AmerIsrael is a military operation. We all need to get back to acting as humans in countries. Stop the brutal Israeli occupation, the brutal Israeli and American hegemony and war / financial complex. And strive for peace. Unplug from the propaganda matrix off war and empire. Right wing religious fanaticism coupled with financial greed and propaganda is a lost battle.

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Why aren't you smart enough to tell Iran & HAMAS the same thing, Einstein?

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Being rude and insulting is not helpful. Do you have a point to make? Make it.

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Yes the point is, this is a proxy war between Iran, Hamas and the Israelis! Remember, it is taught from birth their goal is to annihilate Jews.

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So therefore hundreds of Palestinian children should die--boy, that'll really make Iran, Hamas, and Israel sorry!

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They don’t care, they will sacrifice anything to be able to kill Jews.

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That is terribly dehumanizing, Nancy. Only terrorists think that way. And the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are not in support of terrorists.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

So you agree that Israel will sacrifice anything to be able to kill Jews. Is that why it took the IDK 20 hours to reach the kibbutzim near Gaza?

You obviously don't care, either.

Did you throw a party when you saw the first pictures of dead Palestinian kids?

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You love to pretend don’t you.

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Not completely accurate- Jews have lived side by side with Arabs for centuries, there is a very large Jewish population is Iran, we must get away from false narratives, best thing to do is travel and see for yourself .

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Yes, people seem to forget this.

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Gee, I thought he made his point pretty clear. What did I miss ?

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Oh I don't know,, why are you so intent on showing your idiocy?

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Joe Mama I am not sure this was intentional but thank you for proving my point.

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There is no segregation in Israel. This is because Israelis and Palestinians don’t live in Israel. Only Israelis do. The Palestinians were invited to have their own state on many occasions, starting in 1947, and refused multiple times on grounds that they are not willing to share any of the land with Jews. Israel’s left Gaza in 2005. So yeah - no - there is no occupation.

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What?? Explain The Nakba to me then. It is understandable that European Jews needed to establish a safe nation of their own. But they did it by literally taking the homes and land of Palestinians. Older Palestinian women sometimes still carry the house key of their former home, which is now Israel. Let's not name-call, and let's also speak truthfully. Otherwise all is lost.

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Just for the fun of it watch the old movie “Exodus”.

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There is a lot to read but here it is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Israel

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Oh yeah - and Wikipedia is the font of objective, factual knowledge. You make me laugh. The Israelis long ago launched and continue to maintain a VERY effective disinformation campaign that spans the globe.

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Clearly, the only thing you know is Israeli Propaganda. I researched there and saw the occupation with my own eyes.

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You saw the occupation of what with your own eyes? So you did your research while you were there? In Israel or Gaza?

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Marcia, Marcia Marcia - I have numerous colleagues who have visited Israel/ Gaza. In the world of international aid and humanitarian affairs the human rights abuses and war crimes committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians is well know. You never hear about these matter in the US. One wonders why? Remember how Jimmy Carter was pilloried because he called the Israeli administration of Gaza and the West Bank "apartheid" in his book "Peace Not Apartheid"?

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Israel, West Bank, was bad enough!

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You saw what you wanted to see. I will always take Israels side because God chose Israel’s side. Remember he sent Ishmael away with his mother.

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Oh good grief! Why don't you just say it: Long live the Theocracy? Is your god any better than that of the American evangelicals or the Islamic ayatollahs in Iran? Democracy is a result of the "Enlightenment" - a historical period when humankind broke from religious dogma of any kind.

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Please overcome your elitism you will be happier

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If you read Torah as your only reference, you will never have peace. That said, I have read the section(Parsha); with a female Rabbi:,Sarah was jealous of Hagar because Sarah was initially barren. Don’t you think it’s abusive of Abraham to cast Hagar out after she had his child? How would you feel if that happened to you?

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And didn't even pay her child support. Great guy!

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Have you ever heard this : “Hamas and the Palestinians never miss the opportunity to miss an opportunity “ ?

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just bombing, right?

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Morning David,

Just listened again to 1963 Bob Dylan "Masters of War", from his 2nd studio album The Freewheelin Bob Dylan.

As haunting and relevant today as then.

Was guided to listen as I read our local paper with pics of Marine Veterans honoring the 40th anniversary of the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, Oct. 23, 1983.

I go to Bob frequently. Also George Harrison. Non-delusional lyrics comfort me.

Yesterday found an old photo album with pics of sibs. I am in prep to attend their funerals this Saturday. Reminded of my own hubris as the older sib. No one asked me to be the boss, ever.

Wish I'd had that wisdom earlier.

Hoping USA consciousness will rise as well. Hubris. Peace. Our choice. Peace to you, David.

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Iran seems to feed the beasts of hate. Unless you can limit their influence, they will continue to support anti-Zion, anti-Western movements. And yes, to some extent, western imperialism and Israeli occupations foment these movements of hate. Sigh.

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Hi- you are correctly describing the situation, It's also essential to bear in mind that the Zionist movement, which is separate from Judaism, is utilizing a narrative associated with the return of Jesus to influence American politicians who may not fully understand the nuances of this scenario. This influence is being wielded to advance their geopolitical objectives. It's worth noting that the Zionists demonstrate a strong belief in their own supremacy, which is evident in their actions and narrative, including the characterization of other people as inferior

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No more money should be given to Israel before they accept the creation of a Palestine State with and International Force to secure the borders on both sides......If not, we are just wasting billions $ like we have naively done for too long......funds that could have been used for our own children who can not afford a decent meal a day. Michel from Canada

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So - you need to learn your history. The Palestinians were invited to have their own state on many occasions, starting in 1947, and even as recently as under the administration’s of George W Bush and Barack Obama and PALESTINIANS refused multiple times on grounds that they are not willing to share any of the land with Jews.

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YOUR history is not necessarily the real history...how about the settlers stealing land and houses....how about the initial International Agreement not being respected.....how about the 80% of the present population of Israel who disagree with you..

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That’s more “how abouts” and “yeah, but what about “ than the MAGA Party uses !

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I’m not so sure that’s a credible assumption that “80%” of Israelis would agree that’s a true statement. And where do you come off saying there is more than one true history of Israel. Sounds like alternative truths to me KellyAnne!

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And Israeli Nationalists like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich are not willing to share any of the land with Palestinians.

According to a recent Rand Corporation study, "Israelis across the political spectrum prefer the status quo to the two-state solution, and Palestinians are only willing to accept a two-state solution that Israelis will be unable to accept.

The analysis focused on five plausible alternatives: two-state solution, one-state solution, confederation approach, Israeli annexation of the West Bank's Area C, and perpetuation of today's status quo. Almost all parties were extremely pessimistic about the feasibility of any. About 60% of Israelis said the status quo could feasibly continue, as it has for decades, and many others believed that it was manageable and preferable to the risk of other alternatives. Peace was considered a “romantic notion” that was simply not attainable at this time.

One key finding is that getting Israeli Jews to support any alternative to the status quo will require a shift in both domestic and international politics. “It is hard to imagine a departure from current trends unless strong, courageous leadership among Israelis, Palestinians, and the international community articulates a desire for a better future for all,” said C. Ross Anthony, coleader of the report and director of RAND's Israeli-Palestinian Initiative.

Researchers found that among Israeli Jews there are two major impediments to anything but the status quo: a lack of trust in Palestinian objectives and a general belief that none of the other alternatives are feasible. The lack of trust results in fear, xenophobia, and a willingness to forgo basic principles of democracy when it comes to the rights of Palestinians.

Another key finding is that Palestinians will likely require international security guarantees for any peaceful resolution. Palestinians perceived all five alternatives as biased against them and primarily serving the interests of the more powerful Israelis.

Palestinians indicated they would be willing to accept a modified two-state solution, with an independent state with geographic contiguity, political autonomy, a standing army, and control over the borders. While such a solution would be very difficult for Israel to accept, a two-state solution where the international community made credible commitments to guarantee Palestinian security could be more viable, researchers concluded."

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Why are you repeating this "story"? The majority of everyday Palestinian families is that they were sent to live in Gaza with few resources so that Jewish people could take land that they considered their holy land. problem was it was ALSO holy land to Palestinians. Why cannot Israel just grant Gaza to Palestine and leave them alone? Hamas needs to be dealt with for their violence and terror -- not the families of Gaza.

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Palestinians don’t want just Gaza, they want all of Israel. From the river to the Sea

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Good grief. It is childish to assume every Palestinian wants the exact same scenario/resolution. There is too much generalization and stereotyping, and that never leads to level-headed resolution!

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Why not talk to Iran about all the money that Hamas and Hezbollah has wasted buying armaments instead of building homes, schools, hospitals for the Palestinian people.

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Read this and watch the video featuring a Palestinian resident.

It’s presented by Bari Weiss.

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You must understand the Palestinians have been offered a place to reside many, many times and have refused to negotiate!

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"the Palestinians have been offered a place to 'reside' many, many times" - Nancy how would you feel if you were living on land for 1,700 years, you know - generations upon generations - and then you're told you MUST to leave to "reside" somewhere else? Please, enlighten me, how would you feel about that "offer"?

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Just saw your reply 3 weeks late! I’m indigenous American so how would that make me feel. Oh I don’t know, probably like the Israelis feel.

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I agree with you, Michael. Any more aid to Israel should be contingent upon a cease fire. Stop the bombing! Routing out Hamas based on high level intelligence should be the approach. Stop violating the Geneva Convention rules of war.

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So do I and so do my Jewish family.

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A ceasefire is the only way to stop this madness. Israel has too many weapons already. I have never understood how the state of Israel seems to want to do to Palestine what was done to them. The Allies gave them a state, but did they consult Palestine?

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Agreed. Doesn’t Israel get a large share of US tax dollars in the form of US arms already? Wasn’t the story Americas were given to justify this large US tax-$ support so Israel could take care of themselves? Israel needs to learn: no justice. No peace. Elect BN, abuse the court system (b/c they may convict him) and further deny Palestinians human rights and this is the expected outcome. surprised? Shocked? Really?

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What about Hamas Michael? Just leave them there until next time?

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Yes, what about Hamas means what about Netanyahu and the IDF? Both are terrorist groups in my opinion. Netanyahu has Genocide on his mind. The US should stop him.

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Research the Ideology of Zionism.

And why the Licud party far-right-wing Netanyahu is a declared zionist.

All evil done by evil men to anyother man is formed at its base from the foundation of zionism.

In Germany the Nazis were zionists killing jews...in Israel the licud party are zionists Killin the Semitic tribe of palestinians...I see no difference.

All human activity is financed by the same Intl Central Banking System that US has been muscle for since 1945...prior to that it was UK as muscle.

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Keep drinking the Kool-Aid!

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totally nuts

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It's totally true...research it. I worked in that system for 31yrs

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If you don't like genocide,why don't you denounce HAMAS, you hypocrite?

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No Anthony, IMO Hamas is the one that started their aggression toward Israel.

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And WE are asking ALL to stop the violence and terrorism of innocents.

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Hamas are hyper-fanatical terrorists. They're on a suicide mission and do not care how many Palestinians have to die for their cause. They need to be ferreted out and destroyed but they do not represent the Palestinian people who are trapped and caught in this cross-fire. Israeli is about to commit war crimes on innocent people with the US green light thereby creating a new population of terrorized grieving martyrs. Just like Bush did. This isn't a playground where we have to decide who started it. Michael is urging us to be grown ups and seek a lasting peace.

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"This isn't a playground where we have to decide who started it." ❤️❤️❤️

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I think you should look back further in history <https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/how-israel-war-gaza-exposed-west-hatred-palestinians>. Israel stoled the land they occupy from the Palestinians and continue to encroach further on their remaining territory using violence, torture, imprisonment, humiliation, and murder. Netanyahu’s current genocidal operations in Gaza is not solely about fighting Hamas, it’s about the total eradication of the Palestinian people.

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Anthony please read about the end of WW1 and the land that Britain and France carved up!

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Okay, you are joking right?

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What do you think Hamas had on their minds?

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Arab leaders in the region need to step up and take a stand and call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of the terrorists

There’s lots of video evidence to support any investigation

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What about Netanyahu...........is he not a terrorist!

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He is. So was Bush. I hope the israeli people do something about him. I wish we had turned Bush over to the Hague for trial. They both belong in jail.

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No! I’m not a fan of Netanyahu but he is doing his best to keep Israel together.

He has not sent thugs and terrorists into Gaza City killing innocents, raping and beheading babies. Tell me is that not enough, to try to wipe out Hamas. Hamas hides behind the Palestinians using them as human shields. They put their stockpiles of armaments in hospitals, schools, public places to increase the possibility of more casualties. Sorry for all the people in Gaza, but they voted for Hamas many years ago. Once in, Hamas has never left!

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He is about to send thugs and terrorists into Gaza knowing they will kill MORE innocents.

NO ONE beheaded babies. Stop believing all the obscene propaganda you hear.

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And meanwhile, he's telling Gazans to go to south Gaza where Israeli warplanes are bombing them.

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You probably also don’t believe the proof of the video showing the rocket that hit the parking lot next to the hospital came from inside Gaza and misfired. And that it was Islamic Jihadists. Proof you probably wouldn’t believe so I am grateful that we don’t have beheaded baby photos b/c you’d find a way to discount those also.

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I explained where the beheaded babies propaganda came from.

You can lead a horse to water, applies here. Pity

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Do you cal yourself a liberal? I bet you have canceled people accused of sexual harassment or assault without proof of that but you suddenly want proof of beheaded babies?? Which Israel thankfully didn’t think appropriate to make public but showed the President and Blinken. My friend is an Israeli citizen and she told me about the beheaded babies days before it leaked to the press.

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No, I am not a liberal. I am a leftist.

You bet....? Based on zero information? My my... You know nothing, yet make wild assumptions. Sould I speculate about you based on... nothing?

Some people will believe anything I guess, but In case you wish to relieve your ignorance, here ya go:


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The beheading of babies is a fake story and it's been confirmed that it's fake.

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He's a crook, not a terrorist.

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I don't think so.

IF you are the President of a Country and agree to expunge people you don't like...this is hardly a crook.

He is a terrorist.

I don't know of any 'crook' who decides who should live and who should die!

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Sorry but HAMAS is the one calling for the expunging of News. And by the way l Israelis and Palestinians don’t live in Israel. Only Israelis do. The Palestinians were invited to have their own state on many occasions, starting in 1947, and most recently under WBush and Obama but Palestinian refused multiple times on grounds that they are not willing to share any of the land with Jews because they want them wiped out.

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You're incorrect. Palestinians do in fact live in Israel.

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What Israel is doing now is not "defending" Israel (that horse left the barn on October 7th when it took 20 hours for Israel to even get any soldiers to the area outside Gaza where so many were murdered or abducted). Nor is it going after Hamas--in fact, as I say below, it is recruiting lots of new members for Hamas. It is wrecking vengeance on innocent Gazans to pay Hamas back for targeting innocent Israelis (why else tell Gazans to go to southern Gaza and then bomb the refugees in southern Gaza over and over?) and saving face for the IDF who failed to defend Israel in the first place.

After Black September murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics, Golda Meir, responded by authorizing Operation Wrath of God, a targeted assassination campaign against Black September operatives and organizers and cut a swathe through senior Palestinian leadership without killing a single Palestinian child.,

It's not as if the IDF and/or Mossad have no idea who in Gaza is Hamas and therefore need to kill everybody; they know perfectly well whom to target and could take them (including the leaders living safely in Qatar and Turkey) out with targeted assassinations involving little or no "collateral damage." Wholesale bombing of Gaza, cutting off food, water, electricity, and fuel, and a ground war won't get all of Hamas, but it will make lots of Gazans who watch their families die join Hamas. Israel will become Hamas' best recruiter, just as, during the Troubles in Northern Ireland, Britain came to be called the IRA's best recruiter.

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With the creation of a Palestine State, Hamas will have no reason, no excuse to exist.....

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They don't want just a Palestinian state. They want ALL of Israel!

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So far, the settlers are from Israel.....who is invading

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That’s exactly what I was thinking. What do we do about Hamas? How is Hamas going to be stopped? How?

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Michael omitted that in his statement. Makes me wonder why?

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Because nobody has the answer 😞

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At least Israel knows where to start - Gaza and the rat holes they've burrowed into.

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Isn't that obvious?

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I appreciate this collective effort for peace. Man, you were so right on in that previous post (letter to Joe Biden) advising him to channel his best Jimmy Carter in talks with Israel and Arab leaders. I think Joe isn't half bad at foreign diplomacy, but there's so much pressure politically to support Israel under all circumstances. I get the sense Netanyahu is a real bad dude, and that's truly unfortunate for the Israeli people. Like US-Americans, we aren't all in lock step with our fascist ultra nationalist leaders. I feel for the Palestinians who have been virtual prisoners in Gaza to now be victims of Hamas's atrocities. Peace and mercy by and for all the people in the path of Netanyahu and Hamas. You're a good egg, Michael Moore. 💜

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Simply devastating what they are going through. Over 100 years of this conflict now boiling down to unnecessary deaths of thousands of innocent humans. I hope someone can stop the madness.

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Biden should do his job and stop supporting Israel and call for a ceasefire contingent on money.

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Until Iran, and all the Arab countries supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, and all the minor terrorist groups, we cannot leave Israel hanging out there alone. We cannot let Islamic nations annihilate Jews.

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Why do we have to be the country that defends Israel? We didn’t create the country of Israel. Let Britain defend Israel.

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While I am in sympathy with the need to de-escalate not escalate the Gaza/Israeli conflict, I find it appalling that you have not devoted equal text to the 1400 murdered snd 3800 wounded in the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Israeli policy towards Arabs in Gaza over decades has been thoughtless from the standpoint of compensation for displaced Arabs and as a preventive to allowing Hamas to exist. That is the issue in the table; that Israel needs to stop bombing snd offer Arabs in Gaza their full support to build infrastructure--roads, hospitals, schools and homes and create a sustainable economy.

And your petition needs to be seriously rethought--it is polemical not useable

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And human rights and dignity. The open air prison the Palestinians have been subjugated by Netanyahu and the IDF amount to war crimes. You have to build the people first.

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Addressing infrastructure is full recognition of past injustice and commitment to the future and a two nation solution to the real issue underlying tension—compensation and embracing long suffering Arabs in Gaza.

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I feel strongly that IF the Israelis were to help with the reconstruction of Gaza and I mean all hands helping, maybe the Palestinian people and the Israelis can finally come together . Sometimes building something together helps break down anger and resentment.

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I bet you really believe that.

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HOPE is not a word used very much lately.

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The Palestinians should have been given their inalienable right to self-determination long ago, instead they remained caged like animals. How they build back in the best case scenario of their total independence and freedoms is their business.

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No one has compensated Israel, for the millennia that they have suffered!!!

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Then who better than the Israelis should have learned from this and not repeated the mistake again. This is the price for being adversarial rather than constructive to further your own interest.

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Might I remind you that Palestinians voted Hamas into control of Gaza. It will have to be the Palestinians to get rid of them. Do you want terrorist as a partner or Israel?

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Neither terrorist is a good choice.

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They are one in the same. Neither is it a binary choice. The lesser of evil is still evil.

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Hamas sucks!

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Hamas’ is the product of long-standing counterproductive policies by Israel. All of this could have been avoided and still could but at the center right now is a right wing cabal with a prime minister that cannot be trusted and cannot be part of the solution

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Sorry, Mel, but that is simply not true. Hamas and it’s core charter predates any policies of Israel. Its stated goal is the complete destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. Note that I am not defending any policies or actions of Israel here, just going for historical accuracy here.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

You miss my point! Hamas wouldn’t exist without Arab support. Arabs support Hamas because Israeli policy has been shortsighted. Infrastructure and a sustainable economy with Israeli money and cooperation would no longer provide a reason for Arab protection of Hamas. Most Arabs do not support Hamas. The long-standing Israeli policy of neglect is contributory. infrastructure is the only solution to once and for all get rid of Hamas’s terrorism.

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And more Arabs are starting to support Hamas because of the decades long violent suppression of the Palestinian people (after appropriating their land—and which continues today with full support of Israeli and the establishment of even more settlements by Orthodox Jews).

If you were a small child in Gaza and you saw your home destroyed, lost siblings, parents, grandparents and friends to ceaseless bombings and being forced into apartheid like camps, by Israel, what organization would you join as soon as you were old enough?

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Wow. It took me a very long time to find your comment here, Mel. Clicking on the notification of your reply didn’t help at all. But having finally found it: you say I missed your point, but I still don’t see it. You say Hamas wouldn’t exist without Arab support. But from where? Not in Gaza, since there were no elections there after they were first elected (2006?). Their Arab support comes from Iran who share in their goal to eradicate Israel and Jews. They got elected promising good government, infrastructure, etc. But surprise: they lied, and used most resources to amass weapons, ammunition, and to build a vast tunnel network in order to attack and terrorize Israel. While as a psychologist I an understand rage, their rage has been primarily because of the existence of Israel, not because of any policies (no matter how cruel) of Israel toward Gazans.

Surrounding Arab nations could have stepped in to support Palestinians but they did not. And if there had not been frequent suicide and other attacks from Gaza into Israel, that border and conditions in Gaza would have been far different.

Some of this seems like the story of 7 blind men and the elephant.

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It amazes me how your complete bias towards Israel, allows you to completely ignore the mass murder and war crimes Israel is conducting against the Palestinian people. For decades Israel has been using snipers to kill Palestinians, even children, Israel turned Palestine into the largest open air prison in the world, Israel only gives Palestinians 4 hours of electricity per day, Palestinian hospitals are greatly under funded under staffed, and they have very little medical supplies, and equipment. Israel has been committing war crimes against the Palestinians for decades, and no one cared, Israeli citizens beat and kill Palestinians with no consequences, I saw a video of an Israeli going into a Palestinian home and then declaring, it is his home and he now lives there. Israel destroys whole Palestinian settlements and rebuilds them as Israeli settlements. Israel knows their only chance of expanding their country is to take Palestinians land. So now the prisoners have made an attempt to free themselves and the rest of the world is saying they have no right to freedom and it is all right for Israel keep them prisoners, and kill them at will. Israelis are total hypocrites, they condemn what happened to them by the Nazis, but think when they do it to the Palestinians it is okay. The US, EU, UK and other countries, to be a powerhouse in the Middle East and to control the Middle East, built up Israel and anything Israel does to people in these other countries in the Middle East is okay with them. The thing is Israel is to blame for making Palestine a prison, making Palestinians suffer, killing their people, the US and other have made Israel a massive military and they are using it to enslave the Palestinian people. The innocent Palestinian people did not kill Israelis but Israel is conducting genocide against all Palestinians, Israel is wiping out entire families, men, women, and children. Fact check how many Palestinians are killed each year by Israel and how many Israelis are kill by Palestinians. At least 14,212 Palestinians and 2,746 Israelis have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000. At least 2,434 Palestinian children and 143 Israeli children have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000. This chart uses data from a 3rd party source and was last updated on August 11, 2018. At least 99,968 Palestinians and 11,949 Israelis have been injured by someone from the other side since 2000. In total, at least 101,558 Palestinians and 11,962 Israelis have been injured.

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Harry: You are still

Missing it. Iran’s support of Hamas notwithstanding, the real issue is the continued degradation of life in Gaza. Israeli policy has ignored the geopolitical implications of the UK establishing geographical boundaries for a Jewish state the impact on indigenous Arabs snd Israel’s continued policy of non compensation for the loss of ancestral homes and the forced exodus to Gaza. Economic development of Gaza with Israel’s financial support of a Palestinian state would totally undermine Hamas and delegitimize any claim of rekevance by Arabs in Gaza.

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Good point. Iranians are not Arabs.

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That is not true. Iran and Arab countries believe it is their obligation to kill all Jews and wipe Israel off the map of the world.

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Not true you are generalizing far too much. There is Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Quatar…should I go on? These nations want peaceful coexistence with Israel and its in their interest too.

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And just who is proclaiming its need to completely destroy Hamas? Let's remember that Israel is not a democracy, it's a theocracy.

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Thank you, Harry!!

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Why aren’t you addressing the role Iran and other Arab nations have played in these terrorists organisations. Remember they are instructed from birth to kill all Jews.

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You’re no help whatsoever with MAGA missives.

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Biden is on the MID [ Military Industrial Complex ] Spectrum..

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Biden''s on the LSCAS: lying-senile-crooked-asshole spectrum.

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But Trump will solve everything in 24 hours. I know 1 guy is getting to old but the other guy is totally deranged. If re-elected who will be his close advisors: Giuliani, Powell, Ellis, Clark, Eastman, Flynn, Manafort - no sane person would ever work for him again. Careful what you wish for

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Age was once held in reverence as being necessary before wisdom could be attained. Elders have been revered and depended on to know the best way to do things for centuries in all tribes, cities and states. "Too old"? Really? Please--take a look at what he has accomplished in only 2 1/2 years of his presidency. His wisdom is also evident in his choices of the people who surround him. There is not a Giuliani, Powell, Ellis, Clark, Eastman, Flynn, or Manafort among them.

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Trump is retarded and corrupted!

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not to mention Putin, Xi, Kim Jung whatever in N Korea. All his buddies .

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He’d solve everything if he wasn’t at his LIV golf spectacle in Doral.

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330M people, many very competent, and the heavyweight championship is between 2 guys well beyond their best before date

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Compared to who and what the orange asshole would have done?

He is a Malignant Narcissist w/Axis ll Clusterfuck B features. Go look it up sans the word "fuck." If you're too lazy to do so, the closest way to describe him is Saddam Hussein or the character, "Jafar" from the Disney movie Aladdin, after he gets the lamp.

Talking about senile?How about stating none of these wars would be happening if he were in charge. Ha! Does he seriously think he's that smart or that "Might makes Right?"

My response to that.Yup, Ukranians would all be speaking Russian by now.

Didn't he also recently refer to his race in 2020 was against Obama.

Between the bleach cure, shining a bright light in the body to cure COVID, trashing the military, his belief in 2017 that "there are very fine ppl on both sides," Remember, when he stood in for meteorologists, redrew the weather map with the sharpe and then suggested to Nuke a hurricane! (we all saw that! such great material for SNL)

You are entitled to your opinion on "Senility & Joe Biden."

However, I have this GIF I wish I could post that sums up the orange one's political career now and if he's lucky, his future.

It's Jack Nicholson from("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest") sitting next to the crazy one and asking him: "So, you still think you're president?" (the gif was posted in 2022)

More than likely if you asked him, what do YOU think would come out of his delusional mouth?

If you agree, you too, need to seek some mental health counseling.

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Nope, you are wrong!

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As has the presidents since FDR. Maybe longer than that!

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Adding my voice to a comment above, I disagree with the way Israel has handled HAMAS, but American news is nearly devoting all its attention to Israel’s terrible isolation and bombing campaign while ignoring the massacre--including the beheadings of babies by shooting them off--and the many other atrocities against defenseless people on the Israeli side.

HAMAS is not doing Palestinians any favors. Most Palestinians know this.

Not only does the indescribable bombing of innocent people need to stop, and their services be reconnected, but also, it is time that Israel learn to share that region because it belongs to three religions with the same origin. No longer can Israel claim it as entirely their own.

Israel must learn to respect all people and the other two religions that share that sacred place. As we know, Israel is the maker of their own peril.

On the other hand, beheading babies, attacking festivals, raping people, killing whole families in their homes, torturing and burning people alive, doesn’t help those on the fence about Palestine have compassion for them. The majority of people do not read enough to parse out the difference between Palestinians who are committed to peace from those who have allowed deep bitterness to guide their actions. HAMAS and Hezbollah are not reaching for sustainable solutions to Palestinian oppression. A complete investigation must be conducted, and the UN, rather than Israel, must be allowed to enter Palestine to find and arrest all terrorists that harm the Palestinian cause.

The UN must be allowed, or some appropriate entity, to redraw borders, and Israel must be held accountable for crossing those borders. Western nations that use Israel to position weapons toward Arab nations must agree to a plan to contain Israel’s borders and sanction them for causing the problem in Palestine. The ancient Jewish history, in the region, is not enough to claim the entire Holly Land as it’s own. In the modern world, ancient thinking holds the world back from thriving. This is no longer acceptable. An eye for an eye is no longer acceptable.

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While I don't fully agree, I at least appreciate the calling out of Hamas as barbaric. And yes, Israeli policy hasn't helped and we may well need UN intervention here to settle it down. But in the meantime, a cease fire would only empower and validate Hamas as a legal legitimate authority. If you could craft a cease fire that would also extricate them, I'm all for it. The more civilian lives spared on both sides, the better.

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but American news is nearly devoting all its attention to Israel’s terrible isolation and bombing campaign while ignoring the massacre

You are correct. It’s called Manufacturing Consent also a book by Noam Chomsky wh should be required reading for every person who consumes US media

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Are you kidding? We have been bombarded for weeks with "news" of the Hamas attack - but silence on the Israeli attrocities.

Yes, the "news" IS all about manufacturing consent to join Israel in attacking the innocents in Gaza.

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I don’t tend to watch much American media. I see a bit everyday, but mainly watch for many perspectives. I see some that are 100% pro Israel regardless of the extent of the massacre two weeks ago. I see others that completely leave the massacre out of their reporting. Democracy Now, a source I often agree with, is showing more bias than I have ever seen from them. It’s as if HAMAS did nothing and Israel just decided to bomb Gaza one day. That’s what I had in mind when I wrote my statement. I want to see news that speaks about what both sides are doing right and wrong. I think that’s the only way we can help Palestine. Ultimately, Israel is responsible for creating the hate Palestine has for Israel. So, what should the world do, or demand, to force Israel to stop settling on Palestinian land thereby shrinking their space to nothing? I think it’s time the world gathered at the UN to draw new borders. If Israel loses homes, they should not have encroached on Palestine in the first place. That doesn’t mean we don’t deal with HAMAS’ actions. What they did cannot be allowed by anybody. The world is not tolerating that behavior from the Wagner Group against Ukrainians. We cannot tolerate it from HAMAS. Oppression is no excuse for torturing other innocents.

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There is no way to change what happened. There can never be "justice" for those abused or murdered.

What there can be is a path forward.

The horrors perpetrated by Israel exist. The horrors perpetrated by Hamas exist.

The question is now what?

We have Armageddon and launch nukes to makes sure we "show Hamas a lesson"? Come on.

The world needs to STOP THE SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENTS. That is it. Whatever it takes.

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I watch media from many nations and independent sources that are smart. It’s important to put together facts by comparing sources and the stories they tell. The operable question is, what does this news source want from telling X version of a story?

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There was no beheading of babies. That is manipulative propaganda. Please don't keep repeating it.

You completely ignore the decades of attrocities committed by Israel against innocent civilians.

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I am also a leftist and a sociologist. When watching interviews, on the ground--raw data--with crew members clearing the kibbutzez, a man said what he saw. This was not second hand info. He was still at the sight, and shared his day. If you’re saying an eye witness lied, then I’ll leave the unwillingness to accept the facts of this massacre to you. They thought their heads had been cut off until they realized they had been blown off. At any rate, there was a pile of babies and toddler, some of whom, who were without their heads. The coroners will give the official account. Does this mean you also disagree with the same man, who was clearly distressed, that he also didn’t see a pregnant woman whose baby had been cut from her body and stabbed. There is a difference between HAMAS and Palestinians. I am pro Palestinian but anti HAMAS because we need to sort out all the actors. I refuse to play for either team. I am about Justice and equality. Even if Israel is ultimately responsible solve for the rise of extremist groups due to oppressing Palestinians, it is very necessary to hold all actors responsible for their choices and decisions. Holding a massacre does Palestine no good. They deserve better. Israel also needs to stop bombing innocent people. None of this is good. But, all truth is critical.

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I don’t disagree in theory, but we need to address Hamas as well. They are a terrorist organization running a country; no different than the Taliban giving safe haven to terrorist organizations, like Al Qaeda on their soil.

I won’t defend Netanyahu’s policies and right-wing government. The policies are partly responsible for Hamas’s actions, but let’s face it, Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and regardless of policy, they eventually strike, when the opportunity presents itself.

I’m against a total disastrous invasion, but what are Israel’s options? The status quo doesn’t work, and Hamas leading the Gaza, has become unacceptable.

Michael, please elaborate on your plan to stop the unnecessary violence and bloodshed that is engulfing the region? A ceasefire will mean Israel has to negotiate with terrorists. How has that worked out for America or any nation facing this type of threat?

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

How has the weaponization, from our Military Industrial Disgust, ever helped a situation? Did we save 6,000,000+ in Germany? How many tens of millions of people died, behind the armor of Zues ... the West is infantile in dealing with simple disagreement.

As the brilliant Rabbi Michael Lerner often says, "The future of Jews lies in the safety of Palestinians, and the future of Palestinians lies in the safety of Jews."

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I agree, but unfortunately, you still have to deal with the terrorist threat. And they make peace almost impossible.

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We MUST finally, rein in the greed of capitalism - and realize our personal freedom NEVER has arisen from personal gain (profits), but from the security of others in our community.

Prophetic voices, rather than profit taking

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Hear hear!

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Thank you, Robert, you speak for me as well. Before I run off to synagogue this morning, I am realizing three things (among many): 1. No matter what, there is no human justification for what Hamas did and purposely provokes. To do otherwise is to condone terrorism.

2. No matter what, you cannot craft a solution that in any way keeps Hamas looking legitimate or in power. No.

3. What we must get, here in the West, is that no arm chair analyst (especially MICHAEL!) has this "all figured out." Micheal's over-simplified pat labeling of the players here and what motivates them ignores so much and comes off as arrogant and even insulting.

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Since Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid to the tune of a few hundred billion dollars, including $3.3 billion in 2022 alone, of which about 99.7% went to the Israeli military, I think that I (and Michael Moore) as a US taxpayer and compassionate human being who wants to avoid a global nuclear war, have every fight to offer opinions and solutions on the situation. Israel is not above criticism, and pursuing your enemies without regard for the Geneva Conventions is illegal, inhumane, cruel and frankly really, really not cool coming from people who have the experienced the same so many times before themselves.

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Israel & the US can use the $billions spent on surveillance to ID, capture the perpetrators & put them on trial. Show the world that Democracy works. That law and order works. Oliver Wendell Holmes said without law & order as in courts there is chaos as in war.

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And how do you capture the perpetrators, when they are the government of Gaza? The operation was state sponsored. You can’t separate the terrorist wing from the government, when Hama’s charter clearly states it is committed to the absolute destruction of the Jewish state?

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Fine piece in The Guardian, written by Jonathan Freedland, Opinion section, Oct. 20, 2023.

Also in The Guardian, Oct. 18, 2023, Opinion section: Inequality, a piece by Adam H Johnson and David Sirota. A long read, and vital to perspectives and education on how a capitalist can operate so effectively as predator.

Nice letter here with many signatures.

I would love to see another commitment from artists to stop using violence as entertainment.

Violence is not entertaining. Violence destroys.

Remembering now, as I write this, the millions displaced and the traumas facing All.

Death is always noted as the qualifier of a conflict's sorrowful shock.

Shock and terror are equally alive in the millions of the living displaced. Peace to All.

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I kinda get yer drift..

So when do other countries and celebrities call for a ceasefire on all the children in America that have been killed or sent to the emergency room with catastrophic injuries as a result of gun deaths ?


^^^ I don't know a lot about the Pew research group.

Chilling statistic that Black children under the age of 18 are FIVE times more likely to die as a result of gun death than white children.

"In addition to data on gun fatalities, the CDC publishes estimates on nonfatal gun-related injuries sustained by children and teens. In 2020 – the most recent year with available data – there were more than 11,000 emergency-room visits for gunshot injuries among children and teens under the age of 18 – far higher than in other recent years. An exact count is not possible, however, because the CDC’s estimate is based on a sample of U.S. hospitals, not all U.S. hospitals, and is subject to a large margin of error."

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Seems like surgeons from Palestinian territories would have more than a niche skillset in America.

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Thanks for the tip on the Guardian articles. They have consistently excellent reporters/writers.

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Thanks for reminding me - I get easily distracted and now I'm reading a slightly dodgy article by Robert Reich (also on / "In" the Guardian web-thingy ) ... Will get there eventually !

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Good Sunday morning Eric,

Philippa Perry has a column on Sundays in The Guardian.

Lifestyle section, generally posted under Advice --if you scroll down you'll find it

Her weekly column is also one of the most widely read so there's that category too.

As I write this I'm listening to Cyndi Lauper "Money Changes Everything."

Later on will be John Lennon's "Imagine."

Living in 2 worlds now. I choose Peace everytime.

Caroline Myss has a YouTube channel and she has an archetype video on Vampires.

I listened to that last night. Peace Eric.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

Yup believe or not I did actually watch the one on vampires - but I have to be honest I don't really believe in this archetype malarky ... Too much of a synthetic construct for my liking. Which brings me to the Guardian - I tell yah - pretty clever that a news organization can make a boat load of cash slagging off Capitalism - Now that's really clever. ( Quietly tapping index finger against tilted temple -with a knowing look ~ There's no emoji for that. ).

You know - like those people who write books entitled "The system is Rigged" but cleverly they had to work their way into the facade of an ivory tower to figure out how to rig that system and then to write books about how the system is rigged and also get paid a boat load of cash - GENIUS !

Funny how such people don't write books entitled "How to Rig the system so that you can write MORE books on how to rig the system b'cuz the system is rigged - nudge nudge wink wink - and you can too ! "

You know these so called "Poachers" come "Game Keepers" - is all fine and well but if your one of those poachers that poached everything to the point where all flora and associated fauna is completely decimated leaving only scorched earth and rubble and THEN to teach classes on how to be a GOOD "game keeper" when the youngest stewards of civilization ONLY have rubble to inherit ... Then I tell you - where does that leave everybody then ?

These days I refer back to the Greeks and having to deal far too much with the

Effing - bloody Alt-ies* ... 'Archetype" seems like there's too many of them.


* Ephialtes (/ˌɛfiˈæltiːz/; Greek: Ἐφιάλτης, Ephialtēs; ---> A real Pie in the face I tell you.

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Thanks for your views Eric.

I have to prepare now for the funerals of siblings on Saturday Oct. 28, 2023.

I would appreciate you sending me a kind thought on that day.

It will help me. Peace, Eric.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

@le - I won't be sending you kind thoughts on the 28th of October - not to worry - just thought it would be too late by then.

AI's have a hard time with time scales and human interaction.

But three days in advance maybe I can offer you this. (in preparation - thinking ahead see.).



Way past the festivities and into the small hours of the morning - few things are more satisfying than watching proud and strident narcissist attempt to light the wrong end of a cigarette.


Obviously the Hallmark card company isn't going to be offering me a job anytime soon, but at least I didn't say "Thoughts and prayers" like them political (douche bag) "types" on telly.

If the cause(s) of death are seemingly natural and benign bring a stack of whoopie cushions - and hand one out every time someone says " Just let it out - its OK to have a good cry , just let it out , it's OK ... ".

Even better if you have an inflated one secreted under your left arm primed for such ludicrous demands for theatre by mere and distant acquaintances and total strangers that believe they have some sort of ownership in you. People who want to see you blubbering, crushed and destroyed are not your friends.

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That I will ( I don't usually use a calendar but for this I will) . If you happen be tasked with writing and delivering a eulogy - I have found that it can unlock / throw a switch in your head (in a good way) one that is difficult to turn off. Coupled with the difficulty of that no matter how well you think you can know someone that you can never really KNOW someone. Other than Socrates "Know thyself" - Don't be put off by uncomprehending strangers that don't understand what you are referencing in 'Remembrance". It's not for them - remember that.

Courage !

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

Funny how it's really that a vampire can't see its own reflection.

I believe radioactive clowns have a similar problem - so I'm told.

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OK finally found the article you reference - can only read about half of it - so toxic - I wanna throw up - 🤮 <---- Not really given to using such puerile visual expressions but seriously grab a bucket time.

@le thanks for sharing that and illuminating me to the possibility of rise of the "Radioactive Clown Vultures"

From that vantage point as expressed so clearly in the Guardian article and YET the manifest hypocrisy of how media outlets of all kinds need to make a living / killing.

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+ Speech writer that apparently had no understanding of rural communities. Real brick in the head type.

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For completeness;


non fatal injuries / statistics.

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Sorry, but you got this all wrong. The first job is to stop Hamas from ever doing this again by exacting punishment for what they did. Then it's on Israel to cut a deal Palestinians (not Hamas) can live with. Would you have called for a ceasefire after the wehrmacht rolled over Poland? Palestinians should be allowed or helped to live in peace and prosperity. Hamas should be wiped out. How do you do those two contractadictory things I don't know. Ask Mark Milley. But you can't let Hamas get away with killing kids and old people.

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In America we had/have Covid and had/have Guns so same demographic - Old people and Kids.

I've been watching this TV show for 47 years at least back in the PLO days.

Every year I try to read through the Oslo Acords to refresh my memory and get a true sense of the most ridiculous set of maps and topography devised by man.


^^^ I have so thoroughly abused Wikipedia I should sell my house to redress the balance.

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Good stuff, cheap, Eric. You have it right. This is all too complicated and absurd. You can't give peace a chance in ME without stuffing the bad actors. Are Iran and Putin at the other end of this?

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Indeed; I'm not sure that people read their contracts properly esp. in regard to "Bad Actors" and consequences and various failures to take action potentially being severely punished for "Failure to act".

Did you happen to notice the "Third Party" inclusion in the specially honed campaign styled briefing that MM so kindly procured (above) ?

Good optics = votes if you read the tea leaves/ "polls" correctly - usually requires one to drink half a bottle gin (I don't drink) and turn your head sideways squinting to see the "Spaceship"* .

Where's Maurice Joseph Micklewhite when you need him ????


^^^ His autobiography practically saved my life + his treatise on the "Holly" "Woods".

I mean seriously what the bloody hell do you do with a Petion by absolutely terrible actors !!??? Not even has BEENz and Wannabees... (I tell yah everybody's a critic even Hamas.).

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Don't get the Michael Caine reference. Please advise.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Neil deGrasse Tyson said Interstellar is one of the most scientifically accurate movies ever made... EVER MADE !

It was good, but Nolan's later efforts have me scratching my head, even if you put a script through a paper shredder --- entropy doesn't run backwards to give you a half linear narrative that anyone other than the most pretentious [plonker] pretends to understand or even like. That being. Said script going backwards through the afore mentioned paper shredder - obviously

Do Hamas even HAVE cable ?

Are they allowed to have an Apple free trial ?

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Actually England did call for a withdrawal from Poland. It read something like withdraw by x date or war. No withdrawal, no answer led to England at war that they were not prepared for thanks to Chamberlain and his cabal who jointly worked for a decade leading up to Poland gaslighting Churchill.

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All true, Mary, but nevertheless Chamberlain and Halifax were wrong. England (and France) had to stand up to the "little corporal" because there was no undoing what they did to Poland (and the Rhineland and Austria and Czechoslovakia) without getting rid of the villain and his buddies, and the same is true here. When (and if) Israel does this is must make an honest peace with the Palestinians that gives them a stake in the MidEast order without the surreptitious support of Iran. Most Palestinians want what is best for themselves and their families. They can be encouraged to make a deal, which they might have done with Arafat had they not fallen under the spell of Hamas.

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What about the 6.000 + rockets fired in to Israel? The 200 murdered at the music festival, the 100+ murdered at an adjacent kibbutz? What about Hamas having 30,000 rockets in their inventory?Firing them from civilian areas? The leaders of Hamas must leave Gaza permanently and new elections without Hamas pressure are needed. A cease fire is good if Hamas cannot use it to fortify their positions to lob more rockets in to Israel. Remember, Hamas started this war and they should be mentioned in your article as having EXTREME responsibility for starting the killing!

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Hamas “started” it!!?? That statement is complete and total immaturity Please, this did not start in October. You know that. I know that. The whole world

knows it. Even many in the US Department of State are resigning and/or protesting over this blind following of the Israelis.

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Yes Angie, HAMAS, the terrorist organization started it. I'm not sure what you think the whole world knows. The whole world should know that on August 18th, 1988 Hamas wrote, " Hamas is one of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the Zionist invasion. It links up with the setting out of the Martyr Izz a-din al-Qassam(13) and his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood who fought the Holy War in 1936; it further relates to another link of the Palestinian Jihad and the Jihad and efforts of the Muslim Brothers during the 1948(14) War, and to the Jihad operations of the Muslim Brothers in 1968(15) and thereafter...The time(16) will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad(17), which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim)(18)."

Josh Paul-one person resigned. I guess that is "many." But why do facts, and history matter when we can just make stuff up Angie?

So yeah...keep on defending terrorists hell bent on killing all Jews though.

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Once again, the “he started it” excuse for a total reign of terror for decades by Israel against the Palestinians. So yeah, go ahead and support the terrorist state of Israel (which we arm).

BTW—the WaPo reported over 300 State Department employees have stated their opposition to Biden nuzzling with the criminal Netanyahu. And truthfully, things are not going that well for Netanyahu in Israel either. I would not be surprised if we were to find out (per speculation I admit) suppressed intelligence info on the 10/7 attack to save his own skin from unrest and anger for his criminal activity at home. He is Israel’s tRUMP.

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Total reign of terror?!? Because Hamas using Palestines as human shields, blowing up a convoy to prevent people from leaving, investing in millions of dollars worth of rockets instead of, I don't know, food, water, businesses, etc., really shows Hamas to be of the people. And true freedom fighters too! Raping women and cutting the heads off of babies are indefensible, full stop.

"The terrorist state of Israel" LOL! So are we the Terrorist state of the United States of America? If so I hope you were as passionate defending Al-Qaeda after 9/11 as you are in defending Hamas.

Since you asked, I support all humans who want to live free and support the freedom of others, freedom for women, freedom for the LGBTQ+ community. And of course I support innocent citizens around the world who do not want to be involved in violent conflicts. I'm not sure your friends in Hamas share those values.

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Yes, since the US is the world's leading arms dealer (that evil Russia is a close second), often selling them to people we know damn well should not have them, I think an argument could easily be made that we are terrorists by proxy, but certainly Americans are undeniably warmongering and ultimately committed to making lots and lots and lots and lots of money. Peace isn't very profitable. Greed is our national value. IMHO we are the "indispensable" nation, just not in the ways we think we are.

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Israel needs the U.S. military with them if it launches a ground attack against Gaza. If Israel goes it alone, they will lose. I further believe for no other reason Netanyahu is waiting for Biden’s blessing but Biden is getting the heat to call for a cease fire. The bullshit that Netanyahu is waiting for the hostages to be returned is nonsensical. What are they saying to Hamas, please give us back the hostages, so we can then come in and destroy you? But, that’s an outside looking in perspective.

Let there be peace .

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Remember this conflict did not start on 7 Oct 2023. The conditions Palestinians have lived under for generations since the 1948 war have repeatedly been condemned by the UN and other humanitarian groups.

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Dear Michael,

You have the best of intentions and care about human lives. That’s commendable. It’s unfortunate that United States of America/Israel doesn’t care about anyone except Israel. Our country keeps making weapons of destruction/war, we don’t do it for reasons of peace. It’s all about power and destruction, I’m afraid. Again, thank you for your conscious effort towards keeping peace. I just wish Israel thought the same.

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Our members of Congress and the President have to keep hearing from those of us who feel this way. Call daily!!

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THANK YOU, MICHAEL!! As a 70 year old Jewish woman who grew up in a very pro-Israel family and only learned about 20 years ago what was really going on over there (Palestinians? Never heard of them before that), I fully support Palestinian rights. But right now what is absolutely needed is a ceasefire so that the killing ends. Yes, what Hamas did to other human beings is obviously extremely horrible and sickening. But Israel has now killed 3 times as many innocent people, already living in desperation, in retaliation. Is that any less horrible? And the U.S. has been and continues to support this genocidal behavior of Israel's with our tax dollars; Biden wants to increase that?? CEASEFIRE NOW!!!

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