OMG! Just read the first angry letter ...& love it! So spot on 'bout them trumpy truckers', just have to say: Really thanks for sharing these! now I am going back in to read the rest! You are the greatest, Michael Moore!

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Wonder when another of our derelict old bridges will collapse with all those trucks parked on top 😌

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OK...I don't normally share...but you've inspired me...here goes.

Dear Florida,


I only just started getting over my relocation depression (17 years and counting from NY to care for an aging parent)...and then you bring me Ron DeSantis. Seriously? Book banning, abortion rights going bye bye, intimidating teachers with lawsuits for making white or straight parents of children feel uncomfortable? Don't get me started on Deathsantis' handling of the Covid crisis & the power the dear leader intends to take away from local governments to make the best decisions for their communities. Mama always warned me they were still fighting the Civil War down here - who knew I'd find myself transported to the late 19th century - although I do apprecate the airconditioning. Bless your heart Florida.

Aahhhh...that feels better! Thank you Michael. You're the best...loving your substack! Keep on keeping on. <3

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Most truckers are vaccinated. Many are unionized.

These overseer's are bought and paid to protest, brought to you by social media. You know, where Thinking is a dirty word. It works like hand and glove with corporate media. Don't think just react and press Send, you will be rewarded for it immediately with a corporate emoji!

Did these protestors, ever get a child ready to go to school? If so, they would know that immunizations to Measles,Mumps etc. are required to attend public schools in the USA. That way the kids in the classrooms have the freedom to live.

This isn't new.

George Washington required that his troops be vaccinated for smallpox,in the 1700's.

Native people the world over have been vaccinating themsleves against poisonous snakes for thousands of years

Lets Move ON

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I love you Mike! Seriously, you are literally the only man in this world I would even consider dating or being close friends with. Every post I read makes me feel good to know there's at least someone who gets it.

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PS - I read Ann Landers religiously when I was growing up. I think we're close to the same age. Thanks again for being YOU!

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All of this. I subbed for a middle school teacher the other day and wrote an angry letter about a few of the students and then.... threw it away. It felt good to get it out. I have done this on several occasions and of course journaling helps. I continue to be grateful for the platform that you use to highlight the issues that are so fucked up in our country. Thank you, Michael. Blessings to you and yours.

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hEY Michael --- Right on man. It appears that over 50% of the funding for this @^%$* trucker protest is from US far right groups. My sisters and I are so fed up that we are contemplating a stink omb drop on the Ottawa truck protesters. That should put a dent into their day and still remain safe. Love ya Mike. You got it right .... this bullsh*& protest is not a Canadian thing. Thanks for your weekly letter. Mary in London ON

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A Moose and a Bump to ya! But the more they do this, it can help us in November.

People are sick of it. But I hope they keep alienating voters who see them for who they are.

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Thank you for the letters I needed that. I live in Florida and my letters are written to our dictator governor and our representatives. I never ever send them till I sleep on them.I do call their offices and spout off. I always expect the " Gazpacho " SS to start pounding on my door. I hope the soup is at least good.Florida is a very dangerous place to live in these days.Most of the toilets around Mar-a-Largo are plugged up causing flooding.

Where do we move ? We don't we stay and keep trying.

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I love your angry letters. I’m with you on all of them. I would write one to Prez Biden. Hey Foo, hurry up and pick some new Supreme Court justices before it’s too late. And pass the voting bill by executive order along with the BBB. Stop dragging your old slow sleepy feet and make changes quick for Pete’s fucking sake!!! Omg I ‘m tired of all this crap!!

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President Biden isn't dragging his feet. The vetting process is prolonged to make sure there isn't anything that could give the GOP fodder. The Congressional January 6th committee is close to making a referral to the DOJ. With all that's happening, a certain timing can help in getting a Justice on the bench, especially with the SCOTUS schedule of hearings. It can't be rushed, much as we'd like. This being an election year and the GOP acting desperate, Mr. Biden needs to be as diplomatic as possible, especially with the threats on his life.

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Thanks, Mike.

I'm still in my retreat, yet had to write.

1. I have a copy of Ann Landers book-- (1966) entitled "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee"-- I just checked and a few hardcover copies are available at betterworldbooks.com. $3.98, shipping included. Former library books, proceeds go to literacy programs.

Her 1st column appeared in the paper, Oct. 16, 1955. I read her stuff growing up, too.

2. I still write handwritten letters. There's something powerful yet calming about putting pen to paper, for me at least. And they are not always angry ones.

The angry ones I do write I sometimes put in the freezer for a couple of days, til I cool off.

They end up in the trash bin and I always feel better about the whole thing. Perspective!

Ok -- back to my retreat-- best to everyone reading this--

ps also boycotting the NFL-- shame on them for so, so, so much!

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shoulda said recycling bin-- after I defrost them!

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My mistake on Ann Landers publication date-- it is 1996.

Been reading the book just now and it is timely still, I think.

Sorry for the mistake / confusion.

I'll post this as a new message, too-- in case it's helpful to anyone who's been reading so far.

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I have written several angry letters to my City Council who panders to the wealthy and receives funds for the homeless and uses it for surveys and endless discussions with NIMBYS whom have no compassion or sense of anyone but themselves. Recently they were flagged by the States controller who told them to build more low cost housing or else. So supposedly they now have a plan and are making big piles of dirt so they had to tell Food Not Bombs Group who feeds healthy meals to the poor and homeless to move, because they need space for their big piles of dirt. Still pissed off!!!

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Next time, hit send 🗣

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Exactly- yes what's the point of not telling democrats what we think? I'm not sorry for any angry email sent to politicians. They are doing NOTHING for us. What's happened to you Mike? Have they bought your silence too?

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The point is, it can do more harm than good.

Our elected officials don't read emails. Their clerks do.

It makes a huge difference in how we express our concerns.

Anger can be very destructive if not used in a more positive way.

We have to find other ways to vent to help get our message across.

Otherwise, we end up acting like GOP Senators, Reps and Trump Trolls.

Please put yourself in a clerk's position. How would you feel getting dumped on?

As fast as we can send a mean email, a clerk can delete it just as fast w/o reading it.

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I would be intelligent enough to know the anger is not directed at me the clerk but the government which I have lost ALL hope in. The elected officials need to know we are angry at them. We are sellouts just like them if we continue to go along to get along. That doesn't work for me.

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Democrats are busy cleaning up after the failed coup makers and still manage to get a lot done without any help from Trump’s Party 😎

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We ❤️ You Michael

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My sentiments exactly!

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SEND THEM ALL!! You’ve slept on them, good to go!

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Well, good advice. As for myself, I have pushed send , not with regret.

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Me too no more go along to get along

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Sorry Michael, I can’t be angry, too busy laughing my butt off reading your angry letters. However almost wished you had mailed them. 🤪

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