Well done. These psychopathic fascists need to be outed. Hope your message gets the word out. Vote big D all the way!

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Mastriano is insanity personified!

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Oohh! I’ve been waiting for this! Mike is just divine in his take down description of Mastriano. I refer to him as The Nazi or Mastridisaster. What a rube! An ultra maroon! A pube! A 1st degree jackboot licking Hilter blowing dickhead with the forehead to prove it! A nutjob of proportions so immense like comparing The Illyad is a nursery rhyme! I’m voting for the Jew! And I can’t wait!!

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I used to wonder, what is the attraction to all the "Whackadoodles?"

They do what they are told by the Authoritarians buoyed by the hidden,dark money.

I once heard a tape of LBJ, D, President; speaking to Everett Dirkson, R,a Senate leader about Nixon's electoral activities. LBJ said, "Everett, that is Treason!" Dirkson responded, "Yes it is Lyndon."

Consider their way of being , next to what you described Michael. These 2 men had many strong disagreements but the R-E-S-P-E-C-T, didn't waiver.

Dirkson, R ,voted for the Civil Rights Legislation that these two crafted together. He voted for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. LBJ said, the south will never forgive me for the Voting Rights Act and even if it means the end of my career, I am doing it, anyway.

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Almost didn't read this..... don't know what to say - this is too crazy for words. Got to get this, and all the nutters, outed to everyone we can.

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Unbelievable. I honestly cannot believe that this is where we are. It all feels so surreal. It is because I live somewhere where the majority actually follow these nuts and believe the lies. I had my grandchildren, ages 14 and 11 on Inauguration Day 2021. I had them watch the swearing in of VP Harris and President Biden, the song by J-Lo, and the poem by Amanda Gordon. I explained to them that the swearing in of a new President was a very important day. I did not emphasize President Biden. I said it was an important day that happens every time we elect a President. My grandson, age 11 said that he thinks "president" Trump should have been able to pick the new president. I said lovingly and seriously, "Honey, we the people get to vote and choose who we want our president to be. That is what is special about our country. No one person gets to choose who leads our country." I have been fortunate (and I believe my grandchildren have been too) to spend a lot of time with my grandchildren during their formative years. Without causing trouble with their parents, I have been able to give them a different perspective of what is important; not money and power, but caring for each other and especially those of us that need special care and aid. When they would say outlandish things that they heard in their "community;" church and home, I would gently and simply state what I believed to be true. I truly believe that my grandchildren will be okay. They don't go to church anymore as far as I know. The last they talked about it, they said they didn't like going. It is very hard to see your children caught up in this nightmare. My other daughter and her husband and totally sold because they are conservative Christians. My son doesn't even really like being around them anymore because they are so judgmental. My daughter is the sweetest person but the religion and the politics are turning her into something that is so sad. It is tearing families apart. We all have a great love for eachother but there is little tolerance for my liberal views. It's very hard. I pray that we will win at the voting booth on November 8 and that we will keep on winning so that people can see that our lives are actually better under the Democrats. I must admit that as a country, we have let FOX "news," Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, et al. go way over the line into propagandizing and indoctrination. I don't know how we come back from it. I hang on to your view and the belief that I have, that Love ALWAYS wins. Thank you Michael, for being a voice of reason, a voice of light in the darkness, a voice of hope.

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Hi, beautiful comment it is hard to see a family member like your other daughter go down such a path. My brother went down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and ended up going from the the nicest person you'd ever want to meet to a bitter person. Keep it up and thanks.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

I feel for your situation and applaud you for gently educating your grandchildren. You're navigating a delicate balance to keep from alienating your children.

I'm in a similar boat. A dear friend of over 35 years (a licensed professional person) drank the koolaid and we have chosen to tiptoe around politics to preserve the friendship. I've gently shared my own opinion (about Roe and the loss of women's rights - which I know mirror her own beliefs) and she did concede "I don't think I could vote for Trump again." So there's that.

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Yep, Mike. They’re still wackadoodle (without the “h”), but they’re incredible. You can’t make this stuff up. Unbelievable. Thanks, Mike!

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In my day we had the John Burch society and sick the dogs on inner city African Americans. Now we have cud chewing proud boys and voter suppression laws, things haven't changed much as I see it.

If we could get the right set of people in office, kill the filibuster, emasculate electoral college system, have campaign finance reform and and maybe treat the public education system as the most important institution for the advancement of mankind, we might have a chance on this planet.

Thanks Mr. Moore, keep shedding the light. As we all know "sunlight is the best disinfectant".


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Thank you, one thing I forgot since it was right before bed is that we need to end or emasculate the electoral college system don't think that's a reality that can go forward thanks again have a great day.

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“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.”

They hide in plain in sight... just turn on the news.

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Reason vs Treason is not partisan.

The GOP has metastasized into a wholly traitorous party, up to and including treason, with no questions allowed. That ought to make for an easy slogan, and an easy across-the-board decision.

Tim Ryan said it -- We need ass kickers, not ass kissers.

It's clear. Vote Democratic or Independent. Our country depends on it.

best luck to US -- b.rad

ps -- if a GOP voter must not vote D or I, then write in anything, so that you can say you voted . . . write in 'I M Stupid' -- hah -- or 'R U Kidding' . . . there are so many possibilities . . .

pps -- I was the consulting webmaster for the launch of Salon -- 1995! -- and continued advising them for a few months . . . Almost shocked, but thankful, that it is still going . . . there was a democracy forum in that time frame, near the Salon offices in SF, with some of the same players, and a panel discussed how and why the Rs were successful in politics. The repeated claim was that the Rs were more organized and focused and determined . . . a woman behind me was getting more and more annoying, snorting and humpfing, and I was getting exasperated, but then she shouted 'It's because they lie!' and justified all of the indignation and made it clear.

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I occasionally think about what life was like before 2016. Until Trump ran for President things were pretty normal. But ever since he took office (and I’ll never say he won, because he didn’t-he cheated with the help of Putin) all of our lives have been dominated by liars, criminals & the mentally ill. We can’t take anything for granted anymore.

Even worse, we’re on the verge of losing our democracy to this motley crew of mentally ill & generally abusive people. Then there are the people who revel in being mean and celebrate stupidity.

I’ve done some research and found out a lot of what we’re experiencing is the result of a plan that was created almost 40 years ago by a group of wealthy republicans. They wanted to run the world--or at least America, so they created goals and a series of steps to accomplish those goals.

One of the first things they did was cater to evangelicals & white supremacists to get their votes. At some point they also engaged with Vlad Putin. I learned that many key GOP responsible for what’s happening today have or had long terms ties to Vlad Putin. Like former AG Barr, Foxnews owner Rupert Murdoch and of course Trump who’s apparently been laundering money for the Russian mob for decades through his real estate business. I almost forgot the Kochs. They too had long term ties to Russia through their father.

Putin has been sending operatives to the U.S.for probably a couple of decades or more. Their assignments-as far as I can tell- were to infiltrate all groups of Americans from the people who have gun fetishes at the NRA to the Christian fundamentalists who want to control all of us and agitate. Infiltrate & agitate. Agitate people to manipulate them into extremist viewpoints. I think they’re very good at that.

Now, I think what’s happened is the Kochs and republican politicians, etc. lost control of their movement to take over America. Trump and Putin are running the show now. Since they’re probably both psychopaths, they’re not bothered by violence or the loosely held together extremist “militias” that are probably really what we would call death squads.

If Trump doesn’t get the cooperation he wants from various GOP leaders he has thugs threaten them and their family members. I’m sure that’s how Putin conducts his business too. I’ve heard many Dems in Congress have hired personal bodyguards and/or are being picked up and delivered to Congress every day in armored humvees.

It looks more & more like Trump and Putin are partners in crime.

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This is a really good piece . Well done Susan. What a clever....and long term plan is playing out in front of us. We over here in Europe have been aware of it for some time as many of our compratiots are so near the line of action. First Ucraine... then... will we be the next? History repeats itself as megalomanic powerfull empires and dictators carve up the world to fill their pockets and egos. Yes parteners in crime but that didn't stop them invading the mediterreanean pleasure ports with their ( newly disguised ) super yachts this summer.

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Oh Michael…I have been so dismayed over the last several years. I hold your truths as hope beyond hope during these times. The craziness going on is sooo unbelievable that it has a place at all in our beautiful country. You would think that people would have evolved beyond all this!!! Yeszzzzz….I definitely hold your truths close and trust that we make it a clear ass kicking to let them know that there is no place for such insanity. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do!

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Again, you nailed it Michael. Mastriano has a lot of nerve calling himself a Christian and his "interpretation" of the bible is well, just plain NUTS.

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Meanwhile, Palm Beach County elections office said there have been 4,300 new voter registrations. Since the primary was held in August, officials said close to 30,000 people have signed up to vote. 🗳 #IVoted

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

NH has retired Gen. Don Bolduc. He's our WACKADOODLE. Last I knew he is trailing Sen. Maggie Hassan. Just checked. Poll says as of today, 50% would vote for Hassen and 43% for Bolduc. 👍🏻...☮️ 💙🌊💙 ☮️

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Yes, a racket. I thought all things were created equal by the singular male god up in the sky?

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Reality shattered.

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