Michael, I am so glad you are executive producer to this film!! I hope your participation will make more Americans to watch the film and learn who Palestinians are and what has been done to them with our money and arms!!

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My comments get buried in all echo forums. As this one is. So here is the buried comment:


As to your point about enlightening and this enlivening the righteousness of all salt of the earth American -- you should understand the relevant motivations.

How many American combat soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan do you know? I mean those who served under George Bush.

Americans didn't care what THEY THEMSELVES were doing (I know MANY former soldiers and could tell you) but your presumption that "if only they knew!" they would rebel against it is true only because America is not still undergoing the trauma of 9/11. For the 3 years that they were, they celebrated like you could not imagine.

Israeli is STILL in the midst of trauma (their hostages are Schrodinger Dead/Alive) and it haunts them every single moment. If you want Palestinian Arabs to stop being killed, tortured, captured, and starved, it won't come from a complete lack of empathy for Israel's perspective.

It will come from someone who has demonstrated empathy for both sides of this mad war. Someone who CREATED HASBARA and left it when the "money people" took it over and turned it from transparent truth with the goal of less death and hatred -- to propaganda justifying it death and hatred for just one side.

You know, exactly like Michael Moore's ouvre.

I have reached out to him in well-sourced comments and veey sensitive emails.

He's no "devil" for not responding. He's just, well, another average human --- but one with a microphone, money, and exceptional skills.

I "expect" no more from him than from other people, but, given his gifts it's tragic that he uses them to exacerbate conflicts rather than to assuaging them.

Everyone else does the same, but when Michael, or Bibi, or Musk, or any of the other members of the Elite Class do it, it matters a wbole lot more because they have a literal monopoly on the microphone.

Me? I moved to Egypt.

I do what I can with pennies while Michael....does his usual thing, I guess.


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Thank you for your efforts to bring this historical record to the world.

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I’d LOVE to see this film. I’m so glad it exists. Will it be able to be streamed at some point for those of us who cannot go to theaters?

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When and where will it be streamed?

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Yes, please! I can't go either. Thanks, Michael!

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Thank you, Michael, for being an executive producer and putting the spotlight on Palestinians who are regularly overlooked, diminished, dehumanized, and all deemed "terrorists." Americans are fed a constant stream of inaccurate information so thank you for bringing these unheard voices to light.

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Despite my pointed critique if Michael's selective blindness, I agree with you completely.

At the same time, I myself will NOT watch the movie.

One of my oldest friends, and somebody who is objectively one of the kindest, fairest, and most thoughtful people you could ever meet made what I guess is the conpanion volume to this film -- complete with the same one-sided reasoning as Michael employs, and I can't watch his film either.

I saw both trailers and the two of them are on the Same Team:

Team, "Me Innocent! You Satan!"

And thus they ensure that this (and for that matter any other war) will go on forever until one side is eliminated.

Bravo you both!

I created Hasbara and I can mediate peace.

It's no surprise that my one-time acolytes won't give me a microphone. It's reassuring to see that, though I expect more from my own people, at least they haven't been showed up by the other side.

Arabs who actually LIVE in Palestine and Israel DO amplify my voice at great risk to themselves from all sides.



Jewish Israelis do not.



And with Just Two exceptions, people who claim to be suffering vicariously for the Palestinians certainly do not.

They tell themselves that they love Palestinians, but really they just hate Israelis. I mean think about, Dr. Mohammed Hejji's father was murdered in Gaza and he does what he can (without risking his life at the hands of idiots from any side) to get me heard, but couch-comfortable Americans who cry in their chips over Palestinian babies just want the Israelis to lose. Down to the last Arab if need be.

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I would happily pay for a streamed version. ❤️🕊️

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Michael already has a megaphone.

But who will support people like Dr. Hejji and myself, who instead of trying to make one side LOSE A WAR, are trying to make war vanish from the earth through honest, caring conversation?


My former Hasbara colleagues won't take my calls and Michael Moore prefers to highlight Jewish illiterates who send "F U emails" instead of Jewish Rabbis risking their lives every day to end was forever.

This is I know: If there is a Righteous Judge, before or after this life, I will be able to say I did my best and I will provide truthful testimony about those who signaled righteousness through selective hatreds, and by actively ignoring my daily pleas.

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Hello Michael

I am looking forward to watching your new film FROM GROUND ZERO

However I live in Ottawa, Canada. Is it possible for you to identify name of theatres and dates where and when the film will be playing in Ottawa?

Thank you

Shahnaz Khan

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Thank you! Thank you! Michael you deliver for humanity again. I don’t imagine this film will come to Maine, but will it be streaming anytime soon? I would gladly pay.

The horrors that are the daily existence of millions of innocent Gazans must be documented. One day there will be dozens of films recounting the hideous plans of the Israelis regarding the ethnic cleansing of Palestine for generations, just as there are dozens of films examining the Christian effort to remove the Jews from Europe.

Thank you for helping to bring the truth to the eyes and ears of the West. There is so much other noise that’s allowing this mass murder to continue. Thank you. Peace to you and all our sisters and brothers.

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50,000 civilians? Not a single one of these dead figures was a terrorist, an enemy combatant, an animal who slaughtered Israeli women, children or elderly on October 7? Not one?

Is there anything or any figure that Hamas or its “Health Ministry” would tell you that you would question or not believe? Do you work for Hamas? Do you side with all terrorists or just the ones that murder Jews?

One of the saddest things I’ve witnessed since Oct 7 is your sick descent into Jew and Israel hatred, and the glee which you project whenever you have an opportunity to smear Israel. Kind of reminds me of the glee Hamas expressed while torturing, raping and murdering Jews, including children on 10/7.

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You're wrong, and your hyperbole is no different than what you accused Michael of.

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Which part of my post exactly is wrong???

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How do you live with yourself? It's a war crime to target civilians--but you know that--you just don't care. It doesn't matter if the IDF finds a terrorist among the thousands of innocent women and children they have slaughtered. In addition to the actual perpetrators, the international criminal court should issue arrest warrants for anyone who attempts to justify Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza.

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I don't like accusing anyone here or elsewhere of being heartless or anything else. You should stop that.

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Saying that 50,000 people, including children and babies, are terrorists. Saying that just one of them being a terrorist justifies murdering thousands of others.

Come on, 'fess up.... Is that you, Bibi?

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I haven't read all of suzd's comments, but unless I'm mistaken you read her wrong. it was precisely the presumed absolutism of Michael's that they were all civilians (because you did not mention dead fighters) with which she had an issue.

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Look I am not defending Hamas, what they did is genocide, no one, and certainly not Michael here would disagree. Netanyahu's response is overkill. It is a war crime.

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keep talking. you only continue to make Michael's case stronger and yourself reactionary.

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Not one, Suzi. And even if there was ONE, it doesn’t justify slaughtering 50,000 innocent people in return. It saddens me to see your heart is so cold. Perhaps you haven’t seen the footage that I have seen, or maybe you just don’t care about people. Either way, it’s your loss and your shortcoming.

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Thank you for your hard work and your persistent fight for justice in this world. Going to see this tomorrow in Ocoee , Fl.

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And I must ask, do you give yourself extra pats on the back when you can layer some Holocaust inversion into one of your Substacks as you’ve done here? Allow me to clarify: No Michael, the military actions in Gaza have nothing to do with the Holocaust nor is it “payback” for it—your attempts to draw that false connection for your readers is grotesque. Israel, like any country, is trying to get the humans —mostly civilians including women, children, and elderly which Hamas stole in a massive war crime spree—back alive. Which you well know. All of this could end immediately—any time Hamas wants to release the hostages, or the Gazan civilians who are aiding and abetting this abduction and torture want to end this war crime and make $5million per head. Oddly none of them want that.

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Take away everything, in history start anywhere - is what we're witnessing right now justified? No, it's as of right now way beyond the pale.

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The loss of life is terrible and I am not minimizing that. But you seem to overlook that this is a war Hamas started, and that if it cared about its people, it could stop immediately by giving the humans it stole back. One side—Hamas—has the power to end this immediately!! You are also overlooking the fact that Hamas hides in tunnels for their own safety while leaving its women and children in harms way. Jews care about life and the sanctity of it. Hamas glorifies death. For Israel every Palestinian civilian death is a tragedy, and for Hamas, every Palestinian civilian death is a strategy.

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Who told you Hamas "cared for it's people"?

Hamas cares for itself. Iran cares for Hamas, a tool.

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And I would put it's people in quotes - there is no Hamas "it's people". "People" are useful whether they agree or not.

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And they die, whether they agree or not.

Israel knows this.

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Hamas know this too.

The majority of people in Gaza are sacrificial lambs.

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Then why are these same ppl not doing anything to over throw the regime that is causing this misery? Why has not a single one of them attempted to turn in a hostage and collect $5 million for it? These people are not without agency—it’s a little weird that not one has risen up to challenge Hamas, to publicly call on them to reach a ceasefire.

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Sure, and why are you not doing the same in your country? Will you storm the capital while Musk runs your country? No, you'll live your life, as your country declines, taken over by the lawless. When you realise it's too late to leave, and you're stuck - you'll go along to get along.

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You are correct.

Please listen closely.

The Elites run the world.

Michael, a rich and gifted fellow is one of them. It's altogether possible that he is one of the good ones. I don't know. But his antisemitism arises from the same place every antisemite catches that particular sniffle.

See, every homo sapien on the planet is aware that the rich are withholding their vast stores of food, clothes, homes, dental implants and money/security necessary to date, marry and reproduce. And that the rich only provide the 99% from their store of homes, gas and implants to those who will shine their shoes, nanny their children or suck their dick.

The system is one of slavery. A pyramid scheme from the Trump/Gates/Musk/Soros/Saudis and silent billionaires, down to those at the very bottom who (in every land on this planet) must deal with trash and excrement in exchange for bread and water (smiles, safety and pride not included).

So, for one, we are ALL complicit. The non-complicit end up dead or imprisoned. The system eats them all.

But it's worse than that.

Everyone also knows, admits and strives to THEMSELVES become one of the hoarding rich. So railing against this system feels like shooting their own dreams in the head.

It isn't that humans aren't generous and kindly by nature. We are. And in stronger measures than our competitive and exploitative instincts (which the Bible metaphorizes as the lately-come viral meme that only arose in force when humans discovered agriculture and thus the ability to store and hoard wealth, along with the necessity to practice deception and the attending fear of being transparently seen for who we really are).

But the system is the system and history has well recorded what happens to those who turn the other cheek, so nobody really considers overthrowing it in favor of brotherhood, nor are they greatly bothered by the evils they must commit because after all for most of us greater evils are being done against us than we are doing to others.

In such a System, revered as The Only Way, the slave-folk still feel a need to hate SOMEBODY! "The Man" is keeping them down! But who and where is "The Man"?

If not Warren Buffet, whom they hope to become, then whom?

Happily, The "God of the Jews" has provided a ready-made people to fear and loathe. All in the service of His design.

Judaism, you see, is a Meme Aiming For World Perfection Via The Golden Rule.

That's what it is.

The meme's goal of pointing society's attention to the simple fact that rather than schemingly competing against each other we would all be better off (perhaps nearly utopian so) ENJOYING THE NATURAL PLEASURE of enlivening and happifying our fellows...is a tough goal to achieve.

But The Meme has its ways.

The Jews need to either be an almost exception-free EXEMPLARY people... OR (if millions of more or less regular humans with funny noses can't too easily turn into a nation of Mahatmas) to suffer stochastic public suffering in order to draw attention to and reinforce The Meme through a steadily burning light of traumatized suffering servants.

So the Jewish Meme offers The Jews two options: BE PERFECT and inspire and teach the rest of humankind... or BE DIFFERENT, and apart, and stick out like a sore thumb, making yourselves visible, easy, obvious scapegoats for the sins of all mankind.



Want to hate The Rulers? "Hey, look how many Cohens and Zuckerbergs are among the Rulers!"

Are most people born to Jewish parents wealthy? Hell no. But who has time for math. The Jews don't eat at McDonalds, they pray funny, dress funny, and yadda yadda yadda...

All of the MANY things that the Bible planned out for them to ensure that they remain a noticeable SEPARATE PEOPLE, and thereby either get their shit together so perfectly as to successfully overcome humanity's natural paranoid tribalism or, lacking such superhuman holiness, to live a hectic evolutionary existence of booms and busts in rapid succession as they try to make their schizophrenic way in a world that operates opposite to the values that define them.

The Jews are MADE to be scapegoats. The Bible does not shy from its intentions here at all.

And the world is only too happy to have such a prepared and tagged scapegoat at the ready.

Are you a craftsman who was turned into a nameless, faceless, replaceable cog living in the dark as a galley slave on Henry Ford's assembly line? Sucks, doesn't it. There's a solution! For Christmas Henry Ford will give you a free copy of his book explaining how the Jews are your real enemy.

Michael's unfriendly grimace at the Juden has a similar parentage.

My comment on his first post in the current trinity shared my friendly chortle at his claim that, "Jews lust to genocide Catholics and always have, ever since they killed the first Catholic, named Jesus Christ God."

Okay, maybe that's a paraphrase bit by God was it the message! 😂 Look it up yourself. Presumably he doesn't edit himself or others so his wordsa and my comment should still be there.

I laughed because I thought he was but being bitterly biting by bringing up the ancient unpleasantness of the Jews having captured and murdered God... But, my lord! The fella really finds the Jews odious! I mean, I myself am angry as FUCK at my people... for reasons I've explained at length, but Mikey genuinely regards them as SO MUCH WORSE than other peeps that he must endlessly draw his audience to his misguided misunderstandings about the Jews with full utilization of the Complete Antisemite's Thesaurus.

Overdone Mikey. Overdone.

[NOTE: I am NOT calling Michael an antisemite. What the hell even is that? It's as alienizing and dehumanizing as any other epithet. He's a DUDE! A human dude. This branding of people as "Antisemites" by wealth-proclaimed Jewish "leaders" whose synagogue is the country club and boardroom is absolutely disgusting. Mike's a dude. A human. And probably a pretty cool one. You can be a human and still suffer hallucinatory sights and smells -- certainly regarding such colorful and highly emotive matters as the ancient-and-continuing confusing people of Israel.]

Back to America, Herr Moore (kidding!) obviously can't promote hate of the wealthy, lucky, and blessedly competent because he is all 3 of those.

But the Jews are all made-up and costumed for instant dehumanization, reasons be damned.

There are no new lines to learn when picking on the Jews.

I have a very different way of ending the indescribable horrors in Gaza than by spitting at the Jews without giving a single rational thought to their reasons.

And I (WHO CREATED HASBARA AND WAS ITS FIRST RABBI, LECTURER, AUTHOR, AND INTERNATIONAL AMBASSADOR) could not have been clearer about it in hundreds of articles and hundreds of videos.

Why haven't you heard about me?

Because Michael Moore prefers to respond to "Fuck You" emails than to well-written and well-sourced entreaties for a moment of his attention from one of his own subscribers.

Again, the dude's just human. Please don't confuse my words for hatred, condemnation, or any such nonsense. I like the guy!

But as the man in the fuckin trenches, I think I have a right to call out the wealthy, lucky, skilled man on the hill for the hypocrisy of using his privilege to monopolize the microphone playing his favorite re-runs rather than at least giving a goddamn hearing to somebody who may ACTUALLY SUCCEED AT ENDING THE WAR.

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SO entitled and used to being beyond reproach. What a shock to your system it must be to called out for being bloodthirsty and having no compassion.

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All so deeply sad and TRUE~ Yet, it will be used mightily by the MAGA/DT administration to increase hostility and Anti-Semitism against the Jewish population in America, and eventually toward the Muslims themselves.

While the current lens is focused on the inhumane tragedy following the terrorist acts of HAMAS, let us remember the Palestinian people voted for HAMAS to govern and represent them. Yes, to witness their deplorable existence is heart wrenching, disturbing and unforgivable. Palestinians elected leaders chose to start a war and did not defend their own people. The results are devastating. It is war, but not a war that has a solution when terrorists, and the countries that place them in power are not held accountable.

Who can tell one side to stop fighting when "enough" people are suffering beyond despair, or killed? Who decides when enough hatred has destroyed a country? ; When a race or religion should be excluded or eliminated ; When anyone the majority disagrees with should be ostracized? WHO decides when HATE needs to STOP ~ before we destroy each other and the planet?

Until HAMAS and the other Arab countries that supply them with arms are forced to stop fighting, the Palestinian people will continue to be betrayed by their leaders and suffer this war of aggression.

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Israel's response under Netanyahu has gone beyond the pale into crimes against humanity.

Putin in his invasion of Ukraine - ditto.

We either commit to ending such, or wait for it to land on our own doorstep. This was the question your forebears had to answer 80 some odd years ago.

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Glad to see this showing several places here in Colorado. This affirms further that AIPAC, Netanyahu, META and their oligarch owners trying to exert censorship, the ethnic cleansers and genocide supporters running the two cartel parties presently determining our "government," and the Israeli gangster government stooges trolling your announcement CANNOT stop it. TRUTH DOES OUT.

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Would you like to see documented proof that both major political parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law--conspiring together to commit treason? Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice.

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Finally, must you continue to manipulate your readers about the “forced to live behind barbed wire” BS? I’m pretty sure you know why both Egypt and Israel have the same barbed wire up at their borders with Gaza—because living next to a terrorist death cult of Hamas and all the “civilians” it indoctrinates, leads to them to come into their country and kill their own civilians whom they have a duty to protect from suicide bombings and other “intifada” type activities. Any time these animals (Hamas terrorists) and the civilians they rule over want to live in peace next to their neighbors, rather than wanting to rape and murder them, the barriers can come down.

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Saw the film today. I expected to be devastated by the sheer terror, mayhem and death everywhere. In other words, hell itself. And the sound of drones hovering everywhere is our modern day Inferno. And yet, these Palestinian artists present themselves, their families, their humanity in heartbreaking, yet hopeful ways. The children want to go back to school, musicians and artists want to create new works, as adults search for food and water. 22 short videos and not one negative word about Israelis. They did not waste their words. They want to live, love, hope, dream. They are us.

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Also just want to make sure your reader understand that the land you refer to as the “West Bank” was annexed and ruled over by Jordan prior to it being under Israel control. The reason Israel had to put a barbed wire fence between it and the area that Jews live in is because the innocent civilians living there often like to lose their innocence and come into Israel and kill Jews. Also want to make sure your readers know that the Palestinian Authority, who rules over the Palestinians (Israel does not rule over them), actually PAYS ITS INNOCENT CIVILIANS FOR KILLING JEWS!! ( Look up the details on the Palestinian Authority’s “martyr payments” program which pays Palestinians who commit acts of violence against Israelis). If Canada were doing that to the USA , we would have a barbed wire border with them too. Don’t be manipulated by Michael, be a critical thinker when you read his unhinged posts that have to do with Israel.

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The Third Reich had a fabricated rationale for justifying ethnic cleansing. Your posts sound just like their rationale. Whatever you are selling here, it is not higher order thinking.

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EDIT: Oh no! The substack lines had do you thinking that you were responding to Michael! 🤣

Unfortunately I have to append this note to the compliments below.

I won't take them back because I presumed that you deserve compliments anyway, but I guess in this instance that may be that we were saying opposite things 🤷‍♂️.

Either way, it's just internet text and not worth all that much, certainly not worth enough to delete the compliments that I presume you deserve for other things if not necessarily for failing to write your comment above to Michael rather than to somebody else.


Yup. My own comments here will of course be buried in the echo chamber of local dittoheads (which is the state of the entire internet, Michael's audience is not to blame for the "Top First!" structure that reinforces this).

But I think you would enjoy reading them. Heads up, they aren't simple and the ideas that comprise these comments inclide some you are certain not to have heard before, so if you take the plunge, please pay close attention.

Anyhow, was great communicating-over-miscommunication before, which is why I dare to presume that you will find my comments worthy of your time and careful consideration.

Be blessed brother.

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They pay for what they believe the extremists regard as martyrs, to appease the lawless, and how many in reality? Tens of thousands? No, a relatively few. The Palestinian Authority does not run Gaza, it's a toothless joke, playing the man on the fence.

Until it is it's own State, free from Israel and Iran, it will be a shitshow. A truly Free Palestine can only seriously exist with the backing of the West and Mideast powers.

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