Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

I am so use to Apple thinking that free is never really free I didn't notice the hoops and did see it and I am so glad I did and good for you for letting us know about it and good for you for reminding Apple ( and me) what free means. Everyone should se this more than once! You remain the Best of the bests. Thank you.

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Mike, it’s Yom Kippur. Heavy day for my father’s people. In the spirit of Steve Jobs... Apple may atone. You needn’t. You tried. How do you spell Mensch? You epitomize what matters most, Mike.

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That’s it…”you epitomize what matters most.” I was trying to think of a way to express my gratitude to MM and Voila! You just said it so succinctly. Thank you.

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Mensch can also be spelt "mensh" tho the former is the correct Yiddish way.

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I failed spelling in 4th grade in Collegiate School, Hebrew and Yiddish were not taught. Dad was Orthodox, did not care. Mother did: she was Church of England, married three Jews, Dad was 3rd. Mensch is correct.

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As always, your integrity and willingness to bare all for the betterment of us all shines through again. You are amazing in so many ways: from your talents to your wisdom, but it is your personal integrity and the value of your word that truly set you apart. It is a true honor to hear your words and be able to see the world through your knowledgeable, aware eyes. Your sharing of the state of issues from your vantage point provide an insight I would not have otherwise and I value it deeply. I'm grateful for you.

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I don’t expect much to be free any more. Like all the political blurbs and”Will you sign this . . . “ or “we only need one more democrat to sign before midnight.” I’m now on a very fixed income and cannot donate like I used to. I want to. Just can’t. Let me sign. Write or call instead of money. I can be useful to you. But I can’t send money. How do I show my support??!?!?!

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Mike, I’d love you to address this mess in a podcast. I get so many emails from Dems that are “polls”, but actually they’re not. They’re ads for money. You briefly touched on this on one of your podcasts. But I now don’t answer requests for polls, which begs the question... How true are polls actually?

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I'm really sick of it, too, Ninah!!

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It turns me off, them asking for money every damn time. Grrr

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As ever, you’re the brave one. Thank you SO much.

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Yes, Mike. Everything today is pay-to-play. I recently had my phone service literally diminish by about 50%. I was so aggravated by the shoddy response I got from ATT that I wrote the office of the president. They got back to me, ascertained the problem and offered to “fix” it for an extra ten dollars a month. I was floored. They insisted they were (get this) “giving me the best deal.” I told them they were in the wrong conversation. This was about fixing a problem they created, not about deals. There was no deal here. It took several conversations (to their credit, they stayed in the conversation). In the end, nothing was resolved. I moved the signal booster in my house to different spots until I got ALMOST (like 80% maybe) as good service as before.

You did the right thing. So glad you let us know about this series. And the director…the interview…were both really great.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

So, it looks like Apple said, "Yah, I got yer extrapolations, riiiight here."

In the end, Corporations are the greediest "People" on the planet. Corporations don't breathe the air or drink the water or walk in the fields, they just dump their waste on it all.


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And they are considered a person to vote. 😡

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Not exactly to vote, but to try to buy the votes.

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PEB ! CORPERATIONS !! ,, are the ABSOLUTE MAMMONITES !! . Their ' ACTIONS ! ' , will BE !, DESCERNED ! , before OUR LORD/GOD ! . ( LORD ! , ,,,,, have MERCY ! )

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A few months ago, I bought a new iPhone (14) and had just signed up for free Apple TV for 3 months, so the connection worked just fine and I was able to sign up without difficulty and BINGED for close to 8 hrs! It was very interesting and I'm glad to have seen the 8 episodes.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Karen: Be careful that they are not still billing you after the 3 months are up. Apple may have some wording in the contract that automatically keeps the billing going unless you go to Apple and tell them not to renew.

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You’re right Cathie! It’s in the ´contract’. So far so good especially with this series! Don’t watch much TV… thanks for the heads up👍

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"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." Mark Twain

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I watched the first episode with no inconvenience or hassles. I would not have known of the series without reading your announcement of it, so good person, no apologies warranted. It is good.

I did not try to watch beyond that because beautiful fall weather and opportunities to be out in it held a lot more value to me right now than binge watching any made-for-TV series...truth-in-advertising-free or not. Maybe will return to rent it in winter when being indoors holds more attraction than now.

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Time and again you’ve evidenced that in the non-fiction section, today’s true American hero looks nothing like Superman. Thanks for being and doing. You rock.

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I have never been a fan of Apple nor the late Steve Jobs

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Hi. This is Jane Davis, Peter Davis sister. I was able to watch quite a bit, several episodes. Then I tried to go back and see the episode with Merrill Streep. Could not do it. But you are wonderful and thanks for all your information and hopefully I can watch it on Apple Tv or whatever. Very sincerely yours forever, Jane Davis. Ps Had several people over the other nite and we watched HEARTS AND MINDS my 6th time seeing it. What a documentary.

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I have an AppleTV account, meaning that Apple already HAS my Personal Data. Still, only the first episode was free.

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Thanks, Mike

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Apple will never be a Mensch!

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