Dear Michael....Again...Thank you, Thank you....OMGoddess !!!

I believe YOU are a large part of this happening....the wheels falling off the clown car !!!

You are the Speaker of the Truth. Keep fighting the Good Fight, Michael !!!

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Democrats to Trumpublicans: You've lost your minds.

Trumpublicans to Democrats: You've lost the House.

Democrats to Trumpublicans: Well, tomorrow we'll win back the House but you'll still have lost your minds.

(With apologies to W.C. Fields.)

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When democrats go high, GQP MAGA Nuts go lower. Vote Blue 🌊

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It’s nice to see the GQP take the house without zip ties. - Stephen Colbert 😎

Thank you all - and may God continue to bless the United States of America. - Speaker Nancy Pelosi 🙏🏻

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Michael has prepared yet another hilarious Rumble to bring in the New Year!

Of course, with material this rich, the jokes seemingly write themselves.

I started to laugh my a** off as soon as I heard the first reports yesterday of the GOP's refusal to function, despite their "majority" status!

Keystone Cops, indeed!

Joe Biden has already taken the high road with the House Republicrats. He will make mincemeat of the GOP for at least the next two years, six years if he decides to run for office again.

They've got it coming. They're responsible for the destruction of their own Party! Thank God, they didn't destroy the Republic!

Happy New Year, everybody!

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The rule should be: three strikes you're out!

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Yes, this appears funny, yes, the retrumplicans are giving us a clown show. BUT we didn't vote for a three ring circus. This is our money being wasted on a "joke"? Will these losers be able to pass any meaningful legislation. We've been "promised" more to come folks, hang around for the impeachment of Hunter Biden! Huh? did Hunter even run for office? Last I heard he is a private citizen working for business. You're right, Michael, we aren't going to get jack done. And we're paying $174,000 a year times 435 - that's $75,690,000 plus an extra $7,000 for the Speaker of the house - and that's just member salaries. I don't know about you, but I expect my Congressman, (a Democrat, thank goodness) to work for that money by writing and passing legislation that is good for the whole Country, not just a handful of gluttonous billionaires.

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Hi Janet, I've already emailed my Congressman and his office acknowledged receipt. The Constitution states only: Article I, Section 2, paragraph 5: "The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers" - that's it. The rest of this clown show is the result of House rules, changeable by a majority vote. 218 is the magical number. We already have 212 votes. According to Dr. Reich there are about 40 rational, intelligent, Republican 'Americans' elected to the House November 8, 2022. Of the 223 Republicans elected 105 are non-maggots. We only need 6 conscientious Republicans who are embarrassed by the 3 ring circus McCarthy has given us. I asked my Congressman Bera to present legislation for a change in the House rules to read "The previous Speaker shall remain in office until a new Speaker is elected." This would allow committees to be assigned, legislation to be written, debated, and voted on. The Circus would be taken off camera, to elect their speaker and we wouldn't be spending $83.66 per hour (plus benefits, expenses and staff) to support the clowns. This is OUR tax dollars the repugs are wasting - since the trumpster pushed through the Billionaires tax relief act of 2017 we - the 99% pay most of the taxes, either directly or though sales tax, import taxes and Corporate taxes they routinely apply to the cost of their products.

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I am sorry your representative is among the lowest of the low. But wear her banning you as a badge of honor. During the Watergate hearings it came our that Tricky Dick kept an "Enemies list". Among the persons on that list was actress Jane Fonda. She held a press conference to announce "the honor". It's the nicest thing that ever happened to me, she said, t know that I am one of Nixon's enemies. Every one cheered. We all wished we (who were among the protestors) were on that list too. Better yet get a campaign style button announcing yourself as on Boebert's banned list (:-)

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Love your encyclopedic choice of music and sound effects--always hits the right note.

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Wouldn't be hilarious if a democrat becomes the leader of the house!

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My FAVORITE episode of yours, Michael!!! Thank you for the giggles and Cheshire Cat smiles!

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The scream track from the wicked witch was the best part of this!!

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They are starting to talk about folks voting “present” to bring down the total number of votes that McCarthy, would need to win. Just out of curiosity, if they are so disorganized and focused on themselves and more people vote present than he needs. Would that create a window for Jeffries to become speaker?

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This has been a clown show for the ages. Watching this thoroughly entertaining comedy is like watching a National Lampoon version soap opera I’ll call As The House Turns. Kevin has now lost 6 straight ballots. For those not watching at home, reason is there is a small group of 20 extreme Rs who just hate Kevin & will never vote for him. And Kevin wants to be Speaker so bad, he’s already moved into the Speaker’s office, & won’t concede no matter how humiliating it is for him. Who knows what will happen next.

They reconvene tonight for another must watch session. Will Kevin give up? Will there be a deal with the Dems to pick a moderate alternative. Or will the Rs screw themselves by not keeping track of the votes & Jeffries wins in a stunning upset? Don’t miss it & don’t forget the popcorn!

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Great post Michael!! I love the chaos these bozos are creating. These idiots are our leader? I hope they keep it up for all the world to poke fun at. I can't wait to see what SNL will create this weekend - should be hilarious. Wouldn't that be special if Dems take house because of this? Not counting on that but wow, would that be something. Thanks for continuing to lead the good fight for sanity in govt.

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Could you please ‘low-light’ the 20 Republican obstructionist, letting their constituents know what losers they are. They are going to “fuck us all up”!

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The word buffoonery comes to mind.

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Another great podcast. Loved the sound bites and forever Queen. We just might pull this off and even if defeated for House we will continue to fight and be a constant nagging insect in their hair.

Its really comical watching the GOP fall apart.

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