We are a democracy based on the RULE OF LAW

Trump and all of his insurrection accomplices and all congressional leaders who support Trump's attempt to overthrow the government of the United States MUST BE PROSECUTED FOR TREASON.

If they are not investigated then democracy is gone in the United States.

(pass it on)

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After last Thursday, I’m appalled that Trump is still walking around a free man! Why do our leaders and Merrick Garland seem to have no sense of urgency in defending our country against domestic terrorists!

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How can we get behind the leaders who should be leading when they're not doing anything? Whatever our leaders are doing, it's not for the people.

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Agree. Don't understand it. John Q Public would've been in jail a long time. This traitor can't be above the law.

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My guess is retaliation. If Republicans take back control they’ll lock up anyone who goes against them. Trump has already suggested this with “lock her up.

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I'm British, in north England, but I share all your feelings. We have friends in Sag Harbor NY, who we used to visit annually, and they do too. We hope to hell the Democrats do well in the midterms, but it doesn't look good right now. We also have a lying extremist government, but at least almost no-one owns guns. Best of luck to you all! Mike Newman

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Thank you, English Mike. We need all the support we can get.

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They should call that scene " Hawley hauls ass. "

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Please remember Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. That magical little hidden passage might turn out to be all we have, and it is waiting, eagerly, for its chance to serve. The burden of proof is likely far lower than for an actual criminal charge. After all, its penalty is actually no more than a simple "breach of contract" firing, not imprisonment. And if we are fortunate, we might be able to get rid of quite a number of traitors with Section Three. Peacefully. Without violence. Constitutionally. If we are worried about numbers, it is, perhaps, worth checking with Constitutional scholars to see if those being charged under Section 3 of the 14th can vote in their own hearings. I would think not, but I am no attorney.

Also, I believe Supreme Court justices are limited to serve, Constitutionally, during good behavior. Last time I checked, good behavior did not include actions and obvious threats against freedoms. It did not include countless instances of ignoring conflicts of interest. Maybe we will learn more about behavior from certain subpoenaed witnesses . . .

You give us hope, Michael, and a voice. Together, we can make it through this.


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Well said Michael. Without repeating the many thoughtful comments already expressed, Trump is an anarchist. He reminds me of Italy, during WW 2, Benito Mussolini used his gang of thugs, the “Blackshirts,” to terrorize, harass, beat, and murder any outspoken opponent of dictator Mussolini.

Trump is, among other things such as a liar, he is a coward; hiding behind others to do his dirty work: terrorize, harass, and intimidate us into submission. He simply craves power for himself.

The republicans who support him

advocate “freedom” as their rallying cry. But freedom for whom? It amazes me that he garners so much support among people who should see him as the cowardly, worthless thug, that he really is. Are Americans really this ignorant? Or this stupid? Makes me wonder what we as a nation have degenerated into.

Or, is it the warmongering, murderous instinct that you have commented on, Michael. After all, when whitey sailed across the pond to found a new world, we murdered the indigenous people, stole their land, raped the women, and oh yes.....we were “Christian people” bringing hope and faith to the savages that needed to be reformed to our civilized way of life.

Trump, and his followers, are just another incarnation of the strong man, the fascist leader who appeals to his followers who are weak, and hope to gain something they are not willing to provide for themselves.

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Wow, that's a lot to unpack. When I listen to his followers, I think, yes, they really are that stupid and uneducated. I think it's as simple as that. Here comes Mr Strong Guy who is in their corner so they can finally get their piece of the pie. Except TFG took the whole pie and left everyone crumbs as he grifts these idiot sycophants for yet more money. Talk about suckers.

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If the January 6th had been a crowd of Blacks and Latinos, there would have been city police,

national guard, the marines, etc. out defending the Congress! But, because there were mostly Whites there was a more modest reaction!! Unbelievable & tragic how this whole dangerous incident was handled!!

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My heart-felt thanks to you, Michael, for your commitment to the truth. I noticed the best the three TV networks could do after the 8th Congressional January 6th hearing was to report on trump's sins of omission while ignoring his sins of commission on that day. The biggest revelation from last Thursday's Hearing was the fact that trump was the architect behind the January 6th attack on Congress. He conceived the plan, summoned his troops to D.C., inflamed them with rhetoric, and wanted to lead them into Congress to kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. Additionally, he called up Senators during the attack to ask that they implement his anti-democratic plot to throw out legal electors and replace them with his own.

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Yep. His army was proud boys and oath keepers who started surveilling the Capitol while TFG was still speaking. Planned n premeditated. I wish we had a direct tie from him to those traitors - icing on the cake, would that be.

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Mike - glad your good friend is ok. Dems most effective action is to vote like our lives depended on it this fall. Dems must call out ALL the ways Magats have fought AGAINST the average US citizen's welfare and don't stop hammering them. If we go down, at least let's go down fighting. Enough trying to 'bi-partisan' work with them. They've told us what they plan to do if they win control. Do we want to let them do that?

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Agree entirely but want to suggest when you broadcast your open letter to Biden you ask him who the hell he thinks the Secret Service works for and is under the direction of if not himself? This isn’t Merrick Garland or SCOTUS, this is an agency of the Administration that ultimately reports to him! Refusing to cooperate with the committee? Nonsense! Yes I want to fight on but dammit we need some leadership from the top! As Cornell West told you way back when, I’ll vote for Biden but I won’t lie for him, or in my words, to him!

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I feel bad about the woman being shot and killed, even though I totally disagree with her. But that shows how much danger our democracy, and our members of Congress, were in.

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CYA - cover your a.. doesn’t work well with surveillance cameras everywhere 🤠 #HawleyingAss

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The truth will always come out, at some time or another.

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Thanks for this personal statement. Very helpful to give me the emotional knowledge of this horrific event on January 6.

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A very valid question is being asked Mike

“Are Americans really this ignorant”? Or this stupid? “ Makes me wonder what we as a nation have degenerated to ?

So Trump is only a symptom of the bigger disease ! The real question of bigger concern is the mindset of a large minority of the American public. This minority is much too large for the relatively silent majority not to be concerned.

So once again thank you Mike for the effort you are putting into this. We need many more Michael Moores to expand this effort.

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Fifty percent of the eligible voters don't vote. Then one candidate gets a little more than half of the votes. SO. THE COUNTRY NEVER ELECTS A PRESIDENT. Maybe 26% of the citizens. elect someone. But this is embarrassing. We have to talk about "our democracy" rather than give the facts since this would mean. accusing Americans and as Nancy Pelosi. said while looking at a huge group of. refrigerator-sized slovenly bodies, " Americans are WONDERFUL!!" Pelosi whose hair and make-up and clothes and jewelry and figure and posture are perfect. We are so perfect. Too lazy to vote or shut our mouths.

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