I love you Michael Moore and everyone up in this community. Great song and still relevant today. Never give up!

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Michael Moore, you are a gift. Be well.

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I used to sing this song to my colicky daughter, walking round and round the dining table in the deepest hours of the night.

She is 40 now with advanced degree in classical vocal performance & working as a grant writer for a TX non-profit protecting the rights of migrant mothers.

Good song!

Thanks, Michael…

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I hope she’s still singing! I’m glad for the work she does. Migrants are IMPORTANT! And so cruelly treated!

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Paul Stookey went to my high school and Peter Paul and Mary played twice in our gym. We all loved that song then and we need that message now. Sincere thank you

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"I'd ring out JUSTICE! I ring out the love between my brother and my sisters"

Great lyrics...

Never say Never. Why?

The Strategy is to have me and you give up.

I woke up this morning and saw all the great electoral victories, despite the huge amounts of dark money, they just kept ringing it out....PA, OR, etc.

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Ah Michael, you always bring me to tears. And you hit the nail on the head and give me energy to keep going.

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Ok, this one brought me real tears. Related SO much to her angst and heartache and the poetry of listening to PP&M in the streets of my old home. MM, keep doing the work and spreading truth and hope. I'd get on a plane with you anywhere!

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Here's's the most important part of your message: we who want justice, freedom, and love, are the VAST MAJORITY.

These are the words that we should be singing between peach bites.

We are the Joy Force to call forward - without concern for changing the small minds of those whose self-loathing is so great that it requires supremacist beliefs - but with the power of the truth that we are all created equal. And we need to keep singing until there is no oxygen left in our democracy for those who don't want any one or everyone to have nice things.

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Please say something nice about Bakersfield. I was born there durning a earthquake and I’m here fighting right along with . The earthquake was so strong, my dad ran down the stairs, with Mom right on his heels and said Louise where’s the baby!! Ha ..I live in Washington state now and have been marching in Seattle for years. Keep your chin up Michael WE CAN DO THIS!💜

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I love that song and all of P,P & M. Our Revolution is fantastic! Getting a message from them after watching good progressives win in the primaries made my spirits soar! We have to STOP listening to, and believing those who say we will lose congress and everything and listen and contribute to the Our Revolution Movement...It is a movement and, yes, we are in the fight of and for our lives!

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Oh Mikey, I get it. I so get it. Hey, she should listen to your Mail Bag podcast. I did yesterday and yeah I almost gave up cuz I was struggling to stay with you thru your totally justified and appreciated anger over the domination of women. But I hung in there and today....well, THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE. I almost decided to run for Congress---I kid you not my friend. Truly I was inspired by the folks who have left you messages. Now I know how you keep going. It's from all the positive folks cheering you on. We got to be that for each other these days. True, she was dealing with a lot of stuff....she's in the best of company---and she had you!!!Love from Washington State. You ever need a place to go and regard, consider Monet's place in France. Best yellow EVER.

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I faithfully listened to Peter Paul and Mary when I was in HS This group saw the despair then as it is now, yet were not going to cave letting us know there is hope.Thank you for sharing this powerful and uplifting song..Much Love!!

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Endless thanks for this terrific jolt of nostalgia!

My hopefulness comes in knowing that we are 80+million strong, mostly all ready & able to vote again in November. If we all do the best we can to convince our hopeless-leaning friends and neighbors to get off their couches of despair and go VOTE, we WILL win. (Then all we have to do is overcome all the fraud that will follow from the other side, but…) WE CAN DO THIS!!! 🤸‍♀️💕🎶

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Thank you Michael, I really needed this today! Feeling better while singing out loud!

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Yup! We all need to continue to do whatever we can, whether small or large, to fight for justice and peace. Michael and all of you are awesome! Let's never give up, even against incredible odds (and billionaire money).

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Thank you.

Of course these people were Huge role models for me back when I was the weirdest kid in the neighborhood.

Yes, life is hard right now. The good news is what some of us said decades ago WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. A friend posted a picture in facebook of him and some other Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence screaming their lungs out about the rights of women at last Saturday’s demonstration in San Francisco. It’s clear to them that their civil rights are next in line. People are talking about the connections between racism, poverty, and sexism.

We have each other

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