As a dual Norwegian and Australian citizen, I can only say - you are right. Seems the republicans have done an outstanding job in scaring the bejeesus out of people. Socialised healthcare! We don't want socialism! It's not socialism, it's humanitarianism. And cheaper, too. Of course everyone who reads this column will know that.

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Again you nailed it with great explanation. I am Canadian living in Arkansas. It’s embarrassing to see powerful law makers afraid of a washed up TV personality and shit for brains business man with long history of racism that insults anyone that doesn’t agree with his world view or him. The rich have created the homelessness, the poor healthcare system, the suffering in the name of more tax cuts, more vacation homes, and greed and more greed. Ted Kennedy said it best, the only way the greed stops, is for us to vote, but doesn’t look like that going to happen.

I am in favour of disrupting capitalism and greed, because it doesn’t work for us.

We have to engage in more civil disobedience. The Democrats messaging sucks, main stream media is not our friend. General Strike, ask the French? Our government and the corporations need to been afraid of us, they are not.

American Spring? For freedom? I am sick of being a slave to big money!

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What you are saying breaks my heart with its clarity and truth. And so many people now are their own worst enemies because they support those politicians who screw them, who could care less about their needs, only about their own power and wealth. I feel like Trump heralded the beginning of the end of America.

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As a Canadian looking in, you seem to be all focused on symptoms rather than the illness. The root of your problems is money in politics. Can you please (I am asking nicely, proof I am Canadian), to all of you to work together and solve that problem first? Just imagine where you would be now, if the first thing Obama did was to introduce a bill that would have essentially removed Citizens United and limited corporate fundraising for state and federal politicians. Your system is rotten to the core and you will only be getting the odd token hearing aid until you get the power back to the people. Stop focusing on what you want and fix the system. In Canada we just had a federal election, it lasted 4 weeks, cost $600 million CAN($5 US) total for all candidates and you probably never even noticed.

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I think Biden is a decent man. He might not be able to wrap his head around how detrimental trump continues to be to our country. It’s unimaginable to decent people! Look at the evil lined up behind trump! There’s no moral center, no patriotism! Only self-serving or cowardice. Thank God for Nancy Pelosi!

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Michael, you and I were born in the same year and we both love our country and are sad and devastated by exactly what you’ve written about here.

I don’t know what else we can do to change things. Spreading what you wrote would illuminate and shock many who really just don’t know the facts.

I want so much for this country and have been infuriated, devastated, gutted and frightened by the disgusting acts & behavior of the GOP.

What are we missing? What on earth do we need to do to turn this evil and lawless trajectory into something we all can be proud of?

I’, literally, had a nightmare of a Nazi takeover in this country and was scared out of my wits.

I appreciate what you do and have hope when I take into consideration how many likeminded Americans there are out there; we all just need to know we’re not alone in our thinking and work together to bring about the country we want to live in.

The Progressives are on the “good guys” team!

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“A lot of what was originally there is now gone. Like free community college is out, and so is paid family and medical leave, which means America will remain the only nation in the world where women try to give birth during their lunch break.” - Trevor Noah 


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Two things

1) The reason other nations are able to spend more on social programs is because we sucker taxpayers pay for their military defense.

2) We are a nation in decline. The best days of the US are behind us and we have to come to the realization that we're coming to the end of the American Empire.

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You can’t have dental care or glasses but by god you can carry a gun!!!!!

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Thank you, Michael. Again, you've taken my angst, my upset, my hopelessness and put it into words. I have posted this everywhere today. I don't even know anymore how to get US on track. Perhaps the shaming will wake Biden up at the wheel because he is surely stuck in the past at a time in Congress that hasn't existed in years. What was he thinking when they were blocking everything that Obama wanted to enact?! He just didn't get it!

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I read recently that we are pretty far down the totem poll in terms of political freedom as well, since one person, whether Mitch McConnell or Kirsten Sinema can derail the will of the majority.

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I feel like crying. Will we ever lose the stench of trump?

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Hi Michael, you really laid it all out there. Thank you. My Country 'tis of thee Sweet Land of Misery of thee, I can't stand. Down on my knees I am, buckled down and shackled to Republican demands. Oh boy!

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Excellent commentary. God help us if people don't care enough to go out and vote more than we've ever seen in 2022. We need a majority of progressives to survive this assault on our democracy and move to facism.

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As you so deftly articulate, the political class simply do not care about the American people. However, the American people do not seem to care about themselves and dementedly continue to elect and empower these immoral, self-serving robots. So ... ultimately, who is to blame? The parasitic political enablers? Or US, the root retards mindlessly, apathetically dreaming and arrogantly ignoring reality? Pity Joe? A little... Pity US! We are pitiful.

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Dont get MAD! Vote!

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