Thank you Michael for your message to the graduates of The New College. It is a shame what those students have been put through. It makes me realize how hard we have to work to make sure DeSantis never has a chance to be president. He is dangerous.

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DeSantis is a Mickey Mouse candidate who has declared war on Mickey Mouse. 🤭 - Greg Olear

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“Jacksonville is a shining example of what’s possible when we work together to overcome the GOP's messages of fear and hate and elect Democrats who will defend our freedoms and build a strong economy.

I know that DeSantis and his cronies are shaking in their boots at this news because they know that they have a formidable and growing organization ready to take them on in every election.”

- Nikki Fried, FL Dems Party Chair 🌊

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Nikkii Fried would have been a better candidate for governor than Charlie Crist.

Hooray for Donna's Deegan. She's my former neighbor and one tough person. She's a cancer survivor and a marathon organizer. The woman can get things done!

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Thank the FL Cubans for Charlie Crist’s nomination. I went to Nikki’s rally in West Palm Beach and they were all for Crist. We ought to lift the Cold War embargo so they can go back to Cuba. Trump did a lot of damage to Obama’s progress.

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Florida has truly turned into the colon of America. It was always chock full of horrible rabid racists, now they have all climbed out from under their rocks. Every day the Big Lie about “states rights” is now dismantling the United States of America as these mad hatters continue to dismantle this democracy permanently.

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We are so incredibly grateful for your words of encouragement. I can never thank you enough for answering the call to address our students, but know that my family and I will be forever inspired to serve causes that address injustice and oppression. It was a powerful experience to be at both the student-led alternate-graduation and then to be at the "official graduation" amongst an audience of graduates, faculty, and family who turned their backs on Atlas as he spewed hateful rhetoric and outright lies to meet the new administration's agenda for New College of Florida. As the brilliant student speaker who followed him said (parapharasing), New College is not a place. It is people. And we will carry the spirit of New College forward, spreading love and increasing awareness and always thinking critically. Thank you. We know you were super busy and you still found time for us. We love you!

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My congratulations to these amazing students and to their amazing parents! Sending light and love and a knowledge that positive things come from adversity! They will all fly❤️❤️❤️

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I live in Florida and am appalled by what is going on! The governor is spending more time in his pursuit of the presidency, taking away our freedoms, banning books and generally doing what ever he pleases, instead of addressing real issues that could make life better for all Floridians.


Thank you my trusted Truth Teller

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Throw him out of office. Ridiculous

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It was beautiful to hear them booing Scott Atlas, who was the speaker arranged to be at their commencement. Hooray to the New College grads!

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Those students will make a difference. They are strong. They are the future of our country.

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Thanks Michael for congratulating the graduating class at New College. It was a heartfelt and powerful message!

I wish the graduates and all students at New College the best. Continue speaking truth to power. Holding all the students in the light.

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Beautifully expressed!

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Thank you for your message, Michael, the New College has one of the most amazing educational philosophies in the country. I hope that you will continue to follow their situation and if it comes to it, help them move somewhere else. Such an amazing educational institution deserves to thrive and grow, not be turned into some kind of whipping post for a dystopian politicized state. It's downright tragic what the students have been subjected to, when college students put so much into choosing the right college and paying for it.

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Thank you Michael. Amazing that something like this would happen in our country. It is akin to things that my German born wife said happened in Marburg when she grew up in Nazi Germany.

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Thank you for your truly loving and kind remarks to the brave graduates of the New College of Florida. You will surely inspire them! Marianne Makman

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Lovely message. I have full confidence it will sink in to help water those young hearts and support whatever good they will make in the world.

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Disappointed. The video is not working.

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I had to go to his substack to view the video, hope it works for you

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Thanks for the tip. I haven't been able to view.

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Thank you Michael. As a citizen of the State of Florida, I am appalled and frankly very afraid of how DeSantis has infiltrated every level of government, including our school systems, in encouraging and promoting his hate speech. What is even more frightening is that he won by over ten points. This is a reflection on our citizenship not only in Florida, but the country as a whole. I hope those of us in this country who cherish the ideals and morals of inclusivity, acceptance, and tolerance are watching because we can't let this monster anywhere near the White House.

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We are lucky that Florida is just ONE state among 50. Just imagine Florida as a country! Think of DeSantis as Idi Amin. He seizes power by manipulating voting registration and under the cloak of legality, rams through toxic and hateful “legislation” as his way of owning the libs. He was born too late for the Jim Crow era when he would have loved lynching and separate by equal “laws.” As he prepares to take his Florida system on the road, let’s send him back home in disgrace. In this, we need little effort. The Donald will squish him before long.

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The Donald! Same mold different name!

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De Santis is an a-whole. I can't wait to see what these students do with their lives to get back at him. I wish them all well.

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