GQP MAGA Nuts say Trump would never let a suspected Chinese spy balloon cross into the U.S. He did. 3 times! 🎈🎈🎈

Meanwhile, China’s spys lodged at Mar-a-Lago, happily reading top secret classified documents. 😎#Putin’sPuppet

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It seems Biden liberals have been programmed to miss the point. Putin is not the reason over 100 million Americans are unable to access health care, or that our life expectancies have been declining over the past 4 years. We have 750 military bases in nearly 100 countries and have invaded more sovereign nations and changed more regimes over the past 50 years than all other countries combined. Add to that spending more on our military than the next eight countries combined and somehow you see Putin as the aggressor. Trump is merely a symptom of a political system that does almost everything for those in the top 0.1% and virtually nothing for the vast majority of us. You have been distracted and deceived.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

Ummm, I don’t get it.

What is the balance?

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?? what?

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

Party Balloons!

New Jersey GOP state Senator switches to Democratic Party.


One good story from FOX news. Finally!

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wow... the comments. well, i guess it is faux

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Tell the Cowards and Bigots of Arizona Law Enforcement this for me.

I demand to be arrested right now!

Arrest me already. Let’s get this party started. Then I can point to all the people you are blocking. Then I can list all the lives damaged by your bigoted policing in Arizona. All the businesses Arizona law enforcement caused financial harm.

But they don’t. They just keep blocking comms to cover their crimes.

I demand to be arrested right now!

Donald McKenzie


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I totally agree!

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I didn’t get it. What do you agree with?

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I did not notice Barry has two comments, but it is this one:

Barry J Kaufman DO

Writes Barry Kaufman's View from the B…

Feb 13

It seems Biden liberals have been programmed to miss the point. Putin is not the reason over 100 million Americans are unable to access health care, or that our life expectancies have been declining over the past 4 years. We have 750 military bases in nearly 100 countries and have invaded more sovereign nations and changed more regimes over the past 50 years than all other countries combined. Add to that spending more on our military than the next eight countries combined and somehow you see Putin as the aggressor. Trump is merely a symptom of a political system that does almost everything for those in the top 0.1% and virtually nothing for the vast majority of us. You have been distracted and deceived.

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Fourthly, I have seen every documentary that Michael Moore has made.

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Thirdly. I worked in a hospital for 27 years. If you want better healthcare get the insurances companies out of the equation. And companies who sell over priced equipment and pharmaceuticals out of it. Then pay hospital and other workers better. We have lost a lot of good care providers because there are now healthcare monopolies that are for profit.

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First, we need to get a government that does not cater to the rich!

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This could be accomplished with national healthcare. Remember that “liberal” President Obama trying to squeeze as much of that in in spite of Republican opposition? How about “liberal”President Clinton. The Republicans made fast work of destroying that plan. And how about “liberal” Bernie Sanders who has been ridiculed by Republicans for being a Democratic Socialist. He has called for better healthcare for a long, long time. Even when he isn’t campaigning. He works hard to help people with their healthcare issues. So, what is the Republican plan? What Republican has advocated for better healthcare? I am not deceived by you.

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Secondly, I follow Robert Reich and you have just repeated what he and Bernie Sanders have been saying for years.

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In my book, Biden and liberal don’t go together. So I guess I am farther left. Putin has always been someone to watch. He is a dangerous narcissist. P Ditto N Korea and China. Not to be trusted. My personal philosophy is wars solve nothing. I in no way have been distracted or deceived. I know what the problem is, I live it every stinkin’ day. I don’t see military spending something that liberals promote. Members of my family served and one died in WWII. My brother was subjected to conscription. I watched my peers being sent to Viet Nam through no wish of their own. I saw them come back physically and mentally broken. I always blamed the Republicans who are in bed with the Military Industrial Complex. No doubt both sides are to blame. Not sure why Biden had such a large military budget but he does not represent the “liberals,” as I would define them. He is the one the Republicans were most likely to vote for, because of his conservatism. For sure, they wouldn’t have voted for the candidate I wanted. I am not programmed by anyone. I grew up before Facebook. I learned to watch the news but draw my own conclusions. Please don’t make sweeping statements about a group you have labeled. You are not speaking about me and others who are labeled liberal. Are you telling me the Trump supporters have not been programmed? And the Republicans have not been interested in healthcare, as far as I can see. What is the Republican platform, anyway.

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You're not further left, you just think you are. I have voted in 14 elections and have never voted for a candidate (gov't, state, county, city) that belonged to the GnOPe. If the Independent Party was sanctioned into what is now are gov't, you would notice a lot more liberals. The last few elections have made people vote for anyone that could beat the republican candidate. Yes, I had friends and family that were also conscripted into Vietnam. It greatly changed the life of so many, along with the soldiers of the Korean War. Both were ignored. It would seem that most of us on this script are well versed in the our gov't and realize that the Religious Right are and have been brainwashed by organized religion. And the GnOPe does not have a platform. They are vehemently working on saving their life-long jobs and benefits, which brings us to term limits, etc etc.

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With Barry J. Kaufman DO's comment.

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I don't think there can be any argument that under Biden Democrats are now the ardent nationalists and imperialists, led by the nose to ascribe to "liberal" values that the party does little to protect (eg abortion) and instead uses for fundraising and electioneering. Meanwhile, we have one of the worst environmental disasters of all time in Ohio under clueless transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg who is just warming the seat in case he has to put on the cape to run for president. And the Biden administration is Tweeting about electric buses.

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I’m not so sure I agree that we (Americans) are mature adults who won’t panic - look at how a certain segment of the population panicked about the balloon, even attempting to shoot it with guns from the ground. As long as people are sitting home watching propaganda all day and night, they will not respond like mature adults.

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Yah and the Fox News crowd, are total children fighting over who is the stupidest, the most childish, and knows the least.

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Wow. I didn’t hear about that. But shooting guns are some people’s favorite thing. I actually thought it was funny when the balloon was shot down and people were posting a cartoon of the US launching hot air balloons in retaliation.

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Bravo, Michael. Thanks for popping the balloon (pun intended) of media pomposity and reflexive government secrecy. I got thyroid cancer at 19 because the US government would not tell folks in the Great Plains that fallout from Postwar A-bomb tests in Nevada was drifting over the Dakotas. President Eisenhower knew but decided it was "better" to say nothing because the public would panic. Ah, yes, don't panic the Rubes. Let 'em get cancer someday, but don't panic 'em. Spot on, Michael.

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Transparency -- up up and away! We are so not told the facts by our “government”! Thanks for keeping their feet to the fire! Keep up the good work.

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Mike! Not to be petty, but you promised we would have a quiz, on the Canadian Provinces and territories, and you forgot to do it. Even though you would have to have a very pitiful life to be upset over this but a promise is a promise, maybe you can fit it in on your next Rumble. This a long with all of your Rumbles, movies, and pod casts, are excellent, they really make a big difference, I feel and I am sure we all feel, you are making a big difference in keeping us informed, and keep blowing on the glowing cinders, trying to keep Democracy alive. I myself don't believe we have a Democracy, the will of the people, is ignored by our lawmakers; the Constitution is no longer the law of the country. I believe the number is 141 traitorous insurrectionist republican Senators, who were allowed to run for office again, against the Constitution, and they are not even talked about anywhere, except on Rumble. It is obvious the government has become, only for the Corporations, the rich, Military Industrial Complex, and the politicians. They are stealing our tax money, and if the people need help we get a few crumbs. Michael, thank you for all you do for us, the only fear I have is, that without you we have no truth.

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Oh, you have hit it on the nail. Thank god for Mike. Michael MacP, no more truer words then your own "the will of the people, is ignored by our lawmakers; the Constitution is no longer the law of the country. I believe the number is 141 traitorous insurrectionist republican Senators, who were allowed to run for office again. We so badly need term limits.

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I suggest you vote blue so we can change the world. 😎

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Michael, thanks for the as always incisive commentary and for making me laugh numerous times throughout the narrative. Also......hilarious choice of music!

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Mike's comment, that NORAD shot down a UFO, is a lot to wrap one's head around, but it doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility.

At any rate, the known fact that our government and media are keeping what they know secret from the public is disturbing.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

These things have been around forever. They know it. And they always keep secrets. Now this one is outta the bag. That's all.

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I live off of North Myrtle Beach and there has been significant activity on the water all week. There have been several ships, both Coast Guard and Navy. The divers are still searching for the main payload hardware that is imbedded in the silty muck at the ocean bottom. This is a great find for the Pentagon and we need to be patient on the feedback knowing that the rest of the world is also watching. It's highly unlikely that the other UFOs are from non-earth intelligent life. There is a great deal of debris in our airspace world wide and we are likely just responding to prove to our potential enemies that we are hyper aware of our airspace intruders.

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We are a government of lies and secrets, they are not going to tell us the truth, they never have. There is a reason government whistleblowers are either in prison, living in Russia, like Snowden or awaiting extradition from Belmarsh prison to this country to face 150 years in prison like Julian Assange.

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Yeah, like fricken' Elon Musk's Tesla

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Greetings Michael,

We come in peace. We are not Aliens, simply more evolved humanoids from the distant future. Some of us look strange to you, and you call us Aliens. Others of us are simply clones of particularly gorgeous and intelligent humans. There are many copies. But we have no plane.

We like balloons.

Spa Fon!

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You may find this Coefficient of Universal Expansion useful when you primitive early humans finally get around to inventing Time Travel:


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HAHAHAHAHA- now that is funny!

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Weapons of mass buffoonery, which sums up our military to a tee.

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The UAPs has been happening since the Trump administration and most likely before. This article goes into the research that some have been doing who experienced this. Despite the military complex large spending capability our adversaries have found it weakness. They are exploiting it. While we have spent billions on defense, the low tech normalization of drones and balloons can carry bombs, biological warfare and strike by our shooting it out of the sky, or their firing.

Our warfare has come home to roost. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/40054/adversary-drones-are-spying-on-the-u-s-and-the-pentagon-acts-like-theyre-ufos

I cringe to even post this but is seems the most logical explanation

Kinzinger had this on his Twitter pointing this link

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The more we spend on bombs and guns the less safe we become. Yes we have a right to transparency. Maybe they are trying to figure out how to justify the large military budget when this low tech threat is very hard to defend against. We can speculate as to whether we should allow Elon mush to control space satellites and gather intelligence or whether adversaries or even ET’s are coming to figure out how to Neutralize our systems. The best answer is gives us the lowdown -- we can handle it. Be truthful. Thanks Mike for another good report!

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I hope they didn’t shoot down ET. That could mean war.

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Hi Micheal, I hope to see you at the Peace Rally this Sunday Feb 19th Lincoln Memorial 12:30

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Great show! However, any interstellar civilization visiting us would be so technologically advanced that any weapon the US military had would be a joke to these folks. To quote theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, it would be Bambi vs. Godzilla. The real reason the US would not admit to ET visiting is because ET is not traveling light year distances burning Exxon jet A fuel. For the truth regarding ET, I suggest checking out Dr. Steven Greer's various website/videos.


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