On this, the third anniversary of that day in 2021, when the then still-President of the United States, who had but just two weeks left in office, having recently been removed by the vast majority of the American people who had ousted him from the presidency at the polls… on this day, January 6, 2021, he decided to stage a coup and called upon his rabid right wing followers to come to the nation’s Capital to halt, with violence if necessary, the peaceful transfer of power.
I just figured if we want a Democracy Day , making it easier to vote as a working class person, making Election Day a national holiday would help with voter engagement and turn out. Can’t imagine the MAGA caucus would sanction two paid holidays for us lazy loser Libs (who built the country and keep the economy afloat with our consumer spending.)
This is what I want to hear Biden say, "If you re-elect me and give me the Dem majority in both houses to support what the majority wants and needs, I will:
1. Raise taxes on the wealthy
2. Pass single-payer universal health care with a plan to provide Medicare for All by the end of my term
3. End voter suppression
4. Bring prices down by busting up monopolies, and
5. Get big money out of politics."
I would knock on doors to spread that message to get the Democrats to vote a straight Dem ticket.
I want to hear the Party operatives commit to that. That platform contains many of the points for which they undercut electing Bernie Sanders.
To back the Democratic Party as its operatives are running it is to actively support a genocide in exchange for AIPAC bribes that are pouring into our party and making us members of the party of militarism, militarizing local police, use of force to enslave people to corporate rulers, and handing the reigns of our country to Netanyahu and authoritarian gangsters. That is the elephant in the room that has seemed to frighten everyone into silence. Happy NOT to be silent about this.
You make many good points, but without the Dems' holding the government (Admin., and House and Senate, too, if possible), we'll become a nation ruled by fascists.
Siding with genocide and ethnic cleansing...isn't that supporting fascism? More relevant to your point, will that bring the voters Democrats need to hold the government?
"Ethic" cleansing? It's not all as simple as we might like for it to be. I agree with you on backing Israel in the War on Hamas. It's futile, I'm afraid. We must protect the rule of law and the institutions of democratic elections in order to be able to end the violations of which you write.
I follow the scholars on definitions of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and they know that the sources are in international law. Others can learn about this, and they have the opportunity to do so right here from scholar Raz Segal without political spin or partisan stooging. Recommend that you watch it.
You are spot on. And bullet points are his milieu. Thing is he has said everyone of those messages before - though unconnected. I don't know about his re-election team _ they need him get a unified master message and then a few sub-messages audience dependent. Joe fights best when he has an enemy - and he feels cornered. He has righteous anger. Check out this animal from Australia, the honey badger. This little stinker is the fiercest fighter in the animal kingdom, no other specifies would dare anger it and in a pack, forget it. That's what we Dems need. The House GOP is actually a passel of morons, vindictive, self-interested and self-promoting curs who never met a lie they wouldn't spread and with with one goal; to stay in power, on the public payroll and grab some TV time so when they're gone, future employment is assured. I wonder where they learned those lessons?
You did hear him speak yesterday, right? I think he has ample backbone and won’t give the fascists any ground. Neither should we. I will use every opportunity to remind everyone I can reach of the infamy being perpetuated already in red states against women, LGBTQ, trans, immigrants, POC by the white sepremacist fascists. It is up to us to strike back in peace but w/o mercy, with all the tools at our disposal, including 14/3.
First and foremost I want my democratic rights, then we can work on the rest. A vote for Williamson is a vote for 🍊💩and you know it! Vote for Williamson will entrench our status a breeder cows who are executed by childbirth of you can’t deliver a healthy baby. So no thanks.
A vote for MW is a vote for change, it sends a message to the DNC, we’ve had enough, you’ve strong armed us long enough, we will not go quietly, we believe in democracy, even if you don’t. it may get trump elected, and to that I say, it wasn’t our fault it was the DNCs fault.
WELL, if you get your friends out to bang on doors you will increase the chances that all or some could be done. If you don't actively participate then TFG wins and get ready to say Ta Ta to democracy!
Biden needs the majority of Dems in both houses. Then we must hold his feet to the fire and not accept any more excuses. We shouldn't accept vagueness like "Hope and Change," or "Save Democracy." We have waited long enough. The time is now or never.
If Biden ever says such a thing, then THAT should be democracy day. Because for the first time in a VERY long time, a President will be supporting the people, and not the special interest groups that control our governments on every level. You know, seeing you suggest that makes me wonder. It seems SO SIMPLE, and yet all the politicians and Lawyers, well-educated assholes that rule the USA, can't seem to ask for any of it. I'm not American, but if I was, I would vote for YOU to be president. almost overnight you could start fixing all the problems. And a woman in the Oval Office sounds like a great idea too! Gloria J. for PREZ!
Even though I concur with the spirit and intention of your message today, Mike, I'm with those who see J6 as a Day of Infamy. My reasoning is that the miscreants who think trying to overthrow our democracy on J6 was an act of patriotism will surely misconstrue a J6 national holiday as celebrating them and their efforts.
Those are exactly my thoughts. Make Jan 6 a National Day of Sorrow or shame but not a holiday. So much wrong with that day, including what your poster people did. My, don’t they all have such nice smiles!
I think September 11 should be made a holiday before January 6.
We "never forget" Jan 6 by handing out convictions to the insurrectionists and sending Trump packing. The fact that so many people still support him tells me that more people would "celebrate" that day (if it were a holiday) than remember what went wrong.
No matter what -- get rid of Columbus Day to make room for one of them.
That was my first reaction; that the right wing would immediately co-opt the holiday to celebrate the “heroic event “. I agree with the comment that ELECTION DAY should be a national holiday, with paid leave for everyone who wants to vote that day
"convictions to the insurrectionists and sending Trump packing" - Never gonna happen. The Senate, House, AND Supreme Court have all been stealthily and methodically rigged, starting back with Ronnie Reagan, to insure that someone like Trump and his Repubitard Cronies can now have their way with Democracy, gutting it without repercussiuns. Americans have been asleep for decades, still are, and will not wake up. Democracy will die in our sleep.
I agree with the sentiment. I think that the day Trump is taken to jail is the day that should be celebrated as the day a would be fascist dictator was brought to justice and our democracy was saved. I just hope it's before he's re-elected. That it's even a possibility after all this is just insane to me. Where has our morality as a nation gone?
Michael...a National Holiday commemorating the insurrection? Isn't that a bit like celebrating Pearl Harbor, Bonnie and Clyde's first bank heist, or the attack on Fort Sumter as our holiday?
I think the best thing we can do is proclaim election day a national holiday and consign Trump to the likes of Bonnie and Clyde or John Dillinger. I don't want to think of him now, much less memorialize him.
YES! Thank you Michael! Also, today is 3 Kings Day. Democracy would be the greatest gift! We also need a separate Indigenous Peoples Day as they have in Canada. It should not be "shared"
with that other holiday. BTW, did you check your lottery tickets? I saw the winning ticket in Michigan was from a town close to Flint, but the money hadn't been claimed. I hope it was you!
Our government has morphed into what I call the good ole boys club, the corporations, the rich, and politicians all belong to it, and they don't care about the Constitution or Democracy. This is why out government is treating out tax money as if it is their own Piggy Bank, there is always money for war and weapons with no accountability to the American People, but there is never any money available for the poor and Middle Class.
This country is becoming more like Iran and Saudi Arabia, we are no longer a free Democratic country under Constitutional Law. The Insurrectionist who tried to over throw the country and Democracy got relatively high sentences, then a Whistle Blower. The United States is no longer under Constitutional Law, there are 141 Republican politicians who were involved in the 1/6 Insurrection who ran for office and won, who under the Constitution cannot legally run for any government office.
The protesters are legally under Constitution law, allowed to peacefully protest and were arrested and jailed under false charges, in the South where they are building a Police training facility. This country has become a fascist, autocratic, organized crime state, where the people have no say as to how the government is run. The 01/06/2021 insurrectionists showed what hypocrites they are, by dressing in the American Flag and then tried to stop the voting in, of the new president and over throw the government.
You had an eloquent response to Mr. MacPherson, but in my opinion, you were both “right”. That is the danger posed by Trump’s Project 2025. Our “government” survived DJT’s Presidency because of the people who worked for it. Those dedicated people who keep the “government” running, no matter who is in office or which “party” holds which house of Congress. The huge danger of the MAGAt’s (even if Trump were to become incapacitated) is that they are planning to replace the functioning “government” with a crony/loyalty system of people who believe more in the line of what Mr. MacPherson said - with a “Christian Nationalist” agenda in addition. I have heard pundits say repeatedly that trump just learned from the first attempted coup what to avoid the next time. The “normal”, dedicated government workers of all ranks, who took their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution seriously were what stopped him in January 2021. His “cabal”, the organizations assisting him, will be/ are using Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to make sure they don’t have the same issues the second time around. This is why the Constitutional Amendment 14.3 is being brought to challenge trump. He already has the plan to replace the government having learned from his mistakes the first time. He’s even TALKING about it. Why give the Insurrectionist a second shot at overthrowing the Constitution????
BOTH political sides are guilty of playing manipulative games to achieve control . We, the incidental voters end up being harnessed into a construct that the ones' behind the curtain have created as we are expected to believe this or that just because we are repeatedly told to belong to one side or the other, you Commie, you! If we really believe that the electoral processes will bring this country back to morality, the common good of all, compassion, fairness, honesty, etc., perhaps we are not seeing the bigger picture. as to why this is not happening. Where are the true Public Servants Of The People? They seemingly are run over and ignored because...oh socialism or radical extremism in other words binary, whitewashed thought -- 99% of us are needing to be heard and be taken seriously, not manipulated to change OUR perception of accepting crumbs of change through false promises and campaign rhetoric - but shhh don't speak too loudly or try to peacefully protest lest one is mocked and harassed for expectation of a better life in this country, going against either Party. The either this side or that side "representative" selection is all we have. So I ask - why is there so little choice to begin with? Why are the people running not the everyday people working or not working - those sick of the status quo - but instead have or had a seat in governing or are consistently incumbents ? And why the disdain for people who are wanting more than the two corporately owned parties are willing to fight for in the People's defense? How do we live in a restored governance or claim Democracy while thinking that it will become what is needed for the masses of us - our kids' futures - just because of a slogan or frantic jargon that this time it is the most important election of our time and will be different and "more important than ever" or what? TRUMP? It's all been repeated ad nauseum - if we are unwilling to risk the status quo., and have only 2 choices and young voters don't believe deep down inside that either side is on theirs, don't millions of young voters not vote? How long do we still close our eyes to the fact that nothing has "fundamentally changed" ? The two party mess is not working for the USA.
"Disillusionment" is to say the least. I am not the one who needs the lesson of solutions, though I appreciate to some degree what you mean! "Solution sets" though worth action are however a necessity that come from people who say they have the experience and knowledge because of "years of service to the public and government" that bests suits them as a representative - And my personal favorite - "I'll fight for you" . IF they cannot achieve this over decades of their same standing, decades of their collective experiences;
How then in this election, or any other, will either in the duopoly finally figure it out? In my observations they don't want to - they have become too complacent at our losses, their excuses integrated into the electorate, along with the blessings of our compliance by support for them. Remembering that over half the country consider themselves Independent and are shamed for not being adult in their lack of choice and in what they see as true Democracy - a structured absurdity. My solution is vote both out or through ballot initiatives and great pressure on our legislatures to create alternate parties in addition to this duopoly to measure the differences. - The bug-a-boo's I see with the latter is the time and costs offering their own set of challenges. Many of us can only protest, though we are not taken seriously with much more than a small grain of salt. An unforgivable curse!
MacPherson spoke of "... the corporations, the rich, and politicians all belong to it,..." not of federal employees. Are any of your fellow federal employees '.. the corporations, the rich, and politicians?" Such red herring distractions are closer to partisan stooging than to providing advocacy for supporting democracy. The single priority of restoring a functional and ethical government makes the "both sides" fallacy look terminally stupid. Do you want government of and by the people or do you just want Democrats in charge?
…“resulting in the deaths of five law enforcement officers”. This fact is the most chilling to me. There is nothing else to even discuss as far as I am concerned. Incredibly sad for so many reasons, and the poster sheep do not deserve the continuing protection of these brave men and women. I am heartened to see Harry Dunn running for Congress! Thank you as always, Michael ❤️
We didn't make Pearl Harbor Day a national "holiday." Nor is 9/11. Nor have we made the sack of DC by the British a day to celebrate. I'm good with leaving this one as a "day of infamy."
I would, however, like to point out a couple niggles... first the 5 people whose deaths can be laid squarely at Donald's door were not all law enforcement officers. Second, the word you wanted in regard to the 'flying' of the Confederate Battle Flag in the Capitol would be "feat," not "fete."
Great idea, Michael, but I would infinitely prefer that we continue to vilify those that sought to make this day something other than the peaceful transfer of power, and let them swing in the winds of history.
Why must we always look to making a holiday out of all the bad things that happen? We put Pearl Harbor Day ahead on the calendar but forget VE Day when we defeated Hitler. We want 9/11 as a holiday but forget about July 20th when we walked on the Moon. Now we want January 6th when some irrational people stormed the Capitol instead of November 4th when we elected our first African-American president.
I think if we’re going to have a holiday for remembrance, it should be Election Day which would also help with voter turnout out.
How about both days?
I just figured if we want a Democracy Day , making it easier to vote as a working class person, making Election Day a national holiday would help with voter engagement and turn out. Can’t imagine the MAGA caucus would sanction two paid holidays for us lazy loser Libs (who built the country and keep the economy afloat with our consumer spending.)
I agree!!!
This is what I want to hear Biden say, "If you re-elect me and give me the Dem majority in both houses to support what the majority wants and needs, I will:
1. Raise taxes on the wealthy
2. Pass single-payer universal health care with a plan to provide Medicare for All by the end of my term
3. End voter suppression
4. Bring prices down by busting up monopolies, and
5. Get big money out of politics."
I would knock on doors to spread that message to get the Democrats to vote a straight Dem ticket.
Gloria J. Maloney
I want to hear the Party operatives commit to that. That platform contains many of the points for which they undercut electing Bernie Sanders.
To back the Democratic Party as its operatives are running it is to actively support a genocide in exchange for AIPAC bribes that are pouring into our party and making us members of the party of militarism, militarizing local police, use of force to enslave people to corporate rulers, and handing the reigns of our country to Netanyahu and authoritarian gangsters. That is the elephant in the room that has seemed to frighten everyone into silence. Happy NOT to be silent about this.
You make many good points, but without the Dems' holding the government (Admin., and House and Senate, too, if possible), we'll become a nation ruled by fascists.
Siding with genocide and ethnic cleansing...isn't that supporting fascism? More relevant to your point, will that bring the voters Democrats need to hold the government?
"Ethic" cleansing? It's not all as simple as we might like for it to be. I agree with you on backing Israel in the War on Hamas. It's futile, I'm afraid. We must protect the rule of law and the institutions of democratic elections in order to be able to end the violations of which you write.
I follow the scholars on definitions of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and they know that the sources are in international law. Others can learn about this, and they have the opportunity to do so right here from scholar Raz Segal without political spin or partisan stooging. Recommend that you watch it.
Gloria -
You are spot on. And bullet points are his milieu. Thing is he has said everyone of those messages before - though unconnected. I don't know about his re-election team _ they need him get a unified master message and then a few sub-messages audience dependent. Joe fights best when he has an enemy - and he feels cornered. He has righteous anger. Check out this animal from Australia, the honey badger. This little stinker is the fiercest fighter in the animal kingdom, no other specifies would dare anger it and in a pack, forget it. That's what we Dems need. The House GOP is actually a passel of morons, vindictive, self-interested and self-promoting curs who never met a lie they wouldn't spread and with with one goal; to stay in power, on the public payroll and grab some TV time so when they're gone, future employment is assured. I wonder where they learned those lessons?
Biden MUST grow a backbone and start yelling, or there is no hope.
You did hear him speak yesterday, right? I think he has ample backbone and won’t give the fascists any ground. Neither should we. I will use every opportunity to remind everyone I can reach of the infamy being perpetuated already in red states against women, LGBTQ, trans, immigrants, POC by the white sepremacist fascists. It is up to us to strike back in peace but w/o mercy, with all the tools at our disposal, including 14/3.
If you want Womens rights, lgbtq rights, immigrant rights then Biden is not your candidate. Marianne Williamson is your candidate. -lain and simple
First and foremost I want my democratic rights, then we can work on the rest. A vote for Williamson is a vote for 🍊💩and you know it! Vote for Williamson will entrench our status a breeder cows who are executed by childbirth of you can’t deliver a healthy baby. So no thanks.
A vote for MW is a vote for change, it sends a message to the DNC, we’ve had enough, you’ve strong armed us long enough, we will not go quietly, we believe in democracy, even if you don’t. it may get trump elected, and to that I say, it wasn’t our fault it was the DNCs fault.
WELL, if you get your friends out to bang on doors you will increase the chances that all or some could be done. If you don't actively participate then TFG wins and get ready to say Ta Ta to democracy!
Biden needs the majority of Dems in both houses. Then we must hold his feet to the fire and not accept any more excuses. We shouldn't accept vagueness like "Hope and Change," or "Save Democracy." We have waited long enough. The time is now or never.
I liked the Molly Ivins action plan. TAKE YOUR POTS&PANS OUTSIDE TOTHE YARD AND BANG LIKE HELL. that's all I remember now
Getting Big $ out of politics is a tall order bc both parties do it.
That said, I agree with all of the above.
Not say, I’m tired of say
If Biden ever says such a thing, then THAT should be democracy day. Because for the first time in a VERY long time, a President will be supporting the people, and not the special interest groups that control our governments on every level. You know, seeing you suggest that makes me wonder. It seems SO SIMPLE, and yet all the politicians and Lawyers, well-educated assholes that rule the USA, can't seem to ask for any of it. I'm not American, but if I was, I would vote for YOU to be president. almost overnight you could start fixing all the problems. And a woman in the Oval Office sounds like a great idea too! Gloria J. for PREZ!
Even though I concur with the spirit and intention of your message today, Mike, I'm with those who see J6 as a Day of Infamy. My reasoning is that the miscreants who think trying to overthrow our democracy on J6 was an act of patriotism will surely misconstrue a J6 national holiday as celebrating them and their efforts.
Those are exactly my thoughts. Make Jan 6 a National Day of Sorrow or shame but not a holiday. So much wrong with that day, including what your poster people did. My, don’t they all have such nice smiles!
I think September 11 should be made a holiday before January 6.
We "never forget" Jan 6 by handing out convictions to the insurrectionists and sending Trump packing. The fact that so many people still support him tells me that more people would "celebrate" that day (if it were a holiday) than remember what went wrong.
No matter what -- get rid of Columbus Day to make room for one of them.
Make Election Day a national holiday and give everyone the day off so they have time to vote. Make voting compulsory.
That's even better!
That was my first reaction; that the right wing would immediately co-opt the holiday to celebrate the “heroic event “. I agree with the comment that ELECTION DAY should be a national holiday, with paid leave for everyone who wants to vote that day
"convictions to the insurrectionists and sending Trump packing" - Never gonna happen. The Senate, House, AND Supreme Court have all been stealthily and methodically rigged, starting back with Ronnie Reagan, to insure that someone like Trump and his Repubitard Cronies can now have their way with Democracy, gutting it without repercussiuns. Americans have been asleep for decades, still are, and will not wake up. Democracy will die in our sleep.
I don’t think either of these days should be holidays, the day Jon Stewart got the first responders medical care, that should be the holiday.
I agree with the sentiment. I think that the day Trump is taken to jail is the day that should be celebrated as the day a would be fascist dictator was brought to justice and our democracy was saved. I just hope it's before he's re-elected. That it's even a possibility after all this is just insane to me. Where has our morality as a nation gone?
Time ! Has COME ! ..TODAY !
(Chambers Brothers)
Michael...a National Holiday commemorating the insurrection? Isn't that a bit like celebrating Pearl Harbor, Bonnie and Clyde's first bank heist, or the attack on Fort Sumter as our holiday?
I think the best thing we can do is proclaim election day a national holiday and consign Trump to the likes of Bonnie and Clyde or John Dillinger. I don't want to think of him now, much less memorialize him.
YES! Thank you Michael! Also, today is 3 Kings Day. Democracy would be the greatest gift! We also need a separate Indigenous Peoples Day as they have in Canada. It should not be "shared"
with that other holiday. BTW, did you check your lottery tickets? I saw the winning ticket in Michigan was from a town close to Flint, but the money hadn't been claimed. I hope it was you!
Our government has morphed into what I call the good ole boys club, the corporations, the rich, and politicians all belong to it, and they don't care about the Constitution or Democracy. This is why out government is treating out tax money as if it is their own Piggy Bank, there is always money for war and weapons with no accountability to the American People, but there is never any money available for the poor and Middle Class.
This country is becoming more like Iran and Saudi Arabia, we are no longer a free Democratic country under Constitutional Law. The Insurrectionist who tried to over throw the country and Democracy got relatively high sentences, then a Whistle Blower. The United States is no longer under Constitutional Law, there are 141 Republican politicians who were involved in the 1/6 Insurrection who ran for office and won, who under the Constitution cannot legally run for any government office.
The protesters are legally under Constitution law, allowed to peacefully protest and were arrested and jailed under false charges, in the South where they are building a Police training facility. This country has become a fascist, autocratic, organized crime state, where the people have no say as to how the government is run. The 01/06/2021 insurrectionists showed what hypocrites they are, by dressing in the American Flag and then tried to stop the voting in, of the new president and over throw the government.
Mr: Grenier:
You had an eloquent response to Mr. MacPherson, but in my opinion, you were both “right”. That is the danger posed by Trump’s Project 2025. Our “government” survived DJT’s Presidency because of the people who worked for it. Those dedicated people who keep the “government” running, no matter who is in office or which “party” holds which house of Congress. The huge danger of the MAGAt’s (even if Trump were to become incapacitated) is that they are planning to replace the functioning “government” with a crony/loyalty system of people who believe more in the line of what Mr. MacPherson said - with a “Christian Nationalist” agenda in addition. I have heard pundits say repeatedly that trump just learned from the first attempted coup what to avoid the next time. The “normal”, dedicated government workers of all ranks, who took their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution seriously were what stopped him in January 2021. His “cabal”, the organizations assisting him, will be/ are using Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to make sure they don’t have the same issues the second time around. This is why the Constitutional Amendment 14.3 is being brought to challenge trump. He already has the plan to replace the government having learned from his mistakes the first time. He’s even TALKING about it. Why give the Insurrectionist a second shot at overthrowing the Constitution????
BOTH political sides are guilty of playing manipulative games to achieve control . We, the incidental voters end up being harnessed into a construct that the ones' behind the curtain have created as we are expected to believe this or that just because we are repeatedly told to belong to one side or the other, you Commie, you! If we really believe that the electoral processes will bring this country back to morality, the common good of all, compassion, fairness, honesty, etc., perhaps we are not seeing the bigger picture. as to why this is not happening. Where are the true Public Servants Of The People? They seemingly are run over and ignored because...oh socialism or radical extremism in other words binary, whitewashed thought -- 99% of us are needing to be heard and be taken seriously, not manipulated to change OUR perception of accepting crumbs of change through false promises and campaign rhetoric - but shhh don't speak too loudly or try to peacefully protest lest one is mocked and harassed for expectation of a better life in this country, going against either Party. The either this side or that side "representative" selection is all we have. So I ask - why is there so little choice to begin with? Why are the people running not the everyday people working or not working - those sick of the status quo - but instead have or had a seat in governing or are consistently incumbents ? And why the disdain for people who are wanting more than the two corporately owned parties are willing to fight for in the People's defense? How do we live in a restored governance or claim Democracy while thinking that it will become what is needed for the masses of us - our kids' futures - just because of a slogan or frantic jargon that this time it is the most important election of our time and will be different and "more important than ever" or what? TRUMP? It's all been repeated ad nauseum - if we are unwilling to risk the status quo., and have only 2 choices and young voters don't believe deep down inside that either side is on theirs, don't millions of young voters not vote? How long do we still close our eyes to the fact that nothing has "fundamentally changed" ? The two party mess is not working for the USA.
"Disillusionment" is to say the least. I am not the one who needs the lesson of solutions, though I appreciate to some degree what you mean! "Solution sets" though worth action are however a necessity that come from people who say they have the experience and knowledge because of "years of service to the public and government" that bests suits them as a representative - And my personal favorite - "I'll fight for you" . IF they cannot achieve this over decades of their same standing, decades of their collective experiences;
How then in this election, or any other, will either in the duopoly finally figure it out? In my observations they don't want to - they have become too complacent at our losses, their excuses integrated into the electorate, along with the blessings of our compliance by support for them. Remembering that over half the country consider themselves Independent and are shamed for not being adult in their lack of choice and in what they see as true Democracy - a structured absurdity. My solution is vote both out or through ballot initiatives and great pressure on our legislatures to create alternate parties in addition to this duopoly to measure the differences. - The bug-a-boo's I see with the latter is the time and costs offering their own set of challenges. Many of us can only protest, though we are not taken seriously with much more than a small grain of salt. An unforgivable curse!
Dear David, I agree because all I have are my observations and desire for better - a wake-up call of sorts to all. Thank you for the conversation!
MacPherson spoke of "... the corporations, the rich, and politicians all belong to it,..." not of federal employees. Are any of your fellow federal employees '.. the corporations, the rich, and politicians?" Such red herring distractions are closer to partisan stooging than to providing advocacy for supporting democracy. The single priority of restoring a functional and ethical government makes the "both sides" fallacy look terminally stupid. Do you want government of and by the people or do you just want Democrats in charge?
…“resulting in the deaths of five law enforcement officers”. This fact is the most chilling to me. There is nothing else to even discuss as far as I am concerned. Incredibly sad for so many reasons, and the poster sheep do not deserve the continuing protection of these brave men and women. I am heartened to see Harry Dunn running for Congress! Thank you as always, Michael ❤️
Absolutely--right there with you! Make me a giant "Never Forget: January 6, 2021" bumper sticker for my car, please.
You read my mind.
We didn't make Pearl Harbor Day a national "holiday." Nor is 9/11. Nor have we made the sack of DC by the British a day to celebrate. I'm good with leaving this one as a "day of infamy."
I would, however, like to point out a couple niggles... first the 5 people whose deaths can be laid squarely at Donald's door were not all law enforcement officers. Second, the word you wanted in regard to the 'flying' of the Confederate Battle Flag in the Capitol would be "feat," not "fete."
Great idea, Michael, but I would infinitely prefer that we continue to vilify those that sought to make this day something other than the peaceful transfer of power, and let them swing in the winds of history.
PS - Love the poster!!
Strongly prefer Jan 6 to remain 3 Kings Day--maybe put Election Day on a more accessible day and make it a federal holiday.
DeJoy also worked very hard to suppress the vote by destroying public property, no less!!!
Thanks for that powerful poster, Mike. I’d call it a rogues’ gallery, but that’s way too nice for these spineless ignoramuses!
Not a day to celebrate.
Why must we always look to making a holiday out of all the bad things that happen? We put Pearl Harbor Day ahead on the calendar but forget VE Day when we defeated Hitler. We want 9/11 as a holiday but forget about July 20th when we walked on the Moon. Now we want January 6th when some irrational people stormed the Capitol instead of November 4th when we elected our first African-American president.