This was a beautiful and heartwarming talk you gave to these students, Michael, and it really touched my heart because I lived in Florida for 40 years and I can’t believe what is happening there in front of our eyes. It is like DeSantis read exactly what it is to be a fascist and is now giving Florida a very bitter taste of what it will be in this country if he were ever able to become President. Even if he isn’t elected, he will be spewing his authoritarian claptrap if he runs and people buy into it which, to me, is very frightening. One of the first things fascists do besides lie and manipulate is to ban books. I think this is heartbreaking. And this is only the beginning. I will continue my pledge to buy banned books, such as “Maus”, say gay every opportunity I get and I will watch Sesame Street.I know you will continue to speak the truth in a compassionate way and encourage us to speak up and speak out about the values and principles our country was founded on. Thank you!

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Good message, Michael. I guess New College must be State funded to allow such transgressions from the guv. He is a disgrace. I hope Disney abandons the State completely. New Mexico would probably welcome Disney with open arms, and they are not subject to hurricanes or earthquakes as far as I know.

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Cry/laugh emoji - I think Albuquerque is smaller than whatever theme park Disney would need to relocate lol.

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I thought of New Mexico because there are at least intelligent humans living there. (as opposed to Florida which does not seem to value intellect) Orlando was a relatively small city when Disney moved there, Disney MADE Orlando, not the other way around. Actually I only stayed one night in Las Cruces, a very pretty city, close to El Paso, but I think Gallup would also be a good location. Anywhere but Florida. Besides, by 2100 Florida will probably be twenty feet under the ocean. Disney would be smart to move inland and as far as possible from climate deniers.

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NM is a good choice. It's more relaxed here. We still have our fascists and water issues but like most places the cities are the bluest part of the state. It's gonna be a good place to live for a while. I hope!

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IME this Disney story (esp. with Iger) and the 2000 Disney employees in question will turn into "nothing burger". Pure madness to attempt to bring Disney's Burbank presence to Florida in the first place ~ Amid various outward political "Showmanship" and headlines - seems the Disney Organization is looking to downsize / "Consolidate". Have seen similar patterns in the past with Lionsgate and Sony in the past (at various conferences) with ultimately very little follow through and employees balanced on a knife edge to relocate. [Employees looking at real estate options and schools on laptops - between various technical papers being presented at the venue - all looking pretty bummed and very concerned .] .

If I didn't know better it's used primary to screw / threaten a workforce to keep them in place and keep hours long and compensation slim to razor thin.

Not the first time that has happened.

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Thank you Eric, looking back it seemed like I was implying that Disney were the good guys. I agree , these are bad guys and worse guys. Walt Disney had some pretty good ideas for entertainment. He even had some good ideas for the country, like using nuclear energy, which is still the most efficient way to produce the most energy for the buck, and monorails running above the city. But he was basically a very conservative person socially. And corporate Disney, treats its employees like pawns in a chess game, expendable. They came out strongly for LGBTQ+, because nationwide that is popular.

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I don't know the exact scope of a " Strawman argument" but seems pretty trivial to triangulate employees into lower wages by picking a BS political fight with a paper tiger like De Santis (sp).

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Albuquerque altitude is approximately 5,700 feet. Santa Fe is closer to 7,000.

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Good then they won't be drowned like Florida

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Thank you, Michael, for paying attention and helping us all pay attention. I send my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to these grads as well.

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A warm, sweet message. Thank you, Michael. It reminded me of a quote attributed to Wavy Gravy, "Put your good where it does the most." Amen.

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When good people stand up for each other Tyrants shrink and run away.

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These young people give me hope. Lets help them get to where they are going. Let us also redefine replacement theory, where these bright young people will replace the dusty old, hate brained, zombie herders.

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People joke about Florida as being Death's waiting room. Is it Democracy's turn in Florida?

What subliminal brainwashing techniques are Republicans using to get these idiots in positions of power? People keep voting for these fatheads that abuse the power they are granted.

Yuck, America. Do better.

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Do better in Florida by replacing Wasserman-Schultz and her ilk as the Democratic nominees. You get a governor like DeSantis where "the party of the lesser evil" is so evil that claiming a clear "choice" exists is embarrassing.

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Thank you so much for supporting these students who’ve been through hell this year. The fight continues in Sarasota and in much of Florida as we protect all of our voices!

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Thank you Michael~ for your voice in this world~

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

How do I send the Florida graduates a video of support as a professor from my university?

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Thank you Michael. That was a beautiful and heartwarming message.

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Michael, thank you for this heartfelt message.Your sincerity is palpable, and every New College of Florida will feel it.

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Great message. I live 6 months in sarasota and 6 in reality in traverse city! We are thinking of canning Florida although there are people who dislike DeSatan. But thankful my heart and head is I am Michigander. I will happily pay a ton more in taxes but NEVER will be Florida resident.

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I live in Interlochen down the road, visit kids in Hilton Head. Worry South Carolina may catch the Desatan plague.

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South Carolina has a group of dem and Republican congresswoman protecting reproductive rights. But who knows. DeSantis is evil!!

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That was a very nice video. I am missing something. I'm usually on top of things but I don't know what is going on with New College of Florida. I will have to do some research. But I like your speech.

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DeSatan took it over. Wants to make it hillsdale south! Fired the president and board and out in right wing non educators.

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So the students held their own phenomenol graduation.

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Wonderful message for these graduates. We all wish them brighter and safer futures. Vote!

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The beautiful voice of reason and decency. Thank you for saying it for all of us who are like-minded.

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