As a nurse who worked for the state of Rhode Island way back in the 70’s, we organized! Best thing that ever happened! We had rights finally! You can only push people so far! A company is only as good as the employees make it! When you do do not respect them as the company makes huge profits it is disgusting, the workers are forced to stand up and say enough is enough!

American workers are saying enough!


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My sister was a Nurse and several years ago came home complaining about the CEO at Swedish Hospital, Colorado, that the CEO was making multi-million dollars a year, yet they complained that raising wages for nurses was unaffordable. Her husband, who was anti union, tried to convince her to not get involved with the Union. These right wing Repubs are always voting against their own interest......

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So nothing was done?


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In general, the Nurses Union tried to get the best deal they could back then. My sister and her husband and two boys have become major gun nuts, and right wing Repubs. They see me as the bad Uncle, which makes no sense. I have always tried to be kind, but I think they see this as a weakness. Sad.......I'm sure I will be shunned again this Thanksgiving......

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Sorry about your family.

They are wrong it's not weakness your behavior on the contrary.

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Thank you.......

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Hitler was charged and convicted of treason for participating in a failed coup.

He dismissed the authority of the court that tried him and started writing Mein Kampf in prison, and upon release from jail,

well, the rest is history.

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he studied the hitler playbook. his friends are putin, and that north Korean guy...whose name I can't spell (lol), so yeah, it can happen again. It almost did.

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Fascists always lose in the end ✌🏻

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In the end we all die, but why should we suffer when we can nip it in the bud?

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Bud? The bud is way back in ancient Mesopotamia.

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Fair warning!

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These people are Awesome. This is their future!

VOTE like your life depends on it, because it does.

Help others VOTE.

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You nailed it Michael, again! Thank you for presenting such stunning information at such a critical time!

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GREAT INFO & realizing these young workers aren’t being counted, especially when realizing they can’t even afford to donate w/Grassroots!!

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Good video! I’m always ready to tell young people that MANY of us were/are environmentalists & activists until the government “shut us down” [Kent State; Powell Doctrine etc.] and we DID stop a war because the media actually showed the body bags coming home on the nightly news! The MEDIA isn’t our friend anymore—they’re part of the corporate oligarchy ‼️

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I hope you're right. I tend to see the younger working class as fairly politically aloof. I think this election is riding on them, particularly women.

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Union power! It's when Burnham Wood comes to Dunsinane. They'll never know what hit 'em.

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✊ to the people!

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I am so impressed with these persistent Blue Collar folks without which we’d be bereft. It’s wonderful to see their hard won victories.

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Mike, I just shared #19 about the stunning union movement sweeping the US. I feel SO uplifted. I belonged to a union during my 40 years in education in NYC. This voter bloc is key for the BLUE TSUNAMI to prevail! Thank you, Michael Moore.

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Since #NextGen’s founding in 2013, we’ve registered more than 1.4 million voters. In 2020, NextGen mobilized 1 in every 9 young voters who cast a ballot, leading to the largest youth voter turnout in history.

This year, NextGen’s army of 25,000 volunteers and over 100 field organizers are mobilizing across the country in eight key battleground states. Over 70 million Americans ages 18-35 are now eligible to vote, more than any other age group. We have the power in numbers to win, and we won’t stop until we have a government that represents our vision for the future. - Tom Steyer

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Right On! This is the shape of the future.

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There will be NO FUTURE for another 30 years if we don’t crush the Fascists on November 8th!

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All of the fascists or just the American ones?

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Look forward to reading your daily Tsunamis


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40’s or 50’s ? I’m going to take a class every time it’s necessary for the rest of my life as to evade repayment. There’s no way in hell I could get the debt payed off by even 50, unless I sold my soul.

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I feel much happier about the unions than I do about the Democrats.

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Today we are being bombarded about Republicans taking the lead in the polls because of inflation. The generic poll goes up and down over the weeks like a kid bouncing in a bouncy house!! If there is going to be a blue Tsunami, and I believe also there is, what the hell is going on with these polls!!!!

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Let's hope the "working class" of which I am a member, has finally reached their limits and get out to vote, come hell or high water, or voter suppression. This is our time to make that difference. Thank you Michael!

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