Please keep the great news coming. You have put a smile on my face this evening.

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Given how well you did with the 2020 prediction that Trump would win I must say that my heart is aflutter with hope for these midterms. And I'm not even American! Cheering on the Dems from Toronto, Canada!

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WOW!!!! Why wasn't this all over the news? Incredible! Idaho, Kansas....who would have thought? people are waking up en masse! Thank you Michael for sharing this! Keep it coming!

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Dear Republicans - the circle is round. Believe it. We do and we vote!

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Dare we hope that thoughtful 18 year olds can help save the day this November? Too bad they are not old enough for Congress!

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I hope, Michael, that you get opportunities to tell these good news stories on TV--

this is the kind of stuff that normally doesn't get much coverage at all nationally,

but could give some badly needed hope to those who want real change, now...

Out with the old and sold, in with the new and blue!

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Keep these coming! It is great to know we are having some success! Thank you, Michael!

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Thanks for the encouragement!

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Inspiring and uplifting story-I believe! Vote. Vote. Vote. And encourage others to vote!!

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What a wonderful story! This is how Gen X can save themselves! Go for it guys! You owe your parents nothing!

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Thanks Michael —

Do you ever get the feeling that the patriotic majority is getting yanked around by a tiny unhinged minority?

Angus King told us ( Rachel ) that 24% of our population controls 41 Senate seats. Major insight. That’s bad enough, but — don’t even need trig class — let’s do some arithmetic.

1/4 of that 24% are minors, not eligible to vote. So that’s 18%. Say 60% of those are registered, so let’s call that 11%. Only 60% of those vote, which gets us to 7%. Then let’s say it’s deep R country, and 70% vote R. That’s just 5% yanking us around. But wait — 2% voted against, so now we are down to 3%.

3% ( ! ) of anti-democratic citizens are wrecking our lives and our prospects, amid unbelievable national wealth and opportunity. ( the National Debt Clock is a Bigger Lie, using facts, ignoring the most important huger asset fraction of the facts — arithmetic again )

This voter calculation, inspired by a Daily Kos writer anon, deserves more careful state by state validation. But you can see that more careful accounting won’t materially change the conclusion. 3, 5, 10 percent is nowhere near democracy.

That 3% of the people is all the big money needs to target, to get lower taxes, no matter what else suffers, and no matter how stupid, given that the number one thing rich people need is the steadfast rule of law, to prevent other rich jerks from stealing their money, their freedom, and their lives. ( see Russia, Saudi etc )

best luck to US — b.rad

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This is so encouraging and exciting! Thank you Michael for sharing this with all of us. It's exactly the kind of thing we need to be aware of! 🎯

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Reposted on FB. Thanks for hope Mike.

How's Georgia really doing? Luv ya

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The voters for maintaining the democracy of our nation will be out in droves come Election Day! We will show what we are capable of!

There are more of us than there are of you! We did it before and we will do it again!

Don’t listen to the pollsters! They think they know…. They don’t know poop!

I look forward to each day until Roevember just to read your inspirational words! It will be the high point of my day!

Keep up the great work!

You remain my trusted Truth Teller!


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'We did it before and we can do it again' was a delightful WWII song!

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~Michael ~Thanks so much for these bits of good news!~In these dark & discouraging times you are doing the most important, welcome & needed work of keeping hearts, minds, & spirits uplifted & restoring Hope!~They'd love to discourage us into feeling defeated, but we won't let them!~

~As always....Much gratitude for all you do!~🙏

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Yay! So nice to hear such a positive story!

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