Yes yes yes! Where is everyone? 100’s of comments and now a handful. Write/ call your reps. They got the message. Two years of crazy MTG is going to be rough, but we need to focus on the next fight. Georgia. 2024. And as Michael pointed out, why not wow them with our power!!

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I’m up for a good sprint! We can do what we do best: help people who need support and compassion. And, in the process, show the country what gifts democracy can provide. Let’s finish strong!

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Silly question but do you actually have the ear of someone in congress who will take this idea and your list of pending legislation and run with it? We need that person or persons. I want to picture you with an insider track to someone who can whip your idea and the votes needed. We'll all sleep better!

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Christine, Michael has friends on the “inside track”. A rep from his district in Michigan, Flint....

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Mike, please include S 2598 and HR 9110. These are the Senate and House bills that will return bankruptcy rights to student loan borrowers. Student loans are THE ONLY LOANS that DO NOT HAVE REGULAR CONSUMER RIGHTS! Right now, any student loan borrower who seeks bankruptcy protection must prove "undue hardship", which is 99.9% impossible. Recent cases have been denied because a woman seeking bankruptcy had a 15 year old son whom the judge said could get a job soon and help his mother with her loan payments! The recent attempt by the Dept of Education that said that bankruptcy proceedings may now be heard by Dept of Ed attorneys instead of judges, it did not, however, remove the impossible standard of "undue hardship". The Dept of Education is also well known for pursuing the few who did succeed in having their student loans forgiven by a judge in bankruptcy court. The Dept of Ed challenges the rulings, making life hell for those who thought they had received relief from their debt burden. Student loans generally use negative amortization so that borrowers who make on-time payments for years literally never touch the principal. It's a federal program of indentured servitude. These Congressional bills will not be a give away to student loan borrowers, but a restoration of consumer rights. Please look into this further and comment. studentloanjustice.org has been long trying to get this legislation passed. Good information there.

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Mike for President!

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Ken, That would be awesome !!! YES, Mike for President !!!

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We have the opportunity to pass bills that will make life better for everyone. Let's get it done!

If you haven't already, make a donation to Warnock's campaign. We made a good start weaning people off celebrity worship (bye Dr. Oz.) Walker is next. He's just pathetic, basking in the attention, unaware he's being used by the Repubs. Don't let them get away with this. We demand better!

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Oh, yes! I have already written and sent out 75 letters to voters via Vote Forward. They have just uploaded over 200,000 voters to adopt. The deadline to mail the letters (November 29) is fast approaching, so we need MANY MORE people to write letters and send them out to Georgia voters.

Here is the link: https://votefwd.org/campaigns.

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I agree Cheryl! We can still donate, make calls, and write letters for the Warnock campaign. I also just sent a request to my Senator, Gary Peters to pass some bills in the Senate during the lame-duck session. Thank you Michael for the continued resources!

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Dearest Michael,

I am grateful for you- what a relentless,radical justice warrior you are-You give me hope and often make me laugh out loud -and all this done on a foundation of inclusive Love. Blessed Indigenous Day and Happy Thanksgiving Brother- " the arc of the moral universe is long .but it bends toward justice" 19th Century clergyman Theodore Parker -and quoted by Dr Martin Luther King Jr

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still hoping you will put Union organizing without reprisals up for consideration - thanks, and very respectfully asked

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Good morning all

The Colorado Gay Bar – People of a different Life Style; the Pennsylvania Synagogue – People of the Jewish Faith; the South Carolina Black Church – People of Color Others??*


ENABLED by the WHITE Dominate Caste - Supreme Court and members of Congress

We are in the phase of the Brown Shirts (1938) - Where the Civil Authority Allowed the beating and accidental killing of those who were different who came to the attention of the Brown Shirts

While we still have Civil Authority to hold accountable those who perpetrate the Lynchings those who allow the Lynchings hold significant Government positions and are free to spread their LIES.

We have some time to call them out and use OUR MORAL AUTHORITY as INDIVIDUALS, our NAMES affixed to an inditement, (Declaration of Independence) of the Supreme Court and the Members of the Senate and House who ALL CLAIM that the White Dominate Caste has the RIGHT to use GUNS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

Such an inditement will use the

Preponderance of Moral Authority - TRUTH -

TO DEMAND their Resignations from the Government

To be signed by Millions**

It may be the ONLY avenue where Non violence can confront the POWER of the Dictators yes the members of the House and Senate and the Supreme Court

*Note there are 3 kinds of mass shootings Lynchings Vendettas (Sandy Hook) Gang Vendettas (Chicago South and West side killings)

**See Witness (1985) The RINGING OF THE BELL and the Amish farmers, men and women coming down the roads to the SOUND of the BELL to stand Witness to the TRUTH!

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I listened to your podcast. It was very encouraging. I’ve ask the same obvious questions concerning why for years haven’t we strengthened our constitutional rights. We let the ERA flounder around until it’s lost somewhere. We relied on others who promised to get these ruling codified into law and just assumed it had been done. Meanwhile, they were undermining us the entire time. Totally our fault. We got distracted. Or more accurately they distracted us. Cell phones, social media fully kept most of us captivated by instant messaging. The Evangelical right was teetering on the edge of sanity with militias and weapons of war, the murder of innocents brought to our country compliments of the NRA and dark money from the Federalist Corporation.

The 2nd amendment worshippers are indoctrinated to ‘Own the Libs’ they have no idea why. The SCOTUS is a steaming pile. The Federalist Corporation overplayed their hand with the Dobbs decision.

So now is the time to check ourselves, cement our protections to law. Taking gerrymandering out of the equation would go a long way to leveling the playing field.

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Mike, what is the best way to get this information to the democrats in the Senate? They will need to be pushed and Schumer is always ready to go into a recess before the holidays.

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Here are ways to help pull Sen. Warnock over the finish line:

Swing Left phone banks via Mobilize US: https://www.mobilize.us/swingleft/event/543796/?utm_medium=website&utm_source=swing-left&utm_campaign=cta-tile&_ga=2.40704610.1178599697.1669181592-479673578.1663879880

Vote Forward letters to Georgia voters: https://votefwd.org/campaigns

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Our hopes and hard work, inspired by you, Michael, have brought us this far. Let us screw our courage to the sticking place, and demand even more!

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Michael, You have made my day. Your positive, fact-based reporting is so important to so many. I share it everyday on my fb page. I send it to friends and family. Thank you, dear Friend.

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speaking of Applebee's - we wish you'd watch the desserts Mr Moore because we want you around a long time!

In addition to being an obnoxious Michael Moore fan i am also obnoxious vegan supporter - so many reasons, for water, soil, our own health, and the 60-80 billion animals in industrial farming system of world...

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John, my dog is a vegan! Please don’t “desert shame” our Michael. Just sayin’....

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Republicans switching over to become Democrats sounds very good but how many of them will be another Joe Manchin????

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