I’m 72, retired, and have more than paid the balance of my two children’s college loans. Still, I have nine years to go at $350 a month. Joe, when does your plan to forgive student loans circle around to me? We have four weekdays. I hope I am in that bucket list. Thank you.
I'm 76 and attended college when it was tuition free in California; it is definitely NOT that way now. Senator Joe Biden sponsored the bill to make student debt of all types, non-dischargeable, in bankruptcy, in 2005. He was successful. As an attorney, advising clients who wanted a Chapter 7, personal bankruptcy, used to be simple: The only two items that were never non-dischargeable were child support and taxes that were owing. Absent fraud, all other debts were dischargeable. Our two main political parties have created at least two generations of citizens who will never outlive the interest-laden costs of getting a college education. I wonder whether Joe remembers any of it...
Steve, thank you for not stooging for either party. In addition to non-dischargeable student debt, BOTH cartel parties have given this nation a murderous health care system, unending undeclared wars, record homelessness, record police violence like that of no real democracy, led it to cheer lead for apartheid, ethnic cleansing, violation of international law, and genocide...and, yes, a second term of Donald Trump. Democratic Party operatives, we couldn't have gotten here without you.
Ed, I agree with every point you made. Unfortunately, we learn nothing from our mistakes, and remember little of the past. In this "information" or "communication" age, wherever we are, the ignorance of the general public is astounding. The worst part of our dilemma is suffering fools for politicians. As one of my least favorite "leaders" of the past fifty years acknowledged, "We tortured some folks." And then did nothing about it, for eight years. Harvard must be proud.
Yes… add all the student debt from all sources loaded into students and in many cases their parents, P A I D as of Jan 19, 2024. Let the incoming millionaires bail out their educational networks.
Actuarial estimates claim by your name that you are a human being who, through events you had no power over, is irrevocably a member of Michael Moore's most hated demographic.
Have you not read the piece above you? He hates white men and he gets hard when old white men die. Between you and Steve Shuttleworth sharing your names and ages Michael had quite a chubby.
Really, I don't know how many times he has to tell you that he hates you and hopes you will be dead soon, before you believe it.
Yes, that was the Court’s incomprehensible decision. I was suggesting that Biden take advantage of it before his term ends. I’ll leave the list of possibilities to your imagination. (I know what I’d love him to do, but he’s not the type to treat his political enemies as Tony Soprano would.)
Whoops. My apologies. Don't tell anyone LOL, but actually I misread your initial comment as; "As president 'BIDEN DOESN'T have absolute immunity? Just saying."
I think folks give too much credit to Biden's character & moral values. I think that, in part, we are desperate to find someone/something good in our current leadership as compared to the morally reprehensible and offensive cabal taking over. As with the Democratic Party itself, many find themselves voting for the lesser of the evils, and in many areas of public policy and legislation, the Dems are significantly the lesser of the evils. However, in to many other important areas, the parties are both the same. IMO
I agree that we're looking for our leadership to command the moral high ground. But, just once in a while, I wouldn't mind a clever, well-conceived, elegant maneuver that catches Trump and MAGA by complete surprise. One that makes them think twice about messing with us. It's hard being the patsy all of the time.
Nice column Mike but you're wasting your breath. Biden is no better than Trump. He's just a little nicer. He's had 4 years to make the ERA law and he won't do it. People are acting like this is some big revelation. Biden is corrupt and always has been. His legacy is destroyed by Gaza. He doesn't give a damn about those people over there because he's at the top of AIPAC's donor list. He ran on prorgressive prinicples and enacted a few progressive policies during the first year of this administration, but as soon as Manchin and Sinema objected he folded like a cheap suit. Not just Biden, but the entire Democratic party is complicit in the genocide. Both parties are corrupt. Biden is the Democrats version of Trump. He doesn't care about you or me, he just cares about enriching himself. Don't let the Democrats off the hook. BOTH parties are just as bad. Start writing about that.
Michael Moore, you touched on three of the issues that explode my heart... the unforgivable damage that Joe Biden did to Anita Hill ( and all women) and to the country--- by putting Clarence Thomas on the court, the failure to act on ERA, and the evil injustice done to Leonard Peltier, about whom I wrote repeatedly before retiring as a columnist for the Toronto Star. Thank you for everything!
Where's self-proclaimed fighter Kamala, at least she could urge Joe to finalize the ERA! Or Jill Biden! But maybe Joe, like maga-heads claim, is too senile to listen, or doesn't really care about women's rights.
PS I agree with Mike's other pleas, but making ERA legal is SO overdue and impacts millions of American women.
Kamala was too busy ignoring the emerging facts about the rigged election - while telling others, with a lot less power and money, to be brave and “hopey”
I DO HAVE HOPE FOR PRESIDENT BIDEN! And I will email, mail and text his office everyday and night to encourage action on all of these requests. Especially Palestinian issue of extermination using US made bombs. AND
Mexican working folks who have lived her, brought up their families to be law abiding, God fearing workers and CITIZENS without legal papers … because they have not learned to speak English..& have not had cars or trucks to go to town & stand in a court house to get citizenship papers… while their meager wages are withheld & their families go hungry for a day or more because they lost $$
You can't email Joe Biden now; his White House email line has been disconnected until Trump takes over; I was told that when I tried to call. You can still call in your comments. I'm also sending letters to Biden care of my Senators.
Michael. i think by now, you understand that this president is a lost hope. This is the generation that is responsible for more wars, more misery and global failure on every aspect, regardless of being one term or two terms president. The only president worth evaluating was Carter in my view. His presidency, despite failure, and his post presidency with all the achievement and foresight gave more opportunities for valuable lessons.
Yep. The democratic presidents after carter were, to a man, “centrist” neo liberals whose lack of genuine help for the middle classes (the poor) led to this new fascism. What a shame
If you're not bribing them--they don't represent you. Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. It proves that the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law--conspiring together to commit treason.
Nothing is going to change until the American people wake up and realize both parties are corrupt and we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of all the problems in the world.
Totally disagree. There's no future here. Nothing will change until we solve the problem of OUR KIND of capitalism , which leads directly to Fascism.
This nation is so top heavy with Billionaires it is sinking. If Billionaires were truly a friend to the masses and believer in justice, they would spread their wealth until they have nothing but next month's rent, if that, and live like anyone else.
TAX THE RICH until they are living with the salary of an average worker.
OUR KIND of capitalism is allowing billionaires to buy "our" politicians. What the hell do you have to disagree with? And who the hell are the 23 people who liked your comment?
I’m passing along this message to all my non citizen friends & their neighboring folks who will make the effort to CALL THE WHITE HOUSE & MAKE REQUESTS FOR CITIZENSHIP FOR ALL MEXICAN WORKERS NOW…
Please consider passing along my next note w White House info !
Biden is bribe taking stooge like the rest of them. Did you see that he pardoned one of the kids for cash judges featured in Capitalism a Love Story?
My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Posner’s amicus brief can be found on the Supreme Court’s website at www.supremecourt.gov (Go to CASE DOCUMENTS at the bottom of the web page and click Docket Search. Enter 17-8352 in the box and click SEARCH. When Docket for 17-8352 appears, click it to find Judge Posner’s amicus brief.)
It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.
In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.
The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.
Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.
Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.
While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.
If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.
Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.
*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.
In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.
All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.
P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, William Barr, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.
I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, by all means, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!
The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.
I was quoting you, Tracy. I said, "Nothing is going to change until the American people wake up and realize both parties are corrupt and we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of all the problems in the world." You said, "Totally disagree." Again, what the hell do you have to disagree with?
If you had actually read my post, you'd know that I just gave the American people concrete proof that both parties have sold them out to the billionaire class.
Joe Biden's greatest fault is his participation in the genocide against the Palestinian people. This certainly cost his vice president the presidency. The rest of this nation will have to suffer from this.
I think Joe should resign so Kamala becomes #47 just to screw with all the MAGAs and their 47 merchandise. It would be great to have her as president. What is wrong with the people in this country?
I’m 72, retired, and have more than paid the balance of my two children’s college loans. Still, I have nine years to go at $350 a month. Joe, when does your plan to forgive student loans circle around to me? We have four weekdays. I hope I am in that bucket list. Thank you.
I'm 76 and attended college when it was tuition free in California; it is definitely NOT that way now. Senator Joe Biden sponsored the bill to make student debt of all types, non-dischargeable, in bankruptcy, in 2005. He was successful. As an attorney, advising clients who wanted a Chapter 7, personal bankruptcy, used to be simple: The only two items that were never non-dischargeable were child support and taxes that were owing. Absent fraud, all other debts were dischargeable. Our two main political parties have created at least two generations of citizens who will never outlive the interest-laden costs of getting a college education. I wonder whether Joe remembers any of it...
Steve, thank you for not stooging for either party. In addition to non-dischargeable student debt, BOTH cartel parties have given this nation a murderous health care system, unending undeclared wars, record homelessness, record police violence like that of no real democracy, led it to cheer lead for apartheid, ethnic cleansing, violation of international law, and genocide...and, yes, a second term of Donald Trump. Democratic Party operatives, we couldn't have gotten here without you.
Ed, I agree with every point you made. Unfortunately, we learn nothing from our mistakes, and remember little of the past. In this "information" or "communication" age, wherever we are, the ignorance of the general public is astounding. The worst part of our dilemma is suffering fools for politicians. As one of my least favorite "leaders" of the past fifty years acknowledged, "We tortured some folks." And then did nothing about it, for eight years. Harvard must be proud.
Yes, the fault is in both parties!
He’s a strange man
Yes… add all the student debt from all sources loaded into students and in many cases their parents, P A I D as of Jan 19, 2024. Let the incoming millionaires bail out their educational networks.
Actuarial estimates claim by your name that you are a human being who, through events you had no power over, is irrevocably a member of Michael Moore's most hated demographic.
Have you not read the piece above you? He hates white men and he gets hard when old white men die. Between you and Steve Shuttleworth sharing your names and ages Michael had quite a chubby.
Really, I don't know how many times he has to tell you that he hates you and hopes you will be dead soon, before you believe it.
Phenomenal, Michael. The fact Biden will not move on any of this, is the truth emerging about his huge faults as a human being. So sad…..
I hope you’re wrong.
4 days can make a helluva difference, eh?
As President, doesn’t Biden have absolute immunity? Just saying.
Didn't the Supreme(ly corrupt) Court say that a sitting president does, indeed, have such immunity?
Yes, that was the Court’s incomprehensible decision. I was suggesting that Biden take advantage of it before his term ends. I’ll leave the list of possibilities to your imagination. (I know what I’d love him to do, but he’s not the type to treat his political enemies as Tony Soprano would.)
Whoops. My apologies. Don't tell anyone LOL, but actually I misread your initial comment as; "As president 'BIDEN DOESN'T have absolute immunity? Just saying."
I think folks give too much credit to Biden's character & moral values. I think that, in part, we are desperate to find someone/something good in our current leadership as compared to the morally reprehensible and offensive cabal taking over. As with the Democratic Party itself, many find themselves voting for the lesser of the evils, and in many areas of public policy and legislation, the Dems are significantly the lesser of the evils. However, in to many other important areas, the parties are both the same. IMO
No worries, Sandy. Your secret is safe with me.
I agree that we're looking for our leadership to command the moral high ground. But, just once in a while, I wouldn't mind a clever, well-conceived, elegant maneuver that catches Trump and MAGA by complete surprise. One that makes them think twice about messing with us. It's hard being the patsy all of the time.
Quit and make Kamala president. She could do this stuff faster than you can
Joe can do this on his own & crown his 50+ years in elected government services to us
With great huzzahs and TEARS OF JOY!!
Seriously? You have a very different impression of Ms. Harris than I do.
Nice column Mike but you're wasting your breath. Biden is no better than Trump. He's just a little nicer. He's had 4 years to make the ERA law and he won't do it. People are acting like this is some big revelation. Biden is corrupt and always has been. His legacy is destroyed by Gaza. He doesn't give a damn about those people over there because he's at the top of AIPAC's donor list. He ran on prorgressive prinicples and enacted a few progressive policies during the first year of this administration, but as soon as Manchin and Sinema objected he folded like a cheap suit. Not just Biden, but the entire Democratic party is complicit in the genocide. Both parties are corrupt. Biden is the Democrats version of Trump. He doesn't care about you or me, he just cares about enriching himself. Don't let the Democrats off the hook. BOTH parties are just as bad. Start writing about that.
Michael Moore, you touched on three of the issues that explode my heart... the unforgivable damage that Joe Biden did to Anita Hill ( and all women) and to the country--- by putting Clarence Thomas on the court, the failure to act on ERA, and the evil injustice done to Leonard Peltier, about whom I wrote repeatedly before retiring as a columnist for the Toronto Star. Thank you for everything!
Where's self-proclaimed fighter Kamala, at least she could urge Joe to finalize the ERA! Or Jill Biden! But maybe Joe, like maga-heads claim, is too senile to listen, or doesn't really care about women's rights.
PS I agree with Mike's other pleas, but making ERA legal is SO overdue and impacts millions of American women.
Kamala was too busy ignoring the emerging facts about the rigged election - while telling others, with a lot less power and money, to be brave and “hopey”
I honestly don’t expect much from Biden. But I have a week’s worth of hope left.
I DO HAVE HOPE FOR PRESIDENT BIDEN! And I will email, mail and text his office everyday and night to encourage action on all of these requests. Especially Palestinian issue of extermination using US made bombs. AND
Mexican working folks who have lived her, brought up their families to be law abiding, God fearing workers and CITIZENS without legal papers … because they have not learned to speak English..& have not had cars or trucks to go to town & stand in a court house to get citizenship papers… while their meager wages are withheld & their families go hungry for a day or more because they lost $$
Standing in line for citizenship…
You can't email Joe Biden now; his White House email line has been disconnected until Trump takes over; I was told that when I tried to call. You can still call in your comments. I'm also sending letters to Biden care of my Senators.
I truly hope you're right.
Michael. i think by now, you understand that this president is a lost hope. This is the generation that is responsible for more wars, more misery and global failure on every aspect, regardless of being one term or two terms president. The only president worth evaluating was Carter in my view. His presidency, despite failure, and his post presidency with all the achievement and foresight gave more opportunities for valuable lessons.
Yep. The democratic presidents after carter were, to a man, “centrist” neo liberals whose lack of genuine help for the middle classes (the poor) led to this new fascism. What a shame
Tell us all this, Michael.
why is he not doing those things you suggest?
Could it be he IS part of the problem?
Sure looks like it.
If you're not bribing them--they don't represent you. Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. It proves that the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law--conspiring together to commit treason.
Nothing is going to change until the American people wake up and realize both parties are corrupt and we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of all the problems in the world.
Totally disagree. There's no future here. Nothing will change until we solve the problem of OUR KIND of capitalism , which leads directly to Fascism.
This nation is so top heavy with Billionaires it is sinking. If Billionaires were truly a friend to the masses and believer in justice, they would spread their wealth until they have nothing but next month's rent, if that, and live like anyone else.
TAX THE RICH until they are living with the salary of an average worker.
OUR KIND of capitalism is allowing billionaires to buy "our" politicians. What the hell do you have to disagree with? And who the hell are the 23 people who liked your comment?
P.S. If you're short on time, skip ahead to the Postscript on page #221. The only difference between the political parties is the rhetoric.
I wish I thought he'd do something worth mentioning but I have ZERO faith. Ole Joe is ready to go out to pasture. I hope I'm wrong.
I’m passing along this message to all my non citizen friends & their neighboring folks who will make the effort to CALL THE WHITE HOUSE & MAKE REQUESTS FOR CITIZENSHIP FOR ALL MEXICAN WORKERS NOW…
Please consider passing along my next note w White House info !
Why haven't you asked Biden to pardon Steve Donziger? I first learned about his plight from you several years ago.
Biden is bribe taking stooge like the rest of them. Did you see that he pardoned one of the kids for cash judges featured in Capitalism a Love Story?
My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Posner’s amicus brief can be found on the Supreme Court’s website at www.supremecourt.gov (Go to CASE DOCUMENTS at the bottom of the web page and click Docket Search. Enter 17-8352 in the box and click SEARCH. When Docket for 17-8352 appears, click it to find Judge Posner’s amicus brief.)
It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.
In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.
The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.
Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.
Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.
While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.
If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.
Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.
*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.
In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.
All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.
If you want a government that actually acts in your best interests, I urge you and everyone you know to read my book as soon as possible. You can get a digital copy of my book free of charge at the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_vaMH1riLodzOfQn0kI7ow0RDrPM0NqE/view?usp=sharing
P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, William Barr, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.
I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, by all means, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!
The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.
To Quote YOU Illusion of Justice---,"OUR KIND of capitalism is allowing billionaires to buy "our" politicians."
23 people agree with me, and actually probably almost this whole column agrees with me.
I was quoting you, Tracy. I said, "Nothing is going to change until the American people wake up and realize both parties are corrupt and we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of all the problems in the world." You said, "Totally disagree." Again, what the hell do you have to disagree with?
If you had actually read my post, you'd know that I just gave the American people concrete proof that both parties have sold them out to the billionaire class.
Joe Biden's greatest fault is his participation in the genocide against the Palestinian people. This certainly cost his vice president the presidency. The rest of this nation will have to suffer from this.
I think Joe should resign so Kamala becomes #47 just to screw with all the MAGAs and their 47 merchandise. It would be great to have her as president. What is wrong with the people in this country?
Save the USPS, too.