44 days from today, the tens of millions of us who have had enough, are going to descend upon the polls en masse — a literal overwhelming, unprecedented tsunami of voters — and nonviolently, legally, and without mercy remove every last stinking traitor to our Democracy.
And for the next 44 days I’m going to give you the proof of my belief that this is actually going to happen!
Each day here on my Substack I’ll give you one quick, solid, shareable reason how and why the anti-Democratic forces are going to go down in a bonfire of defeat. A 2-minute daily read is what I promise. I’ll even read it to you if you’d like!
The pundits and the Trumpsters are on a daily rampage to convince you we are going to lose the House, that we’ll still be stuck with a gridlocked Senate. And that Biden is a loser.
They are lying to you. And they know exactly what they are doing. They are convinced, due to our past behavior, that we are frightened of the Right, that we believe we are going to lose — and that we are filled with pessimism, cynicism and the justified doubts that the often-lame Democrats are experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
But the tide has turned — and it has turned massively. Much of what many in the media are telling you is patently false and just plain wrong. They are simply regurgitating old narratives and stale scripts. They are either too overworked or too lazy or too white and too male to open their eyes and see the liberal/ left/progressive/working class and female uprising that is right now underway.
So here I am to do for you what I’ve always tried to do for you since I was elected to office at 18 — tell you the fucking truth, good or bad.
And believe me my friends, this year it has never been better.
So while the pundits and your Republican brothers-in-law are deflating you by having you believe that Trump will be back (he never left) and that there are millions of MAGA-heads armed with millions of guns (there are), and all that is making you feel so defeated that you just might decide you don’t have the time to waste on politics anymore because we’re all doomed anyway... well...
I am here to tell you the truth. That our numbers have grown so large in the past two years, there is now a landslide about to happen on November 8th — and the idiots in our decimated media just don’t have a clue. Just as a reminder, here’s what the New York Times wrote on the morning of the 2016 election:
These are the same people that told us voters in Michigan on the morning of the Democratic primary in 2016 that Hillary was going to win our state that day by 26 points. 12 hours later Bernie won Michigan.
These are the same people who told us earlier this year that Biden’s goose was cooked. The same people who said Manchin and Sinema would never vote for any of Biden’s plans.
They are also the same ones who told us Russia would take over Ukraine in less than two weeks.
Pick the topic and they are usually wrong — and they seem to feel no shame. What they are really up to is protecting the interests of the owner class. And to have you think that fighting back is useless and hopeless.
So for these next 44 days I’m going to give you a brief honest daily dose of the truth — and the real optimism these truths offer us. I’ll clearly show you how we are going to achieve victory. Of course, you and everyone you know will have to do your part — vote, knock on doors, make calls, get five friends to vote with you — and spread these searing truth bombs I’m gonna send you each day until the election.
Let’s get fired up! Tune out the cynics and the naysayers! This is no time to be depressed! Roevember is coming baby and we are going to party like it’s 2029!!
See you tomorrow — and for the next 43 days — for “Mike’s Midterm Tsunami of Truth”.
** Comments on posts are limited to paid subscribers — but, not to worry, anyone can send me their opinions and thoughts by writing me at mike@michaelmoore.com. I read every one of them, though obviously I can’t respond to all. **
Can’t wait. Saw you on Maher Friday night and couldn’t help thinking “yes! It’s about time we’re going to get some truth! Michael’s on it!!” Thank you, man
As always, Michael, you speak truth to power. Thanks for keeping the spirit of positive change alive and well.
Pa'lante, mi hermano.