If Trump returns to the White House, he will not safeguard his Republican supporters and their families from the destructive consequences of Project 2025.
Their goal is to eliminate all social programs, which means slashing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and more.
They may attempt to deny this, but it's clearly outlined in "Project 2025."
On the other hand, KAMALA HARRIS is committed to expanding and strengthening all social programs.
Huh? If you mean Frump is a conspiracy theorist, your data is correct. No sane person WANTS he and his flying monkey enablers destroying us all with it, it’s only his SICK plan,no one wants to even have to hear about it, as he trumpets it everywhere endlessly.Look, working class Americans are simply trying to survive. We’re all only PRAYING that his sicko “plans” ARE just crazy right wingers “conspiracy theories”. DUH.
No that’s not what I said. How do you feel about Biden rewriting a historic civil rights law with a department he staffed and not involving courts, congress or voters? Would you support Trump doing that? Sounds kind of dictatory.
What do u think he wants to be? He wants to be a dictator. He will be able to sign some executive orders to destroy us. Since when does he care about voters desires?
Please list all the rights you lost when this dictator was in power for 4 years. He had the golden opportunity to be a dictator under Covid but wasn’t. I’ll wait.
If anyone can end the genocide of Palestinians, it will be Kamala. And we know trump doesn't give a shit how many Palestinians are killed. Or Israelis. Or American school children. Or women losing a fetus...
The Republicans and Democrats are using your tax dollars to fund, arm, and provide political cover for genocide—the worst crime known to man. To add insult to injury, these heinous war criminals say that they support Israel’s right to defend itself—like slaughtering thousands of innocent children could ever be considered self-defense. If this is not enough of a reason to withdraw your support from these two horrifically corrupt political parties—what the hell would be?
What if I told you that I could prove the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law? You know, conspiring together to strip away everyone’s constitutional rights--including yours. Would proof of treason be enough of a reason to withdraw your support from these two bought and paid for political parties? Well, I have that proof. I put it in a book. All you have to do is read it. (There is a link for a free digital copy in this post.)
My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Posner’s amicus brief is posted on the Supreme Court’s website at www.supremecourt.gov and can be accessed by typing in the following case number: Martin v. Living Essentials (Case No. 17-8352)
It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.
In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.
The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.
Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.
Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.
While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.
If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.
Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.
*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.
In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.
All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.
P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.
I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, for goodness sake, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!
The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.
We know. Right now, Americans are in very grave danger THEMSELVES, and youngsters are both endangering us over Netenyahu? How can this make any sense? We want Palestinians to survive, we know Harris is a politician, so she’s not going to be the tooth fairy. We who’ve understood since Vietnam, when our sons were drafted to their deaths by the thousands, have known and understood how corrupt and self serving politicians are, but this is OUR CHANCE to do the right thing. Withholding doing that, because this is new information for some,not wanting to choose the “lesser of two evils” NOW, are irresponsible and acting out, to make that point we get already, and it would put us at at very GREAT risk. Please consider this, please consider that though it’s not utopia, we have to choose lesser hell’s, the better to further make any gains in our SURVIVAL. I implore you. I hear you, I get it, it sucks. Try?
If you live in a swing state, vote for Harris--she is the lesser of two evils. But you should know that you are still voting for evil and nothing is going to change until we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of virtually every problem in the world.
If you read my book, you will know for a fact that in the last presidential election I gave the Democrats everything they needed to defeat Trump and win overwhelming victories in the House and Senate. They refused to use it. That's how I know they are corrupt. Only a co-conspirator would willfully ignore their political opponent's corruption.
You know that Jill Stein is running~Green Party... so one could choose to vote for Jill Stein....check out her platform....Kamala was endorsed by Dick Cheney (Dick Cheney of the Bush years~war mongers)....that should be a red flag~...Biden has not stopped the genocide of Palestinians....??? That's another red flag! Why do you think he doesn't stop the genocide of Palestinians?????? Why does Biden send more of our tax $$$$$ and weapons to Israel??...... why would you think Kamala will end the genocide of Palestinians???..Do you know that most of the US REPS and US Senators take money from AIPAC??? so they do what AIPAC tells them to do~ Biden has raked in about 4 million from the Israel lobby......Has Kamala said she would/could end the genocide of Palestinians....?? not a peep that I know of~~~Kamala will do what AIPAC, weapons industries, and billionaires tell her to do~ Did Biden in his four years speak to the United States about the need to allow all women to make their own decisions about their bodies~did anything change? do you know that Kamala invited a group of US Palestinians to her speech at the DNC....but then didn't didn't let them in.....kamala also invited a US Palestinian to speak at the DNC...the speaker was not allowed in....I wonder why??......It seems likely that AIPAC was not happy about that~~....may the genocide of Palestinians stop........now would be good time to stop sending weapons and our tax money to Israel......I wish you well....Jill Stein does care about the issues you mentioned....our school children.... a woman's right to choose... peace not war/genocide.....
First allow Americans to survive their own lives in their country. Trump will do the équivalant here as in Gaza, in his own obscene ways. If America survives, obviously, a vote for Harris our only hope for Gaza, suffering the most obscene ethic cleansing outside of the Holocaust. Trump IS WAR.
"First allow Americans to survive".....you know the US is complicit in the genocide of Palestinians because....Biden is complicit in the genocide of Palestinians...he is using our tax dollars for killing Palestinians...rather than investing in our communities in the US... ......Do you really think Kamala will stop the weapons and our tax $$$$$$$$ from flowing to Israel??? She will continue the genocide of Palestinians...she was endorsed by Dick Cheney.!!!!..a war criminal from the Bush Administration.....just as Biden has continued to send our tax dollars and weapons to Israel to commit genocide of the Palestinians and expanding into a larger middle east war.....Biden and his administration are complicit in the Genocide~ that includes Kamala....Trump is a nightmare....I agree with you on that.....Jill Stein ....here is her platform... https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform
I did your advice from this morning and texted many many people on my phone list to vote for Harris! It was a great experience and I heard from friends and family all over the country!
Easier than I thought. Thank you for suggesting it. 👍❤️
Mr. Moore!!! Love you!!!💥. All the way from Canada! You are a breath of fresh air .... Hope, with all my heart, that your words have reached enough of your country's thinking folk to prevent a world wide crisis! Unfortunately we've no say ...
trump voters do not understand the consequences of their vote. they do not think he will do what project 2025 says it will do, they do not believe he means the things he says. they just hate liberals more than they love their country. we must show up to vote in numbers that are undeniable. I hope we do.
Nor do Democrats acting out because Harris isn’t “perfect”. She’s not Sanders, Chomsky, or Moore. This is much more terrifying than those who incuriously refuse to expose themselves to anything but Fox News and have their hatred regurgitated back to them through social media. We understand they can’t know better. But Democrats or Independents,” Socialists”, hello? You DO understand empirical fact, please don’t take it out on elderly ,sick, humans trying to survive to make their very valid point!
No, they want to restore their civil rights that Biden/Harris rewrote changing it from its original intention.( Title IX) And they don’t want more censorship.
Because nothing says "Presidential" like performing simulated oral sex on an Arnold Palmer signature model microphone in front of a live crowd. (Twice.)
As he pretends the self tanner his glam squad refuses to blend underneath his eye bags or “O” orifice mouth has anything to do with the sun! Fluorescent from miles away.
I have been voting like it isn't just about me, for all of my life! I knew there was something wrong with the religious right wingers all my life. But now as I grow older I can throw out my observation.
They were taught the big lies, Noah and the ark, Jonah and the whale, Adam and Eve ... At way too young of an age! They turned into narcissists, sadists and liars. Apparently these religions of faith are kind of like a smorgasbord where you get to pick and choose what you want to believe. The Old testament or the New testament. The Christians that believe in The sermon on the Mount or new testament, are much more responsible than the Christians that want to bring on Armageddon. It is easy to be destructive and hard to be constructive!
Donald Trump wants people to vote on his record. What I recall and all of his supporters should recall is that he borrowed 7.8 trillion dollars, didn't create any jobs, his border wall was a failure, he led an insurrection, he is a multiple felon, he didn't have a clue on what to do about the covid which led to the death of half a million Americans needlessly, and he lost about four times more soldiers in Afghanistan than Biden did leaving the place.... His base seems to have no ability to remember! It is like their prefrontal cortex has been castrated from their Amygdala by religions of faith telling big lies to toddlers and children!
If I'm correct, I don't believe the lunatics can ever be rehabilitated. They can't connect the dots and grow a conscience. A lack of a conscience is the root of all evil. The cult needs a leader to tell them what is right and what is wrong because they are not capable of discerning that themselves. Fascism and theocracy are at work in the year 2024 AD! Like they were at work in the year 1,000 AD!
I really think we need to divide the nation in half and let the lunatics live with each other! Only two givers can make a relationship work. The right wingers are takers. The left gave them a decent standard of living, but they are so ungrateful they want Armageddon!...
Thank you for everything you do. I've been following you since the early 90's and my kids grew up watching your films. We even drove to Chicago once from Kansas City to watch you produce one of your TV programs. You are an old and wise friend. Thank you for your generosity, cogent analysis, and humor. I don't know what lies ahead in the next few days, but I do know that we will end up in a hard won victory once the dust and bullshit clears!
I read an interesting article today by a Chinese American who grew up in the Maoist revolution. She sees the work done by DEI promoters as the equivalent of what the Red Guard squads did in China. I don’t agree with her, because I perceive that “struggle session” fomenters behaved more like Trumpies do today, than the person who sent you the poster, because Trumpies are the preservationists of a folk & culture that both has been, and perhaps has never been, rather than a progressive culture that is still to be, while those who promote DEI for the purpose of Belonging are doing so, simply because they have empathy for those who are still in the “out” groups among we who are already “in” the mix.
It’s an interesting distortion. Almost as interesting as the huge Trump-Vance sign hanging on the front porch of a house in my home town which I include here. I’ve circled the part that I see as most indicative of the whole 2024 election in a nutshell… Do we want to be a nation of Outlaws & Hillbillies, or a nation of caring people who can look beyond our own noses, and want Law & Order & Social Justice to be the legacy we leave to our future.
I hope we, as a nation, have both the moral tenacity to choose Harris & The Dems to govern us, and the empathic compassion to offer the Outlaws & Hillbillies a pathway to responsible citizen that would make even the most deserving of our DACA Dreamers blush.
(Here is the article. I see it’s from The NY Post, so I now understand my cognitive dissonance… I hadn’t seen this line of attack against DEIB from the MAGA-sphere before, but now I get it. Another “through the looking glass” rabbit hole… so many holes we have to fill as a nation… sigh. 😔 https://www.yahoo.com/news/coming-soon-america-signs-point-140000706.html)
I am voting as if it's about the million or more Muslims we have slaughtered over the past 20 years, including the genocide that Biden and Harris are enabling and covering up for as we speak, and the thousands of Ukranians who have needlessly died due to the Biden/Harris administration's deliberate interference with the peace process in April of 2022. I am voting as if it's about the survival of humanity against all odds due to American militarism and nationalism and our unending escalation towards nuclear obliteration. There's a lot more, but I'm not voting based on January 6th or Russiagate or Trumpaphobia. That's for the team players who refuse to hold their leaders accountable for crimes against humanity. https://barryjkaufmando.substack.com/p/if-kamala-harris-loses-dont-blame
If anyone insists on throwing vulnerable human beings( who happen to be American) away out of the same same hate-based mind set responsible for what’s obscenely happening in Gaza, by Netenyahu just because Harris isn’t perfect, and is a politician, that person is complicit in hate based violence, themselves. You either want to protect vulnerable humans or you don’t. Americans aren’t all wealthy and protected like Israelis are, either, as Gaza’s can’t be. If you don’t vote for Harris, you just can’t say you care about humanity at large. Not all Americans are safe , wealthy, and protected as Israelis are, either, here. So you can’t support Palestinians by not voting at all, It’s the opposite of what they’re BEGGING for, have a heart, man, think of Gaza, and the rest outside of American exceptionalism, fighting off Trumps and Putin’s, and Netenyahus, the hurting globe is pleading with you. We count, too. Your vote counts. You count. Everyone counts. Have a heart, please.
Vote as if you’re not white? WTF does that mean? I voted for Obama because he was smart, not black. I judged him by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. You should try it. You want me to vote for a party that allows intact, male, registered sex offenders in female prisons and calls it “ equality.” Are you insane? What about their bodily autonomy? What about their right to consent? What about their safety? There are many black, female prison inmates traumatized by the new laws passed, under Biden/ Harris, since you care so much about people of color. What about the safety of female athletes? What about the comfort of school girls forced, against their will, to share a locker room with boys? Why don’t their feelings matter? No, I’m voting for the party that can clearly define what a woman is. If you can’t define her, you can’t defend her. Kamala will not be able to give liberal, white, women, their abortions in red states. She’s lying. She needs the senate, and she won’t get the votes.
If Trump returns to the White House, he will not safeguard his Republican supporters and their families from the destructive consequences of Project 2025.
Their goal is to eliminate all social programs, which means slashing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and more.
They may attempt to deny this, but it's clearly outlined in "Project 2025."
On the other hand, KAMALA HARRIS is committed to expanding and strengthening all social programs.
Project 2025 is a conspiracy theory. Unless you can prove it will become policy or law.
Can you prove it will be law or policy?
If you are not willing to look up the proof yourself, (and there is proof to see but only by those with open eyes)
Then you will not axcept the truth when you see it.
Great! Offer a source please. Proof that it will indeed become law or policy. I’ll wait. 🤡
Huh? If you mean Frump is a conspiracy theorist, your data is correct. No sane person WANTS he and his flying monkey enablers destroying us all with it, it’s only his SICK plan,no one wants to even have to hear about it, as he trumpets it everywhere endlessly.Look, working class Americans are simply trying to survive. We’re all only PRAYING that his sicko “plans” ARE just crazy right wingers “conspiracy theories”. DUH.
No that’s not what I said. How do you feel about Biden rewriting a historic civil rights law with a department he staffed and not involving courts, congress or voters? Would you support Trump doing that? Sounds kind of dictatory.
What do u think he wants to be? He wants to be a dictator. He will be able to sign some executive orders to destroy us. Since when does he care about voters desires?
Please list all the rights you lost when this dictator was in power for 4 years. He had the golden opportunity to be a dictator under Covid but wasn’t. I’ll wait.
do you feel that she will end the genocide of Palestinians?
If anyone can end the genocide of Palestinians, it will be Kamala. And we know trump doesn't give a shit how many Palestinians are killed. Or Israelis. Or American school children. Or women losing a fetus...
Trump is a sociopath. He doesn't care about any form of suffering and certainly doesn't care about abortion. It's all a political game to seize power.
My fellow Americans,
The Republicans and Democrats are using your tax dollars to fund, arm, and provide political cover for genocide—the worst crime known to man. To add insult to injury, these heinous war criminals say that they support Israel’s right to defend itself—like slaughtering thousands of innocent children could ever be considered self-defense. If this is not enough of a reason to withdraw your support from these two horrifically corrupt political parties—what the hell would be?
What if I told you that I could prove the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law? You know, conspiring together to strip away everyone’s constitutional rights--including yours. Would proof of treason be enough of a reason to withdraw your support from these two bought and paid for political parties? Well, I have that proof. I put it in a book. All you have to do is read it. (There is a link for a free digital copy in this post.)
My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Posner’s amicus brief is posted on the Supreme Court’s website at www.supremecourt.gov and can be accessed by typing in the following case number: Martin v. Living Essentials (Case No. 17-8352)
It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.
In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.
The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.
Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.
Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.
While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.
If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.
Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.
*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.
In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.
All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.
If you want a government that actually acts in your best interests, I urge you and everyone you know to read my book as soon as possible. You can get a digital copy of my book free of charge at the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_vaMH1riLodzOfQn0kI7ow0RDrPM0NqE/view?usp=sharing
P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.
I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, for goodness sake, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!
The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.
We know. Right now, Americans are in very grave danger THEMSELVES, and youngsters are both endangering us over Netenyahu? How can this make any sense? We want Palestinians to survive, we know Harris is a politician, so she’s not going to be the tooth fairy. We who’ve understood since Vietnam, when our sons were drafted to their deaths by the thousands, have known and understood how corrupt and self serving politicians are, but this is OUR CHANCE to do the right thing. Withholding doing that, because this is new information for some,not wanting to choose the “lesser of two evils” NOW, are irresponsible and acting out, to make that point we get already, and it would put us at at very GREAT risk. Please consider this, please consider that though it’s not utopia, we have to choose lesser hell’s, the better to further make any gains in our SURVIVAL. I implore you. I hear you, I get it, it sucks. Try?
If you live in a swing state, vote for Harris--she is the lesser of two evils. But you should know that you are still voting for evil and nothing is going to change until we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of virtually every problem in the world.
If you read my book, you will know for a fact that in the last presidential election I gave the Democrats everything they needed to defeat Trump and win overwhelming victories in the House and Senate. They refused to use it. That's how I know they are corrupt. Only a co-conspirator would willfully ignore their political opponent's corruption.
You know that Jill Stein is running~Green Party... so one could choose to vote for Jill Stein....check out her platform....Kamala was endorsed by Dick Cheney (Dick Cheney of the Bush years~war mongers)....that should be a red flag~...Biden has not stopped the genocide of Palestinians....??? That's another red flag! Why do you think he doesn't stop the genocide of Palestinians?????? Why does Biden send more of our tax $$$$$ and weapons to Israel??...... why would you think Kamala will end the genocide of Palestinians???..Do you know that most of the US REPS and US Senators take money from AIPAC??? so they do what AIPAC tells them to do~ Biden has raked in about 4 million from the Israel lobby......Has Kamala said she would/could end the genocide of Palestinians....?? not a peep that I know of~~~Kamala will do what AIPAC, weapons industries, and billionaires tell her to do~ Did Biden in his four years speak to the United States about the need to allow all women to make their own decisions about their bodies~did anything change? do you know that Kamala invited a group of US Palestinians to her speech at the DNC....but then didn't didn't let them in.....kamala also invited a US Palestinian to speak at the DNC...the speaker was not allowed in....I wonder why??......It seems likely that AIPAC was not happy about that~~....may the genocide of Palestinians stop........now would be good time to stop sending weapons and our tax money to Israel......I wish you well....Jill Stein does care about the issues you mentioned....our school children.... a woman's right to choose... peace not war/genocide.....
May there be Peace~ best Marjorie.....here is Jill's platform~ https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform
First allow Americans to survive their own lives in their country. Trump will do the équivalant here as in Gaza, in his own obscene ways. If America survives, obviously, a vote for Harris our only hope for Gaza, suffering the most obscene ethic cleansing outside of the Holocaust. Trump IS WAR.
"First allow Americans to survive".....you know the US is complicit in the genocide of Palestinians because....Biden is complicit in the genocide of Palestinians...he is using our tax dollars for killing Palestinians...rather than investing in our communities in the US... ......Do you really think Kamala will stop the weapons and our tax $$$$$$$$ from flowing to Israel??? She will continue the genocide of Palestinians...she was endorsed by Dick Cheney.!!!!..a war criminal from the Bush Administration.....just as Biden has continued to send our tax dollars and weapons to Israel to commit genocide of the Palestinians and expanding into a larger middle east war.....Biden and his administration are complicit in the Genocide~ that includes Kamala....Trump is a nightmare....I agree with you on that.....Jill Stein ....here is her platform... https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform
I did your advice from this morning and texted many many people on my phone list to vote for Harris! It was a great experience and I heard from friends and family all over the country!
Easier than I thought. Thank you for suggesting it. 👍❤️
do you think Kamala will continue the genocide of Palestinians?
Mr. Moore!!! Love you!!!💥. All the way from Canada! You are a breath of fresh air .... Hope, with all my heart, that your words have reached enough of your country's thinking folk to prevent a world wide crisis! Unfortunately we've no say ...
from a fan from Sarnia, Ontario!
trump voters do not understand the consequences of their vote. they do not think he will do what project 2025 says it will do, they do not believe he means the things he says. they just hate liberals more than they love their country. we must show up to vote in numbers that are undeniable. I hope we do.
Nor do Democrats acting out because Harris isn’t “perfect”. She’s not Sanders, Chomsky, or Moore. This is much more terrifying than those who incuriously refuse to expose themselves to anything but Fox News and have their hatred regurgitated back to them through social media. We understand they can’t know better. But Democrats or Independents,” Socialists”, hello? You DO understand empirical fact, please don’t take it out on elderly ,sick, humans trying to survive to make their very valid point!
No, they want to restore their civil rights that Biden/Harris rewrote changing it from its original intention.( Title IX) And they don’t want more censorship.
Voted a straight Blue ticket on 10/17/24.
I’ll be watching you Michael on MSNBC…. You are “doing Something!” 👏👏👏
Great Job Michael on MSNBC tonight. We so need the tsunami of women votes to take us over the edge! The end to Magadom.
Because nothing says "Presidential" like performing simulated oral sex on an Arnold Palmer signature model microphone in front of a live crowd. (Twice.)
As he pretends the self tanner his glam squad refuses to blend underneath his eye bags or “O” orifice mouth has anything to do with the sun! Fluorescent from miles away.
I have been voting like it isn't just about me, for all of my life! I knew there was something wrong with the religious right wingers all my life. But now as I grow older I can throw out my observation.
They were taught the big lies, Noah and the ark, Jonah and the whale, Adam and Eve ... At way too young of an age! They turned into narcissists, sadists and liars. Apparently these religions of faith are kind of like a smorgasbord where you get to pick and choose what you want to believe. The Old testament or the New testament. The Christians that believe in The sermon on the Mount or new testament, are much more responsible than the Christians that want to bring on Armageddon. It is easy to be destructive and hard to be constructive!
Donald Trump wants people to vote on his record. What I recall and all of his supporters should recall is that he borrowed 7.8 trillion dollars, didn't create any jobs, his border wall was a failure, he led an insurrection, he is a multiple felon, he didn't have a clue on what to do about the covid which led to the death of half a million Americans needlessly, and he lost about four times more soldiers in Afghanistan than Biden did leaving the place.... His base seems to have no ability to remember! It is like their prefrontal cortex has been castrated from their Amygdala by religions of faith telling big lies to toddlers and children!
If I'm correct, I don't believe the lunatics can ever be rehabilitated. They can't connect the dots and grow a conscience. A lack of a conscience is the root of all evil. The cult needs a leader to tell them what is right and what is wrong because they are not capable of discerning that themselves. Fascism and theocracy are at work in the year 2024 AD! Like they were at work in the year 1,000 AD!
I really think we need to divide the nation in half and let the lunatics live with each other! Only two givers can make a relationship work. The right wingers are takers. The left gave them a decent standard of living, but they are so ungrateful they want Armageddon!...
Michael, I"m scared.
Where’s the joy and vibes?
Thank you for everything you do. I've been following you since the early 90's and my kids grew up watching your films. We even drove to Chicago once from Kansas City to watch you produce one of your TV programs. You are an old and wise friend. Thank you for your generosity, cogent analysis, and humor. I don't know what lies ahead in the next few days, but I do know that we will end up in a hard won victory once the dust and bullshit clears!
I just had to give your heartfelt comment a "like"....although I must add that I can only hope that your your last sentence conclusion is correct.
Right on!
I read an interesting article today by a Chinese American who grew up in the Maoist revolution. She sees the work done by DEI promoters as the equivalent of what the Red Guard squads did in China. I don’t agree with her, because I perceive that “struggle session” fomenters behaved more like Trumpies do today, than the person who sent you the poster, because Trumpies are the preservationists of a folk & culture that both has been, and perhaps has never been, rather than a progressive culture that is still to be, while those who promote DEI for the purpose of Belonging are doing so, simply because they have empathy for those who are still in the “out” groups among we who are already “in” the mix.
It’s an interesting distortion. Almost as interesting as the huge Trump-Vance sign hanging on the front porch of a house in my home town which I include here. I’ve circled the part that I see as most indicative of the whole 2024 election in a nutshell… Do we want to be a nation of Outlaws & Hillbillies, or a nation of caring people who can look beyond our own noses, and want Law & Order & Social Justice to be the legacy we leave to our future.
I hope we, as a nation, have both the moral tenacity to choose Harris & The Dems to govern us, and the empathic compassion to offer the Outlaws & Hillbillies a pathway to responsible citizen that would make even the most deserving of our DACA Dreamers blush.
(Here is the article. I see it’s from The NY Post, so I now understand my cognitive dissonance… I hadn’t seen this line of attack against DEIB from the MAGA-sphere before, but now I get it. Another “through the looking glass” rabbit hole… so many holes we have to fill as a nation… sigh. 😔 https://www.yahoo.com/news/coming-soon-america-signs-point-140000706.html)
Let me add to vote as though, like mine, your brother is a Trumper.
I am voting as if it's about the million or more Muslims we have slaughtered over the past 20 years, including the genocide that Biden and Harris are enabling and covering up for as we speak, and the thousands of Ukranians who have needlessly died due to the Biden/Harris administration's deliberate interference with the peace process in April of 2022. I am voting as if it's about the survival of humanity against all odds due to American militarism and nationalism and our unending escalation towards nuclear obliteration. There's a lot more, but I'm not voting based on January 6th or Russiagate or Trumpaphobia. That's for the team players who refuse to hold their leaders accountable for crimes against humanity. https://barryjkaufmando.substack.com/p/if-kamala-harris-loses-dont-blame
If anyone insists on throwing vulnerable human beings( who happen to be American) away out of the same same hate-based mind set responsible for what’s obscenely happening in Gaza, by Netenyahu just because Harris isn’t perfect, and is a politician, that person is complicit in hate based violence, themselves. You either want to protect vulnerable humans or you don’t. Americans aren’t all wealthy and protected like Israelis are, either, as Gaza’s can’t be. If you don’t vote for Harris, you just can’t say you care about humanity at large. Not all Americans are safe , wealthy, and protected as Israelis are, either, here. So you can’t support Palestinians by not voting at all, It’s the opposite of what they’re BEGGING for, have a heart, man, think of Gaza, and the rest outside of American exceptionalism, fighting off Trumps and Putin’s, and Netenyahus, the hurting globe is pleading with you. We count, too. Your vote counts. You count. Everyone counts. Have a heart, please.
Totally agree~
I didn't send that empathy panel - but I wish I had. I am forwarding it to friends.
Vote as if you’re not white? WTF does that mean? I voted for Obama because he was smart, not black. I judged him by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. You should try it. You want me to vote for a party that allows intact, male, registered sex offenders in female prisons and calls it “ equality.” Are you insane? What about their bodily autonomy? What about their right to consent? What about their safety? There are many black, female prison inmates traumatized by the new laws passed, under Biden/ Harris, since you care so much about people of color. What about the safety of female athletes? What about the comfort of school girls forced, against their will, to share a locker room with boys? Why don’t their feelings matter? No, I’m voting for the party that can clearly define what a woman is. If you can’t define her, you can’t defend her. Kamala will not be able to give liberal, white, women, their abortions in red states. She’s lying. She needs the senate, and she won’t get the votes.