I think if we’re going to have a holiday for remembrance, it should be Election Day which would also help with voter turnout out.

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This is what I want to hear Biden say, "If you re-elect me and give me the Dem majority in both houses to support what the majority wants and needs, I will:

1. Raise taxes on the wealthy

2. Pass single-payer universal health care with a plan to provide Medicare for All by the end of my term

3. End voter suppression

4. Bring prices down by busting up monopolies, and

5. Get big money out of politics."

I would knock on doors to spread that message to get the Democrats to vote a straight Dem ticket.

Gloria J. Maloney

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Even though I concur with the spirit and intention of your message today, Mike, I'm with those who see J6 as a Day of Infamy. My reasoning is that the miscreants who think trying to overthrow our democracy on J6 was an act of patriotism will surely misconstrue a J6 national holiday as celebrating them and their efforts.

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Michael Please! Federal Holidays have a tradition of being in honor of great sacrifices by honored people. “Veterans Day”. “Labor Day”. “Memorial Day”. Etc. even Christmas, New Years, Easter and Hanukah are holidays for remembrance of good things happening by, to and for good people. My sense is that like December 7, 1941, the date of January 6, 2021 will go down as a day of Infamy. And we should therefore never recognize it as anything but that. The fact that our culture, particularly within Congress and the elite Judiciary, do not care to take action to imprison the true leader of the insurrection says a lot about how entrenched the rich are, and how pitiful the people of America have become. The greedy truly have maneuvered the minds of the ignorant into supporting their own demise.

The day that should be a National Holiday should be the day that Trump is put behind bars. That will show how those in America with a lot to lose stood up to tyranny within their own ranks. And that day will be a glorious day for America.

All the best to you!


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I think September 11 should be made a holiday before January 6.

We "never forget" Jan 6 by handing out convictions to the insurrectionists and sending Trump packing. The fact that so many people still support him tells me that more people would "celebrate" that day (if it were a holiday) than remember what went wrong.

No matter what -- get rid of Columbus Day to make room for one of them.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 7

Michael...a National Holiday commemorating the insurrection? Isn't that a bit like celebrating Pearl Harbor, Bonnie and Clyde's first bank heist, or the attack on Fort Sumter as our holiday?

I think the best thing we can do is proclaim election day a national holiday and consign Trump to the likes of Bonnie and Clyde or John Dillinger. I don't want to think of him now, much less memorialize him.

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YES! Thank you Michael! Also, today is 3 Kings Day. Democracy would be the greatest gift! We also need a separate Indigenous Peoples Day as they have in Canada. It should not be "shared"

with that other holiday. BTW, did you check your lottery tickets? I saw the winning ticket in Michigan was from a town close to Flint, but the money hadn't been claimed. I hope it was you!

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Our government has morphed into what I call the good ole boys club, the corporations, the rich, and politicians all belong to it, and they don't care about the Constitution or Democracy. This is why out government is treating out tax money as if it is their own Piggy Bank, there is always money for war and weapons with no accountability to the American People, but there is never any money available for the poor and Middle Class.

This country is becoming more like Iran and Saudi Arabia, we are no longer a free Democratic country under Constitutional Law. The Insurrectionist who tried to over throw the country and Democracy got relatively high sentences, then a Whistle Blower. The United States is no longer under Constitutional Law, there are 141 Republican politicians who were involved in the 1/6 Insurrection who ran for office and won, who under the Constitution cannot legally run for any government office.

The protesters are legally under Constitution law, allowed to peacefully protest and were arrested and jailed under false charges, in the South where they are building a Police training facility. This country has become a fascist, autocratic, organized crime state, where the people have no say as to how the government is run. The 01/06/2021 insurrectionists showed what hypocrites they are, by dressing in the American Flag and then tried to stop the voting in, of the new president and over throw the government.

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…“resulting in the deaths of five law enforcement officers”. This fact is the most chilling to me. There is nothing else to even discuss as far as I am concerned. Incredibly sad for so many reasons, and the poster sheep do not deserve the continuing protection of these brave men and women. I am heartened to see Harry Dunn running for Congress! Thank you as always, Michael ❤️

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Absolutely--right there with you! Make me a giant "Never Forget: January 6, 2021" bumper sticker for my car, please.

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You read my mind.

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We didn't make Pearl Harbor Day a national "holiday." Nor is 9/11. Nor have we made the sack of DC by the British a day to celebrate. I'm good with leaving this one as a "day of infamy."

I would, however, like to point out a couple niggles... first the 5 people whose deaths can be laid squarely at Donald's door were not all law enforcement officers. Second, the word you wanted in regard to the 'flying' of the Confederate Battle Flag in the Capitol would be "feat," not "fete."

Great idea, Michael, but I would infinitely prefer that we continue to vilify those that sought to make this day something other than the peaceful transfer of power, and let them swing in the winds of history.

PS - Love the poster!!

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Strongly prefer Jan 6 to remain 3 Kings Day--maybe put Election Day on a more accessible day and make it a federal holiday.

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DeJoy also worked very hard to suppress the vote by destroying public property, no less!!!

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Thanks for that powerful poster, Mike. I’d call it a rogues’ gallery, but that’s way too nice for these spineless ignoramuses!

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Not a day to celebrate.

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