Thank you for all you do Michael 🤗 been a fan and follower since Bowling For Columbine!!

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Thank you, Mike for all the thought provoking information that you have brought us over the years. Your films, dialogues, pod casts, and mailings are a voice of reason in an often unreasonable world. If there would be a way to clone you, I would do it and send you to every corner of the country simultaneously! Perhaps we can be your "clones." Merci

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Great to be a part of this, Michael!! Looking forward to many truth bombs over the coming months/years...

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I have such a good feeling about this, Michael. I am always wondering what more I can do. Thank you!

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Evil prevails when good men and women fail to act. Onward!

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Like you, I have watched the decades unfold from the greatest generation to what can only be described as a pitiful group of greedy, self-serving creatures who have managed to politicize , masks, and various things that used to be common ground. Sure, there were voices against Social Security, Medicare and Affordable Health Care, but the collective angels of our society saw us through. Today, Mike, I'm not so sure the country can re-establish common ground. After Trump, common ground sounds like a distant echo of a country that once was. We can't seem to examine our conscience to see our real history with all the warts that we have managed to white-wash through our lives. I'm now 74 and still just learning that much of what I've learned was a lie. Even the story of the Alamo isn't so special anymore. Sad. Please help.

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Have been subscribed to you for a long time. So happy to hear from you again! You've inspired me to support your work. Looking forward the future.

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Oh, thank you so much! We seem surrounded by anxiety. I agree with all you said! Thank you!

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So glad you are back. Hopeless isn't a sound in the wind with you, the information and opinions

you publish.

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Thank you for an intellectual and truthful letter. I can hardly wait for more.

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Thank you for being the voice of reason. I’ve been a follower for many years. I love seeing you as a guest on my favorite talk shows and I especially love your films. I hope this new generation listens closely. They are the future.

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I am just getting by (with a lot of help from my daughter) on my SS check. If I still had a job, I would join up$

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We need this right now

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Mr Moore I have tried forever to message POTUS and the White House... This is a capitalistic country, so let the Market do the work for vaccinations. POTUS needs to issue an Execute Order allowing health insurers to double the premiums for every individual or family that refuses to be vaccinated. Please use up your phone and emails to our advantage.

Thank You,

Bruce All who agree please reply and repost

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Hi Mike, great to hear you again!!

I remain hopeful and cautiously optimistic about America. However, I admit to a troubling nightmare that Republicans might take back the Senate and / or, the house, in ‘22.

Mitch McConnell has already indicated he would do everything he could to stop the Bidden administration from advancing any socially minded agendas, thus ending any liberal/progressive reforms this country needs.

Secondly, Trump is waiting for a second opportunity to launch his Facist/authoritarian ideology. Trump is clearly out to destroy this country; remember that he stated “there need to be limits on free speech and limits on freedom of the press.”

In 1933 Adolph Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by President of Germany, Paul Von Hindenburg. His motto: “make Germany great again.” Sound familiar?”

We need to work now to maintain or representative democracy, and prevent a return of “Trumpism” from destroying what we have remaining.

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Thank all the gods and goddesses and all the ships at sea for you and your work!

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