I think Biden should increase the amount of money that the disabled receive. That's all races and sexual orientations, including the elderly and Veterans. All those struggling to survive with severe disabilities with a stipend of $881.00 It's so hard for many people to just get up and get dressed, it's humiliating what the government does to support them.

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SO AGREE.......

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I shared the list to my contacts and the Democrats! Thanks for rallying us once again, Michael!

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Carry on Michael……we love what you do. Highland, Michigan

ROEVEMBER happened……..thanks to the women, young voters and people of color.

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Reform the Electoral County Act is a

priority. Close those loop holes!

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Mike: you skipped labor organizing rights - or, is the status of PRO act secure;

Also, just wanted to let you know how I appreciate your work and you; I have remember your first film LOOKING FOR ROGER SMITH and thanks for everything you have done but what about labor - very respectfully asking

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What is the PRO Act? I've been out of circulation for awhile. Thx!

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Can we pass the ERA for women, please? The last time this was brought up for a vote was in the seventies. It’s now 2022, and it’s pathetically past time!

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Guns, Mike. Guns. Ban assault weapons now! Mandatory buyback of any guns not for shooting a deer.

Wish list: clarify that the Second Amendment refers only to muskets. And while we’re at it, let’s nail down what in god’s name is a “well regulated militia.”

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I will share your to-do list but ending gun violence seems to be missing????

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Hear Hear!!!!!!

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Great ideas , Mike! Lets do them all!!

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Hey Mike - Let's add nixing the Electoral College to that list, it's sooooo last 2 centuries! And what about these life time appointed, "Dark Ages" Supreme Court Justices - too much power! 5 justices chose Bush over Gore - will never forget that. Now women's right to choose - Gone! There's a reason the founders created separation of church and state - these majority of justices ignore it.

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You owe it to us! Yeeessssss!!!! When I write to my Senators, this is how I will finish! So simple, yet on point!

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Totally agree with you Michael. Let's get this done..The Republicans do not know how to govern. I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

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It’s nice to see the GQP take the house without zip ties. 😎 - Stephen Colbert

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It still bothers me that Louis DeJoy is still destroying the Post Office.

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