I am one of many women who had to find any means possible to terminate my unwanted pregnancy in 1967. Mexico was my parent's choice. The "operation" permanently hindered my ability to carry to full term. This is no joke. I wanted to relay this to any of the younger women today who do not fully understand the implications of this religious/politicized supreme court decision. And thank you Michael for your continued support for all women's rights.

I am wondering if the court's decision will be purposely delayed until after the mid-terms for fear of negative reactions to their expected spring decision.

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Doubtful, they are riding high, they have planned and worked towards this for decades, now is their time to act, now they can get it done, now they will be able to say to their evangelical base, See we are your party,

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Hi Leslie Jo I am so sorry to hear your story, I can’t imagine having to deal with the complications you describe on top of the decision you had to make like myself just over 42 years ago. Whilst it was the right decision for me it doesn’t stop the life long grief I feel.

To listen to these pro life movement have they ever considered the pain they cause and the historical pain that women throughout the world have had to suffer.

I am also a fortunate person who was the child of an unmarried mother, whose parents chose to support her, when unmarried women were vilified and children taken away for adoption, merely due to that stigma. Are we seriously going backwards?

I have listened to many doc’s covering these mothers and their lifelong trauma, the children too. If anyone has a heart how can they deny the suffering that women have been subjected too throughout history? I used the word fortunate as that is how grateful I have been to have had my mother but what about the other children and how would they describe their lives?

Thank you Micheal for airing this court session and for you never wavering stance on human rights, I am so seriously dismayed that this issue is discussed for political/religious reasons.

We women that find ourselves in this position shouldn’t be discussed as objects without feelings and often have to suffer alone our decision, as this vilifying continues in society.

I also thank you Micheal for providing this platform for me to be able to share just how emotional a topic it to this day remains for me.

Sending love Hillary xxx

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The main question I have is why that dick lawyer for Mississippi keeps mentioning "the people" when he's actually referring to a bunch of mostly white MALE Republicans in charge of that state (indeed, most if not all states wanting to remove rights from women). IMO, no men WHATSOEVER should even get to vote on something that ONLY affects women. Men would very likely storm the capital AGAIN if somehow women got to vote on anything regarding MALE rights over their bodies. Everyone on this thread knows full well that wealthy white women will still be able to get abortions wherever and whenever they want. This is one more law that will crush poor whites and people of color even more than they already are. If we ban abortion are we going to level the playing field by forcing men who impregnate multiple women (and don't take responsibility for the child) to get vasectomies? I'd love to hear dick Mississippi lawyer argue that case.

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I cringed each time I heard "the people" remark too. Would be interesting if there was a state referendum on this issue to provide how "the people" feel about this. Stewart stammered a lot when answering questions, he did not provide a compelling argument. Safe haven laws, in my opinion, do not apply in this case.

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Is it just me, or did Justice Thomas sound like an incoherent drunk. He railed on and on about abortion not being in the 2nd Amendment, or 4th Amendment, or anywhere else n the Constitution. Doesn't he know anything about past SCOTUS decisions or precedence? Maybe he should be tested for dementia, and if positive, he should be replaced. And what about "Beerman" Kavanaugh, saying maybe we should just punt it back to the states. So he can wash his hands of any responsibility as a SCOTUS justice? What's the alcohol content of the beer he's been drinking? Then there's Justice RBG Replacement (NOT!) that thinks now that states have safe haven laws, why can't women with unwanted pregnancies just bite the bullet and go thru childbirth for the fun and pain of it then give up their child for adoption. And she's a woman! They are making a mockery of the Supreme Court and is precisely the reason people are losing faith in their institution of law, which I use loosely.

I don't think we should wait for their decision in June of 2022. The Women's Healthcare Protection Act which passed the House and is now sitting in Senate limbo. This law includes a codification of Roe v Wade. It's a must next step, but guess what's standing in its way? Anybody want to guess? That's right, the FILIBUSTER! And what's wrong with the Filibuster? That's right, the 60-vote rule part of it is Unconstitutional. Senator Whitehouse tweeted yesterday that "Republicans used the 60-vote filibuster to demand a majority-vote amendment. Think about that". Yes, if you think about it, it's illogical, irrational, and wrong to need 60 votes to get to a final vote where 51 votes are needed to pass a bill or amendment. I feel like I'm screaming in the wilderness and nobody is listening. Heaven help us.

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We all feel like no one's listening because of all those we're up against. But it's because of those in Congress who are standing up for women's rights and ours, that I sleep at night.

It also helps calm me when I meditate, those we need to imitate, like Michael.

The spirit that lives in him and others can live in us.

How else to be the change the world needs?

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When I look at who is in congress, who is in the supreme court, It keeps me up at night. I feel very little confidence that they will stand up for the things I want them to, legislative reform, tax reform, lobbyist reform, ending monopolization and big business control of the law. Protection of the citizen, encouraging,enabling, increasing, and enforcing civil liberties. It's a wonder I can sleep at all.

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It is evident that we have too many conservative Democrats and could lose seats in the House and Senate. But the more we do our part like Michael and those in Congress, we can gain more supporters for Liberty, Justice and Equality for All.

It helps me when I help with voter registration, getting out the vote etc.

It really is because of those like Michael who inspire me that I sleep well.

We may never be the country we need to be, but doing what we can helps.

Even then, it is possible to be settled in oneself when life isn't, like the Dalai Lama.

Historically, no prophet is welcomed in their own town or country.

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Thanks for your reply, Stan, that helps. I'm probably overreacting. It's just our fight seems to be moving slowly, like pushing a lead wagon up a hill. There is so much to accomplish that I feel overwhelmed at times. But I do think progress is being made and we must keep up the fight and trust the process. Your comments remind me of music I listened to in college many years ago by the Moody Blues. Anytime I felt sad or depressed, I would play their music. One in particular was written by the drummer named Graeme Edge who passed away last month. His lyrics go like this:

Face Piles of Trials with Smiles,

It riles them to believe,

that you perceive,

the web they weave,

And keep on thinking free.

I feel better already!

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It's why I listen to Michael and everyone here. I always feel better.

Who isn't outraged? Even Jesus got pissed at the bs.

Man's sick struggle for dominance and survival.

Look what they did to Him for warning us.

We just can't hate those who hate and make the mess.

I owe a lot to the Moody Blues, as many of us do.

Lost in a Lost World:



This sent me reeling when I heard it after Kent State.

But it was the lyrics that pulled me out as quick.

That and the person I was with.

Jung's research helped me with the madness.

Especially watching for my own that can add to it.

He confirmed what Jesus said about the evil in us all.

(Matthew 15:19)

Jesus prayed for His enemies. He knows Hell waits.

We're just passing thru my friend, and need to do all we can.

It can keep us from having to come back here, again. Deja Vu.

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Hey Dave,

Glad you're feeling better. Glad you know what helps you.

Music does it for me always-- one of my reliable compasses.

One of the steadiest of Arts, at least for me.

Many memories of listening to "On The Threshhold of A Dream" came as I too read of Graeme Edge's crossing over recently.

Also Mick Rock's leaving has sent me right back to playing the David Bowie / Mick Ronson masterpiece album Ziggy Stardust and The Spider From Mars.

Playing it now as I write to you.

Lastly, when I feel frustration / anger / the WTF feeling rising up in my mind and body, I play Bob Dylan's "Idiot Wind" -- many times over, singing along and feeling each word as belt it out with Bobby. Sometimes I do housework along with it-- energy flowing all around-- harnessed and focused.

Hang in there, Dave.

ps I too heard something in Justice Thomas' voice, and his questioning sounded odd to me-- never thought of him drunk though, just savage and hostile.

Coulda been bombed though as you mentioned...

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Thanks Stan and Connie. I think I've been focused so much on political activism with a purpose, I just needed a mental health break. We all have something that grounds us and soothes our soul. For some it can be meditation, yoga, art, philosophy, religion, poetry, or music. For me, it's music with meaningful, poetic lyrics. Connie, you were right on. Those lyrics are from "In the Beginning" off of "On the Threshold of a Dream". In college during the 70's, I would listen to that album at night after studying. It would calm me to sleep. I also liked Pink Floyd's "Echoes" off of "Meddle". I know that my not be for everyone, I mean its over 20 minutes long, but it sure did the trick for me. And Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" was in my collection too. My favorite Dylan album, all tracks are great. My favorite is "Shelter from the Storm". I saw Dylan with Robby Robertson and the Band in 1974 on the Blood on the Tracks tour. One of many great concerts I went to during that time. Lot of good memories. This has been very therapeutic. Need to talk music more often.

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Morning Dave,

Today is Dec. 6, St. Nicholas Day among other remembrances.

Been thinking of you these past mornings and hoping you've been ok.

Also wondering if you ever heard Mark Knopfler's beautiful music. It's dawn here and I'm playing his "Get Lucky" cd. Soothing and lovely way to greet the day. (Or to lull one to sleep at night as well.)

So just checking in-- lovely to see you again my friend.

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I envy you seeing Dylan and The Band. Such memories are to be cherished in times like these. Youtube videos aren't the same as being there, but I still get a rush. Especially Jimi Hendrix playing his version of Dylan's All Along the Watchtower. The madness of men can affect us. Even the Deities are forced to leave. And yet, they are gracious to leave some benevolence for those like Michael and everyone who seeks to be the change the world needs. There is a peace to be had, being settled in oneself when life isn't. It's why HH the Dalai Lama meditates, driven from his homeland with a price on his head, his people under occupation. Who isn't outraged from all the pain and hurt? Michael said it best about our tears, caring for our wounds. Ancient Greek therapuetes saw how they can open the gates of Heaven. "Healing is found in the blood of the wound."

A Little Tenderness (from the opening scene of Dr. Strangelove:



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my error and correction-- full album title (1972) is "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars".

Let all the children boogie...

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At 85 years of age, the last 25 years have been a horror show for me. I never would believe, we, my beloved America, the America my brother die for in WWII, the country my father and other brother fought for, the thousands of Gold Star parents who’s children died for, the hundreds of quilts me and my Quilting friends donated to the parents of those young men and woman who gave their lives for? And now, we have children killing children because their parents think they should have automatic guns?!! Shameful! This is now my country?! Disgusting.

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Patricia, that is my daily word these days, "disgusting". The anger, the violence, the greed, the abuse of the working class, the corruption, the pus leaking out of the Supreme Court..........disgusting.

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I have neglected to thank you and your staff for the list of organizations you listed which I can support immediately and who are helping women today.

I have also neglected to say that I believe abortion is a women's health issue, not a moral issue.

I was very heartened to hear all of Justice Sotomayer's words / exchanges as I listened again to the broadcast (4 times so far).

As for my continued references to music / musicians, I hope that these references have not served to minimize the importance of the moment. Nor to distract in a flippant way the energies at play here.

All the Arts and Humanities contribute to my way of being in the world, yet I remain open to wider worlds, opinions, ways of being and the firsthand experiences of others.

I want to thank you and your staff for being a bridge to the worlds I am unfamiliar with, and to the people who are knowledgeable within them.

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First ... thanks for the post! Listening to the Court was an eye-opening education without the media dilution and interpretive summaries - but not a particularly happy one. Maybe it is just me, however after all the convoluted argumentation and drift (Thomas) about fetal "viability", absence in the Constitution of definitive direction, changing historical social morays and, of course, states' rights, I am left with the feeling that the core issue of who ultimately"owns" our bodies and determines permissible behavior was largely ignored, cavalierly assumed and given short shrift. The state, the church, the law, of course. Does the state know (or care) about my life circumstances, pay my bills and "own" my whole future? Does the church "own" my body and presume to dictate how I live and die and control my soul? Does the law, which is not divine, but completely arbitrary and anthropomorphic, have to be grounded in the limited vision of the Constitution and time-stamped by a mere 200 years of social convention? Where am I in all of this? A compliant robot( maybe soon in the Matrix), but not in a still analog physical world.

The unvaccinated scream about denial of their illimitable liberty to do whatever they wantand psychopaths are entitled to buy guns, but if I choose not to procreate or can't see parenting as a viable option, my freedom is a sin? Bringing a life into the world has got to be about the most personal decision a person is faced with. You can't divorce from a child like dissolve a marriage. You can't change your beliefs if they no longer resonate with you? Shouldn't I - alone - make this decision? The Court reduces me to a number, a historical trend, a commodity to be regulated, a slave. The context of the Court is way too narrow and its power way too great.

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Morning Mike and all reading this,

1st I'd like to share my sorrow with you over the school shooting in your beloved Michigan. I am so very sad for this trauma -- to all and for all. I am grateful you have Basil and Nick and all your family and friends nearby, Mike. I understand this breaks your heart.

2nd, thank you for this podcast.

I listened last night, with quiet in the house, no visual distractions, only warm tea to keep me company.

I appreciated hearing the voices, all of them. No faces to observe was very helpful.

I will listen again over the coming days, as there were some legal words and phrases I was unfamiliar with and need to understand to keep this all in full context in my head.

The proceedings were so very rich and require me, at least, to hear them more than once.

I appreciated the questions on the Constitution and precedent.

That said, I did not hear any sensible argument for changing precedent or the law as it stands in the full United States of America for all women in every State.

I support Roe v Wade unconditionally for all women.

Always have.

I was reminded also of something I heard many years ago-- one of the surest ways for women to enter poverty is to have a child. And poverty keeps people oppressed. All people.

Please let's keep the thought that freedom for one is freedom for all.

Hang in there, Mike.

I know you get mad as a hatter. Understandable to me.

Still, your personal health is important.

Stay hydrated, go for a walk and get some fresh air, please.

You are loved by so many!

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Sage advice we all need to be reminded of. I once got so upset even the dog barked at me.

Indeed, warm tea, peace and quiet, good company, water and walking, fresh air to clear the air in our minds, to speak our peace, peacefully as possible. Even Jesus got pissed.

Who isn't when Christian conservatives twist His message or forget it altogether?

Yahweh's chief complaint was what they made of Him. It's why He sent prophets.

St. Paul is largely to blame, having women be submissive to men, even in bed.

It really is to dominate as they are now. Twisting precedent is nothing.

They know women have a constitutional right over their own body.

The main cause is man's fear of women and especially in himself.

Lao Tzu felt nourished by the Great Mother and so can we.

If we know the ways of man but keep to a woman's care.

Indeed, Follow The Women.

NB Jung said he couldn't have achieved what he did without the women in his life. He had mostly women students who advanced his research. But it was his wife Emma, who determined that our soul is feminine. Our dreams clearly indicate this. I know this for myself.

It is tragic that most men can't consider this, to feel their feelings and understand what they may be about. It wouldn't surprise me if they have dreams of John Wayne swaggering, rattling around in their psyche as they pontificate laws that Jesus warned of, that keep us from upholding God's Laws of Love and Life for All.

I once dreamt of a woman with four eyes and woke up screaming. It's imperative for men to honor the feminine in themselves as in the Yin and Yang of Taoists. But most men refuse to realize their demons and desires, especially our demonic ego.

The Erineyes will find them out, as mine did with me. I feel fortunate to be alive.

Many Blessings

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It is now Sunday morning and I am ready to respond to you.

I was offering a few suggestions and some encouragement to Michael, not advice.

Sadly, I feel Michael has been cast in the role of Savior for and by many, and that is a high burden for any human being.

Also, I do not know most men and so do not speak for what is within them, what motivates them, what they must face or not face, do or not do.

I can tell you that I was loved by one man and I am the better for it, and I remain

grateful as always to have been in his company for more than half of my life.

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Please accept my apologies.

I don't care to cause difficulties for anyone, especially Michael's supporters.

Please know I was affirming what you said, whether it was advice, suggestions etc.

Don't we need to be reminded? I hate it when I get caught up in stuff and forget.

Seriously, I got myself outdoors to decompress and ease up.

I can appreciate all else you said. It helped me and I'm sure others, too.

It really is why many of us are members.

I trust Michael knows that projections are unavoidable.

But I never projected the savior complex on him.

Or shown signs of the dreaded transference of what's inside us.

Freud first warned us of this, but it was Jung who showed how to avoid it.

They're hard to read, writing for the scientific and medical world.

But if one studies their own psyche enough as Jung encouraged, we can avoid harmful projections, expectations, prejudices etc. They are the scourge of life, especially in relationships. Systemic Discrimination of anyone for their race, color, creed, gender, non-gender, orientation, etc, is unconstitutional.

Michael is at the forefront, like a prophet, sounding the alarm.

Things he warned us of sadly came to pass, because of those like Bush the 2nd.

US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were illegal, costing over 90 trillion dollars.

Couldn't it have been avoided if Bush had listened to Michael?

Especially when the Taliban offered to hand Bin Laden over?

If Bush the 2nd had studied his psyche, he might've realized his prejudice.

Cf circa 2,500 BC Lao Tzu from his Tao Te Ching or Way Of Change:

"If you see something you like in someone, strive for that quality.

If you see something you dislike, look within. In meditation go deep. No fight. No blame. Don't take things to the hilt."

More importantly:

"Know the ways of man but keep to a woman's care."

Jung confirmed all this, which one can know for themselves.

He was certain the fate of the world depends on it, if more of us don't realize and withdraw our projections on anyone. It's really how we learn or evolve. Dreams warn us of projections taking place if we fail to sense it.

Lao Tzu sums up the main opposing forces in us that too often get acted out or taken out on others, when we could integrate them in our lives, rather than project on others things we've yet to realize about ourselves.

Domestic violence keeps getting worse. Women and children get the worst of it.

Don't men have a feminine side, whether they call it that or not?

Those of us who've studied our psyche can confirm what Jung and Lao Tzu were saying, especially with the help of our dreams. Didn't my example help?

Jung: We need more psychology


Jung: I know God exists


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Dear Stan,

I wish there was a less public way for me to respond to you.

After all, this is not my podcast nor my blog.

That said, there is no need for you to apologize to me.

I have not been harmed by your words.

I believe you had a different interpretation / understanding of what I wrote is all that happened.

Trust me-- I'll survive it. (And please hear NO sarcasm in that statement. I do not speak in sarcasm-- too confusing for me, and also just plain mean!)

Now, if we had been on a phone call, or in a cafe for a chat, there would've been tone of voice, inflection, facial expressions, the ability to question each other, clarify stuff, etc. Sadly, that does not exist on-line between you and I.

So stuff can go hay-wire.

We both share the ability to hear Michael's voice though, and the voice of his guests. And I hear a lot of stuff in Michael's voice, beyond his words.

And most recently The Supreme Court members.

Lots of stuff there, too.

Anyhoo, on to this day.

I have my compasses and you have yours, Stan. A beautiful thing!

As I write this, I'm playing JJ Cale and Eric Clapton--"The Road to Escondido".

I am up earlier than usual, unable to sleep after the latest post from Michael about the Michigan school shooting. Heartbreaking. Heartbreaking.

So a good time to clear the air between us, I thought, using this time wisely.

Most stuff, in my experience, gets resolved / healed with wisdom, which I understand to be the perfect balance of love and intelligence.

I could go on... time though for my daily morning reading "Around the Year with Emmet Fox"-- then coffee on the front steps.

Be well.

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Thank You Connie, for clearing the air.

I am re-processing this, as to what spirit moves me.

If more of us did this as Jung indicated, we'd know peace.

I trust you know I meant well about understanding ourselves.

RBG had said that certain Justices need their heads examined.

GOP Republicans are a lost cause, as Michael clearly indicates.

My personal family and I are as divided as before the Civil War.

I can't help my Southern Cousins who still fly the Confederate flag.

Will I have to take up arms against them as my dad's side once did?

Indeed, where do thoughts come from? Emmet Fox knew to watch.

"Thoughts become words. Words become actions. Actions define us."

Having been Jesuit trained as he, it was the credo of St. Ignatius et al.

I've yet to meet a Jesuit who is Republican or Catholic in the strict sense.

If the mafia doesn't bump Pope Francis off, the Curia will for denouncing their crimes and excess.


Jung confirmed and emphasized getting to the "source" or root cause of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and deeds, even somatic sensations. It can keep us from losing touch with our essential Self, which can cause unpleasant disturbances within us, our family and society. We are seeing more than enough of this. Women and children are getting the worst of it because of Man's Ignorance.

Just sitting down and calming oneself as Jung and many before him did, we may perceive an image or voice, especially if from a dream. We all have wounds, issues, demons and desires to tend to. The more we do, we're less likely to be possessed and act them out.

Such as we are seeing. The daily drama of these Apocalyptic Times.

Jacob Moreno reminded us what primitives have done for centuries in acting out our psychodrama in appropriate places, where no one gets hurt. We all need to vent and see it for what it is.

I was fortunate to work with Arny Mindell in 1984, who used Moreno's psychodrama in working with dreams and somatic sensations. Why spend 10 G's on a therapist when one can do this by one's self?


I had to give Arny a hard time for not coming out with this sooner to save me some money. It can help keep our heads above water, instead of succumbing to the collective madness.

In his book Dreambody (1984), he was certain the cause of mass shootings was the result of what he called "the rejected self." The bullying factor is a direct correlation, if not the cause.

The actual cause of course, is a hatred or resentment of anyone we don't like. Such prejudices are the result of projecting onto other what we've yet to realize about ourselves.

Lao Tzu wrote of this 2,500 years ago. (!)

Lao Tzu wandered off in old age, sick at heart at the ways of man.

Buddha wept because of the madness of men, the spirit that moves them. He knew how Karma then has its way to try and enlighten us.

Micaiah had warned to know what spirit moves us.

Plato later said as much.

Jesus wept for Jerusalem, for not hearing His message of peace. His prophecy came true and could come true again with Zionists taking land they believe belongs to them. (1 Kings 22; Luke 19:41-44)

To be spiritual, means to know and have experience of the spirits in us, unlike Nietzsche, great man that he was. Taking Zarathustra's brilliance for his own would anger any self-respecting Deity. He knew Greek mythology and Yahweh's chief complaint. Even Goethe's lesson about Faust the Louse was lost on him. Blaming the Muse and Dionysus for our dissolution furthered Nietzsche's ruin, wanting to advance himself.

This is not to disparage or demonize this great man. Rather, it's what we can learn from. Jung summed up our demonic-ego and how we blame the Devil for our vice, vanity and iniquity, even tho Bible shows who puts us to the test of this life and why.

It is an Exodus and Test of Job, that Michael is helping us thru.

It really is why I say so much. I beg your forgiveness.

We can't hate anyone, only what we may all do.

(Matthew 15:19; 23:1-13)

Jung: We need more psychology / Man is the great danger



The more we find ways of understanding ourselves and all we feel and experience, we're less likely to be so possessed and driven to our ruin.

Will GOP Republicans have to be reminded why the Confederacy failed?

The journey of self-awareness or mindfulness, will lead to experience of who Jung was at pains to call the higher Self, be it God or Goddess or both, as in the Shekhinah. This is what makes the difference, if one can be still enough as in Psalm 46:10. It's true with knowing all the other spirit-elements of our being.

Jung: I know God exists



Where do our thoughts come from? What so compels us?

Therein lies our salvation and deliverance. It may save the world, too.

Jung knew what he was talking about. He'd learned it from our dreams.

Especially his.

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When Ronald Reagan invited Jerry Falwell into the White House in 1980....I knew then that was the beginning of the end for Roe v Wade.

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When Ronald Reagan let people bomb abortion clinics with no response, that was just the beginning. We older women have seen this coming for decades. But it takes the young voters of this country to actually CARE about what is happening and vote with us against those that would pound their Christian dream dystopian world order down our throats.

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Then the Tea Party nut cases backed by Koch’s and big corporations flooded them with money. Conservatives who share the Religious Right’s opposition to legal abortion and legal equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

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Jesus was crucified for speaking truth to power. If He came today, He'd say the same things about loving one another. They clearly don't care about those of us who remind them that women also have a constitutional right over their own bodies.

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Thank you Michael. I heard the second half of the arguments live, but I missed the first half. Perhaps I’m being too optimistic, however, I don’t think Mississippi proved their case. I’m glad to know that the conservative justices asked both women the tough questions. By doing so they gave each woman the opportunity to further make their case.

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So true.....but what is next......

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So Rittenhouse, Apparently, it is legal for Rittenhouse to carry an AR-15. I did not know that. I assumed he was carrying the gun illegally. Darn those, ambiguous hunting laws that allow kids to shoot people.

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Thank You Michael, for posting SCOTUS arguments. This is historical. We need to be ready to rumble in the streets, peacefully, when we get the word. Our nation of misogyny needs to end if there's any hope for our democracy. It's bad enough with close to 70% of rape cases being dropped and rapists given light sentences or none at all. But denying women their inalienable right over their body is unconstitutional.

The Corporate Christian Conservative is the driving force of the misogyny, as you rightly emphasize. They are the ones who voted Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh to the bench despite credible allegations of sexual harassment and assault. True to form, they blame women for unwanted pregnancies.

Making abortion illegal again or impossible to attain, will make it worse, like before.

All in the name of their God and religion to dominate and control women's lives.

The movie Cider House Rules shows why abortion needs to be legal.


Michael Caine as Dr. Larch simply says: "I'm not playing God. I'm giving them what they want."

It is an inalienable right.



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I found Jennifer Crumbley's letter to Trump chilling. Beyond the expletive-laced message to a US President and her unsurprising victimization claim, beyond the false narrative of how she is not a racist and HER forebears worked hard, but current immigrants want everything to be free, beyond actually congratulating Trump for his miserable garbled 3rd grade vocabulary ... when her son's last words were "Help me" and she ignores him and runs!!?? Makes Ritenhouse's mother seem like a real parent. Her finger was on that damned trigger too.

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Sad but she believed Trump and I am sure the right wing funded media that sold him but she is no law abiding citizen and she is a person that bought into those lazy dark skinned people it is right in her words and if you have to say I am not a racist you are a racists and bought into that wall thing blaming the wrong people for her situation and they made sure people like her blamed them but these people need counseling and her son needs love and understanding they must have consequences but not out Prison system it only destroys any humanity they have left

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I agree with your comments and am also very sad for all the kids her son's age who are growing up with adults like his parents, who are growing up with adults who don't care that about the world they are leaving their kids. It leaves me wondering if those kids will make it to middle age. I wonder how many people gave up on the whole hope and change thing and are just angrily spewing out hate and paranoia now. I no longer can find a comfortable place to imagine hope and change, just a deep sadness for our kids.

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Michael, did you watch 60 minutes for Dec 5th? One of the items was about China, a guy whom use to work for Trump was critizing the new rules that Xi is bringing in, cracking down on the super rich, there were two Chinese commentators explaining that Xi was doing the right thing.

I am not a big fan of Xi, however, I. Was thinking he was doing what the American government should be doing.

I hope you will address this in your next Rumble with Michael. My name is Gene McDonnell.

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My heart aches for the many girls/women who will have to birth their rapist’s babies, the women whose lives will be at risk if they continue with their pregnancies, the young women who will have their lives derailed due to an unwanted pregnancy, etc. etc. I never thought I would, as a 63 year old woman live to see the day our country would take such a drastic and dystopian step. More religious decisions from this “court” will come down on us all. This is just the beginning.

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You are so right! I'm 71 and remember before Roe v. Wade what women had to do!! Dystopian it is for sure! It's horrendous and illegal!

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