I am a free thinking person in my 70s who has seen the rights of women given to us and then taken away. Not all change is good and the treatment of these people who only want a better life is deplorable. If you are not an American Indian, then you should understand. We are immigrants. Your love letter says all the things we wish we had the wisdom to put in print. Thank you for your eloquent writing. I hope the people who need to see it most will read it and begin to do some serious thinking.

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I live in California, and years ago someone told me that the way to get to TX was to go east until you smelled sh*t, and then south until you were in it. ( I don't usually talk like that but thought you might find it amusing.) I have absolutely no desire to set foot in TX or FL.

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I did set foot in it for two years and would not do that again.

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Many Californians came to Texas while we lived there, seeking escape from financial strains.

Our next door neighbors were from the Phillipines seeking the same freedoms. Other young neighbor from Vietnam. Lovely women from India in their colorful sari's I'd meet at the library. Mexican American women carefully assembled luminarias for the evening Christmas walks in the nearby park. They helped me remember my high school Spanish. Generous women.

An African American single mother a few doors down, whose daughter rode her pink bicycle down our long driveway, cried when she learned we were leaving. We''d never met her. She told us she just felt safer with us nearby, and thanked us for being kind to her little girl. The Jewish couple 3 doors down lost their jobs within a month of each other and had to sell their home so their sons could continue with their studies in Israel. 2 young Caucasian neighbor boys who I imagined were doing homework together or listening to music while their mom worked were running a meth lab in the house. FBI and SWAT team came to the cul-de-sac at 2am and put an end to that. John and I slept through it.

So you just never know about a place til you actually live there... I hope you are as fortunate as we were to have diversity and kindness in your neighborhoods, and in your hearts.

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In California too. Yep. That's the sweet smell of America's beef industry,. Amarillo. Literally shit everywhere.

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Hi Sarah! Not surprised to see you on this list :-)

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Sep 21, 2022
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You're right. It does literally smell awful due to concentrated animal feeding operations, but your point is well-taken. Many good people in Texas for sure.

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Tell it, Michael! Hallelujah!

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Your writing brought tears to my eyes.

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Brilliant as ever imagine if you were president just sayin"

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Showed up for the first rehearsal with our new Choir Director the other evening and she was nice enough to make time for us all to go around the room and briefly introduce ourselves, tell where we're from and what we love about singing. When it came my turn I had to say "oh god, I was born in Texas". There was an audible groan throughout the room. Luckily I got outta there when I was 3. My mom told my dad it was East Coast or West Coast, you pick, but we're not stayin' in Ft Worth. Moving to Northern CA was the best decision they ever made.

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So well said. It's so hard to think about the power that people like this have. Thus far we have seen little consequences for the movers and shakers of racism, misogyny, transphobia, etc. The little "guys" are being indicted and prosecuted for Jan. 6 but the big fish have not. However, everytime I read your posts, listen to your podcasts, I feel like I have a voice. I am taking every opportunity in my "conservative" community to give these "christians" a different perspective (yah know, the Jesus perspective :) It's hard to hear them talking to me of "wokeism," quoting scripture that if a man does not work, he should not eat, etc. I turn it around to focus on the rich and powerful that have always robbed the people and turned us against each other. I remind them of the prophets in the Hebrew Bible who God sent to the kings to lambaste them for the way they were treating the people and especially the poor. I am a substitute teacher and often interact with the teacher I am subbing for. Last week, during our conversation, this teacher said, "It's like we are the pharisees and the sadducees." I was elated that she got the connection because it is what I know to be true. I said, "Yes, right down to colluding with the government, the Roman government then, and the current political leader now. I didn't have to mention any names. She knew exactly who I was speaking about. I could see a look of fear on her face. She was being shaken. You see these people are always the initiator of religious and political talk. They think everyone is like them. But when I give my perspective, they are taken off guard. This is my calling. I hope to plant a seed, no matter how small, and those that are truly Christian, hopefully will allow the light to come in.

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Between the clown cars in TX and FL and the Queen of England's 10 days of mourning on TV, it's hard to focus on what really matters. And that is the point. In football they call it Interference. You miss "the snap" from the Quarterback and fail to see where the action actually is.

It is an intentional part of "the play," although it is not "the play."

I would love to know more about the history of Martha's Vineyard. I understand it is racially integrated, not the story I been carrying around about the place... I missed the snap.

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Sept. 19, 2022

GBH online

"Greater Boston" Jim Braude host 15 min. 09 sec. YouTube

Interview with State Rep. Dylan Fernandes ( Rep. for Falmouth, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket) and Marian Albert, Attorney for Lawyers for Civil Rights.

Hope this helps.

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Great piece....I have shared with all my friends.

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So true - it is crazy but that's our reality right now. Hope someone gets the letters to Abbott and DeSantis - and perhaps the members of the USCCB.

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Thank you for using your gift of expression to reach so many. Keep it up, Michael. We love you. From an old lady in Canada.

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Alas, the people who should read this (like the Governors), won’t. If they did, it wouldn’t change their minds because their minds are useful only in rationalizing their actions. Most people think they’re ‘good’ - even the Russians committing atrocities in the Ukraine, happily killing children for the glory of Putin.

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Right on, Michael. Excoriate the creeps and remind us what your country SHOULD be. Let's hope the electorate is getting the message.

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Thanks again Mike. Love you.☮️

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Michael, thank you. Just thank you.

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Amen, Michael! Brilliant!

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