ... and my introduction to the Substack Community. First of all, I LOVE Michael Moore ... always have and always will, but I had to stop listening to his podcast this morning. My body just couldn't handle his description of the violence. I have listened to every one of his podcasts, and I think this is the first time he's been so graphic ... all the way from the violence in Vietnam to a similar form of violence in the streets of Memphis. I know it's important for me to know about the awful things in the world, but my body just can't take it anymore. Perhaps Michael can give those of us with weak stomachs a heads up? In any case, I will be his fan FOREVER, but will continue to growl (loudly) through the parts I just can't handle.

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small doses, Jes. I've been reading about what women are facing and have been facing in Afghanistan. It terrifies me, then riles me then I have to DO something even something that looks insignificant just to ease my conscience.

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So proud of my State of Michigan. It took hard work collecting signatures to end Gerrymandering and getting Reproductive Rights on the ballot! Many hours standing on corners! But it worked! I live a few months a year in Florida and trying to show them it's possible! It takes people!! Proud to have stood for hours getting those signatures. It can happen everywhere!!!!

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Michigan’s redistricting was vital to giving the people back their voice. The legalization of marijuana did bring voters out who hadn’t voted for years. Young voters as Michael mentioned but also voters who saw the economic advantages legalization provided other states. Michigan has been long looking to diversify its economy. Finally, Michigan is a Northern state. Watching the Republicans War on Women and Trump’s direct attacks on our Governor - because of her gender - made us mad. Mad at white men. Men like Michigan’s former Governor Snyder who allowed Flint’s water system to be polluted while he answered the call from a GM plant and switched their water back to safer water. Rich white Republican men who care about business buddies but let children drink polluted water. Who demand women carry babies they don’t want while they drink polluted water. Rich men (of any color) who cut programs to feed women and children but then say they are “pro-life”. We in Michigan got tired of liars and hypocrites. We got tired of people who were more interested in telling everyone how to live their lives behind the doors of their homes than doing the job of running the state.

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Excellent post Mike, and you're right, if they can achieve this in Michigan, why not in other States. Take the whole Country back from ALEC. And Michigan did it in plain sight, not sneakily in smoky backrooms like ALEC.

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