From your mouth to Biden’s! Don’t we wish he would make that speech and clarify the inflation issues

& real causes.

Hope you are feeling as well as you are writing, Mike! You haven’t lost a step!😉

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When can you be booked on MSNBC to share this. I find their current commentary so negative for the most part. This affects what people believe and lowers voting.

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Mike, PLEASE send this to the DNC. ALL D candidates need to be on message--the TRUTH.

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Thank you Michael for saying out loud what we've all been thinking and know to be the honest truth. It's so frustrating to listen to news media spread distortions that only serve to weaken our spirit and make us feel hopeless. We can always count on you to keep us on track.

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Excellent post Mike!! Very timely. I just saw a twitter post by Rep Katie Porter that EVERYONE should see. In a hearing, she showed a chart indicating the sources of the recent inflation were attributable to: 7% to wage increases, 39% to materials & operating expenses, & 54% to PRICE GOUGING! IMO, large companies should be subject to excess profits taxes.

Now for some facts about inflation. If you look at the total inflation including energy & food prices, you’ll see inflation spiked from Oct ‘21 to June ‘22. The data is published monthly as CPI-U & CPI-W by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Media often reports the inflation rate over the last 12 month annual period. Under CPI-U, this rate is 8.2%. But if you break it down by month, inflation was 8% over these 1st 9 months, & only 0.2% over the last 3 months. Current inflation should not be an issue in the mid-terms. People are being mislead when media reports say inflation is 8.2%. Sorry for being geeky, but this needs to be understood.

The issues to vote on this Nov should be a woman’s right to choose, climate change, voting rights, income inequality, and above all saving democracy. The top 1% is trying to kill democracy to take permanent control of the country. We as the majority can not let that happen. All hands on deck - we all need to vote by Nov 8th. Make it simple and vote for all Ds. If we all do, we win.

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Excelent Dave! Thanks for sharing Rep K Porter's message. EVERY Dem needs to me making this! All the issues you memtioned are important, especially voting rights and keeping our democracy, because without that we are done.

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Thank you Dave! Well said and supported. As obsequious as it is, you cut through the smoke and mirrors! Thanks.

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I like your idea!

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Well said!

How are you feeling? Much better I hope. Please let us know.

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well said. tks.

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This history lesson needs to get to the right people. Maybe if you dress up like Paul Revere and ride a horse onto all the talk show sets, then you could educate the people you really need to reach: those Tea Party guys from a few years back that morphed into Trumpist Half-fascists.

They are confused.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

I have thought, since Citizens United, that we should outlaw PACs and only allow persons who are eligible to vote for that particular office to make campaign contributions. No dark money. No corporate contributions. This would enable each candidate to see how many voters think they are worthy of the voters support. And I would disallow any negative attacks.

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We have GOT to do something about the billions wasted on elections in this upside down nation. Citizens United was totally wrongly decided (egregiously wrong from the start to use Alito's words about Roe... god I hate that icky troll...)

Corporations are NOT people! A five year old kindergartner could tell you that.

Hey, Mobile Oil, show me your belly button! Don't have one? Then you are NOT a person!!! Period. Other countries limit campagains and they are publicly funded. $X per candidate and they cannot spend more than that. No advertising on TV... A strictly limited number of public debates, and it's all over in 6 weeks. THAT's what we need here! As soon as the DEMS win again!!! Which we will!

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I hope your ideas get some traction after we take over the house and senate. This goofy mess we have now has got to end.

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How about no produced commercials, where candidates can just talk to the camera, and no moderated debates but just discussions with each other without moderation so we see people in action?

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Wow Cathy. I have never heard that idea before (I don’t read much any more). But it makes so much sense and is so simple. Is it still too complicated for lawyers and politicians to understand? Does it have to be presented to them by a Corporation or PAC?

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For the life of me, I don't understand why the Democrats will not express this to supporters (and potentially supporters) very plainly...... I will be so happy when you are up and out so you can continue spreading the message!

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I've looked into the face of evil: Factory Farming. Politicians on both sides of the aisle take money from this abominable industry. We are dealing with forces of darkness here. It's not science fiction. No wonder the media keeps spinning things. It's all about money and nothing else. This is a fight so much bigger than just one election here in this one country. We have a parasitic, invasive species taking over the garden. Even if we win this election, we have to keep all hands on deck to try to root it out. It isn't going to retreat because we cut off a major branch. Fighting this fight is the new normal, I'm afraid. We might as well get used to the idea so we don't fall back into comfortable complacence. Those days are over...

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I have been thinking the very same thing. It has been going on since the beginning of humanity and it we must face reality and know that this is our purpose. We must not grow weary in doing good. We will have wins. We will have losses. It is easy to get overwhelmed and depressed by the rapacious greed for power and wealth that many have. It is disheartening. However, we are the warriors we are waiting for. No one is going to save us - but us. The wins are incremental and we must fight the good fight, resist despair, and laugh, love, and enjoy the passage of time in every way we can. I am a substitute teacher and I have so many opportunities to lift the consciousness of the students I get to hang out with. I will not give up. I am constantly given opportunities (in the Trumpland that I live in) to bring a different perspective when folks bring up "wokeism," people on food stamps, etc. Almost every day. I turn the conversation to the real problems and not the perceived problems they here about on FOX "news."

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Thank you for sharing this Marie. It's uplifting. I am fighting too, as an animal rights activist. Sometimes the despair is necessary for motivation, for me that is, but it's a good reminder to not let it consume for too long. In doses. Then take breaks. In the world of chronic pain we call this "pacing", but it's also just good sound logic. Good on you for reaching your students. They are so impressionable. I used to teach 9th grade, so I also know just what a very challenging job you have! Thank you! We need good subs more than people realize.

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Mike. Hope you are feeling better. Keep the good news coming. Please send this out to all the D camps. For whatever reason messaging is where we fall flat. MAGAts are the party of chaos and they will spin til the sun comes up. And people will vote for them. Truth still matters.

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I shared the meme on FB and got a "This message is missing context" with an article attached to learn more about the "real" reason for inflation. Hah! Then I posted an article with Katie Porter using a graph and questioning Mike Conczal, the director of Macroeconomic Analysis at the Roosevelt Institute. We are not stupid. We see that the rich are getting richer and the middle class has all but disappeared and the poor are living on the streets. We are not blind! Of course FB would defend corporations!

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Thank you Michael. Well said. This is capitalism at its worst - money over the public welfare. And Magats politicians hate socialism as a word but gladly ask for hurricane money or accept govt healthcare that is not good for the common Joe. I'd love to see Biden spread this message - what have we got to lose that won't already be lost if we lose the house to Magats, much worse, the Senate too.

We also need more Val Demings anger. She pasted that sap weaking Rubio with righteous indignation. We need more of that - We're tired of this and we're not taking it any more! Keep on punching Michael.

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Got this in the mail from the NH Democratic Party today:

Mitch McConnell & Don Bolduc's to do List:








This can be applied to any current Repug-thug running.

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How hard is this to understand? Buy a tiny container of caviar-- maybe 8 bites-- and it costs $125.00-- obviously you eat it slowly-- we over produce food and beverages then we consume them then we get fat-- 64% of us-- that requires 1 billion more gallons of gas just to move us around--higher food prices are obviously what we need-- I buy a muffin at Whole Foods for $2.50; I eat one half and save the other for another meal. Reduce portions and SAVE money. OR get fatter and need medications and spend more money. The math is easy.

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We need to hold big ag and big pharma accountable, along with the USDA and FDA. But unless we do what Mikey says, that's not going to happen. Animal Ag is the most abominable thing on earth, except other animal torturing sectors. All this sickness? We're reaping what we've sown.

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No we don't Americans have to stop being gluttons. It's simple. Big AG makes food because we will eat as much as they make. Look at the 600 pound life TV show. Read SELF magazine which says the "large" people can't exercise because treadmills and bikes have a 300 pound limit. Yes that limit is a problem if you play for the NFL but they can afford to customize their equipment. Stop blaming companies. They just give Americans what they WANT: UNLIMITED Gluttony. Soon a plane will crash because of too much weight. Consider this when you are boarding.

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I agree to a certain point. But where I see it differently is that I believe most of us don't want to eat tortured animals, or their eggs or milk, even if we like the way it tastes. Big Ag's deception campaign is the proof. If Big Ag and producers/suppliers were 100% transparent and required to label their products as "tortured" "gestation crate raised bacon" "carcinogenic eggs from battery cages" "X amount of methane released to make this steak" "X acres rainforest burned to grow crops to feed this cow" like the tobacco and other industries have had to do, a LOT of people would make different/better choices. Just like with smoking. Supply/demand. But there needs to be transparency and it has to come in the form of regulation from govt. and people putting pressure on the industry to change. Yes, that includes people making better choices.

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NO we are obese because we gave up smoking. WHO says obesity will cost us MUCH more than smoking. Are we going to rebuild planes and elevators? If we ate less the animals would roam freely because of our reduced consumption. BETTER CHOICES IS CLOSING YOUR MOUTH SOONER.

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Oh, wow, so smoking is the cure for obesity? Who knew? LMAO. Okay Joan, you're on your own here with your obesity rant. A little compassion goes a long ways...

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Wake up Ms Wellness Wonder. Smoking CESSATION caused so many problems Right now we are in the Afghanistan phase of the war on obesity. 20 years of killing people and billions telling ourselves we are so right until we slunk out of there hoping no one would notice our failure. Wonder if someone in Somalia might be a happy to get a crated chicken to eat.

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Compassion for gluttony you've got to be kidding 1 billion people are starving but it's just fine for Americans to stuff their faces because everyone has to love Fat people because all we care about is being liked. And yes the World Health Organization said obesity will cost more than smoking and believe me they know more than you wellness wonder

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Thank you for keeping the facts straight. You are a guiding light and you make the world brighter. You know it’s true!

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