We live in scary times. IDK Mike. In 2000 I had an ectopic pregnancy, and surgery to go with it. In 2019 in Ohio they tried to pass a bill making the treatment of an ectopic illegal, and saying Dr had to replant the fetus (that is not a thing). Within the last month again in Missouri.. Treating woman with ectopic pregnancies a felony. What the hell is going on?

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Right Wing America is working hard to criminalize life through war, weapons of mass destruction, misogyny, poverty, atomization and destruction of civil society, just like dictatorships anywhere women are punished for being women.

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Thank you so very much for having Michele on your podcast this morning. As I’ve said before, I am 85 years and a survivor of sexual abuse beginning at Four tpyears old, not by just one family member but many over the years. At six years old I tuusted my teacher, a beautiful nun whoI thought in my child’s mine, that she was the kind person I could share my secret with, “ looked down at me, after me telling her what I was enduring” her beautiful expression changed into an awful scowl and said, or I should say “ spit out at me, YOU are a dirty, dirty child”. I was heartbroken and embarrassed and never spoke of it again. I endured this until I was almost 13 and suddenly said, “NO MORE” I don’t care what they do to me, NO MORE!

I said I would tell, so the perpetrator stopped. For some reason he felt threatened. I found out many, many years later my older sister was also a victim of his abuse. Unbelievable how at even this day and age it still is common amongst men abusing children. We need to be more vigilant in recognizing this crime against children, both female and male children

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So, so sad to read what you have gone through. My heart goes out to you. We must all join the fight.

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Fortunately for me I was blessed with unbelievable strength throughout my life. I believe that in helping others who have endured things like this helps us to heal the wounds caused by abuse and makes us stronger. When I thought I was the only one, imagine my surprise as I grew older and discovered it was then and NOW such a horrible things are still prevalent in our society.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I am a social worker and have worked with many people with childhood sexual abuse - it has devastating effects on their lives. But, you are so right, helping others has the benefit of healing oneself as well.

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This was a moving and brilliant podcast. My hat is off to Dr. Goodwin for having survived the horrors of her childhood and turning her experience into something positive. The hypocrisy and idiocy of the Wrong Wing (I refuse to call them "Right" anymore) never ceases to amaze me. On the one hand, they get all up in arms about how public-health measures such as masks and vaccines are such an egregious infringement on civil liberties, but yet they want the government to have complete control over women's bodies, as if women are nothing more than vessels for reproduction. (Not that these champions of "the unborn" will care the least bit about them once they're ACTUALLY born!) And of course, I don't suppose there will ever be any consequences for the men who impregnate the women in question. They can just do the deed and slink away, as always. (First they flit, then they slink!)

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Hi Michael. I love you. I happily subscribed to your Substack when you started it. I just want you to know that it’s so hard for me to hear the words come out of your mouth, someone I love and respect, about Moink.

It’s so hurtful and offensive. I might as well be asked to sit through an endorsement of Trump or an endorsement of Nazis. I am sick to my stomach hearing you say the words. I can’t be the only one.

You don’t have to take blood money from the meat industry. You don’t have to promote the spilling of innocent blood and the deaths of innocent animals. You also don’t have to promote foods which cause heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Why would you do that? Am I forced to realize that your heart is that merciless? I never thought it of you. You always seem so compassionate.

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Michael, I've loved your podcast and hold your point of view on virtually everything. Maybe that's because I'm from Flint! This podcast was extremely moving to me. Like you, I'd helped a friend find one of those back-alley abortions in 1963. She survived but later realized she'd never do it again. I'd always been pro-choice, but struggled to hold onto this position after my mother told me (when I was six months pregnant) that she'd been raped by my father and that she'd tried twice to abort me with what was available 81 years ago (ergotrate). When she failed the second time she realized her only choice in 1940 was to marry my father. After she told me, supporting the right to choice was made a hundred times more difficult for me. I've finally come to believe that the rights of the unborn child (with whom I identify) and the rights of the mother are EXACTLY EQUAL, that there is NO right answer, NO good answer. THEREFORE, THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO RIGHT TO INTERFERE IN EITHER DIRECTION. It has to be the decision of the pregnant woman/girl. I just hope that when a woman/girl makes the decision to abort, there is a serious recognition of what the she is doing, which I became acutely aware of when I found I was nearly aborted. A fetus more than a dot no bigger than the head of a pin. It's POTENTIAL to become a human being. Because I survived my mother's attempt, I can't ignore this fact. On the other hand, it's clear that the virulent, mean-spirited push to end legal abortion is not because they care for that fetus. If they did, they would help support the mother and her baby until she can get on her own feet. No, it's purely Christian punitiveness. Payment for her sin. There must be some place where another conversation about this issue can be held that values both the life of the mother and that of the fetus.

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Thank you for sharing. Poor young lady. This hits too close to home. Time for a reckoning in the justice system regarding children of sexual abuse. Lets Rumble

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Public Transport Free to Ride conditional.... we already have the green New Deal...public transportation is 80 to 90% funded by the federal government. Thanks Jerry dyslexic in Denver

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Thank you for your reply. I absolutely agree with helping others helps ease the pain of your past. I grieve because some children are so severely abused they are so damaged their recuperation is nonexistent. How do we stop the human beings who are so damaged themselves they do these things to children? I have no idea, but it is evident more needs to be done. Unfortunately evil persist in the human mind.

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Right Wing America is working hard to criminalize life through war, weapons of mass destruction, misogyny, poverty, atomization and destruction of civil society, just like dictatorships anywhere women are punished for being women.

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